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Olivia's mum was extremely articulate and very dignified.
Yes I watched a clip. Absolutely heartbroken when she said he lost the sparkle in his eyes and she's a nurse so would have been well informed on how to go about safeguarding her grandson.
Hughes knew damn well that Olivia's mum was onto him especially after he said you're a danger to me daddy you're going to kill me, that's why he cut contact. How awful to know that you're going back to that pair of utter demons. I'm absolutely convinced that Hughes resented Arthur deep down to switch from loving father to active torturer so quickly.
The family did what they could and they were still failed because ET kept a tidy house. They should know better, abusers play on stereotype and people's biases, it's on the authorities to see beyond that.

I'm waiting for old chestnut, "lessons to be learnt" to be rolled out at every opportunity. Instead of children's services taking responsibility. They never do. A law unto themselves.
It's every fucking time. No one ever wants to admit that there are people in these agencies who are just shit or that "X" needs to change.
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I get what you mean, but I can understand it. The strain of the emotion they’ve been under must be immense. It seems there’s a lot we don’t know in terms of Olivia’s history with Arthur and the dynamics between both families since his death. I think Daniel has handled things pretty well given none of this negative attention is his fault, and it seems he’s getting nasty messages too.
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Including FGM?
No you have completely taken what I have said out of context. People shouldn’t have to change their cultures and traditions just because they live in Britain but it shouldn’t be a token to get away with child killing (I.e child abuse and any other sort of abuse OBVIOUSLY)

Excellent illustration of the point!
Definitely not. It was said that when somebody decides to live in Britain they must live by British culture, no ifs nos or maybes. This is highly xenophobic. I have friends from all different cultures and none would cause their children or loved ones any harm or break the laws of our land. ET had no culture other than McDonald’s, shit tattoos and iPhone 3 quality filtered selfies and sadistically tortured and murdered a 6yo. These sorts of people will always use an EXCUSE to justify their behaviour no matter what their background.
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Delia Smith

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Yep, the press are relishing calling ET the ‘step monster’ etc. we don’t want them being characterized please!! It was bad enough with Harold Shipman ‘Dr Death’ etc.
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There will be a Serious Case Review and I hope someone or many will be held accountable for their actions in not protecting Arthur. But I think it will be a case of who can pass the blame the fastest.

so many chances to save that little boys life. I can’t get it out of my head. I have snuggled my children that much closer recently.
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I agree. What a total miscarriage of justice to let the father off with manslaughter. I do not understand that verdict at all. Even the father confessed to ET that he was guilty and 'didnt have a leg to stand on' when they were being secretly recorded in the tranport van. Its the last thing that society could do for Arthur, to make sure they got properly punished and yet he will be out in 13 years! He will still be young only just past 40 able to have a whole life. That is not appropriate after what he did.

The father seemed to want him dead. He made so many threats of killing him even before he met ET. How was he expecting it to end in anything other than the boys death? He knew he couldnt send him back to school as they would see the abuse in a second. He knew the boy was starving. He knew the violence was escalating. He just didnt want to be the one to do it so told her to do it instead. I think the jury just fell for his 'Im just a feckless stupid man under the spell of evil Emma' routine. In reality he was the one responsible for keeping Arthur safe and he knowingly sent him to his death. He is more guilty if anythint. I actually agree with ETs defence barrister that there is no way she would have done any of it without having his express or implied consent.
I don't understand why such "parents" won't just hand their children over to the grandparents/outer family who want them or simply say they can't cope or aren't cut out to be a parent and allow them to be fostered or adopted by a family who would cherish them.

I was reading about the case of Kaylee-Jade Priest yesterday. Another child where everybody around her, failed her. From the mother, the neighbours in the flat who heard the screams and thuds often but did absolutely nothing about it to the boyfriends friend who heard one of the attacks while he was in the home but left and did absolutely nothing. What the hell is wrong with people?!
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They have a playroom they can go nuts in if they like. But in general we work to the rule that before getting something new out, you put the current thing away. It's always worked well for us. Toys all go away before dinner etc, bathroom gets tidied as they're getting out the bath. I don't think I'm that unusual.

Oh well I've had two midwife visits, plus breastfeeding support ladies and not once have they ever looked alarmed at my tidy house :-/

Seems you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Maybe they should just disregard houses and not ignore bruises on children.
Think your missing the point but this thread isn’t about your tidy house. 🤷‍♀️
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I seen on an article on the daily Mail this morning that on one of the occasions it was referred to the police they even provided photographs of his bruises. The police said they would refer to their Sargent and they never heard anything back. It just doesn’t make sense to me that the police would not follow up on this and also that his grandmother would not push to follow it up either 😔
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@Kneadwine you're definitely not alone, my little boy who’s 3 said he was hungry after nursery today so I gave him a snack then burst into tears thinking of that little boy who must have been absolutely starving hungry all the time 😭
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I only just listened to the audio recordings and it makes me so angry to see his father’s partner so easily lie and make up the story about his death on the spot. The things she was saying was so far fetched but the way she spoke…it was so manipulative and would probably convince a few people blind to the facts of the story.

