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I can’t deal with her pretending that this all blind-sided them and came out of nowhere. She is such a manipulative narc.

You DID know what was in store for you four years ago, Erin. The doctors told you that the surgery was Lu’s only medical chance for improvement and without the surgery she would deteriorate. You chose instead to get pregnant so that you could focus on having a brand new healthy baby instead of doing what’s best for your existing child. You kicked the can down the road with her surgery and consciously, fully informed, watched that window of opportunity slowly close for her with every passing day.


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God, she’s really getting to me tonight. So she can understand non-verbal Tom’s communication of his likes and dislikes and what he needs/is ready for? But Luella is completely unable to communicate and she has no idea what she wants or needs? I cannot with this woman.
It’s just awful isn’t it. We have seen L enjoy music, wiggles and working on a switch at napa. Why isn’t Erin working with her speech and OT to build on these skills and try different play options at home. In the videos we see L is communicating in her own way. It just breaks my heart.
And she doesn’t want to take L to a EDCP playgroup. Erin wouldn’t be able to handle other parents in a similar situation to her, but actually enjoying their kids.
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The epitome of a KAREN! Her stories today I think are the worst she has posted. She fkd up missing the appointment, there was no miscommunication… it’s her error as she is too worried about herself. Not having her hair done in 3 months .. is normal for most Mums w young children. But she is doing another fkn 1/2 marathon which is 3 hours of me time again (I am sure she trains most days too to run a half) as is not taking Lu to Napa. She is such a self entitled cow and intentionally misses Lu’s appointments I am sure. Getting a new appointment in 5 weeks is amazing for any paediatric doctor especially a neurologist. But that’s punishment to Erin as she didn’t get it the next day like she thinks she is entitled to.

Poor darling Lu 😭💕
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"For the fourth year running there were no matching PJ’s, no egg hunt, no bunny baskets, no rabbit paw prints left through the house & no Easter lunch with family on a long weekend getaway."

And what does any of this have to do with Lulu not understanding? I'm sorry, does epilepsy prevent her from wearing matching PJs? Being in hospital makes it harder to get these things organised but she admitted she did no planning in advance. It's like she doesn't think Lulu is worth it. I think this is the first time I've seen her admit that something is her fault and that she feels bad, so I guess that's progress from the usual blaming everyone else.

Easter won't look exactly the same as it did when you were little, Erin. But instead of dwelling on what Lulu can't do, focus on the things she can do.
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God, she’s so nasty. Not even trying to pretend she’s not blaming Luella for everything. I do not understand how she feels so comfortable talking like this about her daughter so publicly.
Does she not realise normal toddlers Lus age throw tantrums, get frustrated, cry etc she acts like Lu is purposely trying to ruin their social life.
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The other thing that irritates me so much about Erin, is when she's sharing anything about Lu, it's always 'sadly' this, or 'devastatingly' that. She is ALWAYS looking at Lu from a deficit model - focusing on everything Lu can't do (yet).

& I can't get over what she wrote about if she could go back she'd never have had children (ie Luella). That is next level disgusting. I cannot comprehend how a mother could ever say that about their child, let alone share it publicly.
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Swamp Life

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She’s very focused on these viruses allegedly picked up in hospital. Not the COVID and RSV picked up outside the hospital. New viruses could also have been brought in by Erin or Dave.
Give it a rest, Erin. She has received excellent care, the hospital diagnosed the issue which was not what you thought it was. Please, go to therapy and deal with some of this trauma. It’s not healthy to constantly be finding things to rage at the hospital/medical system about. Poor Lu probably picks up on it also.
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Her recent story … enough already. It isn’t all that different. My eldest I only just found out as ADHD. Never knew … until I had to have her admitted last week to a private mental health facility as she isn’t coping w the death of her Dad/my husband. So I now have 3 neurodiverse children and widowed. The death of my husband is 10000 times harder than having 3 children that are neurodiverse / have disabilities. Each one of my children have their issues but they are so beautiful and talented in other areas. Lu is too if Erin would allow it. Why can’t Lu have a job? Why at the age of 3/4 has she written her off. I always go to my Down syndrome friend at Woolies who employed by Nova employment…. He is the best worker there. Can find any product in that store. He is honestly amazing. But probably because his parents didn’t only see him as a burden


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I'm sorry but anyone who still supports her and thinks that any of what she says is okay is also a f***wit.
Her answers tonight just prove she is a total F wit. Alludes that the epilepsy was due to Lu’s brain not forming properly, then the vacuum at birth (of course she knew more than the doctors) and then the vaccine. She just makes up crap all the time to slander doctors and to be a victim..
And now putting her back on the eplim after weaning her off it… she hust sabotages Lu’s treatment all the time !
Complains about sleep but has crystal in the day and a night nurse at night.

