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VIP Member
I thought exactly the same when I read it!! I assume she means not pale/white/light colours which will get ruined easy at nursery? I have no idea she is one bizarre woman.
I also don’t get her obsession with buying things in the sale for next year ect - I mean don’t get me wrong I do it if I see something proper cheap but she does it all the time, where on earth does she keep everything?
My husband does this and does my bloody head in. He buys the next three years clothes for the kids and himself!! He is a paranoid he will lose his job and not be able to afford to kit his family out (he tried to get me things too!). However the amount of clothes we have forgotten about or the shoes they haven’t worn as they jumped up a size is unreal. Just get it as needed or just by the next size up. Which leads me to the storage problem. Jeez!! Sorry you can tell it rattles my cage 😂
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She’s such a wet wipe. Her kids wake up in the night- shock horror, kids wake up!!! Pop them in bed with you, put them to bed later with a snack, are they scared of the dark? Are they too tired? Jeez woman figure it out it doesn’t take Einstein!! Here is a woman who should never have had kids. She just can’t hack it. I’ve just single mummed it all week as the husband was away (hats off to single parents it’s tough ❤) but I loved it. My son woke, I just snuggled up next to him- those days will go. We had a messy bath time, it took 5 minutes to clean up. He helped me to sort dinner, so he was fighting for my attention. I’m not after a mum of the year award but surely this is normal parenting? Emma just cannot cope with life.
She’s such a stupid, miserable twat. Drinks an energy drink for breakfast and then wonders why she’s always tired and feeling shit. Dickhead.
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Why do they have to have sensible colours? Poor bastards. I get not sending your kids in white but everything is for her benefit and to their detriment. Also she has to find the cheapest offer, even if it means going to multiple shops. Whereas if it’s something she wants she will pay whatever.

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I bet he's been cheating on her 🤔 we've always said they're a weird couple who spend zero time together. He's always at work and she's always moaning. Keep me updated on here 🧐
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What a sweet boy, he sounds like a lovely, happy little lamb. With his shit of a mother as well. He’s the same age as my son (mine is a bit older) but they’re at a similar speech level. Shame she isn’t making him take the dummy out to read. She has a lovely little popper there, who will lose his shit occasionally just like adults do, she needs to cherish him.
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Chatty Member
Did anyone see the post before it was edited? I wonder if she put vile again then thought better of it. I see she has stopped linking her posts to FB. Must of been reading here.
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Chatty Member
it just makes me so sad and it’s definitely gotten worse the last few months. she’s always moaned but not to this extent and it’s since she didn’t get to go back to work early. honestly I think she’s obsessed with structure and control and like others have said, has ridiculous expectations and as soon as one thing goes wrong it’s ‘all ruined’. she had detailed out that whole itinerary yesterday about how they’re going to go to the shop last and avoid the zoo first and then they’ll do xyz.

I really don’t understand how she can teach? I struggle not having structure/control and like to over plan too. but then when things inevitably don’t go as planned, my brain just jams and I freeze or panic. the difference is I KNOW this and actively work to improve it - I’ve got to the point where I’m more chilled out and flexible about things because I made some changes like moving to a job that isn’t super chaotic or unpredictable and … I know that children aren’t for me. Instead of looking at how she’s reacting and trying to improve, she just blames James for being… a child? Potentially a neurodivergent child? I don’t even like kids and I think the way she’s publicly talking about him to 40k followers under the guise of ‘being real’ is disgusting.

Also why would he say sorry if he’s had a nice day?? She’s definitely constantly sniping at him, I BET she’s the sort of parent that will give her kids the silent treatment 😡
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Active member
The nursery fee on top of funded hours is pretty normal I thought? My son has been to two settings and both had a 'daily fee' of about £5. Maybe I've just been ripped off though 😂
No way, it's definitely illegal. They can't just start charging for funded hours, they can put on add ons like food or clubs etc.
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Not been on here in a week, she is even more dull since going private. I missed about her saying it's just her and the kids now though... Was it anything deep or was he just working away?

