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By the sounds of it THs mother is pretty much blaming ET for it all. It’s not her little princes fault oh no 🙄
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His background would have had him classed as a highly vulnerable child. They said he had separation anxiety, was worried his dad would kill him, use a baby voice, school would have known about his mum, he was known by SS from the age of 3. Any children not coming online we’re escalated to our senior management team or year group leaders to chase them up. I think all schools have now learnt how to handle lockdowns better, many didn’t get it right the first time but it’s a huge huge shame. He was a vulnerable child before this.
My school had no online work during the first lockdown, they didn’t mark any thing and we received 2 phone calls the entire time. No one had any idea what was going on in my home. I know I wasn’t alone in this either unfortunately.
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A lot of malicious people report innocent parents with well looked after children for all sorts of ‘concerns’ actually. My own ‘mother’ was trying to report me to the social bragging about make believe grandparents rights when I was PREGNANT, even tho I was put into care due to long term child SA arranged by her and other men. I’m really glad family members just can’t turn up at your house and kidnap your child. Children all over the country would be at risk being pinched outside in the back garden by malicious family members who are stopped from seeing the children for good reason. But in cases like Arthur’s a family member kidnapping him would have actually saved his life. It’s a double edged sword, what saves one child would endanger another. 😞
This this this!!!

I've actually seen myself how common malicious calls are, I've personally been at the brunt of it myself twice from my mother's side of the family who hadn't seen me or my children in person for years when there was a long running family feud. It seems to be the go-to for many when there is a rift, especially within family.

I don't agree with extended family just snatching children when there is a "concern". It would put so many children at risk, for the sake of a handful of evil people out there.

What I do agree with though is any sort of bruising that looks abnormal should be questioned more in depth. I can see more than one bruise in that photo of Arthur's back. I do feel that social workers need more training in child psychology and to actually observe the emotional signs of abuse in children. Body language, eyes, changes in stories, abnormal language for example. Rather than going by text book shite. They should also prioritise families where physical abuse and neglect is a strong factor. Rather than the "future emotional harm" cases because the mother has sought help from her GP for depression and such. Yes, these cases exist and probably clog the system up.
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I posted this on the Star Hobson thread but speaking to social services is sometimes trying.

When me and my husband first got together, we lived in a small apartment and our neighbours opposite were a young family from Poland. Mum didn’t speak English, but Dad did. Their baby was about 1-2years, old enough to toddle.

husband and I always had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right; baby would never cry, they were out for long long hours, and he would be outside the apartments drinking heavily. He would be often outside drunk when I came home from shift at 2am.

anyways one night I saw Mum on the train when I went to work, and I mentioned it to husband. Husband saw the Dad in the shop about 10 mins earlier. Who had the baby?

I rang SS and it was confirmed that baby was left alone when dad would nip to the shop. Dad apologised and explain cultural differences and SS discharged them.

months later in the middle of the night, we woke up with screaming as he threw the baby down the stairs, and then attempted to the same with the Mum.

What im trying to say is that SS really should have done more. We said how concerned we were, how heavy he was drinking, how we never ever heard the baby despite us always hearing him on the phone etc.

its shit. Honestly shit.
Ah yeah. The old "cultural differences" defence. I came across that when investigating many a crime.

My opinion is simple. If you choose to live in to be UK then your culture, or a very least the culture you've chosen, is British. No ifs, buts or maybes.
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Arthur can finally be at peace. After being alone in life, and alone in death he can now receive the reverence he deserves.

Arthur's killer father Thomas Hughes agrees to release body

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Well, I don't know if she failed him.

She was told she couldn't see him by his dad.
Her daughter had just gone to prison for slaughtering her boyfriend - she might have felt shame or like she was "damaged goods" and not good company.
She didn't know they moved out of his parent's house.
She brought Xmas presents, but got no response to those.
She was then contacted by the other grandparents, met them and called SS - who told her that they had been to the house (!)
The other grandparents called SS and the police.

