Family Fizz #12 Who needs education when you have monetisation

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Georgie is actually so strange. Looking back at older videos the change is unreal! A completely different person and not in a good way
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Do you think they know that dry ski slopes and indoor ski centres exist in the UK & you can go to them before your first ski trip to make sure that skiing is for you (or not in Georgie's case?)
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Georgie is actually so strange. Looking back at older videos the change is unreal! A completely different person and not in a good way
It’s like overnight something triggered her and she switched into this very strange erratic person. To be honest even in their old videos there’s moments here and there were these signs of her being strange are there but nowhere near as obvious or as much as they are now cause she is constantly acting strange. An example I remember from an old video she goes to pick up rabbit or cat poo off the ground and asks should she eat it and Darren is like no don’t do that. It was very odd cause what person thinks to do that and has to be told not to do that.

In the last couple of years her behaviour has changed so much it’s got worse that like you said she’s turned into a completely different person and not in a good way. For a while I thought maybe Mia reaching the age Georgie was when she had Mia triggered some kind of jealous breakdown out of bitterness cause she wished to be a teen again and relive those years alongside Mia but I don’t know anymore if that’s the reason because surely that can’t be the reason or the only reason there has to be more to it.

I don’t want to sound like I’m shaming her cause of course she’s human she can struggle mentally with something she shouldn’t feel bad for that but I can’t figure out what’s wrong with her cause she’s so bizarre. You would think she’s on something sometimes cause she says and does very embarrassing cringe things that are not funny and not normal like the time they were on a train and she was walking around on all fours being really loud and there was other people on the train.
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I always find her relationship a bit weird with Mia as well. At times, we would think they are best friends and Georgie favours Mia the most of her four kids but there are also times that Georgie acts jealous of Mia
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With the whole Georgie neing jealous of Mia etc I do believe that. She's also starting to wear similar clothes, well style, as Mia. Didn't watch much but in their hotel tour video she's wearing something that Mia would probably wear and to be honest it looks ridiculous. Even on their insta stories Georgie looks silly. Kinda reminds me of the band "Busted" song 'she wants to be me'.
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I laughed and grinned during most of the video, the whole* family having a blast with their ski gear, and then actually getting the hang of it on the beginner slopes. Also the two little ones heading to the daycare without any trouble. - Genuine old school vlogging, was just great.

* minus Georgie
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Wish more of their current content was like this...instead it's all money oriented bs.
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In the taxi, you could tell Darren have had enough of Georgie’s whining and complaining about her boots that he told her off that the instructor told them to wear the boots for 5 mins or more to get a feel of it.. I feel like she didn’t and that’s why Darren said it
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Well come on guys, we know the score… Georgie couldn’t possibly get through one whole vlog without finding a way to steal the attention and ruining a perfectly nice day!

I agree it was just lovely to watch the others on the slopes!
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Georgie needs someone in her life who isn’t afraid to put her in her place and tell her to grow up and act her age. Like others have said there are times Darren calls her out for things and tells her off cause he’s had enough of her attention seeking or whining. He’s also stood up for Sienna a couple of times when Georgie or Mia are giving her a hard time and he has noticed the good qualities in Sienna giving her the recognition she deserves cause the others in her family overlook her it’s sad. I miss seeing the bond him and Sienna used to have when they I first started watching them years ago cause there are times I can tell Sienna absolutely adores Darren but I think he gets so caught up with wanting to make money all the time and focused on the younger two kids he can forget Sienna a little from what we see on camera.

I know he’s her dad so of course you would hope he would look out for his daughter it’s expected but he could easily be like Georgie who just thinks the world revolves around her cause there’s times she’s not been nice to Mia and Sienna or she’s been self centered so at least Darren has a bit more common sense. Not saying Darren is perfect or hasn’t been problematic at times cause there’s things about him I’ve found off or don’t agree with but he has maturity and sense compared to Georgie and never once have I seen Darren not act his age whereas Georgie still wants to think she’s 17.

