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I find it incredibly sad they seem to constantly try and find someone to blame or take responsibility of Abbies behaviours. Their lives must be a constant misery sesrching for next lawsuit. They contradict themselves so much. One minute Abbi knows exactly whats shes doing, what she wants and able to communicate her needs, the next they say they dont know her level of understanding, it alters. Perhaps if they looked at their own behaviours they would a see a correlation. Her ipad is filled with food suggestions. If she asks for food thats good communication in their opinion, because shes asking for something. Thats total learnt behaviour from them. Asa will ask her a loaded question, like do you want Dunkin, you want Dunkin? He puts words in her mouth literally. She will reply yes whether she does or doesnt coz Asa will say it was a yes. Everything is food relates, Everything. A bloody van pulled up outside and Asa turned that into a Abbi and Donut story, turns out a lawnmower was driven out the back. Asa n Pissilla have a food addiction and its cast onto Abbi. If they are in control of what on the ipad why not load it with activities to do, eg Paint, swim, walk. If shes not eating shes usually sat watching something, what exactly do P n A do with her?
That iPad irks me. If they are going to have food icons, why not add fruits and vegetables and eliminate some of the junk food? They have two dogs, why not have an icon for walking the dog as a fun activity? I hate when they give her rapid option questions. Instead of overloading Abbie, make it easier for her to process and give 2 options to choose from. That poor child is living in a constant state of chaos, there is nothing regimented in the way that her parents live their lives. Abbie must be so anxious and frustrated, I know that I would be.
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Career? Holy Delusions! Maybe it will be a "career" .. you they have. Its xthiting.... SHEETH 16! Oh my.. maybe she will have to move out with Summer and the other gals.

Would she like a job? Lol... she just wants a cookie. Asshat didn't used to think she could work... but now he thinks she can.. you know ... because of all the progress...

Also.. "Be kind to Everyone" .. P can totally see her being a thing...

Asshat is onboard with her working and doing "her own thing" ... good god!!! Wake up idiots! Asshat says look where we are now..

Ummmmmmm............................they could employ Abbie at Selfishwrld. If they were seriously invested in Abbie having a job, they have a business which employs special needs individuals and there is a room named after her. Can the leghumpers not see through the BS?
Now that would be some good content! Imagine if Asshat wasn't with her every second controlling the narrative. Yea..if they really were "on board" with her working selfish world would be the number one spot.

Someone should bring that up in the comments so the HUMPERS will jump on board.

What could they picture Abbie doing at crumble? Eating cookies?
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She isn’t autistic but she’s around 18-24 months according to her parent.

I think having a reward system kept Abbie from playing/using her imagination(pls parents of an autistic child, correct me if I’m wrong). You can’t reward your kids for everything they do. They would pop treats in her mouth simply for playing. Now she expects a reward for anything she does and doesn’t see the value in anything otherwise. They say she’s not interested in toys or playing, maybe there is a reason for that?
That is the type of bedroom poor Abbie needs where she can have her noisy toys that she clearly enjoys and that Megagunt the Pig hides away from her.
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Oh man... so much to say :/

Abbie is both SO ahead of them psychologically and so far behind in adl and more of course.

idk why I'm still in shock over this.

The food icons are easily retrieved, other icons ahe can actually learn/use are so buried under other icons to press she can't even get to the damn screen to say anything if she could

I thought she should have an amazing bedroom full of toys (toddler aged plus or minus)... I feel like she'd get much enjoyment out just touching them and pushing buttons etc... then even I realized, best nit in the bedroom. Her room should be understood for sleeping. So how about a play room. Yes I know she was supposed to have a grand sensory room but how about any damn thing. So sad. Truly.

There are people at the school in their 30s, Idk why I thought she'd age out at 18.

Watching older videos make me personally imho see her not only regresss but stagnate.

