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G'day everyone ❤

I'm still in my LanceTrance, and I have dreamt about him while sleeping 😂

I kinda like cowboyMick too, but I think that's just because of the Family ranch 😂

@aac_124 hope you're feeling better now, take it easy today and relax, maybe take a little walk to clear your head❤

I'm just about to roll out of bed, I can't even remember the last time I slept in for this long, so I feel like I deserved it today 😅
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Alright beautiful people! I feel like death warmed up but somehow managed to soldier through my shift and now I’m back in bed! 😍 Thanks for caring 🥹 I hope you’re feeling a little better @Minttu 💕

The Pierre livestream cheered me up enormously. Didn’t get to watch it but @horseyalbon was sending me translations via Tumblr all day! 😍 I want to know more about Danny asking Pascale to marry him 🤣

Literally no idea what he’s saying and I’m complete mush. He could be reading the bus timetable and I’d be like TAKE ME NOW 🥵

Feels like a kinda quiet week for content or is that just me?! Or maybe I've managed to keep up with stuff this week 🤭

Another colleague rant... We had pizza and some other food in the office yesterday for a lunch meeting and the guy who organised the meeting didn't bother to clean up. Came in this morning to find stale pizza and soggy chips everywhere 🥴 I don't think this guy has ever washed a plate in his life and always leaves stuff sitting next to the sink until someone else does it for him. My work is pretty small and we have a cleaner who comes in once a week but it's not her job to clean up after lazy arseholes 😤
I HATE PEOPLE WHO DO THIS. It’s so disrespectful to everyone else, especially the cleaners who aren’t there to be his mum 😡 I’d tip all the pizza onto his desk tbh 🤣
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I might not be able to watch the first part of FP1 live today, and even worse: the race on Sunday 😭
Was stupid enough to say I could do a jobevent today, and possibly also another on Sunday if no one else could. This is usually a job for our volunteers, and I've been to many before. The events lasts for 1.5-3 hours depending on how many participants there are 😅
At least I don't have to drive for 3+ hours to get to the event, like my colleague has to today 😅

I'm relying on you guys to give me the details in case I'm not watching 😘 Thank you all in advance!

And btw: yeeehaaw, we're going racing in Texas today y'all 😂
aaaw, Minttu, been there, done that, nothing like wanting to be helpful "if noone else could" only to realise later that yes, indeed, in such case noone else can and the innocent offer suddenly becomes an obligation of sorts:)
I hope it will be enjoyable though :D

my work meeting was how I like: focused, quick, no unnecessary discussions, now I have the day with my computer and some writing and it's the first day in weeks after a big deadline I had when I can focus on stuff not thinking about this deadline hanging over my head :)

for now I plan to watch FPs today, because I missed them from previous races and in the end did not watch them on replay as well, so unless something messes with my plans the details will be provided :)

I was looking for Sharl's picture for my profile for today (I might change it later but for now, the hat on cap stays) and look what is there in his tag, the cutest thing:

also @StephenTJackson please, one chapter in the book with these pictures :love:

honestly, I am afraid to check other drivers' tags cause I will fall into a rabbit hole :LOL::ROFLMAO:
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Ok I’m back and massively overpacked 😂 but that Pierre and Yuki video as offensive to my ears as it is amazing 😂

Also I think I may have been watching those Ice bath videos one too many times if this is my targeted Amazon ad
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It won't. If he is indeed becoming a reserve driver then sorry to say it but this is another one of those famously bad DR decisions. Better to over perform in a Haas or a Williams than sit out a season whilst loads new talent comes up in the meantime imo. Unless he's gonna blind side us all and become a commentator! Which would be interesting.
In wholesome news...Micks helmet is dedicated to Gina ❤
Micks helmet is just beautiful 😍
I love how proud he is of his sister, its amazing to see ❤
Good mornind ladies and Stephen! I woke up to so many cowboy drivers pictures 😂😂

I am not sure Lando will ever wear them 😅

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Ferrariboys look like a highend version of woody from Toy story with those hats. Not saying it's a bad thing.
Carlos is already done with it all, and Charles is a but like "mate, they really had us wearing these?!" Saw some other pictures of it last night, where I interpret Charles expression different every time, last thing I saw before going to bed was that he also was done with it 😂

I'll judge Lando and his boots more when I see them more clearly 😂
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My long time plan is to write a book with my story growing up with a mother with a diagnosis we all know will take her life. All the ups and down, the mental journey, with all the experiences and fun, so it's more of a self biography ish thing 😅

All my other writings are mostly short stories about whatever I want to write about on that day 😂 I can be everything from fanfiction to some kind of crime 😂

