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Chatty Member
I don’t think it’s a bug, I reckon it’s food poisoning. I don’t understand how Dave can catch it again within such a short space of time?


Active member
I’m desperate to travel with my kids more, we can only really afford one holiday abroad a year. She could do so much more enriching things with all the money she spends on absolute shit. I doubt all of the food she buys gets eaten!
Same! At the moment we try and go on 1 haven holiday a year, not the most exciting thing but my children absolutely love it and right now it’s all that financially affordable. I spend about £60 food shopping a week for 5 of us, because I really look at the prices and shop around. I couldn’t imagine what my partner would say if I came home with £300 worth of wasteful food shopping or £800 spent in tescos for random stuff 😂 maybe I’m just jealous 😂


Active member
A Maccies for lunch today I've just seen 🤣🤣
She has said before about dave inherting a house.. so I reckon he's also inherited a load of cash to go with it .. hense the house , endless shopping ,takeaways and no jobs.. if that is the case , then fair play to them, they are extremely lucky to have and at such a young age aswel !! However daves parents must be annoyed with that they don't work and live off that money , that money will run out one day if they don't top it up with wages .. I bet the person who left it to them is turning in their grave at what they are doing with it! Yes I get people need to eat and live , but working along side it and budgeting a bit better would help it last longer !!!
But then again I could be completely wrong and he could genuinely have a business of his own.. all I know is they never seem to budget or at least try !


VIP Member
I dunno, but have you noticed it's ALL savers and essentials things she's buying now? Absolutely NOTHING wrong with it, my cupboard is full of it because we're literally on the bones of our arse most months. but when she goes and drops £900 at Costco and brags about massive food shops that cost hundreds, gousto meals for her and him while feeding the kids pure shite, buying this that and the other and suddenly is making out they're on the breadline, it's a bit odd...something has to have gone on, her attitude fully stinks aswell atm. And that macaroni cheese 🤢 would have been cheaper and tastier to make a roux for it.
I came here to say this! She used to buy branded everything! Used to have people constantly asking how she afforded it! Maybe Dave’s parents have seen sense 😉
Apparently thats what got rid of her spots...not the fact she stopped eating loads of crap food and takeaways. Does she really think people will actually believe her 🤔
ngl i used to have really bad acne and i used water everyday no steroid cream kept the same diet and the acne went away so idk i believer her sorry to say this ahahaha

Huge Chebs

Chatty Member
She’s just popped up on my FYP, I forgot she existed to be fair  She has nominated HERSELF for a glow mamma award… what a strange thing to do!

She said she’s lost 2 stone and she does look like she’s lost weight, looks much healthier. Then she’s complaining that the bottom half looks no different. It’s unlikely she’s exercising, which is the only way she’s going to tone! Still getting take away coffees too, complete waste of money!!

The trend at the moment is this “Did we make it?” where people post a photo of them as a couple years ago, then one now. Dave looks happy in the first photo, probably the last time he smiled as he looks grumpy as fuck… kind of reminiscent of her mate Hannah’s husband…

Going to go against this one I'm afraid! You can't spot reduce fat so even with exercise it wouldn't alter her body shape. To reduce problem areas you need to keep reducing your body fat percentage. Sorry, I'm an ex fatty who lost 5 stone without exercise haha. It's 20% exercise, 80% diet as a rule of thumb. At her current weight and height she'll easy have a lot more to shed


Chatty Member
Why has she bought all that stuff from tkmaxx? Who is it for? Make up etc? She doesn’t leave the house unless it’s a drive thru or shopping trip!
Think she said she got it for Amelia as she’s starting to be interested in all of that

How much money would they be getting child support for having 6 children? Would that all go on food shops clothes takeaways. As they haven’t got mortgage have they? Or do they have one since moving. Not as up to date with them in past year but u know dave parents left prev house to them
No they own the new house outright


Active member
Christmas hauls be upcoming shortly and it’s always just cheap tat from bnm and homebargains that be thrown out in weeks after Christmas spending £500 filling trolly full. I know having 6 kids would be expensive that’s her issue she could make her living cheaper by being a bit more friendly to the pocket and having large meals to share between the 8 of them. Meaning the kids get better items at Christmas instead of utter 💩


VIP Member
Sooo she's ill, that's no change there, she can't look after the kids so dave as two. Also no change there. And although shes been sick and trying to lose weight. First thing that she as is something from mcdonalds. WTF.
She’s ate nothing but junk food since ‘dieting’


VIP Member
Im sure its recommended not to have under the age of 12 months possibly 18 months due to the risk of suffocation. Why dont people research these things first.
I’m waiting for the video of her addressing the duvet video since she loves a cheeky read of tattle