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Firstly, I am extremely grateful to have a dentist in the first place so part of me feels ashamed of having a little grumble but...

Earlier this year I had a really nasty fall and landed smack on my face. It transpired some time later that this had caused enough damage to one of my top front teeth that I needed root canal and crown surgeries to fix it.

Again, I'm really grateful that I'm able to have the treatment I need but today is my third surgery in two weeks and... it is kind of exhausting and mentally draining too.

Mainly I'm just furious at myself for falling over like that. It's never happened in my life. One minute up, next down. It was traumatic as I also injured my hands and couldn't use them properly for weeks, and hurt one of my feet as well and had a limp for a while. I'm still very shaken about what heppened even though I'm better and some time has passed.

I really hope nothing like that ever happens to me again.

Sorry to hear about your fall and the surgeries 🤗 Been having some dental troubles myself lately with my dentists travelling abroad at the moment, so I can empathise. My friend who's a dentist in another city has been both scaring and reassuring me so that's very dentist-ic of her 😂 I ask her sometimes if dentists really enjoy the fearsome reputation shared by them and their field. She sends me a 😉 back.

This stuff is definitely exhausting though. The upside is that it will be over soon. Hang in there 🤗

How did you fall though? Tripped over something or was it a random fall?

@Doodlebug005, praying for peace for you 😘

@DanDanTheIceCreamMan, that's a gorgeous rose! ❤ And great news about the all clear! ✨🥂

I'm not sure if I'd mentioned this, but my third surprise zinnia turned out to have beautiful deeper pink flowers. Only thing is that the heatwaves are back and we have been told not to expect any abatement or rain before June 28. So that's about 14 days of trying to keep myself and my plants watered and relatively alive, especially around our thieving neighbours (can you imagine they stole the covers off our water tanks?!!) 😂

Completed one year in this job, mum brings the drama every day - that's expected, otherwise things are thankfully mostly peaceful. Some not so ideal stuff going on, but the cricket world cup has always been great therapy/coping mechanism, and I've slowly started crafting again. Work's also picking up pace and I've been able to help my teammates here and there so that's a nice feeling.

Some days it's such a struggle to be grateful and cheerful, but as long as I can be the former the majority of the time, I think that works. 🤞

Time to go boil myself take a shower.
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Have you seen the attachment that goes on the want - like an upside down bowl- sorry don’t know what it’s called - it keeps the spray contained , no splatter- we have had 2, one was excellent- cleaned very well- but it eventually broke- the second🙄
View attachment 2928630

Very tired today- out in garden very late- We were lucky to see the Northern Lights- very grateful 🙂
I've got one of those, but I thought it did a better job without it. I need to clean the patio, so I might give it another go.

Didn't see the Northern Lights and we had an early start yesterday and went to bed, as I wasn't sure about the time and I was knackered! But they're supposed to be around again tonight, so I'll try and stay up long enough!
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How are you all doing? How are things @Miscanthus? I’m wrecked ( shouldn’t complain) got a hint there will be a visit from a very critical person🫣 The weeding… The cleaning… fitbit says 30,000+ steps today- In bed with a large G&T ( post shower) and a mini tens on my back🤦‍♀️ - thankfully the weather nice to get out to tidy up ( grateful 🙏)
Hope everyone having a nice weekend
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I did go away and I'm going away again towards the end of June for a couple of weeks x

That's lovely! Have a safe and memorable trip! ☺

My good mood didn't last long. Heatwave got worse instead of abating as had been forecast so I woke up with a bad headache. Thankfully it was a quiet day at work.

When I got to my plants upstairs after my shift, it was as I'd suspected. My mum had lied about doing any of the work she'd claimed to do yesterday, including watering the plants. She'd maybe watered one that she wants for veggies (one of the gourds). She'd shouted at me and made passive-aggressive comments for being lazy and not cleaning the terrace (it's a heatwave, leaves are dropping constantly) and letting weeds grow in containers (nothing else is growing, and if our neighbour sees an empty container with my carefully-mixed expensive soil, she steals it - I'd told mum that I was doing that and she'd agreed before). She'd shouted that she'd cleaned out all the containers (she did just two out of more than 20, and wasted a LOT of soil), cleaned the terrace (nope) and the little landing inside (nope again). And twice she told me that she had watered the plants so I don't have to go. I'd got off a 5-hour meeting so was grateful. Big mistake.

So today when I went upstairs, one of my tomato plants that I had been keeping alive with great difficulty, had died, and the other one was on the brink. As were the zinnias. The second plant had beautiful chrome yellow flowers. I don't know if we'll ever find out about the third one. Most of my lemon balm is dead. Mum really hated my wildflower planter. Her mindset is that we should grow only veggies or some ornamental plants that we've had for years (those also she's wanted to throw out/has destroyed). And she hates anything that makes me happy. A few other plants are also dead or dying. Plus even though I'd told her not to, she picked off a lot of leaves from the curry plants which are already under stress - this is the first summer in a few years when we didn't nearly lose them, but we're likely to now.