During Easter in Norway its very common to sit outside on our cabins and read crime-books, I decided this year that instead of reading it, I was going to write a story over the vacation, and I'm definitely going to start that as a Easter tradition, it was so much fun 😂

Omg, that picture kills me every time 😂😂

Enjoy your days off, well make sure to have the chaos here for you when you're back 😘
wonderful idea with writing, I think getting ideas or thoughts out of your system and putting them on paper is a great thing. it both can help sort things out in your head or relive them and also you never know what great thing will be created by this. Also your plan for a book about your growing up ❤❤❤ *hugs* From how you write about your Mom I can feel she was lovely and her love for you and your love for her lives forever. ❤❤
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So glad she got the diagnosis so she could make sense of everything! It hurts to know so many girls out there grow up not understanding why their head works the way it does. You’re such a fabulous mum! You all are! 💕

Time to crack out the get-along shirt 🤣
I competeley agree with @aidil here @1millionjellybeans , all the love for you and your daughter ❤

when it comes to Pierre&esteban, I do hope it will be fine, I am all for occassional pettiness, that we could make fun of with them, but I have no energy for their conflict. :) (or I think so now)
Having said that, I am reposting the telenovela pic we once had, just in case it will be needed in the future, it will be here 🤣🤣

With everything that has been going on lately, I just want to say that I hope everyone has had a decent day today💚

And that I am so grateful for this community we have here, and the sanctuary it is for us!

Also because its world's mental health day, today, do something good for yourself in the last hours of the day 💚

And remember: you're always allowed to rant and let of some steam here, we're here for you❤
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My heart goes out to you all who have lost a parent I can’t even imagine ❤❤

I remember the races always been on in the background when I was little and my mum used to work Sundays so me and my sisters knew we could wreck havoc while my dad was preoccupied with the race. I vividly remember my sisters trying to shove me into the washing machine while my dad was screaming at the TV 😂
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Just out of interest how did everyone get into f1 and did you enjoy the first race you watched?

My nanny loved it and I watched it with her
The first time I thought it was really dull (Michael schumacher was winning everything at that time) but I tried to go with the flow for her sake, learnt about the teams, the drivers and the tyres etc and within a few races I loved it! Haven't looked back since

Still plenty of drama
My dad always watched it when I was young so I would sit and watch it too probably 2000ish? Michael Schumacher was my absolute idol (sorry coulthard ily) Slowly started to understand the teams etc. When it moves to sky I stopped watching as we didn’t have sky and I was working weekends/with friends/being a teenager, vaguely kept up with the channel 4 footage. Started taking a more active interest again in 2018 (which was compounded by DTS in 2019) then over lockdown went back and watched the classic seasons and the ones I’d missed, haven’t looked back 😂
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I’ve turned it off because I’m too angry to watch and don’t need this on my weekend off. Not gaining anything by watching it. God it hurts to love this sport sometimes 😟
i know :(

here is a palette cleanser 💙

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I followed the race on here and BBC because of family stuff and I’m still just incredulous at the whole thing. I could write 1000s of words about how fucked up the FIA is and this race was but we’re on our way out for Sunday lunch on a train (not aa weird as it sounds)
I agree with everyone’s comments RE Pierre and the penalty- like what the actual fuck.
The FIA are a corrupt embarrassment and the same for Sky too. Wouldn’t be surprised if there is some sort of deal for the broadcasters to toe the FIA line. They were doing it last year after Abu Dhabi. I find it particularly obvious with Karun (aka Karen Horner’s biggest fan) and PDR but today the comments from all (bar Jenson it seems) are just fucked up.

Totally agree with your comments about Kelly @HaloGirl and @e456. The sweeping under the carpet of the racism is just 🤮🤢. But then the same goes with Max and his actions which are just swept away with oh he’s a good driver and Eve thing that Jos did which yes as shitty as a parent as Jos is it’s not an excuse. I’ll see myself out now!
Ooooh that sounds very unique Miss A. Have a great lunch and let us know how it goes.

Why do Sky always seem to find Horner everywhere? He’s not as popular as they or he think he is. I don’t understand this sudden hold that Red Bull have over the FIA and Sky.
Regarding the budget cap - if teams are going to break it, don’t have one. I don’t seem it has made much difference in the running order. If there hadnt been a cap Mercedes arguably could have sorted the porpoising issue quicker and actually have a chance in the constructors.
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catering?!? they went over budget because of catering?! what are they serving at rb?!

They didn’t though. Catering isn’t part of the budget cap. If Red Bull wanted Gordon Ramsey level food, they’ve got enough money outside of the budget cap to pay for it. Just a silly cover up.

Same as “sick leave” - explicitly not part of it. Bunch of lies.
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