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Yeah I don't get MBP vibes, I get narcissistic I-know-best vibes but that's about it. It's not like she's concocting medical emergencies/presenting to lots of different medical personnel. But I know she doesn't like luella being on medication and if she thinks she doesn't need to be or she's having side effects she will take her off it.

If anything I feel like Erin is almost the opposite of MBP. There have been plenty of times she probably should have had more involvement with doctors or gone ahead with suggested procedures. If she was MBP she easily could have had a tube fed, wheelchair bound, child with a hemispherectomy etc etc.

I vaguely recall mention of needing to wean medication For the MRI this month?
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Just waiting for Millie and Keira to unfollow. They would definitely be team Jade (and frankly who wouldn’t be) but it’s probably an awkward situation to actually be taking sides.
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Yeah that was heartbreaking. What a thing to live with. And live with it she will, every time she looks at Luella. I hope at the very least she can sort of surrender to the situation and stop raging against it at every turn. Try to find some joy. Otherwise it’s going to be an awful life for them all 😞
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I wonder if it was bubbling below the surface (and behind the scenes) for a long time or if it had just happened recently. It’s possible Jade missed the initial reference with aeperol and sunshine, although would be hard to ignore if you were directly involved. And I wonder if she had the option to contribute to Harper’s gifts and declined or if there has long been a wedge and she was excluded altogether. And if it’s the former then that would cement things for Jade and rightly so.

So weird to target your supposed friend like that. I can understand feeling jealous and we can’t control that, but we can absolutely control having a weird meltdown about it and responding with bitter anger and doing so publicly. Odd.
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I wouldn’t be quick to assume that Lu doesn’t need the sleep. I know she is 4, but my understanding is that developmentally she is more like a child under 12 months. Given her night waking is likely medical, it is probably best for her to sleep during the day. Also, if she’s on meds that are sedating, it might help keep her happy for her to sleep. I know it’s not the same thing at all but I have HG right now and some of my meds are sedating — it is awful not to be able to sleep when sedated. Honestly, Erin being willing to drive Lu around the get her sleep is one of the few times lately I’ve thought that she is actually considering Lu’s needs properly.

The post about Tom walking was sad to see. Erin needs to address this in therapy. It is not fair to either Tom or Luella for her to make every single one of Tom’s milestones about what she has “missed” with Luella. I have a little boy with some mild gross motor issues and it does sometimes make me a bit sad for him when I see that his sister does not struggle like he does, so I can empathise somewhat, but I also see where he has his own strengths.

Erin is actually a wake up call for me in accepting my son’s struggles. We don’t have any explanation medically for his motor delay and I’ve found that really hard emotionally especially through years of being told nothing was wrong (only to find out my gut was right and he does need extra support). Watching her makes me realise how damaging it is to be unable to accept the reality of a situation.
What a lucky boy your son is. You’re a great mum 🩷 @Sleepyapple
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I think the videos we see of Lu in the neurosuit are actually her weekly appointments. I'm not sure where we got the 'Lu doesn't do weekly appointments, only intensives' spiel...?
I could be wrong...but I'm thinking this is actually her weekly session.
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Totally off topic but Erin’s approach to running training is bonkers. If she runs every single day and ups her mileage girlfriend is going to get injured and quickly.
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Chatty Member
Must have been a story as I can’t find the list. But it was Erin saying no aperols around here and days in the sun moaning about her life after Jade posted having an aperol w her hubby.
Actually I think I found it! You reminded me
Erin posted this the same day Jade had posted a family photo saying she felt like their war was over and it was a good day


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Chatty Member
I thought she did respond to medication? Didn’t she say last month she only had 1 seizure since January when she previously had 100s a day (unless she was grossly over exaggerating )
Yeah she said she’d responded to ACTH which SCH wouldn’t give her but eventually did because “she was right”
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"For the fourth year running there were no matching PJ’s, no egg hunt, no bunny baskets, no rabbit paw prints left through the house & no Easter lunch with family on a long weekend getaway."

And what does any of this have to do with Lulu not understanding? I'm sorry, does epilepsy prevent her from wearing matching PJs? Being in hospital makes it harder to get these things organised but she admitted she did no planning in advance. It's like she doesn't think Lulu is worth it. I think this is the first time I've seen her admit that something is her fault and that she feels bad, so I guess that's progress from the usual blaming everyone else.

Easter won't look exactly the same as it did when you were little, Erin. But instead of dwelling on what Lulu can't do, focus on the things she can do.
I think this is it in a nutshell.
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Tonight’s stories were amazing. Luella was so engaged with the camera and looking at herself and interested and curious. She’s clearly a very bright and switched on little girl, who just needs a bit more connection and support to interact with the world and people around her. It’s such a shame that Erin hasn’t been able to focus on that at all - though I understand what she was saying about being focussed on mobility and her priorities having to change as she understood more, that makes sense and is probably something I’d do if I’m honest.

But complaining about Luella not sitting in a high chair and how difficult it is to feed her just reminded me how out of touch she really is. Luella’s surgery and care and treatment and all that aside, which I agree is easy for some of us to make judgements about from a privileged place of distance, I think Erin would be snark-worthy if she had her two perfectly healthy children and epilepsy wasn’t a factor. There is not a single child on earth who could live up to Erin’s expectations of what a child should be like or what she feels she’s entitled to. I have two kids either side of Luella in age - I fed one of them dinner in the bath tonight because they were so exhausted after daycare that they couldn’t calm down until I put them in the tub (their happy place) and the other one threw the first two dinners I made directly into the bin (partly down the back of the couch) and then hopped between the table, a stool at the kitchen bench, the couch, the floor and then the bath with the youngest, to eat the cheese sandwich they finally agreed to for dinner. Watching Luella eat chicken and veggies and fruit, in the same position for an extended period while smiling and interacting affectionately with Erin, was beautiful and beyond my wildest dreams of what a dinner time with little kids could be like.

She has so many things to be unhappy about, I do not begrudge her feeling overwhelmed and heartbroken and stressed and all the things she must feel about epilepsy and it’s affect on her beautiful daughter. But she also is incredibly unhappy and complains about so, so many things that are just part and parcel of having children. Yes, we all bemoan these aspects of our kids, but she seems to take it as a personal affront, that she never expected there might be challenges, that it’s all about epilepsy and Luella and how she’s basically a first time mum to Tom. That’s what makes her snark worthy to me - that she would have a page on this site even if epilepsy wasn’t playing a role in any of this and she was just any other beige mumfluencer.
You have articulated this perfectly!
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She just gets more and more offensive and unlikable. How dare she say she is essentially a first time Mum ? Lu would be sensing her resentment too… surely even her supporters will see how gross this is to say such a thing !

I mean I never did Mothers group as I had loads of friends w young kids at the same time. But we caught up weekly at magic yellow bus.. where each day in the inner west )next council over for Erin) where theygo to a different park each day and hand activities and toys for the kids. But also going just to your local park you make friends and your child interacts. She must be just as unlikeable in real life as she is on Insta to not have made any friends w kids the same age. She is out all the time running, getting nails done etc etc she has plenty of time to take Tom to park or playgroup. Also does she not have Google ?
That Big Yellow Bus looks great
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