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When I was 15 back in 2016/early 2017 I used to watch quite a few family channels (before I understood the issue of child exploitation.) Family fizz were actually my favourite because of this exact reason. Their videos were so much calmer and I appreciated how they didn’t flaunt any wealth. Honestly, they are unrecognisable now and their channel now is a complete contrast of what it once was.
I genuinely really miss their videos in Costa Rica. Not silly challenges or shopping hauls, just going about their lives and seemingly having fun. Ignoring the lack of schooling, Costa Rica seemed a much more fun way of life especially for the younger two
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Do you guys think that family fizz are still strictly vegan? I was watching their newest video where they stayed on a boat and Georgie said that she gave Karma and Koa Kit Kat's but I looked it up and they're not vegan so...?
You can get vegan kitkats. My sons allergic to dairy and I get the vegan one for him
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Sorry to mention this but is it just me thinking that Georgies skin seems so old and crepy? She is exactly as old as me and I’m worried 😅 is it because she lost a lot of weight?
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She still follows him on Insta? She was only seeing him since June so it’s not really a relationship at that age. They were just dating. He commented on her pic from one week ago, so wonder why he ended it with her?

I’d say he maybe went happy Mia confirmed she was dating to YouTube or else he didn’t get the YouTube subscribers he was pressing for
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Where do we think they are? Not making a bit of sense, British Airways had no 8-9 hour flights this morning so no idea how they’re saying they only arriving now unless they had a connecting flight…
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Does it annoy anyone else the way Georgie says certain words? Watching the period kit video and the way she says puberty (pooberty) really grates me. And the way they're packing nuts to send to someone is wrong because of allergies, yet they don't think about that do they. I'm confused on some of the things they put in the kit like the blister plasters (bandaid). I like the idea of the kit but would you really carry around a big bag just on the off chance of coming on your period? Isn't that what a period app tracker helps with? I know they're not fully reliable to some but they do help still
And the way she pronounces Blenheim palace 😭😭
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G would thrive off of it as she is an attention whore as we already know. She wants Mia to essentially turn into enough of a cum slut that she gets pregnant because she's having sex
I agree with what was said a while back about the guy being much of a "condoms ruin sex" person. He'd definitely be the kind to slip it in, Mia will ask about the condom and he'll say some cringy shit like "don't worry, daddy got this" 🤫
I also just realised Mia has three Daddies now:
Her dad
Her step dad
Her bf
  • Sick
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I thought that they had already been abroad together too. It seems to be the same dude she’s been with for a while.

I hate to say it but is Mia embarrassed by him? They’ve been together for a good while now and she’s never showed him aside from very quietly on her birthday vlog. It’s probably a good thing she’s keeping it private and very sensible, but I cannot help but think that if Mia got her ‘dream man’, the big muscles and TikTok poses etc, she would have him all over social media. She doesn’t even post him in insta, does she? (I had to unfollow recently as who wants to see that stupid exhibitionist of a girl prance around in bikinis).

Basically, she talks about what her ‘type’ is quite often and her boyfriend does not fit that bill. It seems. Plus, he’s on Youtube. He’s a gamer. And guess what? Mia hasn’t helped his channel or made any appearances etc.

I think the girl was so desperate to have a relationship that she got with the first person who agreed to do so. That’s not me taking away from their love or being disrespectful towards the bf, but you can see straight through her. She would drop him like a hot potato in a second for a TikTok dude.

Edit to add: why hasn’t he been on a family holiday together with them yet? Again, they’ve been together for a good while now. It’s very much the norm for grown up couples to go together on family holidays. Maybe she doesn’t offer to pay for him? Or maybe they don’t want to take him seriously? I just want to kinda know where he stands and his position in the family. It seems so far, he’s not a part of it.
Agreed. I get she wants to keep him off camera which is great but no one really knows anything about him. He definitely isn't her "type", not saying they're not happy, love each other etc but he doesn't really fit in the the whole family fizz vibe. Apparently they have met him and like him but it does seem odd that he isn't really included in much of her family life.

ETA: her bf shows his face on youtube anyway so what's the difference?
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Apologies if this was mentioned at the time, but just watched this video on the Fizzier channel and at about the 12.20 mark, Sienna says she's spent £95.05, when the calculator says 95.502. Admittedly it's been a long time since I was 11, but surely by that age she should know that's wrong?

View attachment 2324127
To be honest I feel like that could have just been a simple mistake, it’s easy to misread things accidentally
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I feel like even the kids shopping challenges with a budget they did years ago were better for this reason because it got the kids discussing prices and having to compromise/deliberate what to get rather than loading up the baskets without a care
Also they used to have to give everything away now its keep everything
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They’re so weird.
Also, dream ‘vacation’ (you’re English, it’s a holiday) to… Tenerife 🤣 then again, every holiday they’ve been on is their dream apparently
Does my absolute head in when they use American words like vacation and Mall instead of Holiday and Shopping centre. I'm pretty sure most of the world knows that us English (I say English only has other parts of the UK may say different to us) call things differently to America.
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