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Of course, Twatty is the one who benefits from respite to go out and to have the house to herself. She uses her own cuck of a husband as damn respite. Since they've been home, that bint has been to the farrier to get her hooves painted, gone to watch a bunch of people she doesn't know or care about perform at a summer camp to "cheer on" her idiot son and to poach potential Slimelife victims. On top of that, she's had a pool party that Tubby cleaned up after. As much as Tubby is a grifty, shifty scam artist, he is the one who does ALL of the heavy lifting ( including lifting his wife's gunts and folds on bathing day), and he is the one who deserves to escape from Mold Manor for a few hours a week. She is such a selfish bitch.
Who on earth would think that it is a good idea to leave Abbie with either set of grandparents who are not healthy and not active? Jessica and Dishy Dan must be counting their lucky stars that they live too far away to be asked to provide a break for their son's obese wife to live like a doughy Kardashian.
I would have left Twatty high n dry years ago. At least in my marriage I constantly point out to my wife when she stays at work longer than she needs to or goes in on a weekend to get caught up. Having had open heart surgery over a year ago, I firmly believe in doing my 8 hours and going home. I do things at my pace and lead a very low stress life. I’m not out to please a boss. I’m left to do my own thing. I think twatty is headed for an early grave. He needs to put his foot down and say to her, you need to be more present. if she refuses to do more for the family, then he needs to do what he needs to do to find his happiness. That union between the two of them is NOT happiness.
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I would be mortified if my parents came to my job as often as these jackasses seem to be going to camp to help out. Like why? You don’t work there. They have no reason to be there. I’m sure there is some grifting of something going on there. Maybe trying to get more followers, get all the “autism moms” to buy makeup.. who knows. Why can’t Isaiah do his own job with out mommy and daddy helping?
I just wanted to add I worked with some kids in an “at risk” population that was run by the Catholic Church. The amount of training we had to do was insane. All about boundaries, proper communication etc. we were not allowed to touch a kid anymore than a fist bump, unless there were fights or something like that where we had to step in. But we were heavily trained how to handle it if we did. I’m still shocked at those pictures.
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Hearing Priscilla refer to herself as a ~girly girl~ is hilarious is a morbidly obese sweaty, rotund beast of a woman tipping the scales close to 400 pounds, with her Fred Flintstone feet, cankles, an enormous gunt, man hands and more chins than the Chinese phone GIRLY????

She's more manly than her son.
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Vegan for the Animals

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Fat Fuck peddles all this make up shit telling her minions it’s natural, paraben free, vegan, cruelty free, blah, blah, blah…..but look at the state of her! If she really cared about the ingredients in the products she used,(other than what money she can earn from them) she would also care about her diet and health.
She is in her early forties and already has a lot of lines and wrinkles on her face and sun damaged skin. However, I imagine the inside of her body is in a worse condition . She regularly eats huge amounts of cheese, butter, red meat, processed meats, sugary treats, etc…which all contribute to major health issues. There’s no point in putting on a ‘all natural’ face cream if you have high cholesterol and a fatty heart.
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Priscilla was really useful putting two crackers over the marshmallow. What would anyone do without her?
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As I was folding my laundry, I was thinking about Twatty clinging to her "girly girl" dream. Firstly, that enormous beast stopped being a girl when she got knocked up and had Candy Cane Wide Load Lane Bryant and Wayna the Hut track Tubby down like a Greyhound at the dog track. Secondly, if she is referring to being a "girly girl" as being the epitome of femininity, that is a giant HELL NO. Feminine women don't mouth breath with their tongues lolling out of their gaping mouth as they masticate their cud at the dinner table. Feminine women do not manspread when they sit, granted, she is unable to cross her knees or even thankles due to the enormity of her mighty redwoods, but she doesn't need to sprawl like Wayna the Hut. Feminine women don't scratch at their crevices and faces with their effed up paw phalanges. Feminine women do not film themselves having an undignified hissy fit, complaining and crying about mean people. Twatty is simply a grotesque version of a childish belief that acting like a needy simpleton, behaving like an outrageously demanding, lazy and entitled bitch, wearing a circus tent and gas station jewelry and trawling on some over priced slap makes her a "girly girl".

