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Chatty Member
View attachment 2378674
Nah…It won’t reduce her parental load…because what parental load does she actually carry? The only thing it does reduce is her need to hit the pantry every time someone turns their back. Big Mama smells a drive thru. 😂
Notice that Moobie is his usual smart ass self, but he has simmered down on the personal attack aspect of his reply. The last time we saw him really showing himself was when….OH! The night he had to remove and edit his racist vlog. Only to fully delete it later. Har!😂
Not fooling a soul grease trap.


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They really are "that" family on the street. They are weird, loud, smelly and awkward. Can you imagine how much the neighbourhood changed since they moved in? What was once a quiet, friendly and blissful street has now become absolutely undesirable. The wheeeeeewhooing, the loud voices, the stink from their backyard cooking experiments, the strange habits of filming themselves coming and going from their house and having to retrieve the camera before they take off, the short, corpulant husband trying to "educate" on autism, the frowzy, obese wife trying to shill waxy makeup in an attempt to recruit neighbours into the MLM, the oddity that is Boy Wonder, the cast of oddly shaped and looking characters and misfits that come and go to the house, the fat bastards crammed into the now lopsided golf cart that wheezes as it tries to chug along with 1000 pounds of Maasshole on board. Talk about a three ring circus. I bet the neighbours have a grand old time having a natter about the weirdos. I bet they play drinking games with the vlogs.
My in-laws live in the same area. They say they were warned, by more than one new neighbor, to stay away from the Maass family.
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Catching up with the MaAssives this evening.

Old Raccoon Eyes was trying to recruit more beauty guides by mocking her followers. In a snarky tone she barks, “Now don’t get scared, people are going to start hopping off ‘Oh my gosh, there’s that girl again talking about the opportunity!’…I’M DOING YOU A SERVICE by telling you about this opportunity. This has literally changed SO many things for SO many people. It is NOT your grandma’s MLM. Let me just put this out there. This is no old school, pyramid scheme crap! This is not that! This is you start your bidneth, you work your bidneth, and you make money doing it. You can retire yourself, you can be able to stay home with your kidzzz, maybe you want to do this as a side gig, maybe there’s some other dream you have, maybe you need to send your kid to private school, maybe you just need enough to go buy yourself a coffee or get your nails done. Whatever it is, this could be the vehicle to git you there… Why Not?! Why not give it a try?”

I don’t know if it it because she is doing her Live on Facebook and Instagram at the same time, but she doesn’t maintain eye contact with her camera. That truly increases her disingenuousness. So creepy!

View attachment 2374355
I just watched this. This lazy heifer actually said she couldnt have a "regular" job because Abbie has therapy 3 times a week.
She did. I couldnt believe it.
Funny shit right there. What does she think other families do? Sit home and hope money falls from the sky?
Heres my day as the grandma of an autistic three year old P.
I get to work at 6 a.m. and see clients until 12:15 p.m. Then I have to leave, pick up my grandson and drive 27 miles to drop him off at ABA by 1 p.m.
I get back to work by 1:45, and stay until 4:45 p.m. then head out to pick him up by 5:30 p.m.
And if evening traffic is light I am home by 6:30pm.
I manage a full day of work and drive 108 miles a day without whining about it, and so do countless others you fucking slor.
Oh- and after his 6 week summer break he had no difficulty remembering his "backpack routine". ❤💙

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I have to admit that I am kicking myself for not paying attention to the vlog last night. I totally zoned out when Wide Load was talking. He was talking so fast, lispy and slurry that I failed to pay attention to what was said. the only thing I got out of it was that he did live reads on a radio station and an elderly former DJ just died. The next thing was them bizarrely throwing out Italian names with the inuendo that they were all mobsters, which I found obnoxious and uncalled for. I was more fixated on the sheer fattness at the table. I need to pay more attention.
To be fair, I fear for their dining room floor when the family gets together around the table. I really hope that house was constructed well and isn’t like Gilbert Grape’s house.

