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In one of their vlogs from a few years ago they have to apply deodorant on her. I doubt that has changed.
It’s just beyond sad. They can’t have a picture chart with what needs to be done in the mornings? Use bathroom, get dressed, eat, brush teeth, get backpack, shoes on…there could be pictures of Abbie doing the task. It’s like they only do the minimum & Ab is the one to suffer for it. Hey Asss I gave you some content…I expect to see the chart up soon! 😉
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I think I may have misspoke. There is no proof that I've seen in the vlogs that Sherry is living in the "shack." I jumped to that conclusion when they said "Miss Sherry" has just left.
I wondered if she had moved in when I saw it too. She’s certainly there a lot for someone who doesn’t live there.
Without FB and insta poor P can't "work her business." Wonder if they will vlog bitching about it. How DARE Facebook!
I can hear the absolute meltdown happening in the manor as we type. Cilla can’t do her shitty live. Cilla can’t post her fake love for her child. People can’t contact her for a colour match. How is she supposed to flog slimelife
And I doubt like heck that they "consulted with the professionals" first before they added those words! Highly unlikely!
don’t even get me started on the last vlog! The stuff they are doing now should have been done years ago!
I also think JSA have been complaining about Abbie ‘requesting’ aka jabbing zaxbys all day every day and have told them to do something about it.
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Facebook and Instagram are down right now. Can you imagine if YouTube was taken down. The screams coming from Mold Mansion would be heard around the Universe.
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Well the truck finally showed up. It is in Asa’s name alone. No co-sign with Isaiah like he claimed. The original color of the truck was turquoise - previous owner must have painted it. Same truck because the kid was dumb enough to show his license plate number in one of his videos and it correlates to public records. At least it’s not registered under Maass Media like Asa’s truck
i don’t understand why he needs a great big truck like that anyway? Must cost a fortune to run too. I know there’s a fair bit of snow in the winter so he wouldn’t be able to get by with a little run around but still, there was no need to buy this monstrosity. It must be fairly new even if it is second hand, so it can’t have been cheap. I really do hope someday soon the money runs out for them and they can’t make the payments so the bailiffs come knocking.

Also lies lies lies. Just say, we’ve bought him a car. Although rediculous that he gets pretty much everything handed to him, it makes it 100x worse to lie about it.
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Apparently "salad" is a vegetable!

May I suggest more green vegetables?

Priscilla Maass
Priscilla Maass
22 hours ago
We love Brussels, salad, zucchini, and asparagus. What green vegetables do you eat?
Asking as if she cares ..anything to up $$$$ engagement... I bet they don't eat any vegetable that isn't cooked to death and fried or slathered with butter, cheese, sour cream, ranch dressing, bacon, or sugar.
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1. Not using the seatbelt lock.
2. Kylie got a bigger cake then summer’s birthday cake. AND flowers.
3. I have absolute confidence that lurch will not use that slime like shit. Proof positive that big P will recruit anyone
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*Abbie seems to have a problem with most people. She really doesn't have friends from JSA, just Kaidale and only because Priscilla wanted her as a friend, and Kaitlin is an idiot, so perfect match.
*This could be a problem when she is placed inside a group home. She's going to have problems with other people, stealing people's food, attacking other patients and staff. She lacks structure, communication, and social interactions, and of course respect and manners just like dear old dad.
*I believe they said surfers for autism is down indefinitely because of Coronavirus. I believe I read also that it was sold to a different person, or the person retired who was in charge of it. 🤷

At least his videos are more entertaining even though they're boring like watching paint dry compared to the whole week of FA "VLOGS".
I don't believe that she has problems with people as she really warmed up to Lurch from the very beginning. I think the problem is that she simply isn't exposed to new, independent relationships and activities. Not to be rude or to disparage Abbie, but I compare her to a pet who never sees anyone outside of their family. Those pets can be nervous, shy, aggressive etc when new people come around or they might be excited and happy. She is so insulated that it makes me sad and angry. There are programs that she could try if only her lard arse parents would facilitate it. Kaitlin has been proactive to find programs and there is no reason for Abbie to not be introduced to new people and experiences.
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With regards to toys, they may have used a reward in order to get her to play with the toys appropriately. It was likely done when she was much younger and started with early intervention. The goal is to get a child to play/use things appropriately-including toys. My son has very little interest in toys. He had maybe a total of 3 toys that he "played" with. It was never in a traditional sense either, but more stimming off them. For instance, he would open/close the little doors on his barn, push the same buttons constantly on his Leap School Bus (and it was always speaking in Spanish), or put those light up spinny toys against his mouth. He never played with them. Instead, he would use them as a means to destroy. He would take any toy he could and rub it against the wall putting holes in the wall. He has taken toy drills and used them on the ceiling. Toys also became projectiles during meltdowns. It got to the point where we only bought him stuffed animals or other soft interactive toys. The items he does play with?? Cardboard boxes, shoes, his bags of pull ups, paper, drawers. He has a closet with a bunch of toys that he never plays with. So, yes, many years ago his therapy revolved around using toys, as all kids learn by play. Even his therapists now will have him play a game with them. That involves turn taking, and following directions. These are all things that are essential to learn in life. A lot of therapy with children is disguised as "play" also.
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P is salivating over Abbie being involved with this shirt project that this autistic girl Jordan is doing. I dont know a lot about her but she is much much much more high functioning than Abbie... and is actually involved.. but P wants to worm her way into it it seems. $$$$$ .. maybe this is what they see Abbie's "job" as.. P mentions them again on her instagram story.....

