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Well-known member
I don't think she came off them when she was with Tom though.

I say good on her though. It's nice to hear someone talking so openly about being on anti depressaants, regardless of what the reason was.
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Well-known member
How can she have a q&a about everything she has consistently talked about?!

Als9 wow. The difference in those interesting, lovely not identical greige carpets!
I've never known someone so boring and basic that actually wants to show off about how boring and basic they are 🤣
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VIP Member
I agree with all the above, but also...

Does it annoy anyone else that she always shows herself filling a wrap with sooo much stuff but never folding it up? I'm always like nah that's never gonna fold, but she just cuts to the next clip 😂
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Active member
Her money seems endless!!! Has she bought or is she renting her new office space? She makes a 10 minute video once a week and has barely any insta content. How is she doing so well?? Or do her parents fund her life? She seems like a princess at home
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I think it must be hard for her when she wants this job but also wants to be so private and so many other youtubers in her lane are so open about everything, it must be hard to find the balance. Wholesome content doesnt have to be boring but she is struggling. I like her weekly vlogs honestly I didn't find them boring or repetitive, what I started to dislike about her and her content was when they got sooo short and really lacked effort and thought!
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Active member
Why does she look like her kitchen? It's actually really bizarre and I don't know how to explain it any more than she looks like those basic af kitchen presses??? It's not a compliment but she will probably see it as one when she reads this!

also why does she speak about getting her keys as if she just bought the house when she's had it ages and kicked her tenants out as soon as she got a boyfriend to live with her...

"this is the question you're all waiting for" ummmm read the room Hannah....

she keeps saying she knows what she wants to basically bf isn't getting a say in anything but hes meant to feel like its their house? She'll probably pick his gaming chair and desk too....

sorry I know this comment is long guys but she's actually coming off so so so unlikeable in this video!!!
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Well-known member
Also she said they’re both putting equal amounts into the joint account every month for everything. He earns about £30-£35k so either she’s earning that amount too or she’s making him put in more of his income %wise into a house that’s not even his. If I was him I’d be running a mile in the other direction - he won’t be missing much. Those shiny beige kitchen cabinets are vile 🤮
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Most influencers are so out of touch and have no idea what it’s like to work a real job.

There are so many influencers like Hannah that started young and have never had a proper 8+ hour day job with set deadlines and holiday allowance. They’ll struggle when they grow out of influencing
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She underbudgeted for her extension by quite a significant margin… did she just pull a number out the air for what she thought it would cost.
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Just having a nose

Chatty Member
What’s with her going on and on about being “late” when she doesn’t have a job or any responsibilities. It literally doesn’t even matter if her and Boring Alice start their meeting 30 minutes later than they planned, for God’s sake.
She’s trying her best to be relatable 😂 by being ‘late’ at 11:30! 😂I’d of been at work for 4 hours by then 😅 the way she then goes on about getting up early for a quote on her extension the next day at 8am and was going to just roll out of bed, I’m sorry but grow the fuck up acting like 8am is the middle of the night and would be too difficult to get up, have a shower, breakfast and dressed before 8am 😅 she just screams ‘brat’ to me.
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So she clearly stated in her recent vlog it's technically her house and not their house. Makes sense since she bought it but I do hope she's careful and clued up so if things don't work out he can't take from her.

I'm weeks away from officially buying my first home and because I'm doing it on my own I'm having to prioritize and do one room at a time. Probably going to take years for me to have it exactly how I want it yet Hannah can do a full house at once. Not relatable at all.

Makes me laugh how she keeps saying we bought this for the house when it's clearly her who's bought it all. I know we haven't seen any of their relationship yet but he's definitely fell on his feet hasn't he.
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VIP Member
Being from the same area as Hannah and around the same age - there are lots of middle class, very comfortable people here and I have a lot of friends who’s parents fit that bracket and bought their driving lessons, first car, gave them money towards a house deposit etc etc. I don’t doubt hannah was earning really well in the early youtube days and has put a lot of her own money into her houses but it also wouldn’t surprise me if her parents gave her money towards it (or at least let her live rent free to allow her to save). That being said though, don’t think that this is the norm, there are lots of areas of Essex only 15 mins down the road from Hannah where this is not the case for the average family
They helped her buy her first investment property as they have several in Leeds. So they’re doing pretty well for themselves. Hannah’s house she is moving into isn’t her only investment property. I do wonder why she’s decided now is the right time to move into that house. I’m surprised she didn’t just go for a new build as that seems her vibe ngl
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Totally agree about the boyfriend, she’s literally just posted on Instagram about their weekend away but has covered his face with emojis. Clearly she wants to share a bit otherwise don’t bother at all!!

Loads of YouTubers manage to show their boyfriends name/face without making them a huge part of their channel. It’s weirder to vlog your life but hide half of it.. so inauthentic and makes me not want to watch
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Well-known member
God she is so so so boring.
What even is the point of her channel? Dog.. ‘reno’ .. dog.. ‘reno’ (ps buying shit at b&m isn’t a reno project’ ) There is not ONE interesting part of that video. Oh and all the dresses are hideous and extremely unflattering.
Over her now
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Well-known member
I mean just google it, like 99.9% other people do who actually have to pay for their own appliances and research them ffs
Exactly. They are sold EVERYWHERE and there's reviews. She's not even trying to make it less obvious. It's so embarrassing at this point.
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