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Oh how sad. I knew her timeline was fabricated 😢

Also…hindsight and all that.

If you told me my child needed this major surgery, but had to be healthy for six weeks prior, we’d be boarded up in the house like hermits, only leaving when necessary and wearing masks anytime we came into contact with anyone else.
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I’m not in the least bit surprised that she is making excuses for not seeing a therapist. Narcissists notoriously disdain therapy. Erin can’t handle the fact that a doctor, trained in her personality disorder, would have her pegged dead to rights and wouldn’t cut her any slack for the chaos and difficulty she creates in her own life. Erin couldn’t deal with a doctor knowing exactly how she works and not swallowing her bullshit. So of course she’ll say it’s because she is just so needed at home that she couldn’t possibly find time for therapy. Yeah, princess, you could if you wanted to. You set up your appointments weeks in advance and don’t miss them, like everybody else in the world. You have a day nurse and a night nurse for Lu and your parents to take Tom for one hour a week or bi-weekly. There is literally no good excuse for not doing something that is so crucial to the entire family’s health. Erin’s attitude, as the primary caregiver, is the lynchpin that will either make or break that family. I would argue that her therapy sessions are just as critical as any of Lu’s medical care.

She is so odious.

I thought I’d drop all of these here for posterity. I have a feeling she’s going to be contradicting herself at some point.


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Tonight’s stories were amazing. Luella was so engaged with the camera and looking at herself and interested and curious. She’s clearly a very bright and switched on little girl, who just needs a bit more connection and support to interact with the world and people around her. It’s such a shame that Erin hasn’t been able to focus on that at all - though I understand what she was saying about being focussed on mobility and her priorities having to change as she understood more, that makes sense and is probably something I’d do if I’m honest.

But complaining about Luella not sitting in a high chair and how difficult it is to feed her just reminded me how out of touch she really is. Luella’s surgery and care and treatment and all that aside, which I agree is easy for some of us to make judgements about from a privileged place of distance, I think Erin would be snark-worthy if she had her two perfectly healthy children and epilepsy wasn’t a factor. There is not a single child on earth who could live up to Erin’s expectations of what a child should be like or what she feels she’s entitled to. I have two kids either side of Luella in age - I fed one of them dinner in the bath tonight because they were so exhausted after daycare that they couldn’t calm down until I put them in the tub (their happy place) and the other one threw the first two dinners I made directly into the bin (partly down the back of the couch) and then hopped between the table, a stool at the kitchen bench, the couch, the floor and then the bath with the youngest, to eat the cheese sandwich they finally agreed to for dinner. Watching Luella eat chicken and veggies and fruit, in the same position for an extended period while smiling and interacting affectionately with Erin, was beautiful and beyond my wildest dreams of what a dinner time with little kids could be like.

She has so many things to be unhappy about, I do not begrudge her feeling overwhelmed and heartbroken and stressed and all the things she must feel about epilepsy and it’s affect on her beautiful daughter. But she also is incredibly unhappy and complains about so, so many things that are just part and parcel of having children. Yes, we all bemoan these aspects of our kids, but she seems to take it as a personal affront, that she never expected there might be challenges, that it’s all about epilepsy and Luella and how she’s basically a first time mum to Tom. That’s what makes her snark worthy to me - that she would have a page on this site even if epilepsy wasn’t playing a role in any of this and she was just any other beige mumfluencer.
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Little Miss Influenza

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Erin needs to take accountability for what she did during Lu's hospital stay. Did she do everything in her power to catch the urine? Did she discharge Lu or were they sent home? Erin you are the problem! D you know what I did when my 2 year old was hospitalised and they wanted to rule out a UTI? I sat hunched painfully over a bed pan for hours, and doing all manner of things to get my child to pee. And when they finally did pee, it went everywhere,including me and I spent the remainder of the night with my clothes wet from it because I would do anything to not leave my child and id do anything to get them better. And I'd do anything to help the doctors and nurses to get my child better. Back down Erin.
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I think you're right. She talks the same as Erin, I've never seen her comment before, and what arr the chances? Also there is no such thing as a hospital is entirely against patient confidentiality. Imagine a list with all trouble parents on it 😆😆😆.

Yes social issues get documented in notes, but that's it. Only relevant to people who are directly involved in the care.
Talks exactly the same as Erin and capitalising NOT the way she does so often.

