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Chatty Member
I have a massive issue with anyone appearing on ASA who is a known influencer or social media presence. And I think someone with a bit of weight needs to tell H&C this. The first two seasons were quite fun to watch but horsey social media wasn’t a thing then. They need to stick to that and not bring in people who already have a platform. Because that isn’t the point of the show. As others have said we have SUKO for that. ASA needs to be for the everyday equestrian. Not a bunch of jumped up twats looking for exposure and sponsors.

I honestly think H&C are out of their depth here and need to do some more research regarding what people want to see.
Totally agree. I enjoyed previous series of it, but I won’t watch of its going to be a bunch of ‘influencers’ all playing up to the camera and using it as a springboard to further their ‘career’.
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This^ horses are herd animals and should not ever be kept in isolation, that is completely disregarding their phycological needs purely for human benefit, and those that say about horses getting picked on or fighting as an excuse, get a grip, if the horses had had a proper upbringing and hadn’t been removed from mum and the herd to quickly then their social skills wouldn’t be damaged (just look at the wild ones), human interference with horses royally fucks them up, horses did damn well until we appeared
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mumma mia

The first part of Emily’s lesson was awful! What on earth was she doing?? I’ve never seen her ride like that before. The horse is super smart but she’s a youngster and the big kicks from Emily and harsh hands were unnecessary. Emily lost her rag there, not nice to see.
It’s awful isn’t it! The horse is so overbent, so clearly an evasion of bit pressure at this stage which is preventing her from going forward and Emily doesn’t seem to get it, and then the head in the air, another evasion of the bit, Emily needs to stop worrying about where her head is and concentrate on getting her forwards. It’s like she wants to get her to BE yesterday…. The poor thing has been in work for months. I’ve lost all respect for her. Emily’s hands are terrible.
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Chatty Member
Riding with Charlotte, the latest reel of Windsor great park hack ‘Prince Andrew smiled at me, I did not smile back’ yeah ok sweet, as if he did! As if you saw him, never mind got smiled at 🙄
I’m not a follower but when she gets discussed on here I have to go and take a look at the absolute toilet she is spouting 💩
He didn't smile at her, she doesn't look nearly young enough..
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Beyond the wall

Active member
I've actually hit the point where I'm not really following as many influencers and looking more towards the pros. I do follow Meg, Lucy and Emily, I like all three. But that's kind of it. I wouldn't call Miri Hackett an influencer and I'm really interested in the way she works with horses, I think she has a lot to offer. After that it's Abi Lyle a few other dressage riders and a handful of eventers, Andrew Hoy is really great at showing stuff as are alot of the you her Team GB riders like Yasmin Ingham.
I just can't be bothered with this endless thing of people like RTG thinking they know better or Tina being a victim, or Rhi preaching. It's all just so exhausting to have voluntarily fed into your life. Tho I do admit seeing them being called out is more interesting 😂
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Chatty Member
RTG has had Peps condition scored at a six which is assuming same scale 1-9 as Spillers slightly over so she is clearly listening
Or it's on the 1-5 scale which I feel is more accurate ;)
Interesting she's gone for subjective scoring and not for actually having the horse weighed. I've seen lean horses be scored perfect and obese horses be scored perfect and perfect horses be scored either lean or obese. It all depends on what feed they want to try and sell to the owner. The best way is getting them on a weight bridge or even just weight taping weekly just to keep track of whether their tummy is getting smaller or not even if it's not as accurate as a weight bridge.
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Chatty Member
Do we actually believe what she says? Such a shame as that horse is being neglected by being over fed. But I guess theres not a lot they can do legally.
From the podcast, RTG is about as interesting to listen to as a block of wood.
She says that people were telling her over and over again that the pony was too fat, but she chose not to listen. WHW was called. But she wished people would have said something first.
Well.. they did?
And then it became the victim complex because she feels like she's the only plus sized rider to exist so people don't usually see anyone that isn't stick thin. Has she ever been on a conventional yard? I'm no skinnie minnie myself, most women especially after a certain age are a little fluffier round the middle and would be considered plus sized riders. She seriously thinks so much of herself that she thinks she's the only person.
I found it extremely interesting that when Rhea asked about whether she get's messages of inspiration from fans, she quickly said thanks for messaging but then went straight to thanking brands for giving her free stuff because she never imagined she'd get all this free stuff. Which I don't think is the case, I think she knows exactly what she's doing and her next point proved it.
She says the best way to work with brands is basically stalk them at shows and hound them in the DMs to get them to work for you, even if they say no several times they might one day say yes.

