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I personally don’t think it’s fair to call it brainwashing, but that’s just my opinion. We don’t see the full extent of what they do, only what they tell us.
Ive seen Darren say things in videos about how the kids dont need education or school and then seen Mia copy what he has said word for word in other videos. Ive seen him get angry at the girls watching tv, because theyre not allowed to watch mainstream tv. Ive seen them isolate their children from the outside world for years, with no access to what is going on in the world, education, friends or family. Darren has openly said many controversal things about conspiracy theories he believes in videos, I mean the fact they wouldnt have wifi in their previous properties and how Darren thinks you should only wash with water, not soap and being against suncream. To me that sounds pretty cult-like and brainwashing, but everyone has their own opinion.
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This video popped up on my YouTube it’s from around 3 years ago and it’s a prank Mia did on Sienna that Sienna was being sent away to a science boarding school. Sienna was stressing and getting upset but the thing about the video is at around time stamp 5:57-6:00 of the video Sienna says “ but Being a scientist means having to work for somebody else” she says it like it’s a bad negative thing and that’s why she wouldn’t want to be scientist. There’s proof right there they’ve brain washed those kids into thinking being a youtuber and influencer is the only job they should have. It’s obvious when Sienna mentioned in the past to the them about wanting to be a scientist, Darren 100% manipulated her and made her believe that it isn’t good to be a scientist cause then you’re not your own boss and that clearly made Sienna lose interest in science cause when’s the last time she’s been interested in it or spoke of having a career than isn’t a youtuber. He brain washed Mia in the exact same way in Gran Canaria.
How sad is that to brain wash your kids so that they don’t aspire to have a career outside of social media. I don’t know what their problem is with people who work for someone else but they’re constantly job shaming people yet if someone calls them out for how their ‘job’ is just them exploiting their kids they get all defensive. I’d much rather work for someone else I’d happily work for someone else I don’t see an issue in that at all cause that’s better than making money off of your kids.
So sad that instead of fostering and encouraging their child’s interests, they try and put her off it because it means working for somebody else. Sienna has mentioned wanting to be a scientist since she was a young child and yes, of course that will probably change as she grows up but, as her parents, they should provide every opportunity for her to reach her goals 😔
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Definitely awkward watching mias video. Most of the guys just wanted to walk away but shes there trying to get more out from them. I feel for those spanish/italian boys. Also why did they 'have' to be "good looking" guys only
She acts and looks about 13, yet shes asking mature guys questions like that. No wonder they were weirded out. She definitely thinks shes something
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Mia’s dress sense MUST be a joke at this point 😭😭😭😭 it’s so embarrassing. Those awful skirts. I understand that children/teens should be able to choose their own style but if my child wanted to dress like that I’d have to say something because it’s so embarrassing
She just tries too hard to be unique and different, im guessing to stand out so she gets attention. But im sure its more people looking at her thinking wtf has she got on. Its like when she went to the theatre with that prom dress on, or those ugly dinosaur looking shoes she always has to make a big deal about wearing and laughs that she always gets looks when she has them on. And dont get me started on the random ties she keeps throwing on. She always says how hilarious it is that her mum and darren always question things she wears. Its for attention
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You can tell Mia doesn’t get out 🤣🤣🤣 it’s so embarrassing, she’s like a 12 year old who has been allowed to town for the first time on a train with their friend! Not someone who is months away from being an adult!!! I really hope Sienna doesn’t look up to Mia, she is an angel and I would hate for her spoilt brat of an older sister to have a change in that.
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Why the random tie again Mia? It’s not quickly it’s not fun and not a good outfit. I get fashion can be different from person to person but come on.. Really?
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Anyone seen the new video? So the girls go to the savoy and the boys do a camping trip? Way to reinforce the outdated gender stereotypes, well done(!). Also, how the hell are they able to afford somewhere like the savoy, more so when they behave the way they do. The only thing I liked about the video was seeing Darren and Koa chatting together.

although I did notice that Koa is calling himself King Koa 🤦🏻‍♀️
Im getting fed up with these "challenge" videos. we get it youre wealthy, we get that you like to flaunt and overspend on things but I believe it is so damaging to the children. Mia looks back at her past in Gran Canaria etc and just laughs. She doesnt laugh because she was a child but she laughs at how she got no presents at xmas or how they had to share an advent calendar. She finds it funny because now she gets anything and everything she wants. Her face on her recent instagram post literally shows it all. Her massive ego and wealth is too much for her. Staying in the savoy is not a challenge, neither is eating pizza in a tent in the back garden. Children watch these vlogs and probably wonder why they dont get that many presents on xmas like family fizz do, or they try and act like Mia (god help their parents) which is damaging.
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Just watched the Family Freedom video...

