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Why does she do that, it’s not as if they don’t feed her. They let her get away with too much.
He tried to stop her and made her let go of the fries. Were those Brazee's fries? You know that woman ain't letting anyone take her food away!
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Yeah sounds like something they would do, sly and deceitful.

I dislike them both as much as each other, but there is something weird going on in that house lately and the bad vibes are obvious.
I would be SHOCKED if child #3 was his only indiscretion. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
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Whatever happened to them putting out veggies for her? Guess that's harder than shoveling donut holes and chick fil a into her mouth multiple times a day.
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Asa's BRAND NEW roof is leaking pretty badly on tonight's vlog. 😂😂😂😂
He wanted to go off so bad because of the roof but he had to hold it in because of company. Of course Pig is over in the corner making a fool out of herself for Tiktok.
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I don't think there's anything wrong with thinking Abbie is cute. She does have her cute side.
Besides, it's not her fault she has A & P for parents.
Her face scares me. When she is chewing on her hair and doing that wild head stiming she seems possessed. No cuteness for me.
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It seems like Isiah isn’t with his girlfriend anymore. They made a big deal about her for a minute then nothing. Hell if I was her I’d feel weird about him always hanging out with summer and Becca anyway so 🤷‍♀️
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Does anyone find it odd that Summer(a young woman in her 20's) chooses to dress the same as Abbie? It is like she wants to always have on matching outfits.
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Oh yay more friends who make fun of Abbie’s stims, the husband was copying her rocking stim and Abbie kinda laughed but not really and they were all saying how she reacted the same way last time 🙄 so he makes fun of her stims every time they visit, real nice guy now wonder him and Assa get along! Oh anyone else catch how she could willingly sit still and get her toes painted and she was smiling the whole time, how is it that complete strangers can see the stress on her face when they did her hands but her own family and caregivers don’t give a crap!
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Asa crying on the escalator made me want to push him off of it. He cries over this kid but can't be bothered to pay a pathetic amount of child support to another?!
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I think part of Priscilla's big problem is that she has no idea who she is outside of Asa and the kids. they were so young when they got married, barely knew each other, and only got married because she was pregnant. Isaiah was born and then they moved around according to his work, leaving her isolated in new places with only the baby and Asa to connect to, and they obviously went through some difficult years.

then when Abbie was born she probably thought that would fix everything, except then the diagnosis came along. they all could have benefited from some counseling at that time, especially her, to accept the diagnosis and their new reality and learn how to manage expectations. instead it just became a string of just holding on and getting by. now that they've reached a level of comfort they never had before, she thinks she's gained some independence with her "business" - but of course, it's just a MLM that has pulled her in and it's all built on a house of cards. not to mention that her success with that is also still tied to being this perfect advocate mother. she's trying to be youthful and relevant, things she probably hasn't felt in so many years, and this taste of notoriety and wealth is enough to validate everything for her after so many years of struggling.

I want to be sympathetic to her, because she's obviously gone through a lot with this marriage and with Abbie. but there are other ways to show grace under pressure, and desperately clinging to tik tok and exploiting her daughter for her MLM are not the way to do that.
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Just seen an insta story, he has the camera right in Abby's face while she is sleeping, trying to wake her telling her she needs to wake up for disney. For a girl that gets overwhelmed by lots of people why the hell would you take her to Disney? Get the camera out of her face and let her sleep.
As Abbie is not really aware of what Is going on, who are all these trips really for . She would be just as happy with a trip to the park. They are spending money like water. It’s disgusting
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Anyone find any retroactive order either? According to the info, he started paying in September 2010, the child in question would have been around 6 years old at that time, do parties just agree to let that go?
I couldn't find anything like that. the mother maybe didn't care or figured it would be a lost cause, considering he wasn't employed at the time.

while I was looking for anything like this or to see if I could find any attempts to amend the child support amount, I found another interesting little tidbit of Asa's, from the state where the mother lives, around the time the child must have been conceived. apparently he spent four days in jail and then plead no contest to "Theft-Movable Property <=$2500". the other charges were dismissed and he received credit for that time. obvs not a huge crime in the scale of things and the other charges were dismissed, but still interesting...
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They're making a STUPID amount of money on patreon and from merch. I'd guess that's where the vast majority of their money is coming in from. The it's probably ad sponsorships, FB revenue, YT revenue, and last and least Limelife lol

They have 482 Patrons. With a 90% cut, they're taking in $867-$10,845. Even if it's 1/3 the potential they could be taking in, that's still $3000-$4000/mo from PATREON ALONE.
It's all so sad, they are using it as a lifestyle choice, which I suppose is how it is for many on YT and such, but my problem lies with the fact that many of the people donating are probably low income families trying to juggle part-time/full-time work whilst having to care for their kids with special needs.

A&P don't seem to put anything back into the community, they do the odd donation to charity here and there, specifically for big global events such as the Australia fires and Hurricane Relief. I remember the last hurricane that missed them but devastated many areas of the Caribbean, P did a Tik Tok that was sorta saying "Hurricane, what hurricane, then fell into the pool" surprised there was any water left in that pool after that. Right slap in the face to those poor people in other countries where there were many dead and lost their livelihoods, while some rich obnoxious family in Florida live it up gloating.
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Did you see the woman at the meet up blowing bubbles towards Abbie with a huge grin on her face. Abbie has not a clue wtf is going on.
Then they went to that restaurant which was obviously a sensory overload for the kids. I love how Wee family mom was rubbing her daughters back and comforting her. Abbie is so confused by all the stuff that’s going on around her.
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delete and ban...delete and ban...wash, rinse, repeat

Wonder how many people they have banned from commenting? When youtubers do that, someone always starts a video to comment on they cannot control. Proof will be posted of their lies.

At some point this family is going to have to acknowledge the lies they are telling...and they keep telling more and more.
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VIP Member
I would think most of these rabid fans are not there to buy coffee or donuts.. they are there to gawk at Abbie and get meet their idols..ugh... and probably to use their restroom ... wonder if the Masses bother to clean up any after ...Asa only think of himself and how it can benefit him and the channel.
Heck no, they aren't there to buy anything. That's the point of charging Assa money to rent the space so the franchise doesn't loose money.
Yes gawking at Abbie. The freakshow they have turned her into.
These people do not give a rats ass about these rabid fans stories. How can self absorbed people possibly give a shit about anything or anyone besides themselves?
If anything they all laugh and make fun of them as they ride off into the sunset to their next lavish vacation.
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You would think if A&P genuinely won tickets for Disney from the Paddle4Autism raffle that they would have posted on their page thanking them somewhere for tickets. As we know they love to plug their channel everywhere they go.

I suspect a couple of things have happened

A) They bought the tickets themselves and lied because they didn't want to look indulgent.


B) Someone else won them and because they are brainwashed they decided to gift them to A&P, they wouldn't announce this as it would raise questions.

EDIT: This is a work in progress, still scanning the pages. I think they do more than one raffle. As of 6th Sept 2019 the manager of Paddle4Autism that does the raffles made a visitor post on the page congratulating a woman named Tina as the winner of 4 Disney tickets.

EDIT2: Gone back to 2017 to look for raffle posts. Seeing no evidence that A&P won anything.
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at the event in our community, parents need to wait in the parent’s room. They are not supposed to be at the party with the kids
lol that would never in a million years stop Asa. I fucking hate that he ignores all rules and social standards.

Guys like him rely on people not wanting to be confrontational, so he'll push and push knowing they don't want to cause a scene.
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