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I feel so heartbroken for this little boy. I keep looking at my little boy thinking how can anyone do that to a child. I just want to cuddle mine so tight but then I keep thinking of all the children who are his age and have no parents or love in their life. The world is truly heartbreaking.

I hope that the other inmates receive all the details of what she did to him and makes her life a living hell

It makes me feel sick that he seemed like such a happy boy before he moved in with her
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Today I went to the shops to get a few bits for my daughter’s birthday, tomorrow getting sweets for her to take into class and picked up some drumstick squashies and got all emotional thinking of them being his favourite sweet, I then went into the main shopping centre outside the shop I last spoke to Emma outside of, I stood there and cried and cried, People singing Christmas Carols and being all cheerful and I’m like…. broken right now, Arthur is my every waking thought and his monster killers are there when I close my eyes, I’m not sleeping. I am so ashamed to admit I’m really struggling it’s really affected me and I feel absolutely pathetic as I’ve not suffered,Arthur did.
I am absolutely broken hearted
🙁 I don’t know where else to turn. Maybe it’s because I knew her to speak to its made it worse but I am finding it so hard, but I don’t know where to turn I don’t want people to think im making it about me.
I would suggest speaking to a Councillor or simular. As you knew of the monster and she was a bit close to home it would be affecting you a little more than anyone observing the news.

Perhaps take a break from discussing or reading about the case. And change the ambience of your evenings. Engage in something a bit light hearted. It must be awful for you that you knew of her. Although unrelated, very close relatives of mine live on the same street as the murderer of Sarah Everard. It played on my mind for a very long while, but I eventually didnt let it consume my thoughts anymore. I tended to avoid any topics about it or reading further into his character or crime for my own well being.
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I seen on an article on the daily Mail this morning that on one of the occasions it was referred to the police they even provided photographs of his bruises. The police said they would refer to their Sargent and they never heard anything back. It just doesn’t make sense to me that the police would not follow up on this and also that his grandmother would not push to follow it up either 😔
I am sadly not surprised.

I once attempted to report something to the police (I was right about reporting it, the same thing happened again and was much worse the second time) and they fobbed me off.
Said it was "a domestic argument", they couldn't see an offence being committed etc etc.
I then tried to escalate it, but nobody was interested. They rather responded to my complaint instead of following it up.
So I understand that his grandmother didn't get anywhere, as I didn't either.
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I'm waiting for old chestnut, "lessons to be learnt" to be rolled out at every opportunity. Instead of children's services taking responsibility. They never do. A law unto themselves.
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Who has a bit of life experience? Problem is it’s a shit career, not paid well for the level of shit you have to deal with and not enough social workers coming through the ranks, and those that do leave.
im a nurse and I’ve been denied to do the social work masters at my uni several times 🙄
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So true, nothing has affected me as bad as this. I know this happens so much, and there’s been so many heartbreaking stories that have definitely traumatised me but this…it’s something else. It’s shook me to the very core, perhaps it’s because we have had insight into what he suffered? I don’t know but it’s broken my heart
I think it’s because we have never seen so much evidence or real time distress on camera of a child abuse case. It is not normal for a family to be abusing a child on cctv.
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I don’t think I have ever been so disturbed by anything as I have this case. I can’t stop thinking about that dear little boys suffering. I cried when I watched the news, I cried cooking tea on Friday. I have done some Xmas shopping this morning and I don’t feel any joy, I just keep wondering how sad Arthur’s Xmas’s must have been.
I can’t unsee the footage on the news, nor can I unhear the evidence I have heard and it’s eating away at me.
I wonder if it’s because my grandson is just a couple of years younger and looks a bit like Arthur? Said Grandson has known nothing but love and the thought of anyone hurting him is horrific. Much as my partner is disgusted by this case too, I think he’s getting a bit fed up if seeing me mope about with red eyes!
Please can someone tell me I am not alone!!
I understand this. So many have been deeply affected by this - especially those with children/little boys.

My little boys birthday is close to Arthur’s death and one of the days where there’s evidence of him standing still for hours. My heart breaks thinking of him there while we were at home showering my little boy with love, treats, gifts etc. Just so extremely sad 😢
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If only the social worker or police requested Arthur had a medical assessment, I really believe he would have been saved and placed with a family member or foster carer 😢 all of the other injuries would have been observed and there is no way he would have been sent back to live with those monsters 😭
I think you are spot on.