If that Beast wants an example of what true femininity looks like, all she needs to do is look at the Princess of Wales who embodies beauty, strength, grace and dignity.

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Did Ass film her backyard pool party with the autism moms? If I were one of those moms and got invited over for a pool /backyard party at the Hambeasts’ house and Pig uses the event to trap the women into listening to her “sell” tactics, I would be annoyed and pissed. 😤 It’s insulting I think. You are being invited over not to have fun or socialize with the other women but used to make more money for the Beast. Sadly, I’ve been there…..Amway. 🤬
@Hotographer512 : Fast Times at Ridgemont “I am Special” High. For your viewing ‘pleasure’ . 🤨 And collage of fun. “Camp I am Special” where “hands on” approach is not only promised but a guarantee! 🥴
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As a parent of a child who would NOT be able to tell me if he was abused in any way these pictures haunt me. The lack of boundaries in this camp sends off some major alarm bells. How in THE EFFING WORLD is this allowed?? My sons aide was not even allowed to restrain him from beating his head against a wall (but he did with my assistance) so shit like this absolutely would NOT be allowed (and for good reason). I don't even lay like this with my kid because it is all kinds of wrong. If you wouldn't do this with a typical person, don't do it with a person who is disabled!
And frankly, I don't know any moms in my group of autism moms who would be okay with this. Most of us are fiercely protective of our kids and don't trust most people with them-especially if they are non verbal. It's the number one reason why people refuse to put their loved ones in a group home or live anywhere but home. I used to be a little jealous that they had a camp like this for Abbie, but after seeing so many inappropriate pictures between staff and campers, there's no fucking way. The day camp I worked at would never allow this. Ever.
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Cardinal Rule

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He really gets to me. Talking about volunteering, giving back, how it gives him the warm and fuzzies. Wonderful young people who give of their heart, GB included. While he has a daughter who is about the same age as those counselors, who has probably never talked to or seen her father, except in vlogs. As far as I can gather she is also a beautiful, kind person.

I just can’t overlook that. I can’t hear him babble about doing good deeds without her in mind.
AssA glorifying GB as an outstanding humanitarian contradicts his too handsy behavior with a camper today. Great leader! We‘ve seen the same actions documented with his sister. Interesting that it was deemed appropriate behavior to post on Camp Creepy’s FB page.

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I am mot saying that the picture in the pantry, which I have not seen, are the shots. I am just saying even before this that she will take the shots because she is at the end of her rope. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Of course the swines hubby wrote that bullshit for her. Trajectory is one of his favorite words and Pigslopper wouldn't have a clue how to spell it or use it in a sentence. Also I would say the Pig was over 400 when she started her weight loss fir losers journey. The reaaon I say that is because I was once there my self and lost it through Weight Watchers and walking sometimes twice a day. Oh and working a 10 hour a day job on my feet all day with alot of lifting. Oh and to be honest if the weight loss shots would have been available, or WLS surgery affordable I would have done one of them. It is a struggle that requires alot of dedication and follow through and Pigstink does not have either.
I have quite a few chronic illnesses that make it hard to lose weight. Exercise enough to lose weight is not even an option for me. I’d be constantly passing out. I had multiple drs tell me wls would be the only way. I lost 106 lbs. kept it off except for 5-10 lbs for 5 years. I want a tummy tuck becuse of the loose skin but I was still over 200 and my plastic surgeon said to lose as much as I can because if I have surgery and then lose more it’s going to look bad. So I started ozempic and I’ve lost 16lbs. I know it’s not a lot, but I also wasn’t 400+ lbs like Lauren braze was. Only a couple more to be under 200. I think I’m making my goal 180 before I go back to the plastic surgeons
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AssA mowed the lawn, allegedly because their lawn service missed some spots. When he finished, the Porcine Passenger Princess waddled out with a new landscaping assignment.

