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Chatty Member
Watching the latest vlog and a couple of things stood out to me:

- Those raffia Aquazzura heels look so tatty and grubby, surprised she wears them in that condition when most of her life is about flogging new shit.

- She questions whether she's closer to the age of 60 than 16, and states that she feels closer to 60! As someone who is the same age as her, just no Josie! You are double the amount of time away from 60 as you are 16. Living a retirement life in your early 30s is just depressing. I wonder if she does have children that'll actually add a bit of youth to her life as she'd step out of her premature retirement.
voting early for ‘Josie and her frocky horror show livin la Vida…premature retirement‘ to be next thread title! 🤣🤣
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How much of a bore are you ... going away for a 4 day holiday and sticking to your normal routine of going to the gym, eating healthy to maintain your gut health and talking about kitchen gardens.
Oh, JUST. FUCK. OFF. Pretentious little fuckers.
You're on bloody holiday. Your first anniversary. Take those effing sticks out of your fat asses and live a little.

Sometimes I think they really do hate each other. Like, really can't stand each other.
Anyways, if they've spent their 4 day Ibiza holiday doing exactly what they do at home, Charlie really did waste Josie's money on this trip. Shoulda just bought her another fake VCA bracelet or necklace.
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She doesn't actually own any property, the bank does. My house is tiny in comparison but it's owned outright same with the cars. I could not believe her and Em in Ems latest vlog about the type of people on the Chloe retreat... judging them by the type of cars in the car park 'oh look another Porsche) not a good advert for Chloe. As if you shouldn't even bother booking if you have a cheaper car because you won't be 'the right type'. Also annoyed about her buying yet more bloody storage containers and 'getting rid' of her plastic ones. The plastic ones are already here, the point is to have less consumption, not just toss everything in recycling and buy more stuff. Recycling uses energy too.
not nice traits. She will have to keep working because the ladies at Bamford (a lot of them not all - I’m talking about the ones she’s doing her best to befriend) have their husbands (or themselves but I think vast majority is wealthy husbands) swap their g wagons (way better than a Porsche Josie 😂) and Range Rover vogues every 2-3 yrs max . She will have to keep up to feel like she fits in.

hence on that basis both chavs car and her 💩 coloured Porsche are due for a swap!. If she thinks she can look down on people well let me say, the posers in the g wagons will be looking down on Josie in her horrid coloured little 4x4 . That will already be happening .

if that’s the circles she wants to be in then it’s all part and parcel of it . Hope she enjoys doing all the hours of work to pay for her and her husbands cars .

if only she had married well hey!. She could have had a big detached with acres not the scrap of land she’s got . She could be investing her own money for herself if she had a husband paying his way in life .

couldn’t happen to a better person could it 😂

I get how Leo won’t care re mark not having a career because “it’s just daddy’s money” . But Josie is actually having to earn money to pay her husbands way personally and that would not be acceptable in my book .
I have a friend in the Cotswolds (a desirable part of otwhose lifestyle would put josies to shame . The husband works in London, earns a fortune. She’s in the cotwolds full time 3 children, two Nannie’s a housekeeper , garden staff. Rolling acres which they own, not a house in sight , really in the middle of the countryside in a very private position , she does nothing but private Pilates lessons , massages, designer shopping and holidaying every single school holiday in sandy lane Barbados and that ilk of resort . She looks great too. She’s older than Josie (a lot) but looks younger!. Her husband pays for the best of cars for the family every year a new one. Josie only dreams of this easy life . She moans influencing is hard work - it isn’t . It’s very flexible work.

meanwhile we have a ten a penny influencer who’s tired, stale, frumpy, old before her time and grumpy who thinks the 1.2? M mortgaged house in an undesirable area she SHARES with her stuck up mother whilst filming herself in all sorts of ridiculous getups to fund her husbands Hollis mead yoghurts thinking she’s queen of the bloody Cotswolds !

