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Saddle up everyone! Here we fucking go
Will this fkn cow ever take any responsibility for her actions that have caused Lu to no longer be a candidate for surgery. The doctor is a surgeon so why wouldn’t he say that. What does she want the surgeon to do if she said no to surgery and knows better. I hate her
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Out to celebrate her dad’s birthday with Tom in tow but no mention of Lu… I get it might be a challenge to accommodate every occasion, but she is excluded so many times.
I know! When we have family events, my disabled son is the first person everyone thinks of! "Where can we go that is going to suit Joe (not his name)?" Somewhere that accommodates my son doesn't mean every event has to be the Shine Shed. It just means we choose places that have an outdoor area where it won't matter if he makes a bit of a mess, or is loud. It means we do a 5pm dinner booking (we've even done 4.30pm before!) so that he's in good form and it's not his bedtime/he's overtired. We prioritise his needs, and EVERYONE has a great time. I always call the place beforehand and let them know that we have a disabled child with our group, and any access needs we have. EVERY. SINGLE. PLACE has been more than accommodating.

For my dad's 70th, we had a big family dinner at a really nice restaurant. They seated us outdoors, and ensured we had lots of space around our table so that if my son needed to be on the ground he had space to move. They were so, so great. Yes, it was SO MUCH work for me, helping to keep him entertained, regulated etc, but it was worth it for us all to be together. Other guests did look over at us fairly frequently, but it was truly with smiles rather than judgement/irritation. I will never be the reason why my son is excluded. Unlike Erin is with Luella.
I know! When we have family events, my disabled son is the first person everyone thinks of! "Where can we go that is going to suit Joe (not his name)?" Somewhere that accommodates my son doesn't mean every event has to be the Shine Shed. It just means we choose places that have an outdoor area where it won't matter if he makes a bit of a mess, or is loud. It means we do a 5pm dinner booking (we've even done 4.30pm before!) so that he's in good form and it's not his bedtime/he's overtired. We prioritise his needs, and EVERYONE has a great time. I always call the place beforehand and let them know that we have a disabled child with our group, and any access needs we have. EVERY. SINGLE. PLACE has been more than accommodating.

For my dad's 70th, we had a big family dinner at a really nice restaurant. They seated us outdoors, and ensured we had lots of space around our table so that if my son needed to be on the ground he had space to move. They were so, so great. Yes, it was SO MUCH work for me, helping to keep him entertained, regulated etc, but it was worth it for us all to be together. Other guests did look over at us fairly frequently, but it was truly with smiles rather than judgement/irritation. I will never be the reason why my son is excluded. Unlike Erin is with Luella.
I should clarify: I don't share this to toot my own horn, or my family's horn. Because we are honestly not doing anything applause worthy! All we are doing is ensuring everyone is included. That's the bare minimum, guys. I mean, come on, we are all parents here, or most of us are (I'm assuming, so sorry if I'm misguided), ON WHAT PLANET would you deliberately exclude your child from nearly all areas of your life? I think that's what makes me fume about Erin so much, is that she is always the first person to rip shreds off playgrounds or businesses for not being inclusive, and yet she does absolutely NOTHING to include her daughter in her own life.

I REALLY hope EAA has woken up to the absolute stupidity of having Erin and Dave on their board.
They are terrible, awful spokespeople for epilepsy and disability. They are a prime example of how NOT to be and parent.
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Erin, I've made some corrections for you.
Now before you come as me, I am a mum of 3 with post natal depression/anxiety I know too well that life is not all sunshine and rainbows BUT you really are like a black cloud. Appreciate those children, appreciate the little things, enjoy time together, look at how incredible it is you all got out of the house together. Any mum will know and appreciate how difficult that is alot of days. Stop the negative narrative and maybe you'll enjoy life a little more.
Perfectly edited !!
I think this is what upsets me the most. I am widowed and solo parent to 3 all with neurodiversities. But I make the most of every outing, holiday and occasion and do it all by myself. My youngest is 6 and only 4 years old when my husband passed and my husband was so worried about leaving me to raise him alone w his autism and GDD. But he is doing amazing because I include him in everything and see the world through his eyes and am just so very thankful for you. I grieve for my husband heavily and for the family life we once had. But definitely not for my children who are very much alive and thriving. No wonder her friends who actually lost their children and have actual grief ditched her. It would be infuriating !!
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She’s so focussed on ‘fixing’ Luella that she can’t see that her neuro not wanting to see her for six months is actually a good thing. In most cases if a specialist is extending the time between your appointments it means they’re reasonably happy with your condition and that you can be left without regular consults without negative impact. It suggests a level of stability for Luella. It’s a great thing - something most people would be celebrating. But because he didn’t ‘fix’ her daughter in the way Erin wanted him to (ie make her not disabled) she’s raging and making it all about her. I hate her.
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No just No