The worst part is that no matter how I'm feeling physically or have to manage my time and energy with what's going on in the office and the dog (another story), I can't rely on her at all (which is a given, but she shouldn't have offered). And also that I have to be constantly anxious that she'll go upstairs and ruin something again, and that I'll have to take up feeding the bloody crows at crazy times, which is how this started (she and dad feed feral crows which I don't support, they demand food all day but I don't want to make multiple trips upstairs in the heat and especially before sunset - they go back to their roosts around then. Mum went upstairs on the pretext of feeding them. Now every time I hear the gate open and shut, I jump). She's messing with my sense of peace and safety again.

Just so irritated 😤

I had plans to finally create some art today especially with the monsoon hitting the mainland, had even arranged my stuff outside, but now it's 1.30am and I'm in my room, too exhausted to deal with any of it.

Oh there was no apology or even acknowledgement of her role, of course. Just a few minutes of acting clingy then back to passive-aggressive comments. Just asking if she should save some seeds from the veggies. Which I've told her a hundred times not to do because I have good seeds from a nursery and she mixes everything in a cup and that messes with the pots (random stuff growing).

TGIF, I suppose. Our HR are organising a little online party, so that should be fun. And we vote on Saturday so that's going to be another exercise in frustration. I can guarantee it 😂
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Thanks for asking @Doodlebug005
I'm in hospital with a blood infection as of Friday. Very fed up as it will set my treatment back but getting it sorted is a priority. 😕
Oh no☹ Sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed you will get over that soon🙏 Chelsea flower show on tv this week- make a list of new plants for your garden - you’ll soon be out digging and planting🌹💐🌸🌺🌷🌻🌼🥀
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VIP Member
How are you all doing? How are things @Miscanthus? I’m wrecked ( shouldn’t complain) got a hint there will be a visit from a very critical person🫣 The weeding… The cleaning… fitbit says 30,000+ steps today- In bed with a large G&T ( post shower) and a mini tens on my back🤦‍♀️ - thankfully the weather nice to get out to tidy up ( grateful 🙏)
Hope everyone having a nice weekend
Thanks for asking @Doodlebug005
I'm in hospital with a blood infection as of Friday. Very fed up as it will set my treatment back but getting it sorted is a priority. 😕
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Have you seen the attachment that goes on the wand- like an upside down bowl- sorry don’t know what it’s called - it keeps the spray contained , no splatter- we have had 2, one was excellent- cleaned very well- but it eventually broke- the second🙄 Great weather for outside jobs👍
View attachment 2928630

Very tired today- out in garden very late- We were lucky to see the Northern Lights- very grateful 🙂
Yes!!! I have spotted this dome thingy.
I ordered one yesterday. It's on its way.

My laundry is done and out to dry today.
I will spray more slabs when the gadget arrives.
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Thank you for checking @Doodlebug005 🥰
Just had 6th treatment.
My long hair has started shedding now and I've been told I will lose it all when they change the chemo drugs in a couple of months...despite the cold cap.
I've lost my sense of taste except for strawberries, chocolate, avocado, tomatoes and some fish. Eating is a challenge!
On sleeping tablets too. 🙄
Otherwise all good!
Sounds challenging to be honest- but glad you are keeping the bright side out- Don’t give it a second thought- take the sleeping tablets as long as you need to- you need a good nights sleep to deal with what’s going on- try those heated eyemasks they help me sleep- Hopefully your sense of taste returns soon- as nice as chocolate is I’m sure you don’t want it all the time. Really don’t know what to say about your hair☹ keeping fingers and toes crossed for you. Hope you are feeling well enough to garden thankfully the weather is behaving better- The slugs/snails did for my lettuce overnight- went searching today and flung the ones I found into the field next door with the dogs tennis ball launcher🤭
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I bet you’re wondering this lovely Sunday afternoon
“What does our Doodlebug smell like?
A hint of sweetpea ? Delicious scented Roses? A hint of Gardenia? Ylang Ylang?”

I smell of campfire- the bloody neighbours are burning rubbish again 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
I went near our shared fence and started coughing… I doubt it will stop them doing it again-
I am fairly annoyed now…

other than that I hope everyone doing ok🙏 How are things going @Miscanthus ?
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VIP Member
Firstly, I am extremely grateful to have a dentist in the first place so part of me feels ashamed of having a little grumble but...

