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Chatty Member
ah sure it's the same story as fitshit Murphy's sports GTT etc etc, she'll huuur herself out to anyone that'll give her something for free. and she gets it because of her thousands of (mostly fake or bought probably) followers and the misguided belief that she will "influence" people to buy their crap. but truth be told she's doing them more harm than good
Yep ...if there's anything that would put me off buying something it's her......


Active member
awwww you couldn't make it up.....just as you all talking about her changing from donegal to Erin's page, what does she do only post some wedding piss. she just need to change the name ....or you know make your own personal page and keep that shit to yourself. this is not what donegal is. its not your county. away on and leave us alone
Out cool must have been having a good read here lol. shes def trying to be rozpurcell lol..or have freebies dried up and this is a new tactic? shes been thirsty af lately spaming the life out of sunsets🤣 does she realise plenty others at it who actually do it better and focus on the task and not self promotion for a bloody free anorak. as for the work wear haul... does this grown woman actually spend her time videoing herself in her spare room for GGT to throw her a few bits??


Active member
I've read through these pages and the Harkin thread before that. it's all been said before. the fake persona that's put on for the public (and businesses) to see when we all know what the real Erin is like. even down to the size of clothes she wears. nothing is as it seems.
and I still can't believe the amount of businesses that associate themselves with her. I think she believes she's the sole reason anyone from Donegal can make money. it's just 1 small company after next. she does them no favours. in fact she would drive people away just so they wouldn't have any association with her
hi, and yes I'm fully onboard with this sentiment. the constant spamming and smugness every time she gets a parcel to her door and acting like she's the saviour of all things local. honestly puts me off. I wouldn't buy anything that she claims to represent, unfortunately what she's advertising my in deed by genuinely nice products, but the thought that she might benefit from these companies sales really grates on me.


Chatty Member
you're right. she's definitely hiding from the heat. I also spotted the GTT thing. it's so not like her to keep it away from her own page. I wonder what the deal is with these BA agreements??
I spotted she's for going swimming again this weekend with this new dipper crowd. how long til she tries to take over and make it the Erin show??
Do her and Kevin ever do anything together at the's like she's always away touring but never with him.....For a young couple both working full-time (him in 2 jobs to keep Erin) you would think come the weekend they'd just be happy to be spending time together......
but is the hair worse than the walking in and out from the mirror with the heel lift at the end??
gives me the ick.... the whole outfit and shoes do no favours.hate to say it but sitting on hills in fitshits more her thing🤣 fast fashion is not ... wonder if the last spa visit was #gifted like that oh so fab #obsessed jacket🙈
Credit where credits due, she did try to keep the page about Donegal for a wee while, but were back to making it all about me.
And I was more than disappointed to see one of our teachers promoting cheap alcohol. Setting a Great example for our children.
And she couldn't even do that job right sure the discount code expired about an hour after she posted it. 🤡
🤣🤣🤣 spotted that about the discount. absolute 🤡
and it's very much back to a me page again... let's highlight this train track as I stand with my smug face drinking a coffee and trying to flog more coats. there's just no end to her shit show.
What's the story with her and paper press. That one running paper press is very annoying. How many times do we need to see the gates to her house 🙄
took her few days, maybe was Sooooo busy at the weekend, but is back reading our critique, and low and behold, she went and dug out an old paperpress pic. she is such a child
It's nearly like a marriage of convenience....she can say she has a man (even though it's not the one she wanted).....but what she has to offer him I don't know.....
it just makes no sense. he's working 2 jobs and all the freebies go to the parents and CH. and we'll there's the whole dead fish thing, so we know she's nor bringing that to the eh...... bedroom
im nearly sure she had it on a highlight in insta... but seems to be gone. like her facebook..damage limitation. too late hun! and did u really use quotes said to YOU on that awareness post for Aisling Murphy. you are tone deaf.
You're right, she did. Made a big thing if it as usual. But when it didn't make her look little miss perfect it's gone. I'm glad you've said the Facebook page was gone I'd noticed that too but thought it was just me. Definitely get the impression she's trying to go silent and quiet things down until the heat goes away.