She needs a reality check . Shes out of her depth attempting to keep up and thinking she’s in the upper echelons of Cotswold life. She’s poor compared to a lot of the women I see in the classes . I overhear their lifestyles / kids in eton / “summering” in the foreign mansion complete with year round live in housekeepers and cooks , private jets etc etc . These women are the wives of some of the country’s wealthiest businessmen. She and her Amazon links can never compete . Her paltry 1.2 mill house with mother across the lawn can’t cut it .

she has to pay the bills by linking to crap on Amazon /h&m , hardly the career of a well to do , well bred, woman but hey ho she isn’t one of those, she just thinks she is .
She’s a very small goldfish in a very big pond
She can’t even afford to swap her Aga never mind her and her husbands 2-3 yrs old cars
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I was around for the drunk tweet and deletes. I honestly forget exactly what they said, but I felt like it was such a mess.

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These are the rest of the tiktok including her out and out lying in the comments when someone asked about the house that is attached. There is absolutely no way that 'her' house has doubled in price in 4 years. The Cotswolds has had an increase but nowhere near that much.
No one is paying £4mil for a semi-detached house complete with damp problem and mouldy pond.

The sellers couldn't shift it for years before Josie came along.
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So this irrationally annoys me…. The signet ring as a wedding ring! My father always wore his signet ring as a pinky ring, and it’s the only way I’ve known signet rings to be worn…. On the little finger. Why is his a wedding ring?? Isn’t a wedding ‘band’ supposed to be just that, a band? It’s like he’s so desperate to channel ‘landed gentry’. It makes him look even more like an idiot.
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From Today's Telegraph:

Lady Bamford’s farm shop Daylesford Organic plunged to a £3.6m loss last year, as shoppers shunned its upmarket products.

Daylesford, one of Britain’s best-known organic farm retailers, revealed it fell further into the red in 2023, as losses shot up from £291,000 a year earlier.

The company said deepening losses stemmed from a “tough trading environment”, as it was impacted by a raft of inflationary pressures.

It came as revenues also stalled across the business last year, ending a prolonged run of growing sales.
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Please don’t come at me, but are we sure he was an actual alcoholic? (I appreciate this isn’t black and white but hear me out!) My brother used to be a terrible social drinker, and would drink to excess, but it was very much a choice and not an alcoholic compulsion. (For want of a better description!) There came a point where he realised it was a terrible life choice, and decided to just not have another drop. His personality type is SO similar to Charlie’s, and it’s the very extreme ‘all or nothing’ behaviour. He would be the first to admit that he didn’t have an addiction per se, and being around alcohol doesn’t bother him, our family and friends don’t treat him with kid gloves, he’s just not a drinker any longer. For him it’s easy just to say no thanks. I’m sorry this is so clumsily put, I don’t want to offend anyone (my mother in law was a manic alcoholic and ruined her life, so I’m not immune to the consequences) but I wonder if it’s just a very Charlie response? Hence why Josie comes across as insensitive, where it could be that we’re misinterpreting? Don’t want to defend her, but I’ve seen similar play out in my life!
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Chatty Member
Teefers candle - a whopping 330 euros !! Someone’s overpaid
Oh no! She’s back flogging heatless curls
She’s cooking bacon for the dogs ……
Please! as of she paid for this candle…. Kindly gifted more like
This whole reel is so awkward and fake... Charlie looks so special in his safari gardening outfit :LOL: 🥴 those shorts make him look a bit stumpy? 🤭

Josie should keep telling herself that.... sidekick/project manager - or rather an unemployed lazy dude.

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This is super cringe. 2 people living under the same room commenting over 3 accounts for engagement..
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She keeps flashing her micro tits all over the place. Hardly a classy thing to do on the internet. Her audience is 99.9% women and gays. No one wants to see that.