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I feel like her ignorance over the whole schooling situation speaks volumes to her complete lack/refusal of acceptance of this is who Luella is and her reality. Yes it’s shitty, yes you wish it was different, but that doesn’t change that this is the reality. And by not accepting it she is missing out on celebrating all the wonderful things about Luella. Her deficit mindset is probably the worst thing about her.
For fuck sake woman find some positives and joy no matter how small they are because you’ll be a miserable witch the rest of your life if you don’t.
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The other part of this is that if Erin had spent time taking Luella herself to get to know the parents in her class and building that relationship then they also would have made an effort to come along to a party for Lu.
I’m still wondering how she can definitively claim that Lu has no friends and that no one would come to a party if she’s never bothered to go to daycare to see for herself. How would she possibly know?


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Chatty Member
Wow this is a new low, even for Erin.

Tom does not need a holiday Erin. He is 1. You could take him to a beach or anywhere and that would be exciting for him. Not that she does much, she’s far too busy running and shopping and expects everyone else to parent her kids.

You know who needs a holiday? Lu. That little girl has been working so hard at her therapy, and would probably love a change from the usual and new experiences even if it’s hard. Every parent knows a holiday with kids is not really a “holiday” but you still can make new memories and have a good time.

I can’t get over what a selfish bitch Erin is. She wanted a relaxing hotel/beach holiday so she booked it knowing full well Lu wouldn’t come. Why is her husband going along with this?? Her parents? She is absolutely disgusting.
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Lulu has no friends, Lulu will never have friends at her party, how incredibly sad. Maybe if you actually took her out to socialise (because she absolutely can) why wouldn’t she be able to make friends? The only thing stopping Lulu from making any kind of progress is YOU Erin. Everything is “I can’t, Lu can’t, it’s too hard”. My kids school has a support unit and the non verbal kids, the kids in wheelchairs, the kids with Down syndrome, they all communicate with each other in their own wonderful ways and they absolutely have friends. Jesus this woman. LU CAN DO THINGS. Celebrate her.
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The brass balls on her. Doing a check in to boast about what a wonderful time she’s having excluding her child from her holiday ~on Lu’s Insta account!~. The account she set up to highlight medical Lu’s journey, called Little Lulu Love.
Nobody cares about your fucking run or how much you love the GC or how much you thrive being away from your daughter, you self-consumed narcissistic cow.


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Agree, decent people would go above and beyond to make the day special for Lu. Not Erin of course but others.
That’s probably why she assumes there’s no point in trying to make an effort with other parents to connect Lu with her peers because she would never give the time of day to another disabled child. She assumes everyone else is the same as her.
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Wow. Just wow. Sure it was a last minute decision, Erin, suuuuuuure.

You planned a family holiday knowing full well it was not accessible to your disabled child, enabling you to ‘devastatingly’ LEAVE HER BEHIND.

There is literally zero person to blame but Erin. She reject and abandons her daughter at every turn. The world will be far, far kinder to her than her own mother will ever be.
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Wow. I mean, I don't know what exactly she expects? This has always been the case: Lu has a type of epilepsy that has extremely poor developmental outcomes unless surgery is successful. That's been the reality since Lu was a year old. She refused surgery until it was no longer an option. & now she wonders why the neurologist is happy to not see Lu for 6 months. It's because THERE IS NOTHING ELSE THEY CAN DO FOR HER. They've offered a dozen medications, and Erin either refuses them or makes up her own dosing/weaning schedule because she knows better than the doctors. Surgery was Lu's only chance at seizure freedom, and Erin blew it. There's nothing left except for carrying on, and giving Lu a great life, surrounded by love and joy and all the accommodations to enable her to learn and grow. Seriously what does Erin expect. No-one can parent for you, Erin. That's a you job.
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Erin believes that Lu won’t have friends to attend her parties as she gets older because SHE would be the type of parent not to take her neurotypical child to a disabled child’s birthday party, and thinks other mothers would do the same as her.
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She is honestly such a cunt.
Firstly the neurosurg discharging Lu from their service is because why the fuck would a *SURGEON* CONTINUE TO SEE A PATIENT THAT IS *NO LONGER HAVING SURGERY*