I sincerely hope they get justice for him and no other child has to experience what Arthur did. And that these cases can be identified before tragedy occurs. The world is such a cruel place:cry:
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View attachment 911621
what are peoples thoughts on this?
I’m my own personal opinion it’s very much a “look the other way” approach now that something has went badly wrong. That kind of response doesn’t sit well with me. It’s basically saying it’s pot luck if they think your case is serious enough depending on what other cases they receive that particular day. You can’t iron out complex social work cases in a day. They should be regularly reviewed, revisited and challenged, especially given the other information which was presented to the police and concerned family members too. This wasn’t all presented to social workers on one day and closed, it was over a period of time. This doesn’t sit well with me but again it’s just my opinion
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We spent the first lockdown all together at home and I feel so guilty saying we loved the whole time, all we did was play in the garden and just enjoy being together. Now all I think of it is the children and poor little Arthur who must have suffered so bad at home all of the time. Even when he was at school I bet he felt pure dread to go back home.
I really hope there isn’t another lockdown now that my eyes have been opened to the children who live with such horrible people 😪
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I don’t think I have ever been so disturbed by anything as I have this case. I can’t stop thinking about that dear little boys suffering. I cried when I watched the news, I cried cooking tea on Friday. I have done some Xmas shopping this morning and I don’t feel any joy, I just keep wondering how sad Arthur’s Xmas’s must have been.
I can’t unsee the footage on the news, nor can I unhear the evidence I have heard and it’s eating away at me.
I wonder if it’s because my grandson is just a couple of years younger and looks a bit like Arthur? Said Grandson has known nothing but love and the thought of anyone hurting him is horrific. Much as my partner is disgusted by this case too, I think he’s getting a bit fed up if seeing me mope about with red eyes!
Please can someone tell me I am not alone!!
You’re not alone in how you fell don’t worry. The thought of the fear only he could have known is totally soul destroying

@yellowmellow @Mrs_honestyx4 same. My lb is 5 and a half and my daughter 12 and yes lockdown was hard as my lb can be a little bugger, and as for homeschooling!! But they are each half of my heart. I feel physically sick when I think of poor Arthur and the terror that must have gone through his mind every day. How could that miserable excuse of a “father” lay in bed at night knowing his own flesh and blood was sleeping on the floor like a dog after being made to stand for 14 hours! I also think the hairdresser didn’t call police as I’m assuming she was doing that slags hair illegally during lockdown and was worried if she called police she would get in trouble herself. Every morning I think of him and I try every day so hard to stop the images and sounds of that video entering my mind but then I feel bad, as I can try and block it but poor Arthur lived it every day. I feel heart sick for that baby every day. The father should have got murder as well, he sent that text to her telling her
to “end him” knowing full well what she was capable of. I can only pray the attorney general makes the right choice and reviews their sentence because if anyone deserves longer in prison it’s the pieces of sh!t.
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The whole hairdresser incident I find the most disturbing of all. Of all the people who had the opportunity to save Arthur it was her and her husband. The abuse was so obvious right in front of them they just needed to call the police and an ambulance and he would have been saved but instead they did abolsutely nothing. It is unbearable to think about. What on earth is wrong with people. I can only assume the hairdresser was of the same type of mentality as ET
please fill me in if I am wrong, but sometimes people are scared to speak up in case they get into trouble themselves. For months husband and I were worried about the baby in the apartment next to ours, but we were two stupid young 20s students. We were terrified that if we spoke up, he would bang on our door drunk or we would be thrown out of our apartment. After we did ring the police after he threw the kid down the stairs and tried it with his wife, he was released and came back to the apartment block where he banged on our door for hours.

now I have life experience I’d honestly not give a shit and I’d throw him down the stairs myself but back then I was so worried about the consequences of everything.
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Not sure I believe that his claims. Firstly there's no record whatsover - but given the state of the SS offices in the area, that wouldn't necessarily surprise me. What made me disbelieve was him saying he didn't know whether it was him or his wife that made the call. You'd remember which one of you made the call to report your own offspring/stepchild to social services ffs.
I agree. He was covering his own back. The call was never made, by him or his wife.
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Chatty Member
They have papers I think

Milk is not healthy and also cruel to cows. Plant milk is fine.
This thread is about an innocent little child being murdered it’s not for you to parade your beliefs in. Make your own thread about being a vegan if you wish but please don’t do it here.

The hairdresser and her boyfriend testified in court. When you read their account of ET's visits to their house it's astounding that they didn't immediately call the police.
Absolutely disgusting, she is to blame then too if she could see what kind of state he was in and did nothing. I hope it haunts her everyday and she feels wretched for the rest of her life
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This story kills me. I'v had to unfollow the thread as its everywhere. Everywhere I look, I see their faces and everyone I talk too, will bring it up in conversation. It is horrific and traumatising and it's so deep in my thoughts that I dream about Arthur! His little face as well, he has such a familiar face. I only hope that the government pull their finger out their bums and invest money into the system otherwise Arthur will be another child killed by his so called loved ones.
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