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Yes! I remember she'd often go on rants in her videos or get teary and have a moan about how unfair it is her channel isn't growing as fast as other people's. And this was a couple of years ago- surely shes realized by now consistency plays a huge part in channel growth?
Well she should have realized by now, but she still misses way too many uploads lol.

Bitch, I would have tore up the comment section if I saw those videos with her crying about not gaining subs in real time. That’s so annoying
Yes, she was moaning about her channel not growing fast enough. When soph and Emma first made a video together, Emma had way more subscribers than Soph. But Soph’s channel took off, and Emma’s never grew at that pace. I think that’s what got her to moan and cry. She disappeared way too often, also once during Vlogmas. She never apologised or anything, then came back as if nothing happened. That’s why I unsubscribed. Now I’m amazed that she posts weekly vlogs without getting sick, blaming it on people not appreciating her enough or on her period.
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I agree, having a nice clean living space makes such a difference. I can't comprehend how Emma lives with all the 'stuff" everywhere in her flat.
I don’t know how she copes. No wonder she feels overwhelmed quite often, there’s so much going on in her flat! It’s quite a decent sized flat too but she makes it look tiny with the amount of stuff she has.

But yeah, I hate how influencers have made self care all about expensive candles and face masks. Yes that can be part of it, but it’s a small part!
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Their school costs just under £20k to attend, I don’t mean this harshly but Tim should have done well at uni, yes some it was his hard work but with affluent parents the challenges are much less
Emma however, I wonder what her dad thinks
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I think She has enough space, just about, to keep all her clutter if Tim moves out to get his own place but with him there there is implying much stuff and not enough room. She needs to decide which is more important to her and considering her age I think she should try living alone for a bit.

Also agree with the posts who spoke about pros, if she has a hormone imbalance then that could easily be the reason for her darker face hair and need to shave. She could give cutting our refined sugars and sweetners to see if it makes any difference for her. Alex in colour talks about her pcos and laser treatments she got on her face, Emma if you read here maybe check out her highlights on it?
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Fake voice in latest video again. Trying to look professional we have all seen your vlogs Hun 💁
Yeah, that's something I've noticed as well! I don't mind it so much, but I definitely notice it. Seems counterproductive seeing as number 1 rule for growing on YouTube seems to be "be genuine".
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I think she seems a lot more like her old self now after the breakup. I know we only see what she puts out but she seems happier already. I can relate as I was the same when I broke up with my ex, I didn’t realise how much it was getting me down, even though it wasn’t a ‘bad’ relationship.
I think the last year has been a bit bleh for everyone.
She’s posting on her IG stories soo much more now. I definitely get why but it is a strange part about breakups that the women tend to put themselves out there so much right after, then usually plateau. Glad she’s keeping busy at least!
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Her bedroom literally gives me anxiety, it’s so cluttered 😩 I can’t understand why she has that desk taking up so much space when she has the office and another makeup desk upstairs?Also it might be just me but her bed looks tiny?! I know my chunky ass would never be able to share that bed with someone else 😂😂
View attachment 514421View attachment 514422

It's never made either and seems to have piles of clothes (?) On it whenever we see it.
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I was literally thinking this yesterday!!! The gap between her boobs is a bit odd. But then I thought it could be due to weight loss which makes sense and I guess no shame
I also think it’s the fact she also doesn’t wear proper sports bras, she just wears the crop type style and that is not enough support for most people
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Emma does have a tendency to refer to this Tattle thread as DMs and comments. Like when a user here mentioned Botox and in her stories she referred to it as comments on her last post.

Wouldn't be surprised if the DMs she's referring to are just users speculating here.
I think there’s definitely a difference. None of my friends watch Emma and I actually feel quite upset about their breakup. Coming here and talking about it is a lot more respectful than invading her space and DMing her. That’s just my opinion though I imagine she may disagree 😂
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Chatty Member
It actually makes me really angry that her weight loss journey video is still up and yet she hasn't addressed the period of the 1200 daily intake
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The thing that surprised me was when she mentioned all the “extra exercise”. I’m no expert but surely marathon training on top of her already pretty excessive gym sessions would be far too much would it not? I’m hoping she didn’t mean she’s going to be doing daily gym sessions, spin and on top marathon training. That’s sounds like a disaster for one person!
probably the real reason she's hired an editor, she knows she won't even get a weekly vlog up with that schedule
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I guess the fact she’s gaining insta followers gives more of an excuse to put zero effort into YouTube content 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Today my electricity was off for 3 hours for some essential work so I did emails from my phone, did some offline work and made some calls. Maybe I should've called my boss and said I couldn't work.

Yup! I agree, been wfh myself since March last year, every wed the bloody Gardeners come to do the gardening around my flat....they re generally there all day, strimming, lawn mowing, making about as much noise as you could possibly imagine! I have work to do, calls to do, team meetings to attend etc and I just have to put up with it, apologise and do the best I can! I wish I could just not work every time they turned up!! :/
I hear you on this. I just have to apologise if I'm on a call when they're hedge cutting!
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Chatty Member
Google search says December 96 which means she's 24. I started watching her about 8 years ago so I've always roughly known she's my age. It actually surprises me how old she is because of her immaturity. But yeah, looks-wise she looks older.
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Watching the vlog and at the bit where she says she's a perfectionist with her work so that's why she often doesn't post. Honey, you don't post and when you do, it's not good. If this is you being a perfectionist and doing the best you can, then please consider a different job.
This part... 🥴 I don’t want to bash her efforts because I’m not where she is, doing what she’s doing. But “perfection”??? Sis, have several seats.
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