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Chatty Member
My two kids are both autistic & are extremely different from each other.
Older child (level 1) is nothing like Abbie. They both stim. They both have atypical social interactions. They both have terrible impulse control. They're both kinda bratty. That's about it. Older child handles all their own self care, can cook (age appropriately), is academically advanced, and while they may need some time and support to get themselves fully independent - impulse control is gonna be an issue when it comes to paying bills :rolleyes: - they'll be just fine on their own.
Younger child (level 3) has some crossover. The biggest differences are related to intellectual disability; my child does not seem to have one, but if they do it's mild. And, of course, parenting-related issues don't cross over either. But this child is very socially withdrawn, struggles to communicate, has tons of stims, we've had issues with elopement, absolutely needs things a certain way no matter what, constantly under blankets, horrifically anxious, muscle tone issues.... I see a decent amount of similarities.

It's pretty clear to me as an observer where Abbie struggles with ID vs. autism vs. absolute shit parenting.

I'm not sure that it was necessarily good to lump everything together in the latest DSM. I get why they did - to make sure everyone has access to therapies - but it does seem to have created a lot of confusion with the general public.

I wasn't sure until he bellowed "WELL IT WAS ALL BLACK" in response to Isaiah asking if the radio station he did commercials for was better than some other one, and then "WHO TALKS LIKE THAT?" when everyone brayed like hyenas.

and who was first & loudest & most amused? Wot a shock - Pigshit 🤭 :cautious:🤮🤮🤮
(I just clicked on that vid & ff to the WLW bit, that's the first time I have watched anything from them in many months. Ol' Wayney Poo should shut his fat head - I couldn't understand his "regular" accent. White trash POSes.
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Sorry for not being around much, been going to appointments and found out I have Adenomyosis.

My aunt keeps my cousin on a pretty regular schedule, reads to her, plays with her even if not in a normal way, helps her when she is having seizures or unwell.

I remember a video was posted here once, with Abbie when she was younger and she was running around the living room, and the hallway and Assache just videoed her, no interaction whatsoever. And there were gates everywhere. I do believe Pigrillahufferpufferpus did not read to Abbie, and was abusive to her as in ignoring, pinching her, etc. That woman has no motherly bone in that fat carcass, I don't even believe she played with GB all too much either. Guess that's her genes, as her mother doesn't seem like the motherly type either.
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Is that what they meant by saying they had high expectations for the place? I don’t think Atha has any idea how entertaining it is to watch him try to maintain this narrative. Like, how long can he keep this up? Will it give him a heart attack? Should I make popcorn?
I have my pop corn made... I think the narrative is getting away from him...he has told so many lies he can't keep them all straight and they are starting to conflict with each other .... not just the narrative with Abbie progressing or making her abilities sound way above what they actually are... there is also the narrative with Pig being a good mother, maintaining her weight loss, not MLM scamming...and GB being smart, changing the world, getting a "masters"...he is juggling so many lies and exaggerations..I wonder if he writes them all down?
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I thought it was that one too but Tam posted that streetview of the parking lot and it's an exact match. I don't think it's the Pine one - Pine looks like it would actually be very nice for Abbie to attend.
I think if it was something the Massives were proud of they would go on and on about they did JSA at one time... I think they are being secretive because it isn't something they want or like.or can brag about.....kind of how they are secretive about gb's Masters program.
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I hope they don’t drag WLW into it. He is obviously not well - physically or mentally. I blame the family by laughing at his mockery and Asa by not editing Wayne’s comments out of the video. Also, I believe this ‘apology’ has been up longer than the original and the edited video.
I agree. Wayne said what he said, but FA is Asa's vlog and he posted it, not Wayne.
Thats his problem right now, evading responsibility.
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Pink Marshmallow

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Because he saw nothing potentially wrong or offensive about it.
This casual sort of mocking and near-bigotry is a completely normal thing for the family and they agree with both the words spoken and the caged meanings behind them.

He had no motive. This is them behaving themselves in front of a camera.
Imagine what's said when the cameras are off.

It's so normalized for them to act and speak this way (and worse, when the cameras are off) and now he's sitting there at 1am trying to do damage control while whining and crying about snowflakes and the woke agenda.

I've been watching both his and Isaiah's media consumption change in disturbing ways for over 2 years now. Well, here we are. They've been watching increasingly bad shit and following where the algorithms lead and that's all been leaking out in their everyday language and being terrible people has become so normalized in that household that borderline racist content did not even register to him.


In his "apology" comment, he states that things were taken out of context and misunderstood. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Asshat said about Wayne -- "He's such a sweet man and truly has a wonderful heart."

So, like you said, he sees nothing wrong with what was said (nor does P, Isaiah, WLW, Candy Von Bitch etc)... it's just that certain viewers misunderstood, took things out of context and therefore the fault lies with THEM for how they chose to react.
Because it's never Asshat's fault when something goes wrong, or in this case, it wasn't Wayne's fault. He's a sweet old man! Come on now!

