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Chatty Member
I couldn’t stand to watch the latest video, and by the looks of it Charlie did mansplain and use the we while Josie was a snob, as per usual. But when someone said he said “you manifest your own luck” I had it. Stop with this manifesting nonsense and how luck is tied to it. It is such a load of BS. My father is the best man I know, generous to literally everyone he knows and doesn’t know with his success, and he was diagnosed with cancer last week. Jak, a person who helped you immensely, just lost her too short life and left behind a husband and I believe daughter. Manifest your own luck?! Why because you leeched on your wife’s trust and don’t have to work. Some things money can’t buy and those two idiots will never appreciate or realize that.
I also had it when he said this and “If I own a pub one day”, it really tickled me, “If I” rather than “If we”. If Charlie ever bought a pub, we all know it would never be with his own money, it would he his wife’s money so why would it be “HIS pub” rather than “THEIR PUB”. He’s so entitled, naive and delusional. Also, I’ve never known an alcoholic to want to own a drinking establishment, of all things.
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These are the rest of the tiktok including her out and out lying in the comments when someone asked about the house that is attached. There is absolutely no way that 'her' house has doubled in price in 4 years. The Cotswolds has had an increase but nowhere near that much.
What an appalling pack of lies; such deceit and highlights her lack of scruples.
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Some interesting comments from people claiming to know them locally . Gruesome twosome 😂

I don’t know London well outside of the shopping areas I like. However Clapham can’t be Belgravia or Mayfair , surely Clapham isn’t top drawer . So she had some flat in a second rate area and how did she get the money for that?. Of course it’s family money. Which is fine but just own it . Then the big move to a house which is what I’d call a “rightmove” house. A lot of people she goes to Bamford with wouldn’t need to list their homes on rightmove they would use a well connected property agent specialising in Cotswolds . Savills are good and they charge a large ish amount of commission but it’s not a specialised property agent. These people have lists of people wanting to buy I. The Cotswolds and the houses they deal In are over 5m quite often heading towards the 10 m mark .

1.2 ish is a very common value. Anyone living in a decent area in say a 4 bed and over should if the area is what I’d call decent/wealthy have a house worth over 800k.

when property is taken into account more people than ever can say they are millionaire. It’s not the bragging point it once was.

it’s obvious family money has assisted in the brailes house . The post she made was incredibly crass. Talking about money and bragging/lying about house size is not something anyone should do. It won’t ingratiate her audience imo . Imo it will annoy most of her audience .

It is such a ridiculous post I also wondered is it for publicity. But her whole business model seems to centre around being a PG viewing experience and someone who normally doesn’t put herself out there in a bad light (unless she’s caught out by selling fake Zimmerman /racism someone else mentioned here ).

normally she receives many compliments on her social media. The post she did didn’t seem to attract the same gushing comments .

I get the impression she has a lot of rooms which aren’t instagram worthy and a lot filled with junk and belongings/mess which is the reason behind not doing a home tour. She knows if she did a home tour video that would bring in a lot of views. She has no reason to not do it unless she’s hiding something. It’s not security because her house floor plans /Google earth/ street view all exist and she knows her address is public.

100% agree with the poster who mentions kitchens and bathrooms . They need re-doing. I like her garden but the kitchen is the most important room to re do . The family money is being channelled into things that will appreciate and bring in an income . Which tells me they can’t be rolling in money or they would do the kitchen and make real improvements not just floral wallpaper and fabrics with oak leaves on for Asthetics .

she has spent a fair bit on the garden but I’m pretty sure it’s written off against her tax bill including the greenhouse . She’s spent very little on changing the inside of the house . Which is a bit “fur coat no knickers” . Make it look it’s best from the exterior to convince locals the house is in top order .

anyway it’s just as well she made a controversial post because there’s nothing much to discuss about her last borefest vlog 😂


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Salad and risotto for a dinner party? She’s sounding like Lydia

where’s the starter? It’s a mega light menu for dinner

the gold frame is tacky
She’s still not getting her form correct with lifting weights
She must think everyone is stupid if she thinks she can con them she’s not massively benefitted from family money. Are we really expected to believe the mother had no money after her dad’s death and Josie had to help her own mum out and house her?! Come on Josie, People are not stupid!
😂 fancy a laugh? Chav might be “taking her away for their anniversary “ . What with HER money she means 😂
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when would she ever find the time to have a baby amidst hawking everything under the sun 🙄:LOL:
That’s the only reason she’d have one!!!! Greedy Teefers mouth is probably already salivating at the thought of all the baby stuff and baby content she can monetise! She’s probably secretly fuming she isn’t pregnant yet as she’ll be desperate to get in before the other influenzas!
Tonight: hidden ad, after hidden ad, after undisclosed ad, after undisclosed gifted… nothing is true. Nothing is authentic. Nothing is genuine. She’s just a greedy money-grabbing hoarder who has no actual talents at all. Take away the “shopping”/ADs and gardening and she’s left with nothing. She has no friends to hang out with, unless it’s on a paid trip with the other floggers… she’s an absolute nothing contributing nothing to society.

