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Well-known member
Holy moly @Cassanova123 is allowed to offer a different pov without a pile on. Everyone sees things differently based on their own experiences and perspectives.
Yeah but this is a snark's not a "I support Erin" page.

Totally agree with everything said. It's not that she's needing time with her son or respite care. Respite from what 🤔 10k runs, solo hotel stays, overnight night nurse does all the nights 🤔 ??

She's a nasty piece of work as she makes out that holiday for 3 wasn't planned and booked months in advance. She booked that knowing it wouldn't suit her daughter. The places she dined at had to be booked months in advance.......but oh no Erin has to lie ....ask for reccos in the weeks leading to said holiday and then goes on holiday and then says oh we had to leave Lu behind at the last min. That is why so many have a problem with her.

If you want to *yay* for Erin, go leave a comment on her insta post like all the other sheep.

If you want to call Erin out for who she really is .. you've come to the right place.
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Chatty Member
Here we go again … Erin deciding that they won’t do the 24hr EEG as she was only told last minute… she thought it was only overnight…
Won’t do the full EEG as Luella has 2 appointments the next day she can’t cancel… wtf

Every time she doesn’t listen to doctors and does whatever the hell she wants !
I’ll bet good money she was told it would be at least an overnight eeg with the possibility of it being 24 hours.. she would’ve “forgotten that bit”

also Erin, they never tell you eeg results on the spot. It’s not a punishment to you leaving early. Not everyone is out to get you
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She honestly doesn’t have a maternal bone in her body and should never have had kids. After having a child who can’t say Mum, wouldn’t it be the best sound ever hearing your other child say Mum? How would this be something to whinge about ?

What Mum has the luxury of going to a class or run child free and then sit in your car and vent away on videos to social media ?

And waiting for specialist appointments is what everyone does ? She is such an entitlement and self centred cow
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Which is because you build up your expectations and hype the damn event up so much it’s overwhelming for everyone. Then you let something like normal 4 year old behaviour (not sleeping, being overtired) be a part of the story that you love to spout about how awful her life is, and now the story of the day is that it’s a big disappointment and more evidence that she can’t possibly live a happy life.

You’re a disgrace Erin.


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I can see why you have no friends Erin. You are vile.

Dave you are almost worse, do better for your child. Her mother is neglectful at best, her (and your) selfish choices and neglect have cost Luella any hope at a “normal” life. Erin is just waiting a bit longer and then she will start working on you to sign her over as a ward of the state. Guaranteed. She does not even pretend to parent Lu these days.

I will absolutely be contacting go fund me asking them to investigate the fraudulent use of funds and EAA regarding her absolute disdain for her sweet girl. I would encourage all of you to do so too.

She deserves a visit from DOCS. Just because she is a rich, blonde lady doesn’t mean it isn’t neglect.
Maybe ask why someone who donated 20K asked for her to return the funds and was promptly blocked by Erin to then be contacted by Dave by phone stating they won't return it!? Erin at the time jumped on stories gushing over this person to then never mention them again!?

My Husband knows this for fact as knew this family through direct family. If that makes sense.

Today's stories were absolutely fucking revolting.
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It's like, imagine if you had to take your child to therapy, along with their sibling! Shock horror! What if you had to juggle two kids at once! OMG! Oh, wait, that's what the rest of us do every single day. She acts like it's physically impossible for her to do anything with Tom and Lu without another adult. It really shouldn't be. For starters, if you have a pram, you will always be able to strap one of them in a pram to keep them safe while you tend to the other. Yep, the child strapped in the pram might yell and scream because they don't want to be in the pram, but that's what kids do. Your priority is safety. So, let's just say she takes both kids to the zoo, alone. Lu has a seizure. Awful, obviously, but strap Tom in the pram, and help Lu. Tom may scream, tough luck, his sister needs attention more than him right now. Same would go if Tom was toddling around, and fell, and put his teeth through his lip. Blood everywhere. Strap Lu in the pram, deal with Tom. Comfort, cuddle, first aid, then probably pack up and go home. Lu screams and cries about being in the pram? It's sad, but right now her brother needs attention. Nothing really all that special and difficult about that. Or am I deluded? I just don't see how Lu requires a full time carer. I think it's Erin's capacity that is lacking, not the severity of Lu's needs.
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This is shocking. I don’t understand her reasoning for why L could not go to the Gold Coast? Is it the heat? There are pools and aircon at their accom surely. Or book in a few months time? How can a one year old need a holiday? Why would you actually post this on an Instagram account that is supposed to be advocating for L.

Would be very interested to see if she has lost followers over this.

Hope the weather is terrible for them.
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No just No

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I am genuinely uncomfortable with her rants about how shit the hospitals are….. I don’t understand what her end game with it is
Is she redirecting her rage at her child’s prognosis at the state of the hospital?
I mean bitching about not having a pillow… really?
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I always think at NAPA she needs to dial it down ! She talks over the top of the therapists and screams and shrieks over the the top of their instruction to Luella. Plus the constant filming !! Lu definitely doesn’t seem as happy w Erin there. She was much happy w Chrystal taking her and her not trying to be the star of the show.

Therapy is for us parents to listen and gain education from the therapists to better help our children at home. Then our children get the therapy techniques each day.
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There is no way on God's green earth I would be 'very unwell' and NOT WEARING A MASK in the presence of my 'immunocompromised' child!!

She's such an idiot. Lu's therapists were not doing anything amazing with Lu to get her to engage with the bubble. All they were doing were giving her their undivided, engaged attention, all the while PRESUMING COMPETENCE. So quit making excuses for why Lu doesn't 'enjoy anything.' GIVE HER A CHANCE. For a SAHM she does literally nothing with Lu expect put her in front of the TV and in a swing occasionally. & don't get me wrong - I am NOT judging her for screen time AT ALL. I am a SAHM to a child with a similar level of disability to Lu, and younger siblings, and you bet I turn the TV on. But, there's SO MUCH for Lu to experience that Erin just doesn't even give her the opportunity to engage with.