Also re-reading her post laying blame on Lu being non verbal. Just because a child is non verbal doesn’t mean they don’t communicate. I am sure Lu let her know she was in pain or not her normal self but Erin to focused on her Insta video rants. I really dislike how she always says Lu doesn’t communicate. She does ! Just Erin doesn’t want to see it. Speaking from experience having a non verbal child until the age of 4. It did take longer at times to work out what he wanted but he did communicate. Pointing, nodding, screaming, laughter etc are all communicating. I always knew when he was unwell despite not telling me. I mean newborns also don’t tell us what they need but their cries indicate what they may need - it’s all communication. With our newborns we didn’t say we didn’t know they were sick because they didn’t tell us…. She really is a toxic moron. Who never takes responsibility for anything.
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Little Miss Influenza

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Erin saying that people can't get away quickly enough when she tells them that Lu has epilepsy sounds like a lie. It's not contagious, it's probably the way in which Erin responds to them and makes them feel awful for asking. I can just imagine the eye rolling she would do if someone asked and her condescending reply.
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No just No

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I don’t understand what’s stopping her from taking Tom to swimming lessons, baby gym, music classes, playgroups, any number of ridiculous baby classes that are available, as a way of allowing him to interact with other kids
Is it because she doesn’t want the pressure of committing to something? So many of those things have casual drop in options available
It would give her what she’s looking for “meeting at a specific time and place with the same group of people”
It’s all well and good looking for a mothers group but just because you get put into one doesn’t mean you vibe with the people in it. My mothers group had about 10 of us in it initially, 5 years later there are 4 of us who connected and formed a genuine friendship.
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I get what you are saying but Erin has been speaking like this in a round about way for years.

She just wishes epilepsy would “F@ck off” but that’s not going to happen. Lulu is probably better off being cared for by anyone but her mum as Erin seems like a very unhappy person.
Don’t shoot me down, this is my own personal feeling on Erin, I had to unfollow her, I could not shake the feeling she wishes Lu was gone, it’s like she thinks her life will magically be perfect for them if Lu was no longer with them ( passed away) I hate saying that, but it is all I ever got from her. What a burden it all is for Erin and how shit her life is now because of epilepsy and Lu. I have other accounts I follow with sick / disabled kids, never have I ever got a vibe anywhere near this shit. It’s really not right.
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I genuinely wonder if Sydney kids are going to do a cease and desist
Right?! Lulu’s initial symptoms were not an emergency, and if Erin was so concerned, why didn’t she take her to another hospital when she decided to discharge Lulu the first time? In no world is a temp of 39.5 (not to mention one that goes down with Panadol) an emergency, it’s just not. Things spiralled, which they do with kids.. but Erin, the doctors fixed your daughter. As much as you want to complain that a stay in hospital was inconvenient, without the doctors Lulu would be screwed.
I’m studying allied health at the moment, with the end goal to work in paeds, and honestly this woman makes me question myself.
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Really don’t know how I feel about her saying that if she could go back and talk to pre-kids Erin she’d tell her not to have kids. I don’t have medically complex children but I can’t imagine any of the people I know who do have children like Luella giving this answer. Yes, they’d wish for their children not to suffer but she wouldn’t suggest things would be better without them?
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Completely predictable outcome to literally everybody but Erin.
Thats a savage dose of karma right there. Smh.

I’ve got to be honest, if my spouse dragged their feet and dashed every hope of our child ever living a more full life I couldn’t live with them. That’s divorce, done and dusted. I couldn’t bear to look at them my disgust would be so intense. In all fairness though he could have put his foot down and gotten extreme, threatened divorce, whatever it took, to ensure Lu got the surgery. He didn’t. He is not blameless either.

Poor, poor, sweet Luella.
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I also didn’t like how she completely disregarded that Lu CAN take joy from her surroundings and enjoy new experiences
I think the most alienating thing to me is that Erin doesn’t seem to see Lu’s humanity.
I want to give her the benefit of the doubt here and acknowledge that perhaps it just comes across that way because she has such an abrasive personality.
But when she continually acts like her child is cursed, or worse - is a curse, it’s as if she’s very much othering her.
I don’t know how else to say it except that she doesn’t acknowledge Luella’s humanity and specialness the way she does Tom’s.
And that’s just so truly heartbreaking.
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Oooo yea was just coming here to post these. All of this is dangerous misinformation.
- Vaccines causing her epilepsy? Not a chance.
- A ventuse suction changing the wiring in her brain? Don’t think so.
- Doctors not being able to give her specifics of the formation of her brain in utero causing her epilepsy - sorry Erin but the brain is so complex, anyone who claims they could pinpoint exactly when, where and how her epilepsy developed is probably full of shit.


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Why does she need to share her daughters medical information with every single person she meets 😠 so unnecessary.

