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28# Never fear, she’s got a new career. Teaching you to swim like a pro, unless you run out of breath just swim slow

But seriously, why hasn't she ever picked up some legitimate part time work as a swim teacher? The choices she has made in life are so baffling.
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Yeah right it was a beautiful experience you were so flat in your stories your eyes were red from crying and you only went because it was gifted.
Who in their right mind would spend $400 to spend the day on their own horse riding and at hot springs I’d rather spend that at an all day spa if I was going to indulge.
This cow is just too much how the fuck did she go from having her own show in 2019 where she got some sort of new talent award to this. Maybe the tears today were a reminder that she hasn’t made it and her mates Lana and Jade are at the logins without her working for real celebrities
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Chatty Member
Seriously the more I watch the more I get angry with her antics. What was that this morning shit. Poor Sage filming his mother cooking in her underwear before school. What a deranged life she is instilling in her children that this is ok. No way is anything like this ok for a child be doing. Most kids Sage age their before school routine is get up have brekky shower then watch a bit of tv or some other enjoyment before school. But to make your child film you so so unfair. There needs to be laws against this exploitation. Because that's what is it. Now I've had my rant over her behaviour I'll go. Sorry but not sorry.😡😡
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Director of Mugs

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It's already been mentioned. But she's so loud. Imagine living next door or opposite her, trying to settle a baby, work from home or just enjoying your day off from work and you have EL swearing her head off and playing basketball, while someone who is young enough to be her daughter films her.


I saw it too. Something along the lines of good men treat women well? I'll check the motivation mugs unless @Director of Mugs knows (joking it was too long for the mugs)

I missed it. Pesky work.
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Why even have the cheese? Why not just have a warehouse sale? What kind of clothes sale in a warehouse do you go to where there’s food?
Exactly! If anything she should have had a daytime sale and perhaps provided a coffee van. The food wastage is so disgusting to me, her rack of clothes should have been 50 or 20, not 100!
Just get Leah to photograph the clothes and put it on friggin Depop.
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Ffs! I don’t mind the suit she’s got on this afternoon but for the love of god, why can’t she wear it with a normal, full length tank or tshirt - not a crop with a cut out back 🙄🙄
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Well-known member
It goes without saying mortgage stress, food insecurity, petrol, winter electricity prices etc are hurting many families here in Oz too. Not only is EL delusional, but her cashed up content is totally un relatable to her “tribe”. Besides shilling overseas trips, ballon rides, days horse riding…gloating about $19.99kg fresh pasta is a luxury. Why doesn’t she read the room and cook up some healthy budget family meals and other cost saving ideas using every day items. Oh, and she should stop showing the tribe how many times a week she can eat out breakfast, lunch and dinner. She wants to associated with the lovely ladies from Toorak, but, in all honesty, she’s just a cashed up bogan from Sunnyville who fleeces her unsuspecting gullible followers. 🤡
I agree. We have a new gas heater and thought we would be saving money, however, in the last month, our gas bill has gone up by over $200. I think we'll be going back to our reverse cycle split systems. They were a lot cheaper to run. Plus it was over $100 to fill my car last week. The prices are ridiculous. Even soup mix has gone up. Last year it was around 80c, now it's $1.70. All these things (big and small) add up! My husband and I are on decent incomes, so I don't know how people on low incomes are doing. I'm sure as hell don't think they'll be able to afford shopping trips or trips OS>

So true! I mean we can’t even afford lettuce in my house! Let alone bloody fresh paaaaastaasa

Let alone the $1000 on expensive cheese that looked mauled by stray dogs at the end of the night 🐶
True. Woolies had about 5 manky looking lettuces for $6.90 on the weekend and it was a hard no from me. The fruit and veg shop had them for $9.90!

The whole cheese thing didn't work out too well for her, did it? I don't think she even made enough to cover the cost of the cheese.
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As a long time horse rider it pained me to see ELs seat position, inappropriate footwear, and her hold on the reins would be dead set dangerous if that good natured pony hadn’t quietly plodded along. It’s the most bizarre activity for someone to randomly do! Maybe she’s doing a weird bucket list thing?
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Oh my goodness! What a wild ride to catch up on. First thanks for putting up with my self indulgent sook-fest. You guys are tops and I think I just needed a break!

But holy damn. I usually only experience schadenfreude with Cachia! Big, massive grand plans that fizzle to nothing and it makes me so warm on the inside. This disgusting garage sale flop made me feel the same thing!

I just… why didn’t she do this better? Did she advertise anywhere else? Like local Melbourne pages on Facebook? If not, then she only targeted this tiny sliver of her audience - locals who have cash to spare. No one was going to turn up. No one also walked out with mountains of clothes:rolleyes: This was never going to be successful.