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He felt good about what he had accomplished and she began to pile on. “Now that I have you out here, I want those [bushes] gone. I hate them. I’m not a fan.” She wants him to pull them out as soon as he can and plant new plantings because, “they don’t do anything for the front. They don’t bring me joy.” I’ve circled the offensive bushes in yellow.

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He approached her on the front stoop for a hug and kiss and Piggy flipped out because she had a cream-colored shirt on.

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Such drama! But she consented to the kiss.

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AssA went inside looking miffed.

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That was disgusting.. Pig telling him to get rid of those shrubs... maybe she should get her fat Ass over there and get rid of them if they bother her so much. I will never understand why she has so much control over him..she is the one not pulling her weight.. and wait till the slime income starts dwindling down even more then it is now.
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I really don’t understand why they would rather use the rv bathroom than a gas station or rest area. The rv’s bathroom is tiny. Plus you’re not hooked up to anything so that’s just gonna sit in the tank until the next time they go to a campsite and dump their tanks. Then again they are likely not having Abby use the toilet.. they use the rv to change her pants and diaper.
Because Priscilla won't (can't?) handle Abbie's toileting needs - whether it's a matter of her refusing to handle it, not being able to physically maneuver to do it, or because Abbie beats the shit out of her, Priscilla isn't doing bathroom care.

How would it look to 99% of the public if Asa took his adult daughter into a gas station bathroom, likely with Abbie vocalizing and/or being clearly distressed, by himself?
Someone would call the cops. People would record it and it'd end up on social media with the most ragebait, sensationalized title & tags. There's a very real risk of a physical altercation from someone who doesn't understand or doesn't want to wait for the police.

Their only option is to handle toileting somewhere private like the RV since Asa's the one who handles it.
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AssA glorifying GB as an outstanding humanitarian contradicts his too handsy behavior with a camper today. Great leader! We‘ve seen the same actions documented with his sister. Interesting that it was deemed appropriate behavior to post on Camp Creepy’s FB page.

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I don't understand how this is allowed?? My son's aides and therapists are barely allowed to touch him. This would not be acceptable behavior at all. Our counselors would never get away with this stuff when I was in summer camp. It is all kinds of inappropriate.
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Chatty Member
A perfect Facebook post comment highlighting Piggy and her ill-fitting clothing followed by Big P’s retort:

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She is stuck on a vanity size that’s too small for her and often chooses unflattering styles and colors.

Arula and BloomChic, here’s your ambassador. Do yourselves a favor and have your shop associates style Pompous Piggy and pick appropriate sizes. Better yet, change your minds and drop this client. Here’s just a small portion of her fashion show fit.

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Please tell my why...with all the money she spends on clothing and accessories....she simply cannot bring herself to buy/wear a racer-back bra when needed??? Why does the world need to see her grungy/soiled gross bra straps?
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I was looking at the camp photos and again I wonder how much Abbie can participate.
From what I saw in the pictures last year..she was probably very difficult at camp and always off to the side with her buddy ..or multiple buddies..or sitting on the floor away from everyone. she really didn't participate with the group activities. I really dont think that is the right environment for her and the Massives use it as respite and content.
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Cardinal Rule

VIP Member
Poor Abbie, I’m sure she is toileting less on travel days. Her dear parents noted they don’t take her into gas stations because there’s a bathroom in the RV. “If you do go into a gas station, she thinks she’s getting Grandma’s cookies…every single time.” Yes, school set up the gas station visits to teach bus rides, shopping and payment, but then her doofus parents and respite reinforced the treats aspect of the trip regularly.
Piggy come out with a bag full of snacks when she goes inside a gas station store, but it’s a bad habit for Abbey to go in and request cookies and juice. It makes me wonder how dehydrated they keep Abbie on the road.
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I found a pic of CillaSuey as she arrived back home from her passenger princess tour
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