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What are fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs)

Bang on!
I have looked after kids that have FASD and I’m 100% sure that Twatty really didn’t want Abbie, but after Tubby left and didn’t want to be married anymore, shacked up with ‘the other woman’ and had daughter no.1, WLW and CCL probably convinced Twat to have another child (and provide extra money) to stop Twatty living with them as a single mum and put a dampener on their secret squirrel swinging lifestyle!😂😂😂😂🤷‍♀️
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I still think Candy Cane Pigrilla was a bad mum as Pigrillamotheringain'tmyjam. I think Candy crane was instrumental in teaching Pigrilla into thinking she needed a man, and be kept and have all the money. And I think it was taught because Candy Crane couldn't handle Pigrilla having IDD, maybe not profound but a little bit more functioning than Abbie with some autism.

Is this how Pigrilla going to end up?
Dang, she looks like she has a parasitic twin attached to her side. 💀
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I think I’ve mentioned this before but, I was born with hydrocephalus and toxoplasmosis. I don’t know how it genetically was a part of either of my parents. My parents weren’t open about things which I believe had to do with the immense amount of guilt they carried. The only thing I knew, which I learned from my wife who learned it from my aunt, is that whatever genetic disorder there was would only be passed on to a boy. I have a brother who is 26 months older than I and the disorder did not affect him. He always protected me and I think he felt guilty because he could do everything sportswise while I was not allowed. I am thankful that the genetic trait was not passed down to my son but, I don’t think men can pass down things to their male children or can they?
I'm not sure but I think they can. Some things are so rare they have to have the genetic marker from both parents.
I recently saw a study that children with fathers who smoke are likely to have ADHD. Like, what?!
But, my father was a smoker. Who the heck knows?
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SlimeLife CEO did a 🚨Breaking News Breaking News 🚨 Live that had a little over 200 viewers. Here’s a brief summary of her pitch to get women off their couches and join this fabulous MLM:

View attachment 2893635

I‘m not quoting every statement, but here is a summary after her warm family story about working the business with her father. Her dog also came in and out of the shot. I guess beauty guides and CEOs don’t close their doors to avoid interruptions.

Here goes:

People have lost faith in themselves. They’re afraid of trying something new. They’re afraid of what people will think.

Since the pandemic, people have gotten so complacent and wallow around and watch Netflix.

When is the last time you tried something new? It’s time. We have to break the cycle.

With joining SlimeLife, you will never feel alone. In fact, you’ll grow sick of us. If you join SlimeLife, possibilities will open up. The second you join SlimeLife, a hundred doors will open up with opportunities.

We are doing a disservice to stay complacent and comfortable. You’re never going to regret not joining. Try SlimeLife FREE FOR 30 DAYS. You won’t regret it.

I love you! (End)

Yes, she closed with telling strangers she loved them. Lonely hearts across the globe are pressing the join button.

If I recall correctly, she said they used to personally assemble membership kits and ring a bell each time someone signed up. She mentioned that the numbers were high (100,000 or more), so they stopped ringing the bell. She would like to find the bell and place it in a museum. 🤣

Their website was referenced in a September 1, 2020 Direct Selling News website as having “ a field team of over 30,000 Beauty Guides. Clearly their tough love and retention have been unsuccessful.
So, sign on is only free for 30 days? Then I'm sure it's hoops galore if you decide against it.
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Exactly what I was thinking. She bragged more than once about paying for his 3 year undergraduate degree. How long was he there for? 2 or 3 years? Anyway…who cares. 🥱
I’m getting tired and bored watching the Hambeasts. And I usually never get bored. I always find stuff to do.

But speaking of Shak boi. For any of you who know. Don’t you have to be accepted or qualify in some way to attend a masters degree program? The guy barely scraped by, spent his time skiing, eating, partying, one wheeling, taking pictures, mainly traveling back and forth to Jacksonville, sleeping, eating, a lot of video gaming….Im not sure he’s up to running with the big boys in grad school. Even if moms throws some money his way. Or granny Candy.
Is he dating anyone? Best chance for that is finding his true love at Camp Special. He could have a Meet the special parents, special dating, special wedding. We could watch it (the special vlog) but Im afraid the whole thing would be so awkward, creepy and cringey it’d have its on rating. “SP” or “C”
Any graduate can apply for a Masters Program and it seems that Boy Wonder isn't attending a prestigious university. I can't imagine the requirements being difficult if he got accepted.

I don't think he's dating anyone in particular. He was supposed to be on a date when he had the MVA and my assumption was that it was some sort of online set up. It's not like he is going to meet anyone since he goes out only with his parents. He needs to go to the gym, get fit and meet people.
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She looks horribly unhealthy but it is not too late for her to turn it around. If she only made minor changes at first and saw the benefits, she would be encouraged to make more changes. If only she took a half hour walk in the morning and after dinner and cut her gluttonous cheese intake and coffee additives in half, she'd start to see a difference quite quickly. At her size and her lack of activity, she could lose weight rapidly in the beginning if she moved her body. It can be done.
Who cares?
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For close to 19 minutes with an audience high of 1.2K (Probably her highest Live audience), she ranted against those who post that AssA does everything and she sits around. She claimed they have done so much for these communities: autism, plus size, marriage and parenting. She’s offended that people don’t give her any credit. She barked at her audience and told them to quit being jerks.