T and E are messed up people and were out of control.

But the grandparents alerted social workers and they did not take them seriously.
If a social worker had sat down to meet with the grandparents and to assess the child and speak (and listen) to the child, then there is a high chance Arthur would have gone to his grandparents.

I don't see much sense in wishing harm to E and T, but to strongly request that both police and social services pay more attention and are more diligent might make a real difference.
If lots of people write to their local MPs or start a petition for a review of the current system, then there might be some changes that could save children and vulnerable people (the elderly, women, disabled people) from being abused.
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She would still have her PR, this is only removed when a child is adopted. Even if a parent is sent to prison they still have PR, obviously it is restricted by default but it is likely to only be restricted by the family courts if the crime was directly against the child.

If only the social worker or police requested Arthur had a medical assessment, I really believe he would have been saved and placed with a family member or foster carer 😢 all of the other injuries would have been observed and there is no way he would have been sent back to live with those monsters 😭
You mean if they would have done their job correctly. But instead of taking into account the photos that had been taken of his bruises, they chose to believe because they had a clean house all was fine. They must know the golden rule only people with messy houses can be child abusers 😤
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Both should have whole life sentences I know they are under review please let it happen...I’m with you @louhenry1976 I can’t get this out if my mind it’s deeply disturbed me and my heart aches for little Arthur so much horrific brutality it’s beyond comprehension...
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Poor Arthur it’s knocked me sick what happened to him, I can’t get it out of my mind. I’ve cried a river when I saw that video with his duvet and his words...hell is too good for those monsters...hope inmates get to them...wish some Ken could’ve saved him.
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It’s so hard to make sense of this first time in my life I have ever made a commit on any forms I guess looking for comfort to deal with the pain that I’m feeling it just at so much I hope that prison messes their heads i prayer that little Arthur spirit is by his mums and grandparents side that he can hear he was loved

it’s a struggle to get through the day with out tears in my eyes having so much empty does us more harm than good ,but we can not change who we are , loss hits us harder

Let’s hope we can all help each other on this site to be able to process it and know we not alone in the pain we a feeling right now
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Unfortunately it is this kind of attitude that results in avoidable deaths. Does that make it better for eveyone to simply say 'well it wasnt our fault it was the police and ss'? As a society everyone should tale responsibility for child abuse when they see it and there is so much people can actually do. When the grandparents were first fobbed off by social services they could have gone with the pictures and requested to speak to a manager and that would have restarted it. They could have taken arthur for a medical examination at the hospital when they had him (instead of their own photos) and that certainly would have exposed it becuse ss will not ignore a doctor reporting bruises in the way they will a family member. As a teacher trained in child safeguarsing i would have expected hughes mother to know this. Washing your hands of it all after one failed referal is actually inexcusable.
How should they have got to SS to request to speak to a manager?
And how would have "restarted this"?

SS was there the day before she called them AND a week before he died.
SS should have acted then and there to avoid the tragedy.

The police was sent the photos and did not bother to call back.
Again, the police should have acted then and there to avoid this.

The grandparents didn't know the full extend of it all, they were concerned and were trying to get help.
It was SS and the police that failed them.

It is always easy to say "they should have". This is also victim blaming.

By the way, I reported domestic abuse this week (neighbours). I described in great detail what I observed (woman slammed against car and beaten, crying and screaming). I also called a helpline for domestic abuse and they advised to report it to the police.
First I was fobbed off, then I was told an "inspector" would call me. I carried my phone around all day, no call. So I complained again.
The "operator" (!) told me the case was closed and I should email a complaint service. So I did. I got an email explaining they followed the process.
So what am I supposed to do? How can I get the police to investigate this?
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Even easier to do this in lockdown. Parents could just say they had Covid or symptoms and in a lot of cases it would be ‘virtual visits’ via video calls not even seeing the child face to face, not that a face to face visit made any difference in poor Arthur’s case 😢
I had my son's 2yr health check over phone and video call. It went well for us, but I'm not a complete shitstain of a parent, otherwise my son would have been absolutely fucked tbh. Kids suffering like Arthur had and continue to have absolutely no chance whatsoever.

