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I missed yesterday so catching up.

I saw P did another "love story" live stream last night. Why does she keep telling their "love story'?
She mentioned she called Asa on the ship and told him she was pregnant after he broke up with her, and he said they'll get married.
She neglected to mention that after THAT call he ghosted her again and it took several weeks to reach him again, with her parents help.
And she obviously didnt mention that he left her a 3rd time, and knocked up another woman. 😂😂

And why is she SO fixated about getting married at 19? She seemed bummed out that many of the viewers were married even younger. Shes very, very odd.

More "We never forget where we came from" talk. Oh, even a decade ago they were rolling quarters and their parents helped. Isaiah remembers, she says. But Asa is the hardest working man on the planet and the best provider ever. They're just so relatable ya'll. They "get" it.

Oh! And she stated VERY firmly that "Abbie will be with us forever. Forever." No, not a chance and anyone with a brain knows it.

And last thing she said that I found interesting was that Isaiah apparently asked them that if they move, if he gets the manor. P said "I dont think we'll be moving but if we did we'd turn this into an AirBnb." What?? I thought this was purchased for Abbie? Sweet Girls "forever home."???
I smell BS and a move in a few years. She also said she loves Isaiah but he gets on her nerves.
I was shook! Her BABY?! You know if GB annoys her, she is over it all! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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What I don’t understand is…
How can someone with soooo much full frontal face…
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Have such a non existent profile? Like zero facial structure.🤔
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OH MY! That bandaid is on her dominant finger. 😂 Her index finger is reliant on the fungus infected one. They work together. It is one of her genetic anomalies. Whatever shall she do?
She’ll have to start a “go fungus me” account so folks can help her with whatever it is that ails her. Therapy for narcissistic personality disorder for one thing.

Oh and @WowMeowMeowWow: she’s got a profile. Check out this one!




In Sunday’s FA vlog, did Abbie have a seizure or other challenge? At 4:04 she grabbed AssA’s shirt. At 4:13 he said “She’s zoning. Hey, you’re being a little weird. Why are you zoning?“ Both parents seemed so nonchalant about the episode and of course he kept it in the vlog. It was troubling.

What bit he captured on camera, she had a grip on the front of his shirt, her tongue protruded, and her eyes were rolling up. When she restored, he was back to business as usual without mention to the viewers or any expressed concern. None of the viewers commented on the episode.

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Those two hambeasts are going to kill her with over-medicating her ( the shots, pills), withholding fluids from her, ( is she drinking their alcoholic beverages?), lack of genuine medical check-ups, shitty diet they feed her, and the stress they put her through ignoring her rights and well being as a human being.
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VIP Member
I missed yesterday so catching up.

I saw P did another "love story" live stream last night. Why does she keep telling their "love story'?
She mentioned she called Asa on the ship and told him she was pregnant after he broke up with her, and he said they'll get married.
She neglected to mention that after THAT call he ghosted her again and it took several weeks to reach him again, with her parents help.
And she obviously didnt mention that he left her a 3rd time, and knocked up another woman. 😂😂

And why is she SO fixated about getting married at 19? She seemed bummed out that many of the viewers were married even younger. Shes very, very odd.

More "We never forget where we came from" talk. Oh, even a decade ago they were rolling quarters and their parents helped. Isaiah remembers, she says. But Asa is the hardest working man on the planet and the best provider ever. They're just so relatable ya'll. They "get" it.

Oh! And she stated VERY firmly that "Abbie will be with us forever. Forever." No, not a chance and anyone with a brain knows it.