Hitting me hard today.
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At the end of tonight’s vlog, Ass says Cilly Sue didn’t have to block her from putting away the dishes but at 4:38 minutes, we see Abbie try to walk away and Cilly blocks her. Maybe he forgot to edit that part out 😆
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He is such an ass and so deluded.
"Cant just drop in...." Really dickhead? Who says it was a "drop in"? That could be a long term sub.
And it wasnt better when she was a small child, but it was different. It is one thing to see a child with childlike behaviors, another to see a young lady.
It doesnt matter that she "doesnt care" what others think, as he loves to say.
She doesnt care and thats not her fault, its who she is. But he should care and doesnt.
Someone else mentioned earlier that he always talks about her stripping (indoors and out) was creepy and I agree. Come at me, dont care, but it is not normal for a father to smile and talk about his 16 year old daughter being naked. Its disturbing and he encourages the weirdos.
Not to mention other behaviors that should just be private, Do they talk about their toilet issues? Their inability to handle stress?
Nothing he does is in the name of advocacy or education, that ended many many years ago, if he was ever sincere at all.
Its his paycheck, since his lazy uneducated ass isnt capable of holding a real job.
He should NOT be giving her a shower either. We all know Ab is not able to wash her private areas well enough. Anyone that enjoys and thinks its funny and ok to let your fully developed daughter run around naked is twisted. Wouldn't be surprised if him and Pigsweat get naked too. Even if thats all that it is, its wrong. Especially since Ab cannot tell on them. He is a pig in so many ways, nothing would surprise me with him.
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In one of their vlogs from a few years ago they have to apply deodorant on her. I doubt that has changed.
The way they talk about how rough mornings can be, I would bet anything there are days that her teeth don't even get brushed. I'm sure they have to either do everything for her or walk her through step by step and I'll bet mornings they don't have the patience they display on videos. We've seen her go to bed with filthy feet and having sat in diapers all day - I don't want to think about what goes undone for that poor girl.
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I understand . I guess I'm hopeful for Dear Abbie . I watch the vlogs . I have to stop watching sometimes because I see the neglect and the abuse Abbie has to live with daily . I don't know if she is capable of learning this task either . I agree it's not Abbie's fault . Her parents claim they accept her and will do everything they can for her . That's not true ! They are horrific parents . We have all watched the F.A. vlogs . They are both mentally unstable , they don't have a clue of how to parent . I know this sounds weird ....... I believe in Abbie I wish she could live in a warm and loving home she needs stability , she doesn't need to be on display with a camera in her face at all time . Will there ever be anyone in Abbie's life that will be a true advocate for her rights and well being ?
She will never grasp the concept of paying for items that she wants, every time they show this scenario, she immediately grabs the cookies and goes to open them. And why is it always cookies, how about a stick of string cheese, granola bar( that is in her iPad), and yogurt( also I believe is in her iPad). They could give her buttons, or tokens to pay with and she wouldn't even know the difference, it's just a scenario I give you whatever, and you will let me have my treat
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Tonight’s Vlog: Finally Found her IPad.
Thilla snuck ice into her mouth the first 15 seconds of the video.

I don’t know AssHat it’s almost like you should get a waterproof hand held speaker just for Abbie. So that way she can hold it, listen to it and be in the pool at the same time. Which was something apparently Abbie didn’t want to do.

Also Abbie didn’t want to come inside so what’s the best solution? Leave her ass outside by herself until she feels like walking her sweet girl teenager self in the house. Such parents.

AssHat starts a whole dialogue on the difference between forcing Abbie and making Abbie do certain things. He then says that ‘most people see Abbie’s disability first before they see’- and then he starts coughing. You idiot. Then proceeded to compare but (not really) ADD vs IDD & Autism.

I never understood why Thilla stands in the kitchen to watch tv. Like why does she stand in that exact spot almost every time AssHat films her watching football or something.

They found the remote which apparently has been missing, Abbies black iPad covered in hair and who knows what else from underneath the couch.

A cart ride to Dunkin’. Of course Thilla has the Dunkin’ app and I’m sure is steady collecting points from being a constant fat ass.

They stop by Lurch home while they must’ve been on vacation at Disney. Thilla practically was speed walking into their backyard like she owned the place. Happy to take care of their dog? Or eager to raid their cabinets while they’re gone?
Oh see blame it on Abbie.. Abbie found the crunch bar.. sure Thilla 🙄

Thats pretty much the whole vlog.
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Todays vlog
So now they're letting her 1. grab food "french fries"...grab a handful then; 2. jump into the pool holding the food; 3. then eating the food in the pool
Her a$$ would be out of that pool so fast if it were me! Autism or IDD...out of the pool for the day! There ya go Miss Abbie. No grabbing food. No food around perimeter of or in the pool . Period.
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Does the Selfish Wrld shirts not come in her new size? They make poor Abbie wear a shirt but Priscilla is in a regular black v-neck. Did Priscilla finally outgrow all her clothing from a few months ago?

I swear if she wants to gain weight, fine but she really needs to earn all the funds she took from Abbie, to pay for the WLS and repay Abbie’s trust funds because she wasted them. She did it under the ruse of “being here longer for Abbie,” yet she has accomplished the opposite. Regaining all the weight is so dangerous and possibly deadly and she hasn’t stopped…
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That's really cute, nice story, I hope her aunt did not suffer......... But she's just doing this for a tax credit.
So many cancer organizations, and yet there's no cure for cancer. I don't think it'll make a difference. I have what my doctor says incurable cancer. At the end of the day I'm going to die. So what can one of these organizations do for me? What about these people who have inoperable cancers too? And if it means so much for her why don't she use her own money? Honestly I'm not impressed.
Thinking of you everyday and sending you positive vibes and virtual hugs.