She’d better be looking for a new gardener too otherwise she’s gonna get exposed very quickly…
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Nope Nope

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It truly is an achievement that she's a fashion influencer but also looks like a "Before" in a fashion makeover show. I can imagine the camera showing this tragic young lady who dresses like a 50-year-old and wears her hair like Farrah Fawcett, sad violins and all, until someone like Trinny takes her shopping to Zara and she gets a makeover to look her age. I would watch that for sure.
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I’d rather spend £1500 towards a real holiday. Not towards a delusional miserly piece of work who robs people blind at those prices. It’s a pokey old sardine tin that’s been done up beyond the odds to make gullible people think it’s worth it. No thanks
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For me, The Stylish Equestrian is actually a bit embarrassing. There’s (rightly) calling her out and then there’s just being a dick. I own a 3 bed house with my husband but no-one has ever said you actually own a 1.5 bed house 😂

Josie’s replies are just as bad. I’d turn off comments and just enjoy the engagement numbers, and think twice about posting weirdly braggy content again.
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I would rate Charlie if he went and learned a trade or worked on a local farm . He is just lazy and hasn't worked in years living on off his wife .
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New member
I get that influencers are told by companies that they must read the ingredients out as part of the PR deal, but it’s too much, too often (especially skincare). It makes me fast forward. And all the adverts for the Monika Vinegar jewellery is becoming very annoying. Cheaply made metal for extortionate prices - which we all know she doesn’t actually wear.
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It’s the frocky horror show tonight. Despite saying last week she was wearing Hobbs to the Chelsea flower show , she has a Zimmerman fashion flog tonight.

She puts on this huge pale pink maxi gown and proceeds to top it off with a hat complete with bright hot pink ribbon and asks “do they go together”!

No it doesn’t 😂

I wonder why she’s got nothing on her nails , maybe she’s avoiding the toxins of hema …
chav interupts her, speaks over her and during the Chelsea flower section he constantly drones on in the background giving his opinions
She hasn’t got the face for this hat


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Watching her latest vlog now. Alexx Coll or however she spells her name is a knockout. She carries herself with so much more natural confidence and class. Doesn’t put on airs. Then there is childish Freddy. She’s such a pretty girl too but all she talks about is Disney and sings musical theater while dressing and acting like a pre-teen. Josie is constantly pretending to have the same personality as Freddy which clashes with her typical Lady of the Manor behavior. Phonies! This was embarrassing to watch. Then Freddy and Josie had to talk poorly about a business associate who managed their international trip. “We would have preferred that she wasn’t there.” These Mean Girls are the worst. I would prefer that they never be given a free product, event or trip again in their life. There are far more deserving influencers who act with maturity, authenticity and grace.
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Josie Love, I know you obsessively pour over all the Tattle posts about you and "Tight Shorts Charlie" like a teen schoolgirl obsessed with news of your fav boy band.
So here is another Pro Tip for you....During the "cheese segment" of your latest blog you were trying sooo hard to be "putting on the Ritz" with your fakey fake fake poshy posh posh accent I was embarrassed for you. How long can you draw out "Mooooorning" trying to sound so well heeled and to the manor born? Stop, just stop. You are not doing yourself any favors girl.
And real ladies with class don't giggle like screech owls and talk so stupidly to staff and one another while in the cheese line at a nice "do".
She’s still getting absolutely slated in the comments of her last post about Taylor swift

What on earth is she doing behaving like this on tik tok ?
I am in the US so have no idea where this hotel/resort is she is claiming Taylor will be staying at. What I'd like to know is taking into consideration where all her shows in England will be played would it even make sense for Taylor to stay at this place logistically? I would think housing would be planned fairly close by the venues. I highly doubt staff told Josie anything and she made this all up for clicks.
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I don’t care if you’re a billionaire, only a fool would pay $1000+ for sweatpants. lol!

The expensive gift to the pilates instructor was probably given to her for free from the brand, intended as a giveaway to her actual followers. This, or she got it at a heavy discount. It’s the least she could do if that retreat was given to her for free. Josie is all about rubbing elbows with Chloe’s luxury clientele. She is quick to kiss up to her because climbing the Cotswolds social ladder is her main priority in life. She is so transparent.

She claims she is sassy to trolls on TikTok but leaves out the part where she is being an arrogant brat. When you post things that are braggadocios, people are going to come to check you.

“An ounce of pretension is worth a pound of manure.”
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Chatty Member
So she had her skin scanned at Elemis and they told her it’s dehydrated?!! She spends her entire life having facials and slathering moisturiser on 🤣

Doesn’t say much for the brands she works with!
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Chatty Member
I don’t really comment on this thread just lurk 😂…but Christ on a bike, Charlie is such a snore fest, why does he feel the need to talk absolute drivel? Like he can’t just say one or two words he has to spew the biggest pile of shite, such a boring bastid, sorry not sorry lol
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