Mia was acting how I'd expect someone Sienna's age to act, not how a 17 nearly 18 would act. She tried to make it all about herself every other minute when they were clearly trying to make the video about themselves and Sienna with little bits of the rest of the Fizz Fam! And she was just being dangerous at GoApe. If the instructor says don't do it you'd stop cos they wouldn't say no unless it was in some way dangerous cos they want you to have fun. Children may do it again to see if they're being serious but an older teen should know that no means no 🙄

Sienna's reaction to her little pink guitar was so sweet and obviously so genuine and she seemed to be properly playing and having fun with Bob in a way we've not seen her do with Darren in so long! I really hope Sienna and Darren still have that sort of dynamic off camera and we just don't see it but their interactions on camera cast doubt on that 😐
In family freedoms vlog Katie even says in a nice/concerned way to Georgie that Mia just pushed Sienna on the zip line thing and I think Katie was probably thinking that isn’t a safe thing to be doing and maybe she was expecting Georgie to shown more concern or say something to Mia but Georgie just laughed like she couldn’t care less.
Bob and Katie are both good with kids they understand how to make things fun and enjoy spending time with the kids and it’s sad that Sienna doesn’t really get that kind of fun and attention from Darren and Georgie cause making memories like that will mean more to a child than designer clothes and posing for Instagram photos.
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I didn’t hear about any nude photos ! But they definitely seemed to do a moonlight flit ! I know they move a lot but that move in particular was extremely fast and seemed spur of the minute. I know they said it was planned for ages due to Georgie having her plastic boobs removed but I don’t buy that !
Think Darren has a good weed dealer ( probably that horrible YouTube freedom family they are friends with , the most unlikeable people ) 😏 and that’s why he can tolerate his pathetic possibly on pills or pissed attention whore wife as he’s always high as a kite.

Sienna is so out of place now in that family but unfortunately even she is becoming a bit naughty but let’s be honest she has no good role models anymore.

Karma is just incredibly annoying !

Koa is a very cute little boy but I think they are going to turn him into a right entitled brat with the whole king Koa BS and just allowing both him and karma to be pretty feral !

A family I used to really like and now can barely tolerate. I feel as though they have been faking it for a long time and now they are showing who they really are.
Yeah unfortunately I’ve noticed a bit of a negative change in Sienna too and I really hope it doesn’t get worse but with the way she’s being raised and how she only has Mia to look up to and copy from she’ll most likely turn out the exact same which is such a shame I don’t want that to happen.

Mia is attention seeking more and more and she craves male attention it’s so weird. She changes her personality constantly especially around boys and she never seems comfortable in being herself probably cause she doesn’t know who she is cause she’s spend the last few years copying every teenager she’s met and other influencers online as Mia lives more in the online world than then real world. The way she acts in public is embarrassing and her videos are pointless most of the time it’s just her trying to filming herself with boys cause she thinks it makes her look cool.
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I am going to be very careful how I say this:

It’s important to remember that even if they were in a traditional school setting, it doesn’t mean all problems are solved. Sadly, I think too many people assume that if only they were being raised how you think they should be raised, they wouldn’t have the issues they do now. I’m sorry, but that’s not how it works. There are countless people who attend traditional school who have the same issues as the ones people call FF out for, countless people. There are numerous people who are immature, etc. in a school setting. Being in a school setting doesn’t magically make everything perfect. There are a definitely things I don’t agree with about this family, and some I do agree on, quite a few actually. However, I think far too many people assume all problems would be solved if they were in school, and that’s just not true. Also, not everyone wants to go to Uni , even if they went to traditional school, and that’s okay. There are many ways to be successful in life without attending university. Also, not everyone wants the 9-5 working for someone else, and that’s okay. Also, I don‘t watch them anymore, but even if Mia was giggling about s*x at almost 18, I don’t find that odd. Many people at that age still act that way, there are people well into adulthood who act that way. Some people act that way their whole life, and that’s just their personality.

Everyone has their own opinions of course, but I don’t think it’s fair to assume all problems would be solved if they were in a traditional school setting. Personally I am saddened that Karma and Koa were put in nursery school, but that’s just my opinion.
I think its more the fact that they have been isolated from the world and not been able to interact with other children their own age. This is why they lack basic social skills and are mentally stunted. School may not have been the answer but it would have given them that interaction. I feel the way they have been raised is very cult-like. Until they moved back to London this year, they have spent the past 6 years living out of suitcases, none of the kids have any real friends and never got to see family as they were dragged from country to country, anything special they owned they had to give up whenever they moved, they were kept away from any tv or news and told it was brainrot. They have not had access to any sort of education, the only things they have learnt is what Georgie and Darren have told them, which we know is a load of brainwashing crap. Its so wrong
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Do you guys think Mia will ever reach out to her Dad and half-siblings? Or maybe he will contact her when she turns 18? It must be so hard for her Dad seeing her in these videos and hearing her (sometimes) refer to Darren as Dad.