Percillerpotamus is so delusional.
I'm sure there is a money motivation behind this shirt fukery.
Abbie is 2 in her brain.
Show me a 2 year old who can work in a shirt business/warehouse!
This is just getting ridiculous.
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It is very obvious that Priscilla was much more involved and cared MUCH more about Abbie then than she does now. And I’d like to know specifics on how Abbie has progressed so much since then. Back then, when Addie was in public school, I assume she was not in diapers. Is that some thing that they would do in public school, change diapers for her? We know she’s in them 100% of the time now. That is not progress.

It also was interesting to me that they used the retention pond incident against them in court. I’ve heard the story before but I don’t think I’ve ever heard that Priscilla just stood on the side and waited until Asa got there to get her out. She claimed it was because she didn’t want to make the incident worse by chasing her, but we all know why she didn’t go into the pond …
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Sadly, BRAC (either) are rarely correct. I know, my Mom, Grandma and even my Great-Grandma, all have had breast cancer. My great-grandma’s autopsy showed masses in both breast and ovaries (before cancer was known). My Grandma was given the opportunity right before she died, to have genetics look and see if she carried the gene and she was negative for all breast cancer genes, 3 years ago. Yet, she had breast cancer in stage 1, for the second time, since being in the nursing home. My Mom has went through breast cancer treatments 3 times now, first just removing the mass and then mastectomies for each side and the second one, they took all her lymph nodes. If she gets cancer again, there will be no stopping it, per her oncologist. She doesn’t have the genetic links anywhere either, they have checked. I have went through genetics, no link but I have 3 pre-cancerous areas that they are watching. I also had 1 ovary removed due to pre-cancerous cells found and 1/3 of my colon was removed due to diverticulitis and they found pre-cancerous cells there too…
I go next month for my yearly mammogram that I have to fight insurance to get, and have gotten, since I was 30.

Cancer knows no bounds or rules. I am shocked that Priscilla doesn’t talk about going to get a mammogram because she is 40 now. Usually they want women to start an early screening mammogram at 40, just to base line. I guess that would go against her thoughts about seeing doctors though. I have never seen someone go so long without yearly check ins though. I can only hope those life insurance policies require an update on her WLS soon! That would be a hoot!
And since P admittedly has a history if breast cancer in her family she should start mammograms before 40.

That's another thing that is bs about the "omg my aunt had cancer so buy this trash." If she cared, knowing the age of women she is scamming, she would talk about mammograms and early detection. She would go hard at encouraging people to get one scheduled.

But it isn't about cancer or raising funds.... it's about her making sells.
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#1 Scammer again this month!
Look at how actually genuinely happy this forked tongue bitch looks.
She preyed upon people who she knows or should know have low IQs to shill the crap to and she's fukin happy about it.
There should be a law against knowingly scamming a population that is either special needs or almost special needs.
The leghumpers need to be stopped.
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This may have been covered. If a family, like this one, has made A LOT of money... and has their child set up for life so to speak financially, h9w do they now qualify for programs and such. Shouldn't the family now pay for all of her necessities? Respite, school, therapies, etc ? Or am I mistaken and they do pay for all of this. Oh, or is it like disability through the government?
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Geeze, I could go down to a local community park that has a pond and get some real fall pics for FREE! There is a gazebo and bench by the pond that they decorate for fall. Much more picturesque than a booth indoors any day!
I mean, I guess if you live in Buttsweat, Florida where the leaves don't might want to go to SelfieWRLD to get your fall Insta pics. But the whole reason why fall is an aesthetic is because the outdoors provides a perfectly seasonal backdrop on its own. Why would I pay to stand in front of a plaid wall and a $5 Halloween decoration when I could just walk down the street and stand in front of a neighbor's porch for free?
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The Vlog was published Jan 23, 2017.

In a previous vlog they said she can't color and has no interest in it or write. She can't hold crayons or a pen without someone guiding her hand.
Many times 3-5 year olds don’t like coloring or using pencils/crayons. But if they get some interaction with someone doing it with them they begin to like it. And again, there’s a lot of things Abbie doesn’t like but that doesn’t stop her parents from still doing it! And I’m not saying Abbie would become a great artist, but give the child a chance to try new things throughout her life and fine motor skills can be worked on with her daily. Have her draw circles around a cookie for goodness sake. They give her cookies anyway make a game out of it. In kindergarten my kids had to count skittles and group them by colors, and at the end they got to eat the skittles. (I’m sure this will never happen with covid now!)
And, how do they know she wouldn’t like to try and color now as a teen? Has anyone sat with her and done anything one on one? Not that I see. 😔
Priss makes time to get her fattening iced coffees everyday, she can’t spend 30-60 mins actually sitting with her kid and working on something? Ugh!
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