And what's with the random selfie of eating an ice lolly this morning 😅
I never saw her say it. As far as I'm aware, she posted the hearts picture without a caption, a big heart and 2 small hearts. And then edited to caption to talk about applying for James school.

You would think applying for James' school place would make her realise she needs to potty train him
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Chatty Member
So she got the outfit for H now it's 20% off. She should really say on her story that for each person using her referral link she makes £10.
  • Wow
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Chatty Member
A tantrum doesn't last all day though does it? I have a 3 year old so I'm all too familiar with the odd meltdown but they don't last long and can be pretty easily diffused. It won't be just a stage if she doesn't alter her own attitude.
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What kind of suck up students does she have? 😂

My first thought was that her students don't really like her and don't behave for her and she posts these things, that they're apparently always leaving her notes and gifts, to convince everyone else that the kids love her.
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Chatty Member
I think it depends on the type of person you are. I wouldn’t go by Emma, she’s shrouded in post natal depression that was never treated and she’s an incredibly selfish woman. I didn’t plan to have my son, and took me a few months to bond with him, which is quite normal I believe. She longed for her children and doesn’t seem to have bonded in fact she comes across as resentful. She dieted through her pregnancy, they ruin her sleep and she has to spend money on them
Just because someone has kids and is miserable doesn't mean it's post natal depression.
She had always been like this.
Even the photos of her when she was big, she never smiled.
I followed her about half way into to weight loss and all she did was complain about how little time she has as a teacher. How she has no time for herself and how John did this or that constantly
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If he’s as obsessed with trains as she claims - today would have been the most amazing day for him and he probably would have been so excited by everything Thomas themed that he probably wanted to do everything at once and being told he had to do this then that and this after lunch probably got him all worked up and emotional - my 4 yr old sees a fairground or park and has a one track mind it’s all he asks about and goes on about!
Literally this - he was probably super excited and just wanted to try out different things when he wanted and she flipped out at him wanting to deviate from her stupid schedule. I can imagine she is very rigid on days out and does NOT want to go off of what she has planned for the day.
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VIP Member
She’s such a stupid, miserable twat. Drinks an energy drink for breakfast and then wonders why she’s always tired and feeling shit. Dickhead.
Why do we even need to see a photo of her? It’s the same sour face she always pulls. I wonder if it’s the same face she pulls in bed.
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She is absolute the issue. James had a lovely day and had said he wants another day with her. She doesn’t however and can only see negatives. Poor James, it’s actually horrible to see her stories. I dread to think how she speaks to James or about him offline.
If he’s as obsessed with trains as she claims - today would have been the most amazing day for him and he probably would have been so excited by everything Thomas themed that he probably wanted to do everything at once and being told he had to do this then that and this after lunch probably got him all worked up and emotional - my 4 yr old sees a fairground or park and has a one track mind it’s all he asks about and goes on about!
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VIP Member
Is this not such a tiny portion for a nearly 4 year old? Or do I just massively over feed my kids 😂 My 1 year old would eat all of that.

That spider bowl, which we have isn't very deep either. It's just like a little trinket dish thing
That’s a tiny portion!! Unless it’s served with a side of veg sticks and garlic bread, then fair dos. She is pushing her food issues onto her kids. Poor things.
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I don’t teach in secondary, so I don’t know if what she experiences is normal but she seems to have parents evening every 5 minutes?! Is that usual for secondary? (Genuine question!) She also really needs to stop moaning about the assessments she has to do…no one cares what work you need to do in the evening 👀
I’ll be interested to see what she says about the upcoming teacher strikes, the ballot closed today so we’ll find out next week if it’s going ahead and I can’t wait for a massive grid post about it like she’s some kind of inspirational character with such passion for the rights of teachers 😂
Nahhh….Emma only cares about Emma, full stop.
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All the people agreeing with her though on that post 😔 wtf is wrong with these women?
Selfish, selfish fuckers. I would normally hate to say that about a mum just trying to get by but fuck me, it’s disgusting.
Can’t believe the way she goes on ffs. What the fuck is John doing? Protect your children, man. That being said, it does sound like he actually does the majority of the practical evening care. Can’t work as long hours as she makes out he does…
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