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Chatty Member
That's what it seems like; its a shame if it was only done to get noticed.

On the other hand, when is that article getting released 😂
She was so adamant that it will come out shortly to prove her troll was arrested (and sent to prison the same day apparently) but now she saying the police decides what to do with it 🤣🤣 She’s either lying or they haven’t released it because no one cares and she isn’t important. Either way, is she not embarassed 😭
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Chatty Member
This made me sick. With everything going on India right now she's not posted about it once. No one cares about your outrageously priced gifted perfumes which none of your followers are going to buy or waste their hard earned money on. Her hair oil business must really be suffering by the looks of it if everything in her flat is gifted - even down to the food she eats! She couldn't even fork out on a proper lunch for whichever poor girl she dragged into London with her and sat her on a dirty table with a pret sandwich.

Also princess Erim always has to uber it everywhere doesn't she. I remember when she used to complain about getting the tube and how grim and dirty it is...apparently public transport is beneath her. She really has lived a privileged life and knows nothing about hard work
She’s lurking on here because look what she’s put on her story. If only she was kind hearted enough to raise awareness by herself without having to be reminded to


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Active member
Ok this got me. "Sick of eating on my bed" Ok, so go sit in the kitchen? Go sit in the lounge? Go eat at the dining table?
I’m sure even her die hard followers must think the same thing! She’s not confined to her room, so why act like you are?

Alternatively, why don’t you buy or rent a place? You brag about having a seven figure business, but also complain about not having enough space to live? Make it make sense
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VIP Member
Erim has been trying to be an influencer since what- 2016/2017?? And she cant say she never intended to be one, we all know she did. Thats why shes now obsessed with getting verified. Anyways, its been years now, i know shes more popular atm but surely she should have learnt how to accept criticism already?? Not pretending to be Sherlock Holmes uncovering out identies. Honestly, i think erim needs therapy more than the police if she cant handle the heat, especially if shes getting anxiety/ panic attacks. It will be good for her.
Sherlock Holmes 😭. Sikh twitter has been more toxic to her than we have here, I wonder if she went to the police about them too
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Well-known member
Yeah she could even give PR gifts that are actually nice not just PR she doesn’t want or can’t sell on Depop. She can even donate.
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her posing all dressed up in a dress with a 'seductive' look on her face next to that mirror made me laugh and cringe LOL

and then she called it a controversy...

people need to start looking up to more interesting influencers
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VIP Member
bringing your vulnerable old dadi to another country in the middle of a panoramic and risking her life #justerimthings
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Wow. I just stumbled on this thread looking for something else and I'm shook because I worked with Erim a few years ago. From what I say I'm sure she'll know where we worked together but not who because everyone at this workplace hated her. I'm so glad people can see through her fake as shit, sickly sweet girl's girl persona. Apologies in advance if any of this is a repeat but I didn't read through all 75 pages.

- The employee base was a lot of young women, some of whom were also Sikh. She's constantly question their devotion to being vegetarian and then eat meat the next day. She also openly called one of the other girls 'the fat Sikh'. This was actually common, she frequently called other women fat or made fun of their clothes, makeup, laugh, whatever she could nitpick
- She lied constantly about everything. She came in crying one day saying the post office lady assaulted her and said her dad was going to pursue legal action. Nothing ever happened nor was it spoken of again. She did this song and dance every few days, there was always some major drama
- She tried endlessly to pit the women in the company against each other. She thought she was so sneaky talking shit but we were all super close and would just tell each other what she said and laugh about it. She was quickly totally alienated from the group because no one wanted to deal with her shit. She was SO toxic that no one wanted a thing to do with her. The drama, lies and gaslighting were insane. I honestly thought she had a personality disorder at times
- I wasn't there but apparently she acted an absolute fool at a photo shoot and was rude to the men on set, even refusing to shake their hand because she had a boyfriend
- She thought every man wanted her, regardless of their marital status or role in the company. She always specifically thought the male VP was in love with her and he was disgusted with her and wanted to let her go well before she finally got fired
- She got fired for stealing product and selling it on Depop. This was the last straw but they were trying to get her out way before that because she was such a toxic liability to the business. She lied to people saying it was because she was going freelance or in the case of ex employees, told them that people were mean to her and forced her out. Don't worry, the record was set straight
- She wasn't good at her job (social media exec or intern? I can't remember) but she acted like God's gift because she was an influencer (small at that point but definitely thought she was a major celeb). The channel didn't grow at all when she was there. She also tried to be in the brand materials because she thought she was such a model lol....cringe. I'm not sure if they deleted posts with her but if you go back long enough you can probably tell when she was there because she forced herself into so much of the content
- She bragged all the time about her rich dad and all the things he'd buy for her and her tacky BMW (but of course pretended it was because of her girl boss grind even though she was on an entry level salary). She loved to talk about her time in 'ATL' where she went to school for like one semester, as if that was impressive. I don't know, she just bragged about the dumbest shit and it was sad because she had nothing else going on in her life and it was completely apparent she had no friends. She'd invite work people to influencer events and no one would want to go even if there were freebies because she was so unpleasant to be around