Earlier this year I had a really nasty fall and landed smack on my face. It transpired some time later that this had caused enough damage to one of my top front teeth that I needed root canal and crown surgeries to fix it.

Again, I'm really grateful that I'm able to have the treatment I need but today is my third surgery in two weeks and... it is kind of exhausting and mentally draining too.

Mainly I'm just furious at myself for falling over like that. It's never happened in my life. One minute up, next down. It was traumatic as I also injured my hands and couldn't use them properly for weeks, and hurt one of my feet as well and had a limp for a while. I'm still very shaken about what heppened even though I'm better and some time has passed.

I really hope nothing like that ever happens to me again.
Glad you're ok and being treated. I know a couple of people who have damaged their teeth in accidents and basically been told to get on with it!
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Successfully installed a new washing line (assuming the knots hold)...

Missed the northern lights last night, lots of photos on FB so we were clearly surrounded by them but I was oblivious lol
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How are you doing Dan? Bloody slugs☹ They did for my lettuce- just bought a tray until the new ones I sat come up! am a bit worried about sunflowers they never last long! I have a gardening question- my wild rose that is rooted on my side of the boundary fence is a bit scruffy- I m training it along the fence but a few lengths have grown into top of fence the neighbours side of the fence- is it ok to tidy things up from my side- i want to pull back the bits that should be on my side- to be fair they have never complained about it- but is it ok to retrieve my roses? and i want to straighten the top a bit- all on my side (I think)
How are you feeling @Miscanthus - did you watch chelsea- of course I was sucked in- saw a clematis called Gurnsey cream- it should be here tomorrow🤭- hope all the tea & sympathy chatters are well😁
I was glued to Chelsea! Still in hospital. There was chance I could go home last Friday and be treated at home with another IV antibiotic that was just once a day. Unfortunately they had to do a blood test first and it showed I am so anaemic I might need a transfusion. 😱 First I'd heard of it! Seems levels have been going down all week. I don’t have any symptoms though. Anyhoo it was too dangerous to let me go home. I've now had an injection to help and waiting for results of further blood test.
Gave up on lupins years ago because of those giant aphids that love them. Missing my garden. I hadn't even done my pots and baskets so the plants are all waiting for me.
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I had a near miss with what would have been a nasty tripping accident in my room. My mother's response? Told me to stop whining and what about me with blah blah blah.

She doesn't really have bad health at all for the most part but her attitude in recent years is becoming horrendous when it comes to any time I say anything that she might get away with calling "whining"... and I really don't much.

I wish my nana was still here so I could get a hug.
She sounds like my MIL... god forbid anyone should think they have it worse ;)

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Thanks both, I've been and met a friend for a cuppa and just generally had a long hard moan at all the shit going on.

This too shall pass and if in doubt take the piss out of H&M ;)

I just had a ham and cheese sandwich cooked in an air fryer. YUM.
And if that wasnt yum enough, I had TWO Tunnocks caramel wafers.

So there.
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How's it going everyone?

I made a low effort into planting my sunflowers, they're normally coddled on windowsills or in the greenhouse, but this year I just stuck them in pots and left them on the patio. The blighters are sprouting and have not yet been eaten by slugs (unlike one of my dahlias). :)
How are you doing Dan? Bloody slugs☹ They did for my lettuce- just bought a tray until the new ones I sat come up! am a bit worried about sunflowers they never last long! I have a gardening question- my wild rose that is rooted on my side of the boundary fence is a bit scruffy- I m training it along the fence but a few lengths have grown into top of fence the neighbours side of the fence- is it ok to tidy things up from my side- i want to pull back the bits that should be on my side- to be fair they have never complained about it- but is it ok to retrieve my roses? and i want to straighten the top a bit- all on my side (I think)
How are you feeling @Miscanthus - did you watch chelsea- of course I was sucked in- saw a clematis called Gurnsey cream- it should be here tomorrow🤭- hope all the tea & sympathy chatters are well😁
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Thank you so much for asking @Doodlebug005
I'm on the second round (each round is 3 weeks) so 4 down. For some reason I've gone from ravenous (thanks steroids) to nauseous overnight and my taste buds seem to have died! The docs seem happy how I'm tolerating everything though. My mental health is not so good but I've now got (a v short course of ) sleeping tablets to try and get through the night and I'm now waking at 5 or 6am. It was that or a shrink! 🤪
Great to hear it’s going ok - hopefully the nausea will settle- stock a variety of your fav food in case you get tempted🙏 Thankfully the weather is improving- have you been gardening? Hope the old mental health improves… lots of positive thinking- the sleep sounds app has nice meditations - also I find these a great stress buster they are on amazon - steam eyemasks - they get warm- lovely and sooting - there are expensive varieties but i find these are as good for half the price!
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