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VIP Member
Doh! That's why I said "many EU countries use tents to house asylum seekers"
So what point was it you were trying to make? It’s clearly not against the law if numerous countries do it 🤷🏼‍♀️
If they’re housing them in buildings then there are various health and safety laws that must be followed, a disused hospital in Dublin was deemed unsuitable because it fell below the standard required so the alternative is modular housing.


VIP Member
Are you saying lawyers should be arrested and charged for representing him?
If not, who are you referring to?
That's an excellent question too although actually I am reasonably confident that's exactly what they mean. Can't have the law getting in the way of the government doing whatever it wants. Then again they also believe the Uk is being asked to take the "entire world's 'hard luck cases'".


VIP Member
What does an ordinary person do though? An ordinary person who is maybe languishing on an NHS waiting list struggling to put food on the table, they're looking at their government for leadership and help and being told one of the big reasons for that is immigration. The only thing I see is people protesting outside hotels.


VIP Member
Allowing 12,000 immigrants to claim asylum here without proper checks and interviews is going to be a disaster. It won’t effect those like Rishi or Suella but the everyday people.
"The usual security and criminal checks will still be conducted and biometrics taken, but, for the first time, there will be no face-to-face interviews, say officials."


VIP Member
That come through the common travel area…isn’t Albania set to join the EU ? Ireland’s the back door to the UK .
Sources on Ireland being the back door to the UK? Or is it that people try to go to the UK when their asylum claim fails or something happens?

The process to join can take up to 10 years - the Albania joining EU Wikipedia has a really nice table of the little progress that seems to have been made



VIP Member
There’s no border in the common travel area and most if not all will have valid documentation and addresses should anything arise.The PSNI and guards have cross border security checks so if criminals are travelling north or south it’s easy to check the database…I certainly would have a problem with a sex offender moving into the area only last week there was one moved from a hostel 2 mins away from a school… And yes he was whiter than the driven snow.
Yes, I was aware of the 'common travel area'. Are the PSNI cross border security checks only carried out on Irish citizens?


VIP Member
Isn’t that what they’re trying to do? It’s the traffickers and those paying them are contributing to this, innocents are also bearing the brunt of these greedy imbeciles.
I'm sure we all wish to live in a crime-free society but unless humans transform into flawless angels, there will always be crime on some level unfortunately.

There wouldn't be an illegal job market for criminals to pay into if it didn't exist, so all we can hope for is the authorities to come down harder on people who set up these circles. These people are already based in the UK, so it isn't resolved by blocking migrants.

Coming for people who accept such jobs, some willingly others out of desperation won't bring down these organisations. Innocent people include those who are exploited by these activities and forced to work for little to no money.

How many medical students are taking up posts with the NHS ? most are going abroad where the pay is better for less hours, we’ve got a massive shortage of GP’s … why? Because the NHS is one of the most unattractive institutions to work for… The medical students studying where I am are mostly foreign students that will probably take up a position away from the UK .
I'm not sure how you can say positions are being taken away by those in the UK and then argue that the NHS is unattractive in the same breath.

Unattractive to who? The hundreds of UK-trained doctors who take up jobs in Australia and New Zealand instead? Foreign doctors are making up for the shortfall if anything, not stealing jobs.

We should be grateful to anyone who works for the NHS, no matter where they come from.
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VIP Member
You really think that they don’t inform people or that those people don’t know themselves? I believe it was monga who posted reactions from asylum seekers in France, one of which said that they basically would rather in the UK than in Rwanda or France or wherever. Some of these people are making the journey with the sole intention of seeking asylum in the UK, others feel forced to because their claim in the EU wasn’t being processed quickly enough (yes really, it’s ironic), the process meant that they couldn’t support themselves or it was rejected. Important to note that just because one country rejects your asylum claim it does not mean that your claim may not be accepted by another country. Sometimes there’s problems with translators not explaining basic things well enough and the like

There also seems to be an implication that those charities are encouraging people to come over

Rwanda is hardly a safe country. You also have the EU problem of once you claim in one country your claim may not be admissible in another, hence part of the reason that UK is now popular

After Rwanda was announced people still made their way here knowing the plan and smugglers allegedly dropped the prices of crossing
What do you make of the comparisons to nazi Germany?


VIP Member
They don’t carry out any checks there is no border.
Ah okay, I was surprised (and obviously confused) when you said ...

The PSNI and guards have cross border security checks so if criminals are travelling north or south it’s easy to check the database
... but I haven't been to N. Ireland for many years.

In any case the same question applies, do you have the same 'concerns' about EU citizens born in the Republic 'coming north' as you have about EU citizens born in any of the other 26 member countries making the same journey?
Not at all, don’t be ridiculous…Freeloaders are those economic migrants that come to work in the black market or form gangs but put claims in for asylum whilst here , knowing they won’t follow through with those claims but are given accommodation , phones, clothes and allowances, while waiting years for their claims to process, they’re not fleeing from anything just passing time until it’s time to go back home.
And do you have any information about how common an occurrence this is? Just to put it in context with the total number of asylum seekers?


VIP Member
Oh dear, it seems you have a case of short-term memory loss.

Less than 30 minutes ago I proved that you mentioned the incident first, probably in the hopes it would be the stereotypical brown-faced attacker.

At the time, Merpedy questioned why you mentioned it and made assumptions.

you responded:

If the story has no relevance, why did you mention in it in the first place?

Anyway, we've all cottoned on to your tactic to derail this thread.
I think it was YOU was derailing my post was very valid to the points and concerns raised in this thread, so now you’ve realized your mistake and trying to backtrack 😂
It's clear some posters in here have unsavoury, discriminatory views towards certain people and can't even back down and admit they wrongly assume people of certain races and nationalities are bad criminals.
That’s definitely YOU , my post was actually in support of the man that was fined 😂


VIP Member
We know there’s thousands of people affected it’s not a new thing.
Yes, we do. The report also highlights some of the consequences which are then complained about by British citizens when it comes to migrants and refugees.

It says policy restrictions can push people to rely on the state, do not protect children and limits the number of skilled people that are allowed into the country. All complaints which have been raised in this and the last thread when people discuss who we should prioritise when speaking of migrants and/or refugees or the supposed burden they place on this country.