All in all very un-entertaining and actually as I was listening whilst driving, part way through my phone holder just fell off of my dashboard. I imagine in an attempt to get away from the sound of her.
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Anyone else following Jemma & Taya? She took a month off socials to assess the situation with her horse after a bad hunter trial & came to the conclusion she’s been trying to do too much. Admitted there was pressure from social media to be out doing things every weekend and was pushing taya when she should’ve just been having fun. Really rated her honest approach & the fact she’s willing to admit that she was doing too much - a few of the bigger influencers could learn a thing or two.
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Well-known member
RTG obviously has issues with food & this is the problem with how she looks after pepper when I followed her I remember her always using snacks to entertain her kid too. She needs counselling to sort out her relationship with food & feeding. Im not bring a bitch with this lots of people have issues & explains why she cant see a problem she thinks of feeding as caring.
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Maybe it was actually a 9 but Ray read it upside down and thought it was a 6. Or she’s lying when she said in her stories she had such a smug grin on her face. She’ll soon have it wiped of her face when Pepper gets Laminitis. Someone did comment in her latest instagram post about Pepper not looking right. But she’s so upside down and not even remotly engaged I’m not surprised she doesn’t look right, plus having Ray using her back as a trampoline is going to have yet another detrimental effect on Pepper, she has a lot of work to do before even considering trying sitting trot again.
I think she looks a little lame behind (left hind?) in her most recent post...

I do think Ray genuinely adores Pepper, but I imagine that her feelings about Peps weight are closely bound up with her own relationship with food, and that extra psychological layer is the reason she can't (/won't?) be objective about Pepper's weight. I think that's also why she pushes back so much at the words "abuse" or "neglect" because she thinks those things aren't compatible with her loving her horse, so therefore anything attached to that sentiment (i.e. Pepper's weight) must also be wrong. I think she is a nice lady who is surrounded by people irl who don't want to upset her and then everyone else gets written off as haters... I hope she finds someone whether that be a friend or professional who can support her and Peps in an open and honest way.
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Good news about the ASA height changing. It wasn’t fair when in the past we’ve seen people definitely not doing 90cm, and I think I’ll have a crack at applying now. However Pammy Hutton would tear Ray to pieces and I don’t think she should apply as it would upset her. I know people would like her to hear some truths but to me, she would just be upset and keep on in her ways and slate Pammy who is a fantastic horsewoman but wouldn’t be at all pleased with Pepper’s weight. Ray should know in herself she would struggle with that harsher method of teaching and not apply- let alone the fact Pepper is not BE80 fit and I don’t know why Ray asked if you need to jump 80 because her ‘horse is capable but coming back after ulcers’ as she can barely jump 60cm with it anyway
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New member
Thank you I’m glad it’s not just me. A schoolmaster has won and done his / her time and is there to teach the future generation. Pumpkin had a price on his head and was bought for a little brat who’s mummy and daddy have money. Yes she works hard and yes she can ride no one is disputing that but if She wasn’t bought horse worth millions would she be on the team ? No! And we just have to hope when it comes to seniors it is different and it’s people who have earned their spot not ones who Have been bought it cos no one representing gb has bought their way there
WOW!! She is far from a brat, the poor girl is about to have to go through the one year anniversary of her dad passing away. I think she’s a mature well grounded young lady with plenty of talent. Charlotte selling her pumpkin has solidified the future of British Dressage by giving one of our best rising stars the chance to improve herself and one day be out there winning us more medals 🥇
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The girl behind the Miss.Craizie.Maizie account is she very young?
Because I honestly can't work out what she's thinking...
Maisie is lame but because she has a foal at foot that can't be investigated??!
She's had sore eyes for weeks and only just had them looked at by a vet... And the foal has the same?

And then there's the totally feral Shetland that she's decide to put in foal even though she's not able to be handled. How utter irresponsible, and for what point? More photos for the gram?
This account had some massive drama before didn't it?
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I am horrified after watching the latest video of RTG. That poor horse looks so uncomfortable!

Have the people commenting saying she looks amazing lost their marbles?
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Chatty Member
Did anyone pick up on Charlotte saying she likes showjumping because "you can ride like an absolute lunatic and totally get away with it", and "you can literally ride like a plonker... whereas disciplines like dressage you have to ride properly." 😬 I'd say that'll piss off a fair fe2 showjumpers out there lol!
Funnily enough she rides like an absolute lunativ/literal plonker and doesn't get away with it cos her horse says no thanks.

I think it more comes down to he’s bored of the horse and prob doesn’t like him, the line he said “the love he deserves” interesting choice of words, suggest he gets little or no love with him, anyone else would of said love him like I do etc etc
He slipped up a bit there didn't he. The horse is no longer of use to him so he's going to throw him out like trash. He said he'd make a good stud, so why doesn't he stand the stallion at stud? That doesn't make much sense to me as I bet he'd make a killing doing that even if I don't think it's all that much a good idea standing a lame horse at stud.
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Beyond the wall

Active member
Agreed. You can’t monetise your life and children like that and not expect to get any opinions on what you do. In a normal job you would receive feedback on a piece of work from your colleagues, so this is the equivalent. Nastiness is obviously wrong but genuine comments and opinions are part of it when you are getting paid/getting free stuff to produce content.
I'm not aware of anyone criticising the kids. It's more the actions of the parents and the fact that Emily seems unable to accept she needs a solid, made horse that has its head screwed on. I have no idea about the Harlow stuff.

I don't think there's a need to bring anyone's weight up unless it's.of detriment to the horse or it's something they themselves are bringing up online
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The person who sent it obviously has their notifications set up to send it that quickly! Whoever you are, you are a very sad person.
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