Thank you. The kids can stand in my doorway but cannot come in my room. It’s so boring. All I can really do is thank G-d I married the man I did. Otherwise I’d be hospitalized. My “kids” aren’t really “kids” any more. They’ll always be kids to me , but my typical kids are 34, 32, 27, 24, 22, and my ID son is 17. He’s the one that hurts my heart the most. I can’t imagine if he was like Abbie. I’m sure my house would be chaotic and a mess. I loathe chaos and messes. I can say, however, I hate doing the laundry and emptying the dishwasher. I love to load it, and each of my kids have done their own laundry since 2nd grade. I’m just very tired.

This pisses me off! If she’s so serious about fund raising, she should at least match dollar for dollar. $500 is nothing to them. Fat Tinkerhog would never do that. She needs that money for her shark cooter crap. So aggravating!

Thank you. I’m trying my best to get better. Radiation round one tomorrow. Let the fun begin!
I hope you fare relatively well with radiation. Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs.
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Looks like all the comments asking why Asa and the people around Abbie talk about her when she is around, and a few others about her understanding that a camera is in her face, but does Abbie really understand that the camera is filming her for YouTube. None of the comments were mean, and that tells me that Asa knows damn well Abbie has no concept of what is really going on with filming her. What POS!
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Pig is all about the unfiltered, non photoshopped look when it stands to benefit her cause. Goodness gracious at the sad sot, downturned snout. 😖
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Isaiah kinda looks like Lurch. Isaiah needs to go to the source of epic selfie pics, Mrs. Piggy Maass. LMAO. I stopped watching Isaiah's vlog after 3:04. I'm sorry, but he needs to grow the fuck up. He isn't a little boy in middle school. I get the feeling Isaiah thinks he is funny with his long-winded bullshit videos
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Yeah but you've also mentioned that you've worked extensively with your son on communication, ADLs, and other self-care and quality-of-life skills. You also include your son in your family's routines and activities, and make sure he has things to do throughout the day, which is something the Maasses don't bother to do for Abbie. Repeatedly spending time on a task like emptying the dishwasher or loading the washing machine, when they still haven't bothered to re-organize her AAC, or teach her any new signs, or to feed herself independently, or to tolerate a doctor's visit, or to take part in her own hygiene does seem...pointless. Or at least like they're missing the point.

I can see that aspect of it. I wonder if Abbie puts on her own deodorant or shirts/pants etc for school? We try to work on independence all around-all day. With communicating, chores, hygiene, dressing, and general helping around the house. I can simply tell him to go get pants/shirt/socks on and he will do it on his own. But, he also has a closet full of clothes that completely support him dressing himself. No hard snaps/buttons/zippers, etc. He has mostly black/grey track pants, and colorful T-shirts/Hoodies. No matter what he pulls out, it's likely to

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Thats why I don't understabd why the don't give her cut up veggies most of the time. You can even buy them already cut up since the way Pig tries to cut stuff up takes forever, lol. Asshole even bought her a fancy dancy knife! They are afraid she will throw a fit if she does
not get some junk food and wont know what to do. By the way, Nature Valley Bars are far from healthy. They are loaded with junk. Make her the veggies or no snack. Period.
I don't think it is because they think she will throw a fit if she doesn't get junk. Abigail doesn't have a strong food preference and not much she doesn't eat.

They feed her the way they eat. And what is the most convenient. They don't keep raw vegetables around because THEY don't like them. They give her trash to eat because they don't care to take the time to find better options.

Look at the ice cream issue.. Ab doesn't even like ice cream. Her lazy, slob of a mother likes it. Hell taking Ab to dreamette wasn't even a thing until Isaiah left. She would take him regularly.... but she needed an excuse to keep going so started forcing it on Abby. To the point a few times she had a meltdown because she did NOT want ice cream. Or the coffee drinks from Dunkin they forced her to drink even though she clearly did not like it or want it.

Abigail is made to it junk because her parents want to eat junk. They could easily have Abigail eating clean and healthy (obviously special treats are great... but should be treats not everyday garbage.) She would feel a million times better and likely help with sleep and behavior issues too. And she would enjoy eating all the things that are rate treats for her now.

But they don't want to eat healthy... so they force unhealthy lifestyle on their child. It isn't because Abigail will lose her shit if she doesn't have pretzels or a cookie.
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