Family Fizz #12 Who needs education when you have monetisation

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I was watching their latest video about going around London in matching pjs.....the amount of close ups of people looking at them Darren did was disgusting. No need to do that at all. Also they were most likely looking because of how loud and obnoxious the whole lot are. And the fact they're filming
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I had the exact same thoughts when watching the video! All those close ups there was no need for him to put that in the video it’s a weird thing to do and disgusting. Thing is people probably wouldn’t even of stared as much if they weren’t being so loud with their camera all over the place which is going to draw attention and I was cringing more at the fact of how loud and obnoxious they are in public more than I was cringing at them walking around in matching pyjamas. They don’t know how to act in public places it’s bizarre to watch it’s like they’re in their own world shouting instead of speaking in a normal tone. I’ve said this before but I hate the thought of being out in a public place and being filmed by one of these YouTubers and have no idea I’m being filmed up close or zoomed in on without my consent then being put on the internet it’s horrible to think about.
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Exactly. I had an encounter yesterday with some lady blatantly filming me and my sister, I probably should have said something but I was just so shocked by it and it did make me feel like all these people that are caught in their videos. Yes we may catch people in the background when filming or taking pictures but that's only to show on our own personal social media not on YouTube where thousands will see. You can literally hear this lot before you see them and that as well as the camera is the only reason people are staring. My mum went around in some Christmas outfits and got looked at but there were only smiles on other people's faces and not disgusted faces.....oh and i never filmed any of it either. But even if I had it would have only been on my own socials
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Timestamp 36:00 -38:00 of their Christmas dinner challenge video , Mias immaturity and nastiness is shown yet again towards Sienna by laughing at her, side eyeing her, making fun of the dinner Sienna made , getting joy out of making fun of it knowing she was upsetting her as Sienna asked her to stop and one point I thought she might start tearing up if Mia kept going. Also Mia has the fakest weirdest laugh I’ve ever heard. Georgie did ask Mia to stop but clearly they haven’t put in enough work all these years to help Mia mature and be considerate of others feelings because if they did Mia would not be as spiteful and immature as she is at 19 years old!

Georgie at times was harsh on Siennas cooking taking the fun out of a challenge and calling her lazy there’s no need she’s only a kid who’s learning to cook and saying things like that could make her insecure and discourage her plus putting on the internet for anyone who could make fun of her too it’s wrong. Yeah part of life is learning and knowing you won’t always be great at or win everything so some things you need to hear honesty about in a blunt way to help you but with a cooking challenge like this there’s no need for things to be said to her so harshly.

It’s crazy to me they have a 7 year age gap between them because this is not a normal healthy way for two sisters with 7 years between them to interact. You would think there’s only two years between them with how they act because Mia is mentally stunted so acts way younger and poor Sienna might end up the same way cause I’ve noticed her copying Mia and Georgie at times which isn’t a good thing. I have an older sister who is 8 years older than me and never has she been horrible to me like that so when I see how Mia treats Sienna I can’t believe it.