I'm sure there is more but the gist of it is that she is a wretched and vain person whose entire personality is fake. I honest to god think there are deeper issues with her psyche but I'm not a doctor so I can't speculate any further.
wow this is I don't know what to say! Thanks for sharing this and I REALLY hope more people can see this
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Chatty Member
i'm not trying to diagnose at all but she really should speak to a mental health professional because all signs are leading somewhere
Im not trying to diagnose but I think someone has a problem if they think mi5 agents are going to take down her ‘trolls’ on a GOSSIP site
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Well-known member
What is wrong with her omg

She’s crying over not having a desk?

She could just buy one

She makes it sound like her family were toxic when they weren’t
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Dolly x

The fact that she openly and repeatedly said she HATES animals in one of her last YouTube videos says a lot about her. You can say that you are scared around certain animals if they seem dangerous but saying you HATE them?! That’s a very strong and dark word to use. Animals are pure, unlike her.
I honestly think she is doing certain things on purpose to make people gossip about her, and one day, once there are enough threads about her, she’ll make a YouTube video crying acting like a victim to gain everyone’s compassion. I know a YouTube who had a thread like this one and she made a YT video opening up about it and how it had affected her mental health and she gained tons of followers on Instagram because that video went viral. Mark my words. 🙄
She hates animals? Evil girl . I really can’t stand Erim
At all. Nasty piece of work

Is pasta all she can make? How is she gonna survive on her own? Why is she even showing us how to make it when she’s making it wrong- the water is meant to go in first, then the pasta 🤣🤣
That’s all she eats and makes. 🤢😑

'let's do it together' shut up no-one cares you're making the same boring pasta you make every day and that we all know how to make because we're not stupid af
Exactly she is dumb AF
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Chatty Member
just because they say it's on a green list, that doesn't mean it's okay for you to travel - sometimes use your brain???????????

i used to be a fan of her but you can tell she's just fake fake fake and really stupid
why do all these instagram people lack IQ? is it a rule that you have to be really fucking stupid to have a following??
But she got a FIRST CLASS degree at the university of manchester!!! Sis is too clever for us
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Chatty Member
God shes so cringy. The hashtags too :rolleyes:
She has mentioned having no WhatsApp picture before and how people who do are weird- is she ok, it’s just a profile pic who gives a f 🤣🤣

she only does her dead memes (which sometimes don’t even make sense) so she can get on the meme pages on Insta and gain followers even though she gets roasted in the comments


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Chatty Member
I think it's disgusting she goes around flaunting her hair when she KNOWS so many of her customers have had negative effects from it and lost their hair. It's a massive slap in the face to the people who trusted her product and invested their money in it and supported her only to be completely ignored and their reviews deleted/dismissed.
Her hair isn’t even all that, it’s just long. IMO, when it is not straightened, it looks so unhealthy and has a lot of split ends.
Also, she still selling her gifted free products for full price. Why not gift it to your friends and family, donate it, put it in a giveaway? She doesn’t even need to accept the gifted stuff they send her and can ask to be out of the PR list. But ofc, all erim thinks about is how she can gain money out of a free product. She isn’t even grateful of what she receives and only puts it on her story to show off that she is getting free products whilst we have to work hard if we wanted to buy these products


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VIP Member
Yeah i hope this poor girl isnt being paid to be erims friend bc erims only gonna pay her in bottles of shitty hair oil thats gonna make her hair fall out :rolleyes:
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She didnt even need to spend a penny to furnish it either. She put a story up a few weeks ago for furniture brands to get in contact with her. She got everything for free anyway. Wtf is she complaining about? Ungrateful girl

She didn't need to do anything herself. Her dad found her the flat, she got her new bestie to help her move in, she got gifted her first dinner, she got free furniture and appliances and shes making it out like it's a huge achievement... how about if you did it all yourself and actually spent your hard earned cash on it then come tell us it was an achievement not when it's all been handed to you on a golden spoon! 🥄
everything were ads like babe you cant buy yourself a microwave? lol
she has absolutely no integrity
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