Also, why is it a constant theme* with these Instagram women who make “suffering through mothering a disabled child” their whole identity that they know so little about the disabled community? Those sunflower lanyards are regularly discussed on podcasts and fb info groups etc. I agree they are a fabulous idea. But how doesn’t Erin already know about them. So I checked her follows and she really doesn’t follow any of the more prominent Australian disability advocates, just the listenable podcast.

*dramatic flair - ok so its only two accounts, Erin and Grecian, but I’m sure there is more 😅
Completely agree! Of course Erin only just posted about the hidden disability sunflower. And she calls herself an advocate 😂😂😂 heads too far up her own arse to notice anything outside of herself. Unfortunately there are a few out there like her. i know one IRL. it’s exhausting being her friend, she’s almost exactly like Erin.

There’s actually a lot of joy in this gig! i’ve said it before; it’s extremely difficult. My kid is similar to Lu - no epilepsy but significantly disabled, and we have not even a fraction of the support “village” she has. But our kid brings us sooo much happiness and joy. Some people just aren’t up to doing the inner work. Erin seems to still be extremely ableist in some ways. I understand not wanting our kids to suffer. It’s excruciating. But she always expected a magical cure for Lu that ERIN was entitled to.

Life’s a lot better when you get comfortable and acquainted with your reality.
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Erin, I had uncontrollable grand mal seizures multiple times a day throughout most of my childhood, and I was a great sleeper. My neurotypical child has probably never slept more than a 6 hour stretch in his life. Correlation does not equal causation. Luella has epilepsy, she also has sleep problems and food aversions and mood swings (like every toddler ever), these aren't necessarily caused by epilepsy. And frankly I'd throw tantrums if I had to live with Erin too.

She finds a way to blame epilepsy for everything. She probably curses epilepsy when her card declines or she misses a green light or stubs her toe. Am I missing something here by not using epilepsy as a scapegoat for everything? I broke my phone today, should I be ranting on instagram about how inhumane my horrible sad epileptic life is? 😂

What an exhausting way to live. So full of anger and spite
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🤚. But is it necessary for Lulu? Isn't she nearly 4? I get that she would be tired but Erin herself said she'd had an ok night and was only awake for an hour and a half. But then she's driven her around for an hour and a half nap and then Dave has taken her again later in the arvo. Surely she doesn't need this much day sleep? I definitely think if her night sleep is so bad this should be something they are looking at
I wouldn’t be quick to assume that Lu doesn’t need the sleep. I know she is 4, but my understanding is that developmentally she is more like a child under 12 months. Given her night waking is likely medical, it is probably best for her to sleep during the day. Also, if she’s on meds that are sedating, it might help keep her happy for her to sleep. I know it’s not the same thing at all but I have HG right now and some of my meds are sedating — it is awful not to be able to sleep when sedated. Honestly, Erin being willing to drive Lu around the get her sleep is one of the few times lately I’ve thought that she is actually considering Lu’s needs properly.

The post about Tom walking was sad to see. Erin needs to address this in therapy. It is not fair to either Tom or Luella for her to make every single one of Tom’s milestones about what she has “missed” with Luella. I have a little boy with some mild gross motor issues and it does sometimes make me a bit sad for him when I see that his sister does not struggle like he does, so I can empathise somewhat, but I also see where he has his own strengths.

Erin is actually a wake up call for me in accepting my son’s struggles. We don’t have any explanation medically for his motor delay and I’ve found that really hard emotionally especially through years of being told nothing was wrong (only to find out my gut was right and he does need extra support). Watching her makes me realise how damaging it is to be unable to accept the reality of a situation.
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I think it would be a lot easier to understand and not feel shocked if she didn’t choose to have a second child. But I do agree with you
I do think it was more of a stab at not wanting Luella as opposed to Tom. Again I don’t blame her or feel shocked at hearing that she feels that way, she just doesn’t need to share that on her so called advocacy Insta page dedicated to Luella. No doubt many who follow her who have high needs children saw it for what it was and were triggered by it.
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So my friend asked for clarification on the go fund me money and Erin unsent her message and then deleted the whole convo. Definitely seems sus
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Fucking Erin

“Just found out the neurologist is away, would’ve been nice to know that”

Well you were told you couldn’t get an appointment for 5 weeks, your fuck up. You would’ve seen him before he went away if you didn’t muck up the appointment..
The entitlement
The way she treats medical professionals is completely and utterly disgusting. Then people stick up for her constantly on her posts and all pile on the vile treatment of these people doing their job. Erin is the common denominator here in all of these scenarios.. wake the f up people!!
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