As we saw with Everleigh’s Dad, life is unpredictable, we never know what tomorrow will bring.
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Something very confusing about them when they talk about having a baby etc. One minute Georgie says “we already have enough kids we don’t want anymore” then the next minute she’s saying “we aren’t trying to have a baby but we also aren’t not trying” so you’re saying you don’t want anymore kids yet you’re being careless and not using protection?
Then she says something like “ I just got my body back I don’t want to ruin it again” but you’re not being careful you could easily get pregnant again so why don’t you actually be more careful and protected then it’s less likely you’ll risk getting pregnant. Don’t bring another child into this world to exploit for money cause those innocent kids don’t deserve that.
I honestly think she would get pregnant again if her body wouldn’t be effected by it. She doesn’t even have that maternal love in her it’s very awkward and forced a lot of the time and I honestly think she just misses having attention on her cause when she’s pregnant all the videos do be about her and she gets all the attention from everyone.
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Just watched Mia's 'Meet my boyfriend' video. This girl does not know how to dress appropriately for the weather. Miniskirt at this time of year? And what has she got in her hair?! When she went in the shop and said she was shopping for "winter clothes" and then proceeded to put on the tiniest crop top and ask her what her viewers thought. I don't like being mean about her because she is a young girl still but she is absolutely CLUELESS!

Meeting her friend.. that she's never met before. And vlogging the entire thing. I just feel so bad for her. She's so sheltered.
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Mia was absolutely seething seeing Sienna get attention 🤣 Sienna is so grateful, I have a soft spot for her.
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a bit late to the game but the billionaire mornings routine video made me lose some brain cells when darren said he stopped taking vitamins because pharma comapnies were putting AI in them to manipulate humans or soemthing along those lines. I Know there is a great about the use and benefits of vitamins. but it is compeltely untrue and absurb to think there is ai in them. he is such a gulliable creature believing in these conspiracies. at the end he said knowledge not college. which also makes me die slighlty inside. honesetly i am concerned about the kids being around him, he is so anti-education and pro conspiracy. theyre not gonna get anywhere in life if he traps them a cycle of non education conspiracies fuel life.
Oh god Ai in vitamins, well atleast now we know what they're being taught at home school.. ☹

It's okay to milk our children to millions of strangers online and make and allow Mia to make content that could attract predators, Georgie seemingly competing with her teenage daughter looks wise, giving them no stable home or home country for years at a time, and even when travelling rarely engaging with that countries culture or customs just containing in a bubble of air bnb (before covid) and shopping, going through periods where the children have 0 personal belongings, don't see their family or friends, treat the children unequally... but TV, WiFi and vitamins are bad for them... As someone who watched them in their VeganFitness/Family TV days I'm so disappointed.

Not to even point out Georgies odd behaviour and the times she does 'being mean to everyone as a joke' videos. They give off such bad vibes. We've noted how controlling Darren seems in the past, honestly I think behind the scenes isn't that pretty these days, Darren's beliefs are kind of worrying.
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So sad that instead of fostering and encouraging their child’s interests, they try and put her off it because it means working for somebody else. Sienna has mentioned wanting to be a scientist since she was a young child and yes, of course that will probably change as she grows up but, as her parents, they should provide every opportunity for her to reach her goals 😔
I work as a nanny and I love to encourage the children in my care to develop their interests. Sometimes it means listening to them talk about Pokémon and looking at all their 5 billion cards with them and trying to understand the rules to a battle game related to it, but other times, they ask me interesting questions ( What was the first language? How high can a German Shepherd dog jump? How long is The Great Wall of China?) and I learn stuff with them. I like to get them birthday and Christmas gifts that match their areas of interest ( a game, a craft, books, a card I have made them…). Around 4, a lot of children seem to develop a great desire to explore words/reading/writing, so, using games and whatever they are interested in, I get them to find words that rhyme, items with the same initial sound and read them lots of stories.
My heart just breaks for Sienna, she always seemed so inquisitive and eager to learn. Her parents have done her a great disservice!
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Also them saying Sienna prefers being in a safe and nurturing environment at home?
Yes this! But back in CR Sienna would leave home all the time even sneak out or leave the house without telling her parents. Sneaky out without telling your parents is not safe at all Georgie. It might be a gated community but that doesn’t mean anything. Sienna probably had to sneak out because there was nothing to do at home.
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