No one in their right mind would pay $200-$400 for a tiny piece of fabric that you sleep in. She is wasting so much of her income. When the train eventually slows down, she is going to be beside herself with how much she wasted on things that have no value.
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What an absolutely ridiculous contradiction she is. Last week flogging barefoot and this week vivia shoes. If I were either brands, I'd be fuming!

Also if you think you broken a bone, you go and get an x-ray - pilates in your 'amazing' trainers and a wild swim won't fix it. Stupid woman.
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It’s so interesting. Josie’s embarrassed by her inherited wealth while Lydia is so desperate pretending she comes from money.
I think it’s more to do with the class origins than how the money was inherited. Her Dad was from a working class background who worked extremely hard for his success. Probably has Gypsy ancestry because Fear is a common Gypsy name. Nothing wrong with that at all. Her father also loved racing cars as a hobby which clearly was financed by his success in frozen food which again is something to commend somebody for. I have nothing but respect for him for his success. A local lad done good as some would say colloquially speaking. However if you are a snob like his daughter is. Frozen food, car van hire, grew up on a council estate, sweet shop with his wife at the time, possible Gypsy roots and possible relatives who share the same name and in the same town with criminal records doesn’t quite have the same ring to say Her Majesty Queen Camilla’s late mother Rosalind’s wealth who was from the Cubbitt family who were property developers South Africa House in the Strand I believe and people are welcome to correct me were the contractors employed for that commission. It’s the origins I think that embarrasses her. She’s always given that vibe that while it’s made her life the way it is. Private school, getting on the housing ladder young and being able to afford her semi in Warwickshire along with everything else I’m willing to guess she would have preferred it if her father weren’t so common by origins. She should be proud of his beginnings and wear it proud. This is what happens when your old man does well and I inherited it and I work fucking hard to maintain it but she omits that and as bluntly as me by allowing people to think it’s all done by her which is sad actually of her to imply. She shouldn’t have posted it in the beginning because all it’s done is made her look the snob she really is. Her Dad wasn’t that way. One of my friends from University their parents knew Elaine and Peter. They thought Elaine was stuffy at times but warm hearted too depending on who you were, could put on the charm and cold on a turn of a dime. Peter by all accounts, down to Earth, straight talking and generally a person you could rely on in business as my friend’s Dad was in business too. Why Josie says, does, thinks at times the way she does is baffling because she wouldn’t be in the situation at that age without that help. If she was self made then nobody could or should begrudge that but that’s not how things have worked out and denying it is unwise

I’m sure Josie who reads this thread religiously I hear, thinking swearing is so déclassé like who give a crap bogroll she is shilling, she swears all the time on Twitter X whatever you call it these days maybe she’s deleted the tweets but back in the day Josie often took to cursing on there
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It was a very odd post and a very odd set of replies. I like their house - quirks and all such as being attached to a chapel, a green pond and some unusual rooms. And I adore their garden.

I wonder if the post was supposed to gain some controversy - it's all hits - it's all attention - it's all engagement. Sure they love their house - it's priceless to them - that's great. But why the weird post.
Insecurity. She needs constant validation and back patting. Charlie is different he has the security she doesn’t which she overcompensates by flashing her cash. To put it simply. There are some things in life you don’t discuss with anybody out of the inner circle (family or close family friends you consider family)

1. Money
2. Religion
3. Sex
4. Politics
5. Parenting ie dictating how others raise their children, safeguarding is a completely differently matter however

It’s bad etiquette and makes you look creepy, Josie behaves very creepy at times with her responses, comments and choices. If she was secure with herself she would not allow that post to go up and respond to that persons legitimate comment although both took it too far.
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She’s done the tik tok that’s going round

The tik tok

“I’m looking for a guy in finance , 6’5 , blue eyes , trust fund

Vs what she married :

An unemployed guy

5ft 7/ 5ft 8

Boz eyes

Spends HER trust fund

The jokes on her 😂


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And even more deodorant shilling Charlie this time :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:



and then the manly man puts on his socks and goes to work hard in his garden :LOL::LOL::LOL:


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