Her answers are infuriating !
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I watched that highlight just now, and it’s so clear she has some real issues. Why does she think soecialists actually care about her enough to ‘punish’ her. I’d forgotten about the drama over Christmas when she wanted the steroids that were having supply issues, and how she kept saying they didn’t want special treatment, but she did want special treatment, she wanted to jump the queue above other children who needed the meds for possible life threatening issues. She always goes on about how Lu has ‘deteriorated’ or she doesn’t know if she’ll ever recover.. but yet, she does recover. Those comments make me certain that subconsciously she thinks life would be easier if Lu wasn’t here. I don’t mean that she is actively wish her daughter wasn’t here, just on some level, where she probably doesn’t even realise she feels that way.
Agree - I think she latched onto Rachel because in some way she believes that Rachel’s life is easier. She gets to have her ‘perfect normal’ babies and she has this beautiful perfect Angel baby who she gets to leverage without the burden that Erin sees in Luella. And she gets to run a charity and dabble in influencing and do advocacy and be praised for how amazing she is - all without having to parent a medically complex child. I have no doubt that Rachel would give it all up to have Mackenzie alive, no matter what complexities her health might involve, but Erin can only see her inconveniences and what she believes she’s owed and not getting.
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Imagine the shit Chrystal would have put up with. I’m sure she would have felt so much guilt and heartache having to leave Luella - it was so evident that she adored her and vice versa. But Erin would just drag everyone down around her. I’m suspecting it could also have something to do with Erin not doing surgery maybe. I feel relieved for Chrystal but poor Lu 💔
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I'm not sure if Erin is just stupid, ignorant or genuinely doesn't know but Lu does communicate!!! There are more ways to communicate than actual talking and what she's doing when they go out is "telling" them. They need to work out what she's trying to tell them instead of blaming her for ruining theirs and precious little Toms time. My son goes to a special needs school and I'm in awe at all the different ways the teachers can communicate with the children. And I get it, sometimes you just can't work it out but Erin saying Lu doesn't communicate is a joke and she clearly doesn't understand how communication works.
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I agree with everyone here - has she tried capping Lu’s day nap and extending her wake windows? Or just picking Lu up if she’s not asleep after half an hour, changing the scenery etc and trying again later? She wants Lu to sleep through but that’s not something you can guarantee from any three year old.

My autistic child has very similar sleep habits and low sleep needs so half my life is spent managing her sleep (either doing everything I can to keep her awake including no car trips if I need an early night, or if she naps just mentally accepting that she will be awake until late and working with my husband so we both still have a break). It’s exhausting but it’s not my child’s fault, she’s not doing it to punish me, that’s how her brain works. Erin has a night nurse, supportive family nearby and isn’t in paid work right now but she never stops to acknowledge that or express any amount of gratitude.
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Sitting here on my seven year old’s bed, who woke up and now won’t let go of my hand. Four year old is in my bed, having woken up three times tonight (one of those times she demanded to change into her summer pyjamas, must be warm in my bed 😂). Just fed my one year old (second wake up) and my husband is resettling her. None of them went to bed before 7pm, they’ll be up at 6am (if we’re lucky).

Erin just has no idea what a normal night looks like for a lot of families. I don’t know what it’s like to parent Lulu, but she needs to stop acting like she’s owed 12 hours straight of sleep a night. Almost no one gets that.
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So she had a night nurse now, and a day nurse, and doesn't work? Does she even realise the place of privilege she's coming from 🫠.

Also as mentioned, Lu is 3.5 almost 4 right? Kids this age aren't usually napping especially for hours at a time. No wonder she's up most of the night.

Also I know we say it all the time but my kid was up 5 times last night and we were awake for the day at 5. She gets so fixated on this being something that is exclusive to Lu without realising these are challenges many parents face without a night nurse...and then expected to work the next day. Also, did she seriously call her dad to come and help in the middle of the night?
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Chatty Member
If she'd think about someone other than herself for half a minute, she'd realise that the playground is PERFECT for Luella. Lu can crawl. She can bum shuffle. She can walk in a gait trainer or if someone holds her hands. She can sit in a wheelchair or a pram. She can access probably 90% of those things! The thing is, when you have a child with a disability, you need to be creative. You need to be an involved parent, which means you don't sit at a playground or park and think of all the things your child can't do. You get off your butt and off your phone, and you be your child's legs or their hands or whatever they need you to be so that they can have fun, regardless of whether the park or playground was designed with them in mind. What you DON'T do, is deprive them of opportunities and fun simply because the situation is no perfect. Because newsflash: this is life. Life is not perfect. Not for disabled people and not for anyone.
Enjoy your beautiful, daughter, Erin. She is capable of SO MUCH MORE than you give her credit for.
all. of. this. 👌🏼

Erin is a miserable fuck.

She says how she’s in a bad mood then just posts and posts and posts more whinging. Shut the fuck up. Go comfort your daughter and get the god damn phone out of her face. My kids had plenty of MRIs and i hate them, they scare me after he almost died during the first one, i shake uncontrollably when they put him under and kick me out. It rocks me hardcore. But it is what it is. You just keep going. You don’t rant and rag and whinge on the hospital once again taking care of your kid.

Fuck. Head.
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I've been feeling the last 6ish months that Rachael and the rest of that group have really pulled back. They don't seem to pander to Erin in the comments anymore abd in the comments they do make Erin doesn't seem to acknowledge (except Krumble...but I think shes been saying what Erins looking for). I've noted that after the aperol dig I haven't seen Jade interacting at all.

I have to admit seeing Rachael post about their experiences and how well cared for they are makes me wonder if a point is being made there. Or at the very least, I hope Erin gets the point 😆.
Also just wanted to add, I honestly find Rachael so inspiring. I cannot begin to imagine how much PTSD would surround the hospital where she lost her child. You wouldn't blame her for not wanting to even step foot in there, but she still shows up for her kids anyway and also acknowledges the pain and fear but still puts her kids first.

I really don't understand how they are friends. Remember when Erin refused to go to the hospital with Luella and stay because it was too triggering for her? (Not recent hospitalisation)
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Erin give your daughter a bit of goddamn dignity; stop filming her while she’s clearly distressed, get of your fucking phone and just comfort her.
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