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wtf is wrong with people, within the 99 comments on that thread:



The last one is unforgivable she’s a fucking child! Even if her dad won’t leave her alone you should PoS
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I saw ST on her stories a couple of days ago that she let her kids buy ice creams right up close to the guy serving them when one of them is supposed to be isolating.

This was the day after the park trip when she announced they were sent home from school. She obviously doesn't give two shits about them potentially passing it on to other people.
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Chatty Member
Their garden looks like it is either Love Island's baby brother (circa 2019 last time I peeked) or perfect for a magazine shoot.

And this is why people get into debt/feel inferior trying to emulate what these influencer types have.

Then you get me... My patio has been a bike/scooter/football training dumping ground for years and I finally had enough. So we took the roof and sides off the bike shelter and left the frame. Et viola a Pergola! Added a sail on the top, an outside rug and some wayfair garden furniture... Along with festoon lights from amazon.

We need to screen it off a bit and make it pretty... But we have somewhere to sit! (under £300) it won't win style awards but we are all so chuffed and get this.... ALL FIVE OF US sat together 😊
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I was once asked to "sponsor" a 10year old boy in a charity run (from school). I didn't have much money at that time and said I'd give 2€ per lap (thinking he would do a maximum of 10). He did 26 🤣 but well it was for a good cause.
When I get asked to sponsor kids to do stuff for their schools/brownies/cubs etc I’m all for a bit of that, it’s good for kids to be active/push themselves and do a good deed. I don’t like being asked by my 50+ cycling mad, wealthy, mamil clad friends to sponsor them to do a cycle ride. Likewise the same folks asking me to sponsor their already very privileged 18+ kids to climb Mount Kilimanjaro as part of their gap year. Like I said, I’d be more than happy to donate if these adults/offspring went and volunteered in a food bank or soup kitchen but they don’t they do performative stunts that make them feel good about their challenge whilst actually doing very little to help the cause.

I know I’ve moaned about charities before but quite often more is going out on their own Offices/advertising/chuggers than actually helping. They are basically unregulated, The Charities Commission is toothless, anyone can set up a charity and live off donations or misappropriate, kindly given, donations without having to show any hard evidence of what is done with the funds. You might have noticed charities are one of my pet hates 🤣🤣🤣
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Oh God, it must be wonderful to be a man and taking 37 (?) years to realize women don't feel safe at night on the streets. And don't hold your keys like in the photo he shared. You'll probably only hurt yourself.

Disgusting, I live near Clapham
and the terror and upset was real. He is an absolute disgrace.
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Thank you guys for emailing - if it’s any comfort I’ve always gotten positive feedback from brands who’ve all said they’ve got no plans of working with them. Same with mutual accounts following FOD or HOH, most people aren’t aware HOH is affiliated with them.

Doing the lord’s work 🙌🏻
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They do performative stunts that make them feel good about their challenge whilst actually doing very little to help the cause.
The amount of times I've seen sponsorship requests for things where I have thought 'That looks like amazing fun, I would actually pay to do that' is way too high. It always just feels icky and like I'm paying for someone to do a fun activity, especially as often that activity is only allowed if you raise above a certain amount for charity. It just feels like the person doing it is getting more out of it than they should be?

This is a prime example, why should I essentially pay for you to have a once in a lifetime fun activity, with the rest of my donation going to a charity I didn't pick. I would much rather donate directly to the charities I wish to support each month, and that's what I do.
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I didn’t realise they had so much yard space, would have made sense to clear it for the kids to play in when they were younger. More sense than a new kitchen and a bedroom kitchen.
Lucky neighbours listening to the outdoor tv blaring away. Smug gits.
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Are these shoes what they force you to wear in Instagram influencer purgatory? The garden is a shit heap that won’t be finished this year let alone summer 😳

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Just caught up. Wow just when you think he cannot be anymore of a helmet!

He needs to stop using his children for content. It is downright disgusting how he uses absolutely everything he can, to try and make himself relevant on social media.

He is not trying to raise awareness of T1 diabetes. All he is wanting is some kind of Ad, Spon or freebie thrown his way. Not quite sure what he is hoping to achieve by exploiting his child's medical condition?

And the dogs stuff is just fucking bizarre. What next? His daughters periods? Nothing would fucking surprise me with him.

I am genuinely curious if there is something wrong with him, that he just doesn't see how morally wrong and intrusive some of the content he posts is.

Or if he is just that desperate that he uses the most sensitive and personal stuff ever, and rubs his hands together in glee and excitement about maybe getting noticed?
Spot on

I honestly think there is something up with him. He may be on the spectrum? He has zero emotional awareness. Or he’s just a greedy attention seeking twat? 🤔

He totally would exploit his daughters periods. To educate us
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My husband has no filter, we live near them and I’d love to bump into her at a social function because he would see her and wander over saying, ‘oh you’re that racist midwife aren’t you!?’ (Probably why we don’t get asked I’m out much!!) 😂
Also as a very proud 6 foot Nigerian man he’d scare the sh*t out of her!
I really really want you to bump into them!
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