Of course even with siblings who have a big age gap between them you’ll still have moments you might do something that irritates the other but nowhere near as much as two siblings who are close in age who have more things to bicker about which is natural. Yeah a sibling who’s years older than you might tease you about something but it’s not coming from a bad calculated place it’s something harmless cause even though they’re teasing you or messing with you they’re not doing it to genuinely hurt you or make themselves look better but Mia doesn’t have the maturity to think like that.
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I might not be the best in the kitchen myself, but isn’t that the wrong knife to use and won’t she ruin the knife?
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Mia’s laugh was really annoying it sounded so false she obviously laughed like that for the camera to make the viewers laugh. Sometimes i don’t think Mia realizes how hurtful she could be to Sienna. Yeah sure siblings teasing each other is normal but Mia doesn’t know when to stop or read the signs that Sienna looks upset or tells her to stop. Sienna probably knew that Mia was going to win this challenge because she’s a lot younger and has less cooking experience than Mia. I’m the oldest and I would never laugh at my younger siblings with their results or while they are struggling if we do a challenge at something I’m usually good at
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Can't quite see what knife it is but looks similar to a bread knife but can't see if it's got the "teeth" (can't think of it's right name )
It does got the teeth, we use it a bread knife here as well but Mia was cutting the whole squash with it, and she was struggling
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It does got the teeth, we use it a bread knife here as well but Mia was cutting the whole squash with it, and she was struggling
so she uses the wrong knife but laughs at Sienna. What a horrible little girl. I call her that because she's nowhere near adult level even though she is an adult
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so she uses the wrong knife but laughs at Sienna. What a horrible little girl. I call her that because she's nowhere near adult level even though she is an adult
She has a really horrible streak in her and doesn’t act like an adult at all she’s extremely immature and enjoys laughing at someone and being mean. There’s kids way younger than her who are considerate of others feelings and kind which is something she lacks most of the time. She needs to be humbled because she thinks she’s better than everyone , thinks she knows everything and thinks she’s so cool and funny when she’s not. Poor Sienna getting made fun of it’s not nice to watch at all it’s not one of those typical sibling moments this was Mia enjoying being horrible and laughing at her. I hope one day someone comes along and humbles Mia.
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I'd have no qualms in putting her down a peg or two if I see them around
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I know all sibling bicker but Mia is 7 years older than Sienna and still picks on her in a childish way. The worst thing for Mia was being removed from school and not being around other her age where she surely would have been knocked off her high horse
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I still don't understand how she has some of these friends or even the boyfriend. You couldn't pay me to pretend to be her friend. Even that 23? Year old ( i think i worked it out 2 years ago there was like a 4/5yr age gap between them ) being her friend I still find odd in more ways then one
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Exactly it’s one thing to bicker that happens in every family that’s normal but what Mia is doing is what you said picking on Sienna and finding it fun to make Sienna upset and offended. That forced over the top laugh Mia does irritates me so much I wouldn’t have the patience for someone like her I couldn’t put up with how fake she is , her ego and how horrible she can be to Sienna. A 19 year old woman should not be acting that way towards a 12 year old child but it shows how immature Mia is. Her not going to school for years has badly affected her cause she hasn’t learned how to properly socialise and interact with people her age.

She didn’t develop normally mentally because she didn’t grow up alongside other kids everyday at school or wherever where she would of learned what’s right and wrong and been humbled so she could mature so she’s stuck with the mind of a 12 year old but there’s actually kids that age who are more mature than Mia. I get that growing up in this YouTube bubble being exploited and isolated with no friends or schooling for years is Darren and Georgie’s fault but Mia is choosing to be mean which says a lot about how she is as a person if you get joy out of putting others down to make yourself feel better.

@hayley I’ve thought the same thing I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like Mia. Yeah it’s good she has social life now I’m not saying she shouldn’t be happy but I personally wouldn’t choose to befriend someone like her. What I wonder about her relationship is how is someone like her with the mind of a child able to be in a serious adult relationship? unless her boyfriend is immature and that’s how it’s working I don’t know. Oh yeah I remember her being friends with that girl who’s like 5 years older than her I still think that’s odd especially when Mia was like 17/18 and the girl was like 23 why would a 23 year old be hanging around someone that age?
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Yeah I don't see this guy as being mature at all. But even then 15yr olds probably have a more mature relationship then she does. I think unless you're in a group club together like dance, drama etc then sure why not but there is nothing in common with these 2 except being popular on social media which really isn't something to bond over. Even during Mias birthday get away that older girl was in the hottub with her own friend whilst Mia and the others were somewhere else. No doubt Mia was asleep by 8/9pm as they always seem to be awake by 6am if not earlier.

Now she is an adult people can stop her in her tracks whilst she's out and about or even online and tell her how it is....but unfortunately they'd only be called trolls and jealous which really pisses me off about these "influencers" and their followers
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Merry Christmas guys.

Just watching Mias latest video about giving the others prank presents. Do the other kids especially Sienna not think that it has to be fake as they always do sibling presents anyway? And also just shows how wasteful she really is with money if she's just buying things for a prank video. Even if some things are useful it's not the point. Most people are struggling as it is yet she's just flaunting the cash really
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Merry Christmas to you and everyone else!

That’s a good point surely she would know by now it’s fake for a video but maybe she knows it’s fake but is so used to acting for the camera? I’m not sure. Mia is so wasteful with money she doesn’t know the value of money it’s very sad the way she can just throw money away. Yeah even if some things are useful its still a waste for them because they have enough stuff. These kids need to be taught the value of money and that bragging and showing off being materialistic isn’t nice. They need to be taught that a lot of families don’t have all these things these families are struggling because otherwise these kids will grow up thinking everyone has money like them and they’ll be judgemental and look down on people who don’t. Plus they are teaching their kids to depend on social media to earn money instead of encouraging them to get an education so they have options and can learn a new interest. Darren and Georgie really need to take a look at their parenting.
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I haven’t watched their recent vlog yet but saw the vid description… I’m guessing their big surprise coming soon is a trip to Africa which they’ve low key hinted about for over a year.
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