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"I'm a girly girl" says Pig. "I've always been this way, It's who I am" she says. The same girly girl that weighs the same as two average sized males and could eat and drink Ol' Henners the 8th under the table. A girly girl indeed.
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I noticed Asshat had to stay home because Summer couldn't come over and "hang out" with Abbie. I think they are desperate for respite and are going with the narrative that Abbie is now easier to care for.. somehow I doubt it...seems like you would have to watch her every second and if she wanted something she couldn't have... they may have to deal with a meltdown... I dont see grandpa and Donna being able to handle that at all.

Who would change her if she had to be changed?
Of course, Twatty is the one who benefits from respite to go out and to have the house to herself. She uses her own cuck of a husband as damn respite. Since they've been home, that bint has been to the farrier to get her hooves painted, gone to watch a bunch of people she doesn't know or care about perform at a summer camp to "cheer on" her idiot son and to poach potential Slimelife victims. On top of that, she's had a pool party that Tubby cleaned up after. As much as Tubby is a grifty, shifty scam artist, he is the one who does ALL of the heavy lifting ( including lifting his wife's gunts and folds on bathing day), and he is the one who deserves to escape from Mold Manor for a few hours a week. She is such a selfish bitch.
Who on earth would think that it is a good idea to leave Abbie with either set of grandparents who are not healthy and not active? Jessica and Dishy Dan must be counting their lucky stars that they live too far away to be asked to provide a break for their son's obese wife to live like a doughy Kardashian.
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Kaitlin just posted a new vlog. Her parenting is like night and day compared to The Tubbersons. She did something that The Tubbersons really need to do, get an annual pass to Florida State Parks. She and Kaidale went to beaches and did walking trails and just enjoyed being out in nature and moving their bodies. Kaidale is into hammering nails into boards and Kaitlin got the idea from a viewer to draw on the boards and have Kaidale trace the picture with the nails. It didn't go as planned and instead of frustrating Kaidale by making him follow the lines of the picture, she let him do his own thing and try it again on another day. That boy is so well cared for and groomed that even when he is out playing and doing boy things, he still looks clean and beautifully dressed. Those bastards, with ALL of their ill gotten financial resources on the back of Abbie, still have failed her miserably. Abbie looks like a filthy mess. When she was a little girl, Abbie looked clean, healthy and well groomed and just look at her today. Kaitlin takes obvious great pride in Kaidale and the same, sadly, can't be said for Abbie's vile twats that are her parents.
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Did Ass film her backyard pool party with the autism moms? If I were one of those moms and got invited over for a pool /backyard party at the Hambeasts’ house and Pig uses the event to trap the women into listening to her “sell” tactics, I would be annoyed and pissed. 😤 It’s insulting I think. You are being invited over not to have fun or socialize with the other women but used to make more money for the Beast. Sadly, I’ve been there…..Amway. 🤬
@Hotographer512 : Fast Times at Ridgemont “I am Special” High. For your viewing ‘pleasure’ . 🤨 And collage of fun. “Camp I am Special” where “hands on” approach is not only promised but a guarantee! 🥴
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I physically recoiled at these photos.

In no world would I ever be okay with any sort of "professional" interacting with either of my ASD kids like this. I'd wind up in the back of a cop car. Holy shit.

Last year my younger child got overwhelmed with anxiety at school and grabbed/held the hand of a teacher for security as they walked to the sensory room.
I know this because immediately after my child was able to calm down, the teacher and principal called me to inform me of what led up to my child's distress, how my child took the hand of this teacher, who all was present, how they got my child settled, etc. It was this whole situation because my frightened child held a teacher's hand as they walked down the hallway - everything was documented and a big deal was made over an elementary-aged disabled child holding a trusted teacher's hand for a couple minutes.
While maybe it was a little overboard it's still understandable. I know they're on the up and up. The school takes child safety seriously. No one wants a kid to be mistreated and the school doesn't want to get sued. I personally didn't feel they needed to make as big of a deal out of it as they did for holding a teacher's hand but I fully and completely understand why they take it seriously and I appreciate it!

