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Well-known member
Erin is problematic as hell but on Lu’s sleeping and Erin’s teary story about that. I’m getting a lot of mumsplaining here so just want to point out:

- we dont know her hubby wasn’t in with Lu while she was screaming, for those saying Erin just left her to scream. We also don’t know if she’d been in with her and just took a break for her mental health.

- we don’t know the sleep needs of someone with Lu’s condition. Your kids might have other conditions, doesn’t mean they have the same needs as Lu and you’d approach caring for them the same way.

- Little Lu might be in pain. Constantly. Maybe that’s what’s making her scream. Not that she needs less day sleep or a later bed time.

Erin’s behaviour is super annoying and she handles things so poorly but I wouldn’t keep to her being a bad mum as no one has experience with this condition in their child.
I’m 100% with you here - having a child with such extensive health requirements/condition would be absolutely hell on earth, it’s hard enough being a mum some days to kids without disabilities, to add that in the mix would not be easy. It is very common for people with epilepsy to sleep after seizure and considering how much seizure activity she has going on it’s no wonder her sleep/day naps are out of whack. Also think Erin is problematic and entitled (eg the hospital side of things) but I would not want to be in her shoes
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Chatty Member
Oh I screenshot this too, will dress her in CR on the daily and a $90 dress for one day but whinges about a sleep suit she will wear every night. Btw, she got what she was after. I saw ergo were 'keen to assist with some night time warmth for gorgeous Lu' in the comments.
Bloody hell.. that makes me so angry..

I’m wondering if she’ll start wanting donations for the city 2 surf soon
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Well-known member
I am triple vaxed and live in Sydney and touch wood have never got covid. So it definitely has worked for me. She is so irresponsible to not get her immunocompromised child compromised vaccinated. Tom also isn’t vaccinated and I bet Dave & Erin aren’t either…further exposing Lu.
It was her choice not to vaccinate, yet she still plays the victim and complains and complains every time one of them gets sick.
Tom can’t be vaccinated, there’s no covid vaccine available for under 5s except for very specific medical reasons (which Luella would qualify for, but was still only made available in August last year).
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Not invited to Krumbles sons birthday or didn’t go. They’re still following each other but I guess it would be awkward for her to go when Rachael and her clearly aren’t friends anymore
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Chatty Member
Does anyone have the screenshot of Erin basically throwing Jayde’s grief in her face? The one about no sunshine and rainbows?
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VIP Member
My eldest is 7 and still rarely sleeps through. My middle child still wakes frequently. And then I have a baby. Some of us are just lucky like that 🤷🏻‍♀️

It’s pretty normal to have kids a couple of years apart and end up with very long stretches of broken sleep. Of course I’m sleep deprived, but I’ve just adapted.

If she’s not waking up overnight having seizures, how is epilepsy to blame? Erin really just is so negative. If I was in her position, Lulu would 💯 be sleeping in my bed with me. We’d both get more sleep that way.
Exactly. Put lily in bed with her and it would def get better.
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VIP Member
The posting of the CCTV footage from within the lounge is weird. So she had a bit of a meltdown (fair enough) but then thought, that will make a great Instagram post. So went back through the footage to find herself crying, to post to social media.
I’d say with the falling out with her friends, maybe she has ready here (who knows 😞), perhaps she feels the need to show a softer side.
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Well-known member
Could someone please screencap her post, for those of us blocked? I tried to view it on an anon Insta viewer but I guess she continued the caption in the comments and I couldn’t see it. Thanks.
Here is the rest of the caption. It’s a long one… x


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Silly question, how do we know that Erin wasn’t with lu today at Napa?
the user that said Erin didn’t go said earlier in the thread that their kid also attends Napa 2x a week - so I assume they saw Lu there with Chrystal?
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I did think she was MIA
But thought maybe she took leave
I bet she saw things that upset her and couldn’t do it anymore
100% agree.
Erin is a f*cking lunatic and I can’t wait for the day that she is exposed for the narcissistic, selfish human she really is. The only person I feel for is Luella, that little girl deserves so much more than that poor excuse of a mother. She makes me so angry.
Also correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t this psychopath choose to have another baby whilst having a severely disabled young child, and has done nothing but complain and sell the woe is me story?! Duh dickhead what did you think was going to happen with Tom & Lu, they were both going to sleep through the night and you could jog around at your hearts content, going on dates and catching flights for holidays on whim?! Lol she is literally insane I can’t.
It’s the duh dickhead for me 😂
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Was it late November that she wanted to do the surgery? Can anyone remember the actual timeline?

I’m positive she was going to do it, set up the Go Fund Me and then completely backed out? Was that only as recently as November?
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VIP Member
She is a class act. It would be so so triggering for her. After losing my husband after a 5month hospital/ hospice stay going into any hospital is triggering by for me. Let alone the same one.
She is a wonderful Mum
Sorry for your loss 🤍
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I was thinking about this last night amongst her happy stories (only time I’ve ever seen her happy besides her race tbh)
Every parent needs a holiday and no shame on that. But she also has a child with a very serious disability - that is a lot to ask someone else to take over for 10 days. Especially in the wake of bad news. I can imagine it must be extremely stressful for their parents who are older caring for a child with high health needs. A 10 day trip seems excessive but I dunno, that’s just me

Cue the super depressed space once she’s back to her real life too 😬
Not to white knight, but didn’t she say they were there for 4 days?
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VIP Member
Yeah I find her so off sometimes. Hopefully she has a good time and recharges and is cheerful on her return.
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I wonder if this is whole mothers group story thing was just a way for her to drum up concern about her friendship situation? There’s been a lot of speculation about what’s happened in that group - they were so public about their friendships for a long time and now nothing - and a lot of veiled references on both sides. I wonder if she just wanted to engage some sympathy from followers and ‘poke the bear’ a bit with the other side…?
I thought that as well.
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Baby Snark

Well-known member
Every hour on on the hour lol between 11-1 🤣 so he woke 3 times before 4am after she puts him to bed before 6pm and has a night nurse 🤣🤣
She can’t be for real to cry over this
Go Tom ! Thinking you must have been a pure angel until now and now hitting terrible 2’s hard
He's only just turned one! 🤣🤣
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