And last thing she said that I found interesting was that Isaiah apparently asked them that if they move, if he gets the manor. P said "I dont think we'll be moving but if we did we'd turn this into an AirBnb." What?? I thought this was purchased for Abbie? Sweet Girls "forever home."???
I smell BS and a move in a few years. She also said she loves Isaiah but he gets on her nerves.
I was shook! Her BABY?! You know if GB annoys her, she is over it all! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
She keeps telling her reinvented love story because she is too embarrassed and ashamed to admit he didn't want her.
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View attachment 2390528
Translation: fat P says she's done with it and it's on him now.
So he knows what to expect? You don't have to dodge giant, man-eating vaginas on the way in. It's a doctor's office. They'll take her vitals, weigh her, ask if there have been any problems, and give the shot. There aren't gonna be any surprises. And it was okay because she had the last appointment of the day? Oh right, I forgot, he valiantly skips the Depo appointments to protect all the poor widdle damsels who might get the vapors at the sight of a man in the waiting room of a doctor's office for ladies. God his lies are always just so fucking stupid. He thinks he's bigging himself up, he has no idea that to normal people it sounds like such nonsense.
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Imagine his program found out that he was driving under the influence? I can't think they'd be too happy about that considering what he does. Plus, it's real idiotic to advertise it on youtube. FFS. Have some sense.
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Shak Boi is day drinking and driving with Abbie.
Some people say oh, it's just 1 beer...big deal.
I say FU.
Drinking and driving is risky business and I personally have zero tolerance for it.
His employer really needs to see that part of the vlog and the short of him and his bidet.
Of course he works where Brandi and Summer do so the owner of the center could care less.
They'll obviously hire anybody.
Keep drinking and driving Boi.
What. An. Idiot. That was not Boy Wonder's first time day drinking and most likely not his first time drinking and driving. We've seen all the liquor bottles at his place in Blowing Rock. What decent human being thinks that it's a great idea to go to a bar for a beer one hour before picking up their vulnerable sister from her program? What a piece of shit he is, just like his disgusting parents.
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I'm sure she'll pull something out of her dump truck ass or just buy the rest, but it gives me a smile knowing how much she's lashing out and boozing being this far behind with only 10 days left in the month. Put it in gear boss babe. Sick pool tricks might be in our future.
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New video
I watched a bit of it with the sound off.. can't take their BS today. I see Abbie at a dr appointment and doing the drugged spider I'm sure she is drugged to the max... then lets show the humps how good she does at the DR... right?

Also.. the brief clip I watched Asshat takes over her communication device and overrides the buttons Abbie is poking (for food) what is even the point?
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I hope so! 😂 I wish Atha would show the process. He rarely shows her going to sit down or stand up. Maybe this is why? 😂
Same with wide load Wayne, heck they won't even film him walking, it appears that he has to hug the walls to go anywhere. After that racist vlog I have no sympathy for him. I think they are all just white trash!
Why did I watch that? I think Asswipe called himself a rectum. Then he started sneering and blah blah blah, I turned it off. Where's my cheez its?
Pigzilla probably has them stashed in her crooks and crevices😂
She (they) do seem to drink a lot. And they claim we only see a few minutes of their lives but whoa! They seem to always get a drink (or more) when they eat out, have a party, when they eat at home, and entertain. They buy six packs or cases of alcoholic beverages when they go to the store and they just appear sloppy drunk in many of their vlogs. Don’t know if they are really alcoholics but they definitely seem to over indulge in alcohol and food.
Seeing how Abby is always grabbing others drinks and chugging them down, sometimes two or three at a time, makes me wonder how often she has consumed alcohol.

You hear that lard ass, we are aware of your alcohol consumption, and the odds are that probably 50% of the time she is sipping on your adult beverages. How proud you must be, you better hope she doesn't have an accident or something, and they find alcohol in her system. You can kiss your sweet ride goodbye, both you and your monstrosity of a wife will be having 3 hots and a cot, make that 3 cots for her obese ass. Oh how I would love to see her in prison, all those things she would have to do without, of course Omar would have to come along to make her humongous orange jumpsuits, but please make sure to include stripes. She also won't get heaping plates of food, nor snackths at her fingertips. Speaking of which, bye-bye manicures and pedicures.. I am sure her Salon gal will be very relieved LOL!

Asswipe your smug little man attitude would have the shit beaten out of you, not to mention becoming Bubba's back door bitch. Oh we can only hope, the popcorn's on me🍿🍿🍿😉😆🤣
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Vegan for the Animals

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I don’t condone violence, but I really hope that Abbie let’s them have it one day. Asswipe was pushing her about while she was sitting quietly drugged up, then Junior was pushing and shoving her while she was trying to eat her crappy microwave meal. It’s entertaining for them, but she doesn’t seem to be having fun. They have little respect for her. I’ve noticed Abbie just stares at Fat Fuck and gives very little reaction to her anymore.
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Pink Marshmallow

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Sadly, the video was titled “Getting Ready for a Surprise.” I know the title was relative to G’s farewell party, but much of the video was focused on man-handling Abbie on camera.

