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It didn't seem like the child was harmed, so SS would not have done anything.
She said on TV how happy the child was.

I don't know whether the mother saw him in prison. I thought they first said that the mother joined the army?

If the grandparents have no rights, as another user advised, then she would have been guilty of harassment if she would have done all these things and the free legal advice would most likely have told her that she could only alert SS and the police to report her concerns - which she did.

The parties that had the power here were: SS and the police.
Unfortunately it is this kind of attitude that results in avoidable deaths. Does that make it better for eveyone to simply say 'well it wasnt our fault it was the police and ss'? As a society everyone should tale responsibility for child abuse when they see it and there is so much people can actually do. When the grandparents were first fobbed off by social services they could have gone with the pictures and requested to speak to a manager and that would have restarted it. They could have taken arthur for a medical examination at the hospital when they had him (instead of their own photos) and that certainly would have exposed it becuse ss will not ignore a doctor reporting bruises in the way they will a family member. As a teacher trained in child safeguarsing i would have expected hughes mother to know this. Washing your hands of it all after one failed referal is actually inexcusable.
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I know if i was working in SW and children were relying on me that I would rather be over the top with my follow up and investigations because you have a duty of care to help those that cannot speak or protect themselves 😔 I’d rather get a bollocking from my superiors/top line for going overboard to protect them than just not investigating at all 🤬
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DH is not coming across as well as he thinks he is...

Olivia's mum was extremely articulate and very dignified.
100%. What a nightmare few years she's had, first with her out-of-control daughter and then having her beloved grandson handed over to a monster who stopped contact.
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Chatty Member
I’m so glad I found this thread; this case has absolutely devastated me and I can’t stop thinking about Arthur and crying about what happened to him. My son is the same age as him and I just can’t imagine how anyone would want to hurt him. I can’t stop thinking about how much little Arthur suffered and how distressed he must have been.
I saw on the other thread someone mentioned a charity called Secret Santa and I was s to say thank you! I have donated a present in Arthur’s name as well.
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I think a lot of us feel the same. I just cannot shake it off. I just want to rewind time, find him and save him which sounds bizarre 🙈!
I feel exactly the same. Keep finding myself thinking about what I could have done to save him, or what I could have done to change what happened. It is really strange because I didn’t know him at all either! But something about this case has absolutely broken me and is really staying with me.
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View attachment 911621
what are peoples thoughts on this?
They are not to blame no. They are right there, it’s those pieces of filth that murdered him. Not going to say parents because they don’t deserve that right. But, there has been a lack of judgement on their end. Definitely a communication loss, I don’t understand why ss weren’t speaking with his school etc as that is usually what happens? But yes there wasn’t enough done in my opinion, Arthur should have had a regular social worker especially after his mother went to prison and undoubtedly when ss was called twice. Someone failed there but no they’re not to blame
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I think it is especially cruel that they didn't give him the Christmas presents his grandmother brought round for him.

She was forbidden to see him (from October 2019 I believe) but she left presents for him at the door step but after he had died those presents were found under a bed, still wrapped.

It almost seemed like they wanted him to believe that the rest of the family didnt care about him anymore, either. Bastards.
This is heartbreaking and makes me so angry, didn't know to react with the sad sick or angry emoji. How could they do that to a little boy who had been through so much trauma and lost his mum then cut him off from his grandparents. On both sides of the family they are the only ones who seemed to have his best interests at heart. TH looks about 10 sandwiches short of a picnic and ET just pure evil. Makes me so angry and sad at the same time. People loved Arthur and wanted to look after him but they kept him💔
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Poor little Arthur. This case has truly traumatised me. I cant get Arthur's beautiful little face and sweet smile out of my mind. I have cried for the last 5 days straight, I can"t sleep or eat. To think how anyone could be so cruel is hard to comprehend. My daughter is 5 months older than Arthur was and my son a year younger. This morning when his little face appeared on TV my son asked if it was this way as it was poor Arthur that had to live the terror amd suffer daily. It eats me up how he must have felt in his little mind. I cant even feel anger at this stage, just an overwhelming sadness. RIP little one, I wish the world had been kinder to you. You deserved so much more xx

Sorry but I just to vent x
I think it has traumatised so many. To be that cruel to a child…my son is the same age as Arthur was and to think he thought no one loves him and no one would feed him is more than I can bare. I can’t believe something so evil would exist in the world 😔

How I wish little Arthur could have been sent to live with his maternal grandmother 😢
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SS have no argument they can’t say lack of resources or blame Covid cause they went out within 24 hours of reviving the call and visit the house in person they just didn’t do their job properly.
A immaculate house is a red flag when you have kids. The fact that TH wanted to meet in a car park was a red flag this is all basic safeguarding training yet these were supposedly experienced professionals.