Just because a child doesn't LOVE an activity the first time doesn't mean the activity is 'not for them.' The bulk of the progress from any kind of therapy doesn't come from the child's weekly therapy session, or even the intensive model. It comes from consistent practise at home. So if Lu has tactile sensitivity, you know what's not going to help? (Well, it might eventually, but certainly not in any hurry) 1 hour a week of OT at NAPA. You know what might? Daily exposure to different sensory activities at home.

I get the feeling Erin doesn't like 'mess.' So chances of Lu and Tom getting to play with rice, shaving cream, play dough, finger paints, slime, dry weetbix etc are probably slim to none. In this sense I think 'preschool' is probably great for them. But again, keep exposing Lu to these things and she WILL show you what she enjoys.

How much are we going to bet that when she goes to wherever she's going on the weekend, the resulting post will be 'devastatingly, Luella slept the whole time and was unable to participate in any activities due to blah blah blah.'
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Right? Imagine if your daughter attended a place like NAPA on a regular basis and you had a veritable TREASURE TROVE of knowledge at your fingertips via other parents of disabled kids. Imagine if you could make friendships, share information, support each other, celebrate your amazing kids together. But that would mean you would actually have to ATTEND therapy with your daughter. & it would mean you could let the therapists to their job and Lu do her job without your asinine critiques of Lu and a phone in her face videoing her, so you could sit in the parents lounge and engage with other parents. Because we all know you don’t take video of Lu’s therapy so you can practise the skills at home. You take video for content and sympathy. So quit whining about how hard your life is, because you have access to hundreds of parents in your shoes, you just choose not to engage with them.


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I mean this in the nicest way possible but did Erin genuinely ever think that Lu would attend a mainstream school? It shocks me that you can be so oblivious and in such denial. My son is Autistic and has an Intellectual disability, he did kinder in a mainstream school but it was evident over that time he needed to be in a specialist setting. Were there tears? Ofcourse there were that's only natural, there were so many unknowns, but watching him flourish it was 100% the right choice. The mainstream school said that they would never turn him away but they were truthful in that they just couldn't give him the support he deserves and I completely understood that as hard as it was to hear that's the reality. She just doesn't seem to grasp or want to accept that this is her future and she seems almost angry and annoyed that the education department has told her mainstream isn't the best for Lu? Were you seriously not expecting that given her conditions? 🤦‍♀️
It explains how ableist Erin is. Genuinely doesn’t occur to her there is a need for specialist schools.
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How many times does she post of Lu with the caption … “sadly …”
All children nap when not well and definitely don’t enjoy a pub lunch when sick ffs. Sadly Erin is a fuckwit
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Can she ever have a post with our “Sadly” or “but sadly” in it. Even in an Anniversary post 🤯 and so much loss ? Like really. No wonder her friends who have lost their children ended the friendship. Very triggering for us who have lost - in my case my husband. So maybe that’s why I find this Anniversary post so wrong. She has so much to be thankful for


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Swamp Life

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So she’s managed to organise a spot for Tom at day care, starting next year. But has does sweet fuck all about looking in to school for Lu? That is bloody terrible. Saying someone finally gave her direction on what to do. Why hasn’t she already done this work, called schools and worked out what the process is? If Lu didn’t have epilepsy, Erin would have had to enrol her in a school. It shouldn’t have just been disregarded because of Luella’s disability.
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Yep she is disgusting and obviously doesn’t want Lu to be part of her life. She barely has her at home and outsources every part of parenting. Doesn’t even take her to Napa even though she doesn’t work…
Now not taking her on a holiday that she obviously planned to be the case all along. She will be holidaying without her again when she runs the marathon overseas… not like there isn’t one in Sydney she could enter…
But Dave is just as bad going along with it. If he works as much as she says.. then he barely sees Lu either,
They both disgust me and it’s gross they are ambassadors for epilepsy. Fuckinh shameful
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My response to Erin's snarky video at the park:

You know what Erin...
1. maybe that grandmother had back issues and couldn't change the child on the floor
2. Maybe the child had sensory issues and couldn't be changed on the grass
3. Maybe the child had an invisible disability which meant she could only be changed there
4. Maybe there were no change facilities that would work for them.... you'd know all about that right 🤔
5. maybe you should keep your judgmental thoughts to yourself
6. Maybe you should stop acting like an absolute snobby smug cunt
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Getting sick every eight weeks is pretty fucking great?!? My kids are sick way more often than that over winter!! She’s going to feel it hard once Tom starts bringing home the daycare germs.
I know a great way to boost immunity! Vaccinate your children 🥴
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I don’t understand why everything has to be a dig at ‘typical parents’ - we aren’t in competition with each other, we aren’t in each others shoes no do we know each others struggles. Maybe we don’t have children who face the same challenges Luella does - but we also maybe don’t have as many (if any) of the great many privileges that Erin does. This constant comparison and assuming everyone who doesn’t have a child like Luella (or just Luella because in Erin’s mind Luella presents the most significant challenges of any child ever to exist) just is swanning about having an amazingly easy happy brilliant time of parenting.


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Fuck, she's just the most entitled bitch. Go support your daughter at this milestone time of her life. Everyone else dragging themselves thru to Christmas looking after babies, kids, Xmas shopping, finishing work for the year....Erin...
.. running whenever she likes, swimming in her parents pool and now staying in a fucking hotel. Get in the real world for fucks sake. She enrages me.
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