I am also disgusted on the amount of money she dropped on those cheeses. Jesus she has no idea. She’ll just spin this as a fun night out not the money spinner she needed it to be.

And I’ll just agree with what’s been said about this Bali trip. It’s going to go nowhere. She hasn’t had enough genuine interest and knows she can’t sustain even one of those weeks let alone all three. However she hasn’t given anyone a chance to show genuine interest either. Who would have thought that having a wealthy bogan 22 year old run your marketing could lead to many misses when it comes to your audience!
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If I could change my user name I’d be known as “Dickdeep in Cheezels”.
I can’t remember who came up with this, but credit and love to you mystery Tattler ❤🥰
I would sweep in and claim Dickehead. What a thrill to be the accidental hero discovering it on the (seems forever ago) ill fated mug collection 👸
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Broken Veneers

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Okay ladies I had some time to kill, there's no line out the front so it must be nice and toasty in there with all 197 guests (three just walked out, no shopping in hand).
She's just posted a couple of stories and she'd be lucky to have 5 - 10 people in the warehouse and she's fangirling her fans more than they're fangirling her
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So Sage decided he does not want to play hoops I hope it’s not because friends have seen him him with the maniac mother and have taunted him.
100% sure they have seen...turning 12 is grade 7 here in WA..its high school. My boys go to an all boys school and having a mother like this on insta would lead to full time bullying...esp with a public profile, the dirty jokes, skanky would honestly be mortifying for him. its embarrassing for us to watch but guaranteed its hell for him..
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Super Cute

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Haven’t watched Her stories yet just reading here. Told the husband she has sold her pyjamas at the second hand sale. He was like ewwwww that’s the chick that had the fanny rot?!!!! 🤣🤣 he was like it should be illegal to sell pj’s there’s piss , sprog and rot in pj’s!
I just threw up in my mouth

Emmylou, here I am with yet more free advice for you (formerly 1001 Others, now reincarnated!)

The reason why last night was a flop is because a lot - if not most - people don't have a spare $100 to spend on secondhand stuff at the moment. Life is expensive, and that $100 would go a long way towards household costs.

Run another event - this time, via silent auction. Create a new Instagram page and take the time to list each and every item on a separate post, with a reference for interested parties to quote, when they DM you with their best and final offer. Make the auction run for a good couple of weeks, and promote it via your main page. You might not get as much as you hope for some items, but you'll still be shifting them along and getting some $ in.

OR ...

Section off one part of your warehouse and make it a recycled boutique. Check your insurance and lease agreement to ensure you're allowed to use the warehouse in this capacity. Stuff will take longer to sell but if you're intent on getting the highest price possible for the items then this might be the best way to go. Just make sure someone is on site at the warehouse when you say they will be, to greet prospective buyers.
Welcome back Messy - just curious as to the reason for the reincarnation?

I reincarnated myself and now I’m mad dogging it to try and boost my status from Member to Chatty Member because I like to feel important 🤩🤣
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Limpy Love

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How ignorance never ceases to amaze me.

I know not everyone is into sport and knows the "language" but for an NBL superfan and for someone who has a child playing basketball, she really is an embarrassment.

To call a lay up a layout and a double dribble a double treble just proves she had no interest in the sport or to improve her knowledge.
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Toilet toothbrush

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If I could change my user name I’d be known as “Dickdeep in Cheezels”.
I can’t remember who came up with this, but credit and love to you mystery Tattler ❤🥰
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Well-known member
I think she’s struggled over the past couple of years. She could be doing so much with her profile, and she’s got a whole clothing brand and supplier at her choady fingertips. It shits me to tears because we are all working hard to buy what we want and fucktards like this just get handed shit on a silver platter.
She needs a complete overhaul and to get rid of Leah. You don’t need an assistant emmylou, you’re not busy.

sorry, I’m rambling I’m tired and I’m on night 3 of my kids just taking turns to wake up and cry.
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Chatty Member
That cheese table was pathetic. Just huge wheels of cheese with random fruit that wasn’t even cut up to be eaten. Nothing aesthically pleasing about it.

We just know that barely my of those clothes sold, and she 100% has tried to sell items she’s been given and gifted by brands which is disgusting profiting off your followers for things you’ve been given for free. she should be donating those neutrogena products to the charities that make hampers for women and children escaping domestic violence. How about she uses her “status as an influencer” to get neutrogena and esmi to donate some lovely products to those charities!

The whole dancing around giggling with the paw paw, it’s one thing to have a laugh it’s another to post to your stories, plus Leah is 22 it’s understandable Lazy Lou is just a try hard 40 something.
Lazylou definitely believed there would be women running to get a piece of anything that she owned, who would want to go to a freezing cold warehouse with a screaming banshee running around. She knew it would be cold so why didn’t she dress appropriately?
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