Asshat only took down the original vid and reuploaded it with that part taken out because he's worried about losing views and losing subscribers. Not because he feels that what Wayne said was wrong. Damage control, as you said.
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Shackboi actually filmed himself using his bidet for the first time. WTF?!
Screenshot (266).png

Also, I feel like he lets his flamboyant side come out more when he's around Summer and Kylie.
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Vegan for the Animals

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Watching Abbie trying to cut the wooden fruit was just sad. She hasn’t improved in any way with those since they were first given to her a few months ago. Seeing her being made to walk on those plastic stepping blocks was sad too. No wonder she was getting mad.
Abbie would lie on the couch all day if she could, so I don’t see a problem with her helping around the house, emptying the dishwasher, putting clothes in the machine, etc, even if she doesn’t understand why she has to do those chores. It gives her something to do.
However, some of the table tasks she’s forced to do are a complete waste of time and it would be more beneficial for her to go for a walk and get some proper exercise or as someone else said, they could go to the beach more because she likes it there, but of course THEY don’t like it.
Asswipe thinks he’s the guru of the autism world and I’m sure the Humpers lap up all he says, but he’s full of shite. None of them think to ask why he suddenly started ‘teaching’ Abbie at the age of 17 and not when she was much younger. It’s not that long ago they were trying to get her to say her name using her iPad, yet a couple of years ago they had numerous vlogs of them trying to teach her to sign the word ‘donut’ and feeding them to her everyday. As others have said, I do think she’s left a lot to her own devices until the camera starts running.
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This is just a center to see if they can gain some skills. I can see them getting very frustrated, quickly, when Abbie isn’t gaining skills to do daily life skills. This will become very evident, quickly, once they get her paired with a therapist that can even work with her.
Also, yes, they do have this location but they just opened a new location right down the road from them. I guess maybe there isn’t room at that location or they want her at the base location, to make sure she is going to be a fit for their program first (which does happen, when new facilities are built and the older instructors and facilitators aren’t moving to the new location). I can quickly see A&P pushing to get her moved to the new location, to save that drive.
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Chatty Member

EDIT: this fucker wearing a blackout flag on his ugly fucking head "apologizing" for being a racist family of bigots.
Oh yes asshole, we know exactly what is in your hearts! And I don't care that you were up all night either, What exactly are your apologizing for? You can't even say it. Fucker.
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The only thing this Ass is sorry about is that he may lose viewers. He had no choice but to say I'm sorry
Sorry I can't resist
Doesn't want to put "more ugly on the world"
Look in the mirror, you put ugly in the world everyday except Monday in both looks and actions and we can't avoid it from ur other shit channels
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don’t get it. ( I don’t “get” a lot of stuff they do.) why’d they take that video down?
Because leaving it up is knowledge of how bigoted and trash they really are to anyone that didn't see the original video. The same reason they took down their boohoo video where they discussed his other daughter.
Wtf is she trying to say? "I am one more stick not closer" Have another drink you stupid lying sot.

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There is no way this is going to last long if it's 28 miles away. They won't drive that much just to get maybe 2 hours of Abbie-free time at home 3 days a week.

Give it a few months: "Abbie wasn't progressing, she wasn't transferring the skills from 'school' to home, her dopamine is all wrong...."
Exactly. They are ridiculously lazy.
I make the exact trip Monday-Thursday for my grandsons 4.5 hr program- so I spend roughly 2.5 hrs and over a 100 miles a day in the car.
It is exhausting, and eventually they will burn out since they arent doing it for Abbie to begin with.
Even if she did enjoy it, their needs always come first. :(:(
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Idk, if I am going somewhere that I've never been before and it is at an appointed time, I leave EARLY. 20 year military veteran here and I am hardly ever late to It's literally ingrained into my core to be 15 minutes early lol!
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He did comment about it
Oh great. We'll get a Pigorilla crying vlog or live tomorrow. "I was juth tho upthet that ya'll made fun of Wayney boy. Thum people are tho mean to me becauthe I'm Chunky. Buy a duolab."
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What's their need to go home in between? Neither have real jobs to return to. Twatty Beast always says that she can "work her buthneth" anywhere. They don't do their own house cleaning and I'm pretty sure they have a gardener. They could use their time wisely and join a gym in the area, workout, get showered, go for a coffee, run errands and pick up Abbie. My goodness they are lazy and dimwitted.
Join a gym? Workout? Shower? Clearly you’re not referring to the Maasses 😂😂
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His Sad Ass reply/apology. As a person of color I’m offended and I’m going to let them know that. Bastards. Btw the comments are turned off. 😡🤬
The only thing this Ass is sorry about is that he may lose viewers. He had no choice but to say I'm sorry
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