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I love that she just skirts around the fact that they intentionally chose not to get the surgery for Lu for years. Not sickness related, or neurologist on holiday related, or delayed imaging related.

If you make the decision at least own it! She always knew that delaying surgery would run the risk of not being eligible for it in the future.
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I wonder if part of her is seeking out a first time mothers group is because she doesn’t want input from other mothers who already have children who would tell her that so much of what she experiences with Lu is just normal motherhood and not because she has been cursed with a child with special needs, like she thinks she is? The new mothers wouldn’t necessarily know that what she complains about (sleep issues, stimulation issues, etc.) isn’t unusual so she could hold court during her whingefests and not be corrected or enlightened.
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I personally think it boils down to the fact Erin comes across as ableist. She doesn’t want to have a disabled child, removing half a brain basically means that. It’s admitting she can’t be cured or perfect with a whole brain and there may have been a cure out there for Luella.
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Chatty Member
I think she's mentioning the price in hopes some company will gift her one or two. It's not like they're hurting for cash.

What's with the "just to clarify in case anyone thinks we've only been struggling with this for one month, when in fact we always have, because thanks epilepsy". First of all, once again making sure everyone knows her struggles. She can't have anyone operating under the misconception that she hasn't been struggling forever. She must reiterate that it's ALWAYS terrible. Just for Erin, not Lu, she's the one causing all the problems for the fun of it, or so her loving mother seems to believe.

Second, why is she assuming epilepsy is responsible for the sleep problems? People can have more than one diagnosis. Epilepsy has plenty of comorbidities
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She’s pathetic! So was it birth trauma or the vaccines? Or just tragic bad luck!! 🤬🤬
I don’t understand this absolute refusal to believe that sometimes things go wrong. We are so lucky to have the science and medicine we have and to have a great many answers to why things go wrong with our health. But also, sometimes things just go wrong and we never have an answer - and the majority of us just are able to make a kind of peace with that. Her anger and casting of blame on little everyone and everything she can is just so exhausting and hostile and not helpful to her or her family.
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God, she’s really getting to me tonight. So she can understand non-verbal Tom’s communication of his likes and dislikes and what he needs/is ready for? But Luella is completely unable to communicate and she has no idea what she wants or needs? I cannot with this woman.
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Chatty Member
Does she not realise some things in life just can’t be answered? Doctors don’t know everything. Fuck she’s a moron. Yes love her 6 week vax are what caused her brain to not form properly.


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I actually don’t know what she is so angry about ? It was her who couldn’t get the urine for testing and she discharged Lu herself, they didn’t discharge her. It was her who kept implying it was meningitis and wanted them to do a lumbar puncture. The hospital got the urine needed to diagnose the UTI. She is the primary carer, maybe doesn’t change every nappy but I would think most? She never thought it was a possibility.

She kept saying Lu would miss Easter and possibly a 3-4 week stay.

But Lu is home for Easter and well and happy. So what the fk is she angry about. Just enjoy your first Easter w Lu home.
I also can’t believe she called the care they received “neglectful” 😳😳
When does she get slapped with a defamation suit ?
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Yawn. I Absolutely agree that parks should be inclusive. It would benefit everyone and harm no-one. The issue I have with her commentary is that she discounts Lu’s ability to do anything and everything. I take my son to parks all the time, & he can’t ‘access’ most things. But we still go!! He scoots around on his butt, we roll a ball around, I help him down the slide, I sit him on my lap on the swing, we play with leaves and sticks, have a snack, chat with other kids or parents when they make eye contact or try to play with him, …we love our park time, even when 90% of the time he can’t use equipment they way it is intended. Erin is just lazy. Lu could still have fun.
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It started out with Erin making a long list of excuses as to why the surgery wasn’t done, but I thought she’d deliberately postponed it? As far as I can recall? The appointment that she missed wouldn’t have changed anything.

I’m actually shocked she had the self awareness to feel guilty and blame herself. I hope she’s getting the psychological help she needs to deal with this very complex and horrible situation.
My heart is broken for that poor girl though 😢

I have a lot of other thoughts, but I don’t think they’re constructive for Erin to hear right now in case she’s reading this thread and nothing will change this horrible situation 🫠
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What could she possibly think there is to gain from constantly belaboring how disappointed she is in life with Lu and how wonderful it is with Tom? This is nauseating.

That last line of the photo is so telling and we’ve commented on how she does this all the time. She didn’t say it’s so heartbreaking that Lu has missed out on exploring, she said it’s heartbreaking that this is what WE’VE missed out on with Lu. Well you know what? It’s time to get tf over it, Erin, because constantly dwelling on it publicly is not going to change a damn thing. It’s beyond unproductive, it’s a cancer on your family. Your attitude is toxic to your family.


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    What’s the point in even getting an EEG though? Like, it won’t give anyone any new information. Lu has Lennox Gastault (I believe Erin shared this, or that she’s heading towards that diagnosis). An EEG will tell them there is seizure activity - which they already know. For someone who hates hospitals she sure likes to go there a lot.
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    Well-known member
    This is a woman whose daughter died in the same hospital Erin whinges about.
    She is a class act. It would be so so triggering for her. After losing my husband after a 5month hospital/ hospice stay going into any hospital is triggering by for me. Let alone the same one.
    She is a wonderful Mum
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    Well-known member
    Yes and especially saying that after saying that Lu’s bedroom wlll be downstairs seperated from the family ?
    Why with the risk of this would they do that ?????

    All the bitching about non inclusive playgrounds, the bathrooms at the hospital etc and then she has the privledge of a custom new build and puts no measures in place for accessibility for Lu after saying she will NEVER walk ! But then saying we don’t know what the future holds…

    Reading through the lines 😢😢😢😢

    And this could well be another reason why Chrystal left
    👏 👏 👏

    She puts everyone else on blast for not designing space to cater to Lu, and she doesn’t even bother to do it herself in a custom, extremely expensive build. I am gobsmacked.
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    Active member
    There is so much I could say and so much to unpack in her latest post. But tbh it's made me feel angry and sick, so I'll come back to it later.

    Shes a piece of work.
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    VIP Member
    Nude image aside, which is obviously so wrong, that birthday post kind of sucks. Couldn’t help but throw shade at Lu and her shortcomings and talk about how Tom healed her from the burden of a disabled child. Just a simple tribute to him would have sufficed.

    And yeah… the nudity. Poor form.
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    No just No

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    Given she missed all symptoms of a UTI last time
    It’s interesting she immediately comes to that conclusion when Lu presents with similar symptoms this time - even tho any or all of those symptoms could be associated with a number of viral or bacterial infections
    Absolutely be taking her to the dr instead of self diagnosing! Her child is medically complex it blows my mind she doesn’t just take her to the GP 🫠🤦🏼‍♀️
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