Tag team father and son:

View attachment 2405529

“Deep Pressure Stimulation”:(Creepy F*cker)

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And of course, AssA’s favorite - wrestling his 18 year-old daughter:

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He’s so gross and inappropriate.
Wildly inappropriate and disgusting on so many levels. What makes it worse is that he was taught this behavior from his mother. A&P and grandma herself have all talked about how she (Assa's mom) would wrestle with him and his brothers regularly and then once Isaiah was old enough, she would wrestle with him as well. That's also extremely inappropriate and messed up, too. Wrestling is a "family tradition" for them. Asshat and Isaiah try to justify it as something they grew up with (and that therefore makes it okay) and that it's a way to bond and connect and have fun. 🙄 🙄 🙄 :sick::sick::sick:

In addition to that, as it's been talked about on here before, this is not an activity that Abbie should be encouraged to do. As she isn't capable of knowing when, where and with whom it's okay to wrestle or get physically aggressive with. She could end up really hurting herself or someone else and then there would be consequences/repercussions for that.
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Hahahah the mole isn’t there anymore. Stupid pig, moles don’t just go away. I want to know how they got rid of it without anything being on the vlogs while it healed. The case of the mysterious disappearing mole is back again!
I dare anyone to ask her or him where it went🙋‍♀️
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I often wondered if say they repeatedly played on their TV say a youtube that repeated the word "Mama"...or "Mum" will Abbie eventually mimic and repeat it?

To my knowledge and for every video I have seen, it doesn't appear that she has the ability for it. Echolalia (words or phrases that are not spontaneous speech-but lifted from things like songs/tv shows/other people) started very early on in my son. He'd mimic words even from various languages perfectly. It is not exactly functional speech, but there are times where the phrases he repeats are appropriate to the situation. For example, yesterday he was in his room and he said to me "Do you need a shirt on?". What he meant was that he needed to get a shirt on. He will say things like "Do you need help?", "Do you want milk?" etc. He reverses the pronouns because that's how he hears it being said to him. We do correct him to say "I need..." and he will repeat it right after, but forgets it the next time. In these instances what he says is appropriate and gets needs met. Other times, it is mainly a vocal tic/stim and is not used for functional communication. Those phrases are often very different and can be random things he picks up. I think if she were able to do this, it would have shown up by now.
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This is altered somehow.
Photoshop. Filters. Voodoo.
It doesnt even look like her at all.
Voodoo made me almost spit my coffee out! 😁🤣😂😂😂😁
She is not making the usual Abbie face, that is for sure :unsure:

The many faces of Abbie. Once in a great while for a millisecond, she looks different than what we are used to. I don't know what to think but they are not above altering pics, this we do know!!:rolleyes:


I made the mistake of watching a tiny bit of his vlog last night... 🤦‍♀️ 🤣😂😂

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Ass is trying to fool humpers into the false narrative that Abbie can get a job at at a coffee shop when we all know that she isn't capable of getting a job.
Ass follows Abbie to the shack and allows her to just bust in without knocking. Shack boi could've been lying on the bed beating his monkey or watching porn. These people have zero boundaries.
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Hey guyth! She needs our help! She needs to sell $22,000 in 4 days. Twenty. Two. THOUSAND DOLLARS. What fucking nerve. People have rent, mortgages, bills due on the 1st. In this horrible economy. But she is asking people to spend their bill money on her scummy mlm. And those dummies will jump at the chance to “help” her family. Disgusting.
How does she not see her “job” as being a high end beggar. Instead of holding a sign she uses social media and begs for people who actually earn their money to just hand it over. In return? They get a few glances of Abbie power hour through a live stream and Ass sitting with her to sell that whole happy couple schtick. If you gotta keep selling that you’re so happy chances are you aren’t.
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