I don’t want to hear any more lessons learnt as the lessons are NEVER learnt
Ummmmm... my house is spotless and I have 2 kids. No red flags here.
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Another baby has been killed in limeside oldham. Looks like the mum again. She’s been detained under mental health. How many more babies before something is seriously down to stop things like this
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Ah was it? Thanks.
Ive also seen it mentioned that she’s had salt thrown at her… obviously prisoners don’t get to watch the news so
I wonder how anyone learned about the salt… and surely visitors would recognise T/H and the details would spread that way…
Prisoners do get to watch the news lol.
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Disgrace and this hairdresser had kids of her own too! How could you be in the same house allowing this to happen
If it meant being exposed for breaking lockdown I would take a fine of whatever amount to keep Arthur safe. So many people let this poor baby down
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SS have no argument they can’t say lack of resources or blame Covid cause they went out within 24 hours of reviving the call and visit the house in person they just didn’t do their job properly.
A immaculate house is a red flag when you have kids. The fact that TH wanted to meet in a car park was a red flag this is all basic safeguarding training yet these were supposedly experienced professionals.

I don’t want to hear any more lessons learnt as the lessons are NEVER learnt
I don't understand the immaculate house thing at all. Would find it so weird that there were 2+ little kids in the house all day yet nothing out of place

Ummmmm... my house is spotless and I have 2 kids. No red flags here.
I'd find it a bit odd that it was o
Ummmmm... my house is spotless and I have 2 kids. No red flags here.
What's your secret and how much do you charge per hour 😂
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I’d like to know why the video of that poor baby has been released for everyone to see, I think they should keep things like that private, it’s so distressing. I don’t know about anyone else but it’s living in my mind all the time. I actually feel so much guilt about not being able to save him and I didn’t even know him. It’s literally making me feel ill 😔
the public need to know these things happen so that if they are ever in the hairdresser’s shoes, they will KNOW without a doubt they NEED to get involved.
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Chatty Member
normally they can watch the news, however the prison where ET & JH are located will block the channels on any programme they are expected to be mentioned. Any newspapers mentioning them will also be redacted. Often some info slips through the net but more often than not any knowledge of their crime is filtered in through contact with loved ones from the outside.
JT will be on the ponce wing for his protection, however female prisons don’t have dividing wings dependant on crime so she’ll have zero protection from physical repercussions of other inmates.
Yeah doesn’t stop other prisoners talking on the phone to people on the outside and getting told the details. Everyone is talking about it. When paedophiles go in, they usually will say they are in for a different crime such as fraud and they get found out by prisoners asking friends and family on the phone to google their cell mate. 😂

Ah yeah. The old "cultural differences" defence. I came across that when investigating many a crime.

My opinion is simple. If you choose to live in to be UK then your culture, or a very least the culture you've chosen, is British. No ifs, buts or maybes.
Urm no. All people should be able to carry on their culture and traditions in the UK. We are a very diverse little island. But these cultures should not be a token to kill children. 😂
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I'm not in any way victim blaming or family shaming, so I hope this isn't taken this way - Daniel Hughes claimed they had spoken as a family of breaking down the door and taking Arthur (after the severe bruise picture was ignored - so I'm assuming it would have still been visible at this time). He says the police advised him he would be arrested for kidnap and his child removed from him? Is there truth to this? Anyone in the force could confirm?

I genuinely think if I was in that position, and I was *certain* he was being abused, I'd like to think I'd take my chances? Surely if you save a child from certain abuse, any charges against you would be dropped? Or am I looking at this in a very simplistic way?
I'm so glad you have said that I keep thinking the same thing. I know I would not be able to sleep thinking my nephew was being abused I would take him or scream the street down.
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Wether people like it or not. Social need to take the blame here too. I've seen them act very heavy handed to mothers who have had mental health or difficulties with an ex partner yet anyone can see from the outside they adore their children. Perhaps these women are easy targets? God knows but I've seen loving mothers have their children removed for alot less. Real cases are ignored, probably because they spend so much time and resources on families who don't need them. Any suspicious bruise on a child should increase visits and at the very least spoken to the child alone! I don't see how Arthur wouldn't have been a big flag on their radar with him being witness to a severe DV incident and his main carer going to jail. That is child protection shit and the social workers involved in this case deserve their heads to ROLL. Probably too busy nit picking at a loving but slightly struggling mother instead.
Agree with what youve said, I find it unbelievable they only asked him to pull up his top, saw what they thought was a small bruise (how!!?? - it's obvious it was only the bottom of that large bruise photographed) and were content with that. To call concerned family members Malicious, also unbelievable.

Just one thing though, I don't believe Arthur was there to witness Gary's death. I've read lots on the case and can't see a child being present, I believe he was elsewhere at the time. If anyone can show me evidence he was there, fine, but I've certainly not seen that mentioned and it def would be.
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Sorry if this has been asked before…

but does anyone know how likely it is that T and H will get a battering in jail?

because on the one hand you read things like “screws turn a blind eye; prison will be hell for them” and on the other hand “even Myra H and Rose W made friends in prison, there were no reports of them coming to harm and their crimes were arguably as bad”

Me I really hope they suffer horribly every day for the rest of their lives.
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