Our old cat told us he’s done today. Taking him to cross the Rainbow Bridge in a bit.
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Best humper comment of the day. And this chick follows Lipstick Mama. Thilla recruit her! Mama needs a new surge protector. 🤪


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Nah…It won’t reduce her parental load…because what parental load does she actually carry? The only thing it does reduce is her need to hit the pantry every time someone turns their back. Big Mama smells a drive thru. 😂
Notice that Moobie is his usual smart ass self, but he has simmered down on the personal attack aspect of his reply. The last time we saw him really showing himself was when….OH! The night he had to remove and edit his racist vlog. Only to fully delete it later. Har!😂
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Where's Kylie?!?!?!?

Food=couch=treadmill=snack=TikTok=dopamine=I don't know what the fuck I am talking about.

Abbie spent her first day at daycare rocking on the couch and eating snacks. It must kill Asa to not be there to tell them everything he knows about how the brain works.
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Today's vlog: Asa talks (the bins) as if he has taught Abbie all these important life skills. Why was none of this done/taught from early on on the daily with just LIFE happening?!? He claims she doesn;t mimic, but asks (and then shows) her how to walk on those colored things. He is such a dumb fuck

Hey, Tubby, I know that you read here. How about not "teaching" Abbie how to use knives. Had she been using the real thing, Abbie would have cut, sliced and stabbed herself numerous times. What you are doing is dangerous. She does not need to know how to slice anything when someone can do that for her. She actually had the play fruit pressed against her body as she was slicing. Please, for the love of God, get your ego in check. You are not a teacher or a therapist, stop showing Abbie how do do things the wrong way and stop showing her how to do things that she doesn't need to know. Knives are about as age appropriate for Abbie as giving her the keys for your precious Jeep. Stop it.
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If you guys find a one piece swim suit in her size, it’s gonna take at least three of you to toss that thing into their yard.
At least. And you are overestimating my throwing skills. There’s a reason I played soccer.

My parents’ house will be cleared out on Monday. I feel relieved and sad at the same time. My husband will handle the sale. We finally got answers about my dog’s seizures and other issues. He has a brain tumor. Our vet is helping with symptoms and keeping him comfortable. I’m working on staying in the moment.
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Jumping in to get this off my chest.

My daughter was recently diagnosed with autism. (I've mentioned her many times before.) My gut rejects the idea but that is a whole other story that doesn't relate a lot to FA.

But now that I'm part of this "club," I must say that it puts the Masses in a whole new and extremely unfavorable light for me. I believe that without a doubt they have done and are doing a tremendous disservice to those who have been diagnosed with ASD and their families.

My daughter has almost nothing in common with Abbie. I honestly cannot pinpoint a single similarity (except maybe that she has a tendency to be difficult? Is that what autism is?) This channel is called "Fathering Autism", but nothing about what they show resembles our experience parenting our daughter (other than all the trips to therapy--is that what autism is??)

Obviously there is this huge range of ways that autism supposedly manifests itself, so I guess I'm just supposed to accept that these two girls have the same thing even though my daughter is so much closer to "neurotypical" kids that it feels patently absurd to categorize her with a person like Abbie instead.

Abbie has a severe intellectual disability and they pretend it does not exist and just call it all autism. This just sows needless fear in the hearts of viewers about autism. She's also probably got some behavioral issues stemming from crap parenting--but again, they pass it off as "autism".

As we work on getting my daughter more "support", I just find myself resisting doing any of the things they've shown with Abbie. Why would I do ANYTHING the Maasses have done? They're like an endorsement AGAINST all the stuff they show on their channel. We're talking like 10 years of just abject failure trying to force an ID person not be ID marketed as "autism".
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Asa trying to "help" instruct how an RBT should begin with a client.
Doesnt he realize that it isnt up to the RBT? The RBT will follow a plan created by the therapist, you dumb fuck.
I seriously cannot stand his know-it-all ass.
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Cardinal Rule

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Not a wise decision to link a video about his new job with cleaning his ass with the bidet attachment to his toilet. It looked like he was actually recording at work as he was preparing for his client, too - that should be nipped in the bud. Sadly, he doesn’t have a decent role model at home. Hopefully he can find one at work. Here are some of the comments:

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Trying to find the video so I can send to a few large vloggers that can crush his Ass. As I said I am a person of color & ADOS have always been annoyed by their use of a “blackcent” and their off color jokes. But this takes the cake. This vlog and that no quarter hat, oh I’m done done. 🤬😡🖕🏽🖕🏽
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