Spirits will flow tonight. Wow! And she didn't appear out of breath during the entire show. So pissed off!

Edit: And of course she had to add a flex. She said that AssA wouldn’t have been able to open the motorcycle business without her 401K money.

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Did they both get in trouble with the law when they were together or on hiatus?
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I know there are pickled p
Her earlobes have always been huge. I don't know what's wrong with them but I noticed it a long time ago.
It's too much work to get in the bed and try the sheets and then getting back out. Ok. :unsure: 🤣 And she needs to stop scratching that mole or whatever it is on her face.

View attachment 2880325
Her earlobes have always been huge. I don't know what's wrong with them but I noticed it a long time ago.
It's too much work to get in the bed and try the sheets and then getting back out. Ok. :unsure: 🤣 And she needs to stop scratching that mole or whatever it is on her face.

View attachment 2880325
I know theres pickled pigs feet but maybe they do pickled pigs ears too?
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Yeah, Abbie just accidentally locks herself out of her voice by hitting buttons too quick.
Wow! Cilla looks like she’s pregnant with triplets. The last thing she needs to be going to is a feast with a trough full of food. She has to see how big she’s getting.
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Chatty Member
My family got hit pretty hard with mental illnesses. My grandma was depressed and in and out of hospital. My brother has autism. I have bi polar and have been in and out of hospital. Not to mention getting ETC shocks which has messed with my memory. My daughter is autistic. My brother has depression and anxiety. My other daughter has anxiety. My great grandfather was ..I hate to say it just plain crazy. Great genetics huh? 🤪😁
Don't worry, my family is full of mental illness and autism too.
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Hola Guyth!
I have been a traveling kitty. 13 hour drive yesterday and here I sit in the great state of Maryland. Eeeeekkk!
Guess where we stopped for the first time ever yesterday?
Interesting place. The people watching was everything. Tons of expensive gas station shirts. Those beaver nuggets Pig is so fond of have the nastiest ingredient list. I see why she likes that place so much. She fits right in. I saw those tacky $20 earrings she purchased, as well as that $80 “workin’ man” style shirt she bought Atha. Smh.
They had beaver onesies. I am sure she wanted one, but they only went up to 2X.
I was hoping to find some beaver panties. No such luck. 😂
So, I settled on a couple shot glasses, some cat socks and a beaver toy for baby kitty Claire. She is along for the trip due to her still being a bottle baby…kinda like Izzy.
Anyhow, one trip to that establishment was enough. I came, I saw and I won’t be back.
Haven’t kept up with the fools the past few days. Oh whale.
Hope all is well with you all in Tattle land. ❤
Hey Meow - what brings you to my neck of the woods (Maryland)? It's a bit chilly today which I am not happy about but it will warm up this weekend. I have never stepped foot in a Buc-ees and I don't even think we have any here in Maryland. Is it a Southern thing, as Prisass likes to say constantly?
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There may have been a misinterpretation with a previous post. I think Piggy said she paid for his undergraduate degree so he was now debt-free and able to pay for his own grad school.
Exactly what I was thinking. She bragged more than once about paying for his 3 year undergraduate degree. How long was he there for? 2 or 3 years? Anyway…who cares. 🥱
I’m getting tired and bored watching the Hambeasts. And I usually never get bored. I always find stuff to do.

But speaking of Shak boi. For any of you who know. Don’t you have to be accepted or qualify in some way to attend a masters degree program? The guy barely scraped by, spent his time skiing, eating, partying, one wheeling, taking pictures, mainly traveling back and forth to Jacksonville, sleeping, eating, a lot of video gaming….Im not sure he’s up to running with the big boys in grad school. Even if moms throws some money his way. Or granny Candy.
Is he dating anyone? Best chance for that is finding his true love at Camp Special. He could have a Meet the special parents, special dating, special wedding. We could watch it (the special vlog) but Im afraid the whole thing would be so awkward, creepy and cringey it’d have its on rating. “SP” or “C”
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This just popped up on my Instagram. Isn’t this Big P’s associate in SlimeLife? This doctor just did a segment on her. I don’t know how to link the actual video. Her story is really sad. 😬

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Ok, from what they said last Fall, they had to drop Brandy so Abbie could go to the center she goes to now.
Originally, she was going to the new place for ABA, and then a separate vocational program at the same facility.
Recently he announced that the vocational side was being continued, but she is still going there for part time ABA.

But he wont just say ABA. He says the clinic, the program, whatever, lol, but its simply ABA in their building as opposed to home.
Oops... vocational was discontinued, freaking phone. 😩
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