And yet....what the hell is going on at this Camp I Am Special place?? What kind of parents are okay with not only this level of inappropriate physical contact but also having it splashed all over Facebook? Why isn't the Diocese of St Augustine concerned about inappropriate physical contact happening in one of their camps??
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Yeah, he's just kissing her ass. He knows she a lazy fat, uncouth swine. She knows it very deep down. Like trying to pretend she's been against kayaks her while life when we know it's because she's too obese to fit in one. She'd flip straight to the bottom.
Indeed she would! Let us not forget:


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Ahhhh! So Pig claims she's totally comfortable in her body. Then why the hell does she filter her body, chins, & necks to death????
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The camp pictures are very triggering for me. It terrifies me to see this and wonder what we are Not seeing if this is what they're showing in plain sight. How are these parents ok with this when they go and look at the camp page? I don't care how vetted these kids are, they should know this is wrong. Being vetted doesn't mean shit. This would be the perfect place for a predator to fly under the radar with ease. Would these camp buddies go to camp and let their camp counselor touch and lay with them? I bet NOT, so why would they EVER think it is ok for them to lay, touch, and cuddle these young campers and adult campers? Many of these campers are adults! many of these campers are teens, and they all have hormones just like neurotypical people. I don't what to do, and it's kept me up the last night. Like I said, this is VERY triggering. No one on this page is overreacting.
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As a parent of a child who would NOT be able to tell me if he was abused in any way these pictures haunt me. The lack of boundaries in this camp sends off some major alarm bells. How in THE EFFING WORLD is this allowed?? My sons aide was not even allowed to restrain him from beating his head against a wall (but he did with my assistance) so shit like this absolutely would NOT be allowed (and for good reason). I don't even lay like this with my kid because it is all kinds of wrong. If you wouldn't do this with a typical person, don't do it with a person who is disabled!
And frankly, I don't know any moms in my group of autism moms who would be okay with this. Most of us are fiercely protective of our kids and don't trust most people with them-especially if they are non verbal. It's the number one reason why people refuse to put their loved ones in a group home or live anywhere but home. I used to be a little jealous that they had a camp like this for Abbie, but after seeing so many inappropriate pictures between staff and campers, there's no fucking way. The day camp I worked at would never allow this. Ever.
There has to be higher up organization that this camp is under. Does anyone know who oversees this camp? I think the pictures need to be forwarded to the appropriate people in charge of this camp and all staff need to be fired, trained and retrained or never allowed to work with this population ever again including Isaiah
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New video about communication
So basically Abbie has less skills than the average infant. She is unable unable to mimic a sound or find her nose at the age of 19. But please, do continue telling us of your goals for her to have a job and ride her bike independently to said job 🙄 if it wasn’t so tragic it would laughable. Her rubbing all over him always skeeves me out as well 🤢
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I watched a Kaidale vlog today. Kaitlin is a total airhead but the differences between them & the Tubbersons are massive. Kaidale is able to do things. He goes to school and rides a bike and can play baseball to some extent. He knows you need to run the bases. He understands basic things. It highlights how severely ID Abbie is. Kaidale is a kid with autism (and some ID I guess) whereas Abbie...if she is autistic at all it's very slight. She is simply profoundly ID. This makes me even hate Ass & Big P even more as the way they present it is such a damn lie. They must be ashamed of Abbie or they would tell the truth.
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So are the grandparents doing respite now? I am close to most of their ages, and believe me, I wouldn’t be okay with it.
No shit. I wouldn't leave my cats with any of them much less a profoundly Intellectually Disabled Abbie. She could overpower any of them easily and be gone...or in the street...or anything could happen.
If she had a true mother instead of a big fat stupid drunk birther, the grandparents wouldn't be needed. Except maybe in an emergency.
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Did Ass film her backyard pool party with the autism moms? If I were one of those moms and got invited over for a pool /backyard party at the Hambeasts’ house and Pig uses the event to trap the women into listening to her “sell” tactics, I would be annoyed and pissed. 😤 It’s insulting I think. You are being invited over not to have fun or socialize with the other women but used to make more money for the Beast. Sadly, I’ve been there…..Amway. 🤬
@Hotographer512 : Fast Times at Ridgemont “I am Special” High. For your viewing ‘pleasure’ . 🤨 And collage of fun. “Camp I am Special” where “hands on” approach is not only promised but a guarantee! 🥴
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We know that they have no common sense and zero professionalism but do they not have lawyers who would explicitly spell out what could potentially cause a lawsuit? WTAF?? Who on earth would leave their loved one with these exploitive freaks? It's pretty simple to follow the rule that if it's inappropriate for a teacher, it's inappropriate for all camp staff. Are there no responsible and professional adults? Why isn't the camp nurse stepping in to stop this horrific behaviour? I'm speechless.
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