it was nice to see Darren , Mia and Sienna enjoying skiing and living in the moment I prefer a video like that it’s nice compared to the shopping materialistic videos I don’t like them. I get it was their first time skiing and not everyone is good at the same thing or picks it up as fast but it was her moaning and wanting all the attention that I didn’t like. I think she was too focused on wanting to look fashionable in her ski outfit for photos lol that she didn’t pay attention to the advice she was given about the boots.
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Firstly is Darren a secret tattle life fan ? his comment in their new video calling the way Mia dresses weird made me laugh

and secondly they sound so snobby in the video with the obsession with designer brands it’s crazy to think to think this is the same family I watched in 2016/2017
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It’s amazing how even their book choices are influenced by how ‘good looking’ it is. Stop it
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Georgie is actually so strange. Looking back at older videos the change is unreal! A completely different person and not in a good way
I was thinking the other day how I miss the old Georgie who always was working towards goals, like running, fitness, health, self-improvement, practicing gratitude. I started watching their videos in 2015 and learned so much about being healthy and making plant-based food choices - thanks to them I make a silken tofu smoothie with berries or baked tofu with peanut butter & siracha dressing. When I saw Georgie's insta stories promoting David Lloyd gyms it struck me she barely works out. From her clips it looks like Darren is working out as they always did, they got really good at having maximum effective weight training sessions. It struck me that Georgie doesn't seem to be serious about fitness goals like she used to. She does alot of walking which is the best exercise oc but other than that she's kinda floating about like a lost fairy being very slim (not lean and strong). It's nice how she enjoys fashion and has the means to fulfil any sartorial whim she has for her little photoshoots. But I've lost the purpose-driven, grounded Georgie. She seems quite unhappy/trying to feel fulfilled by chasing capitalism and consumerism.

The crying in the skiing video was weird considering the girls were fine. Maybe it shows how unfit Georgie is? Sienna does gymnastics, it seems like Mia enjoys going to the gym and Darren has always kept himself strong. I know how hard skiing as I've done it and I'm also the same age as Georgie (like 10 days younger than her lol). Maybe not having a physical fitness routine where she pushes herself hard has made her less stable psychologically? I noticed my mental health is significantly better since I started strength training again after an illness.
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The new video is one of the most painful yet. Georgie Mia and sienna being so obnoxious in the shops shouting the whole time, filming countless people in the background, just being overall so unlikable. Georgie basically only talking to Mia as per usual, making jokes at the expensive of sienna. Flexing their wealth on expensive goods. I can’t believe this is how they’ve branded themselves.
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I’m those gift swapping videos 99% of the time Mia NEVER looks impressed with anything she’s been given and I find it really sad. I guess receiving gifts is so normal to these kids now cause they go designed shopping all year long and have everything they want so must be hard to find something to give them that would actually excite and impress them when they’re so used to getting expensive things and holidays all year anyway. The way she forces a thank you and really judges the gift she has received I find it awkward cause it’s so obvious when she doesn’t think a gift is good enough. If I had kids or siblings that acted the way Mia does I would feel disappointed in myself and it would give me a wake up call that I need to question my parenting. If only Darren and Georgie could see the damage they are doing to those kids and how stuck up they are making them.

Sienna is a nice kid don’t get me wrong but even she is obsessed with designer brands it’s the first thing out of her mouth is the brand and making sure something is expensive because she has been taught that is all she should want is things like that. When they’re all going out in public being SO loud and materialistic it’s like they’re speaking another language saying all these designers names I’ve never heard of I do be lost

Mia telling people to go to Self Ridges to buy a matcha ice cream that I’m sure costs a lot but she acts like it’s such a relatable normal thing everyone does. If someone has worked hard for their money then of course they have every right to buy what they want whether it’s designer or not you do what makes you happy and fair play but Family Fizz only made money from exploiting their children and I think it’s disgusting.
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From 2016, interesting
Awww such a blast from the past. I remember when she was prepping for her first show, and then did this one. So funny how they were super into Dr Greger at the time, when she mentions his name I had to laugh as I remember learning about him at the time. This is such a wholesome video thanks for sharing
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I SAID THIS!!! She’s 100% going to be that boy mum that is jealous when their son dates and says they’re still his “favourite girl”
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