A clean house isn’t the be all and end all. I might be a bit lazy with keeping on top of the housework at times (not to the point where it’s a health hazard obviously) but when it comes to my kids, I give them 100% and will always make sure they feel loved and cared for above all else. I really hate the thought that I could be put in SS bad books just because my house isn’t spotless and is a bit cluttered whilst the likes of TH and ET are allowed to torture a child to death.
Totally agree!
My gaff is only "immaculate" when my kids are away for sleepovers, my 2year old loves nothing more than undoing my days housework, but I absolutely adore my kids and they are spoilt rotten, to think I'd be judged more than that fucking evil twat with shit hair is ridiculous. My home is messy (but clean!) because unlike little Arthur my kids are allowed to enjoy life and be children. A tidy house means sod all to me but it was the difference between Arthur escaping that hell and being left to die at the hands of those two
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I think her mothers husband made annoymous report to social services. Annoymous concerns never taken seriously in my experience (usually for good reason). And then they stopped Hughes bringing Arthur into the house as it was 'upsetting for her to witness his treatment'. Honestly wtf!? As long as your all right eh love. The mentality of people just beggers belief. They should be subject to prosecution themselevs.
Not sure I believe that his claims. Firstly there's no record whatsover - but given the state of the SS offices in the area, that wouldn't necessarily surprise me. What made me disbelieve was him saying he didn't know whether it was him or his wife that made the call. You'd remember which one of you made the call to report your own offspring/stepchild to social services ffs.
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Agree with what youve said, I find it unbelievable they only asked him to pull up his top, saw what they thought was a small bruise (how!!?? - it's obvious it was only the bottom of that large bruise photographed) and were content with that. To call concerned family members Malicious, also unbelievable.

Just one thing though, I don't believe Arthur was there to witness Gary's death. I've read lots on the case and can't see a child being present, I believe he was elsewhere at the time. If anyone can show me evidence he was there, fine, but I've certainly not seen that mentioned and it def would be.
Tbh I have only ever read on here that Arthur was a witness to his mother's crime. But wether he was or not a very serious crime was committed where a child is residence. His main care giver given a considerable prison sentence. Domestic violence alone where a child lives always prompts social services referrals and for something so serious, they usually wouldn't put children on anything less than child protection or even an interim care order/pre proceedings. Which would include visits at least every 2 weeks and speaking to the child at regular intervals alone. It speaks volumes that said social worker retired. If they done their job properly they would have seen the drastic change in him, the weight loss, questioned Arthur alone about the bruises and even seen the distress in his eyes!

I know many actual "ground" workers themselves have their hands tied so to speak and always go by what the managers say. Yet these managers couldn't even tell you the colour of the child's eyes! And they make such life changing decisions rarely ever laying eyes on the parents, let alone the child! The system needs a whole shake up.
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Thing is I do slightly agree maybe this thread needs to close. It's gossip? Digging out Arthur's background. Part of me thinks we need to remember Arthur highlighted what abused children have to live and what they live through right now.

But I do think maybe we're wrong to gossip?
I just read this thread rather that comment but I think if people don't like the content because they view it as "gossip" just ignore it. I think there is nothing salacious here, questions are being asked that I have asked myself, that people are asking. And why not?
But even if it is perceived as gossip it's not for anyone to moderate a thread or to say what can it can not be discussed. Gossip isn't against the rules on a gossip site.
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I sincerely hope the prisoners take it into their own hands now. My heart just breaks so much thinking about that little boy, I wish someone got a chance to show him love and affection 😢

Well, when ET was kicked out of her cell by her cellmate it was because”someone” left paperwork around with details of the crime on it. Before that was seen she was telling her cellmate that she was in prison because Arthurs dad neglected him.

What I got from that is wardens can be “careless”.
I hope one of the wardens did leave the paperwork laying around on purpose

Oh yeah they have TVS and even play stations. I know someone who's in jail and having spoken to them it's become apparent the prisoners have taken a special interest in Mr.Hughes.
Good I hope they get him
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The footage and case gets to people but alot of these grief tourist's I find are disrespectful. They're literally distorting and defacing photographs of a dead child. When Alfie Evans passed I remember his family asking if the images would stop as it was distressing his mother. They do it with little Azaylia too... I've seen some really awful ones where her face is distorted into part animal (lion). 😕 Maybe it's just me, but I find it so wrong. They move from child to child. Grief tourism is almost like a cult, looking for said child's face in the clouds and strangers saying they're getting "signs from above" from said child. I do believe in signs from loved ones but it's very personal!
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