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Why does charlie look like he has been beaten up in todays flog ? He just buys crap you can find in the charity shop half price and pretends to have a job.
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Soon she gonna do onlyfans
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the "business lessons" from jo malone were so basic. thats my pet peeve when people give u "lessons" but it's quotes uve seen everywhere, it's better to shut up
Ahhh....I am going to throw a little shade at the author who commented on the southern American 70 year olds. I am 68 which makes me an American Senior citizen who lives in NY and I am a youthful woman. Can we stop making generalizations? It's rude. Just saying. Many Hollywood and celebrities live there with some of the most beautiful people.

Ahhh....I am going to throw a little shade at the author who commented on the southern American 70 year olds who may find her content interesting, important and her target audience. I am 68 which makes me an American Senior citizen who lives in NY and I am a youthful woman who can pass as a 40 something. First of all Americanwoman do not dress as she does, ESPECIALLY in FL where everyone usually live in cut offs andT shirts. . Can we stop making generalizations? It's rude. I wouldn't presume to take some part of the UK and what " most " woman do or wear, especially if I have never been to your country. Let's just focus on Joho and the mansplainer......I think we are on the same page. Many Hollywood and celebrities and wealthy younger people as well.
Ahhh....I am going to throw a little shade at the author who commented on the southern American 70 year olds who may find her content interesting, important and her target audience. I am 68 which makes me an American Senior citizen who lives in NY and I am a youthful woman who can pass as a 40 something. First of all Americanwoman do not dress as she does, ESPECIALLY in FL where everyone usually live in cut offs andT shirts. . Can we stop making generalizations? It's rude. I wouldn't presume to take some part of the UK and what " most " woman do or wear, especially if I have never been to your country. Let's just focus on Joho and the mansplainer......I think we are on the same page. Many Hollywood and celebrities and wealthy younger people as well live there.
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Wreath looks bland and dry, nothing festive about it. She needs to wear a better bra with that dress! lol. Surprised she's not wearing her green shoes, since they have a green color obsession. 😄

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Chatty Member
Ah but you see , she lives in Cotswalds !!!! The AONB, where everybody has Defenders and is rich like her. No needy people in the parish there. The idea !!!! I mean, really !!!
I never watched Lydia. From the comments here it seems to me that the competition between the 2 is so pathetic. What a shallow life they lead. Yes, it's nice to have pretty things but somehow when it's too much , the material things lose the joy and appreciation.
Honestly, absolutely would not want to change my life for theirs.
Well I have found in recent flogs that I’ve part watched Joho of the soho has been copying Gemma Louise Miles - the filter the music the baking …..very GLM but more annoying. I know many detest Jamie but he is more tolerable it seems than Chav! 🧌
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100% I saw the title and couldn’t bring myself to watch it (this is the second vlog this year she’s titled “we needed this holiday”) - think I’m going to boycott her videos, literally can’t bear anymore!
I am with you......I feel the same way.

I was SO turned off by this. First, the trip was free and the sponsor obviously didn’t want to pay for anything but Econ. She could have used miles to upgrade but she was too cheap. Personally on a trip that long, I would have paid or used miles but she’s not rich in either and just a faker.

Em’s channel is just sad. Flat out sad.
Can someone drop me a line on Em and her channel so I can check her out, I don't know most of her UK buddies channel's that is referenced a lot.
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What is with her a Lydia constantly going on about Amazon clothing??? Literally every blog from the both of them is just amazon, Amazon, Amazon 🤷🏻‍♀️
Amazon gives away lots of stuff. They can redecorate their houses just with that. You can be sure all those clothes are coming for free.
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Why are they struggling with the wooden boot thing at the garden center when they have an identical one always sitting in their doorway?

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Chatty Member
What on earth is she wearing? My Granny had a coat, bag and boots like that in the 1970's!
The coat collar really emphasises the hugeness of her hips - a real triangle look. On the plus those of us with swimmer shoulders and narrower hips know the perfect style to balance us out.
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I have always wondered what she sees in him? He is a pretty repulsive sort even to look at, mean shifty, too close together eyes, dreadful taste in clothes - wears skin tight 'man leggings', the lack of humour, the droning voice and never-ending mansplaining which even she finds exasperating, seemingly no evidence of him ever having had a proper job - lives off her money & enterprises. What's to like? She is an immature, pompous, uneducated, ill mannered prat but she has inherited wealth and a strong work ethic. There must be loads of amusing, attractive hooray henry's around that might find her appealing???
She thinks he looks like Channing Tatum (even said as much).

Just like old Lyds, dear Josie’s hair is also turning grey. They use so much crap in and on their hair the hair turns grey and drab. It loses all the shine and health.
Lol I am all for hating on toofus but her hair is going grey because of aging and genetics
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Interesting how in her latest vlog she’s barely wearing her Invisalign. She’s constantly talking at us without them in. Doesn’t that defeat the purpose? The teef are going to remain humongous forever.
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Where are all her guests going to park when she has her wedding at home? Not Disrupting the neighbors isn’t a priority I guess
And those trays will rust through and have holes in a year or teo
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So they are now so brazen that they are instagramming Chav ‘off road’ activities ….. SK Chav off with his latest victim —- wonder where he takes them to Chavsplain (aka torture) them? …hmm sometimes I wonder if we are too hard on the three gas guzzling car pair of eco warriors and lectures to freebie brands about packaging - then I see/read/hear the smug/condescending/uneducated lecturing - and my senses are rebalanced… they are odious oiks grifting and flogging - greedy, selfish and self centred bores! 😨
My 2ltr Range Rover engine blew up a year old!. My car was sent away for 3 months to be fixed. In that time they loaned me a succession of various land rovers all 3 ltr, whilst I enjoyed the extra power , the cars got through a fortune in fuel. I wonder what litre engine the porshe is when its not in electric mode or is that car all electric?.
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did she seriously leave the house and get on a train with ROLLERS in her hair?? `I find it so funny how she preaches about "etiquette" but acts like an absolute savage in public.

Also she's complaining about "expensive" wedding dresses but spends thousands and thousands of pounds one Zimmerman and other bullshit but not for her wedding day? wtf?
I do this all the time 😅 I quite like seeing people out and about with rollers in as they must be up to something fun!
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Chatty Member
Just wanted to mention a Sunday roast " is not a thing here in the US " It can be, but not necessarily on a Sunday.
I think it’s partly possibly harking back to times of poverty - when the poor couldn’t afford a meal like that every day so could only once a week - when wearing Sunday best … well let’s spread that tale - Joho and Chav will be horrified that their Roast could originate from poverty!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🫣😂🤣🫣🤡🤡

I spat out my tea at the ridiculous posing while trying on the shoes. I’ve never seen anyone do anything like it. Only our Joho. she really lives in her own world

I do sometimes feel sorry for him when he’s explaining something. I know he goes on and on but often the she-monster asks him to explain something and then very rudely cuts him off for some sort of selfish reason. I don’t mind him as much as I can’t stand her.
For someone so small she looks heavy on her feet and as graceful as a hippo
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im a few minutes in and my immediate thought is with all the totes she owns capable to hold towels, why does she have to buy a Waitrose tote in AD?!

I also suspect shes had some chin filler. A profile photo recently showed a more prominent chin and tonights vlog I think I detect lumps x 2 in her chin ? anyone else notice this?

LOL at his mansplaining re shake shack and the food. Does he expect something amazing from an inexpensive shake joint?
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Just watched it & I see what you mean. Josie was all bundled up in wool most of the time. Plus you’re right about The Chav, waffling away in the car & then at the table banging on about Dachshunds. What a bore he must be!
She actually looked embarassed by him……
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