Paediatric medicine is so fecking stretched in Aus as it is, it takes months if not years to have an initial appt for children where I live (not including life or death situations). Why the fuck does this bitch think they should be kept on the books when they don’t actually need said specialty.

Secondly, the increased time between neuro appts is a ‘good thing’ as it often means the child in question is stable. I would give anything for my stepson to have 6 months between his specialty appointments because it wouldn’t mean he is as sick as he currently is (in saying that we are down to 3 monthly appts from 1 monthly so it’s a win).

Cunt is the only way to describe this narcissistic witch.
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I mean this in the nicest way possible but did Erin genuinely ever think that Lu would attend a mainstream school? It shocks me that you can be so oblivious and in such denial. My son is Autistic and has an Intellectual disability, he did kinder in a mainstream school but it was evident over that time he needed to be in a specialist setting. Were there tears? Ofcourse there were that's only natural, there were so many unknowns, but watching him flourish it was 100% the right choice. The mainstream school said that they would never turn him away but they were truthful in that they just couldn't give him the support he deserves and I completely understood that as hard as it was to hear that's the reality. She just doesn't seem to grasp or want to accept that this is her future and she seems almost angry and annoyed that the education department has told her mainstream isn't the best for Lu? Were you seriously not expecting that given her conditions? 🤦‍♀️
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It’s her duplicity about it all that is so psychotic. She starts out pretending to be really upset about their predicament but then gets around to admitting that they made an intentional decision to go someplace that Luella could not tolerate to have a one-on-one vacation with Tom. She admits that they consciously excluded Lu when it would have been just as easy to include her and choose another destination. While in the same breath playing victim, and pretending that it was a heartbreaking thing to be forced do. Just not heartbreaking enough to make the very easy choice of a family vacation that everyone could enjoy. God damn this woman is ghoulish.
Spot on… I am staggered that they deliberately chose a location that would exclude Lu, then played up the emotions that Lu was excluded.

And the narrative about not wanting parents to be dividing their attention and just be able to give it to Tom… this is the reality of parents everywhere, whether they have a child with a disability or not. You have to divide and conquer. This isn’t about Tom - it’s about Erin and her desire to have a holiday without juggling Lu.
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Her comment about the birthday party made me so sad… she feels that way because SHE would never take her kids along to a party of a kid like Luella. Kids do not care if a child engages back, they will engage and include anyone. I’ve seen it with my own kids, they’re naturally curious and want to know about kids living with a disability, and Luella would benefit so much being around other kids.
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There’s just something so desperately sad about how Erin approaches everything to do with Lu
Like she’s trying to “fix” something rather than just celebrating the child she has in front of her
By all means continue to explore options to help better your child’s life but I can’t help but feel that it’s really driven by how it might improve Erin’s life rather than Lus….
This is one of my biggest issues with Erin - she is missing out on all the wonder and joy and strength that is Luella by looking at her like a problem to be fixed. By all means, advocate for your child, be tireless in your pursuit for better outcomes and options and support for them. But Erin has gone beyond that into something pathological almost - and I agree, it all feels driven by what is best for Erin and her perfect life.

Also, two runs today. Two. But no support, no village, no alone time.
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This is abhorrent. Erin is 100% that parent who, 50 yrs ago, would have institutionalized Luella. It’s so obvious that she resents the extra effort she has to make for her and the way Lu cramps her lifestyle. I think she would do it today if she thought she could get away with it.

That fake bitch choking out a tear at the end!


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So Erin, even though you didn’t want to “divide and conquer” with both Lu and Tom.

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