What could she have done? Kidnapped him?
Called SS or the police more often - with what result? Eventually they would have stopped talking to her.
Wasnt Arthurs mum supposed to be seeing him in prison? She has a contact order didnt she? So the grandma could have fought on behalf of her daughter using her daughters legal right to maintain contact with him as a way to ensure he wasnt left with noone but hughes and tustin. (One of many things she could have done).

She could have also gone back to speak to Hughes parents and decide a plan of action together? She could have requesred meeting with a social worker. She could have gone to the police station. She could have rang the school. She could have rang the NSPCC. She could have sat outside their house watching to see what was going on? She could have kept hounding hughes and Tustin to see him until they got the police on her which would then be another opportunity to raise concerns. She could have got some free legal advice from a family law solicitor......the list is virtually endless. People who want to do something, will find a way. Not just accept it amd move on with their lives.

Im a bit confused what was going on with Olivia all this time. Did she just accept that he dissapeared for months and wasnt brought to see her? There was mention about a visit that never happened but i dont know when this was meant to have been. It must have been much earlier because she said she spoke to Arthur the week before and he was excited. Why didnt she follow up on this?
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This! I don't mean to sound mean spirited and heartless but I don't know why people come in here saying they're struggling. My advice too is to take a break from discussing things like this on forums/SM or engage in more light hearted topics if it is causing effect your day to day lives. Not make the thread about their own emotional struggle. The whole nation is very angry about it.
I think its a good thing that people feel they can come on here and say they are struggling, it's better than bottling it up and then struggling even more, just the act of writing down the feelings and getting a kind hearted reply can do wonders for some people, I don't think that people sharing how they feel is making the thread about themselves....the story of Arthur has affected everyone, its good to talk.
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Does anyone know if TH was abusive to Arthur before meeting ET? It seems to come across like she’s the one who treated him the worst and just didn’t like him because he wasn’t her own
I just can't believe he has turned against his son, out of the blue, due to meeting ET. There must have been some resentment beforehand 😢
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Oh absolutely it's not their fault - I think what I was asking in a roundabout way is - why would the police tell him that? (Or would that be the case if it was a mistaken allegation?) It seems extreme if so.
To have conversations as a family about breaking down a door to someones house is significant and I suppose not done lightly.
It sounds like bullshit to me. If ET and TH made a complaint of harassment against the Hughes family then surely the police would just say "If you persist in contacting them, you may be charged with harassment" not go on to declare that his kids could be taken off him. Harassment isn't even that big a criminal charge in the grand scheme of things. You wouldn't lose custody of your child for that. Sounds fishy.
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I don't understand the immaculate house thing at all. Would find it so weird that there were 2+ little kids in the house all day yet nothing out of place

I'd find it a bit odd that it was o
What's your secret and how much do you charge per hour 😂
They have a playroom they can go nuts in if they like. But in general we work to the rule that before getting something new out, you put the current thing away. It's always worked well for us. Toys all go away before dinner etc, bathroom gets tidied as they're getting out the bath. I don't think I'm that unusual.

It’s common knowledge that when midwives go out to do the first day checks it the house is spotless it could indicate a concern.
when they do the nursery checks they are also looking to see if you have toys out and a bed for your child to sleep in a home for a child not a medical sterile environment.I’m sure your kids are allowed to play with their Christmas prsents and don’t have their faves teddy in the lift like poor Arthur did
Oh well I've had two midwife visits, plus breastfeeding support ladies and not once have they ever looked alarmed at my tidy house :-/

Seems you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Maybe they should just disregard houses and not ignore bruises on children.
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Just had a casual TikTok scrolling session, a video came up of when Arthur was trying to fold his duvet and the music was him crying saying “nobody loves me” I still can’t get over it, the sounds of a little boys cry and his words destroy me everytime. How can such a beautiful little boy feel so alone and unloved. I don’t even live anywhere near where they live and I wish I could just get in my car and drive for hours just to give him a cuddle and tell him that everything is going to be ok. Absolutely breaks me that a little baby in this scary world had such a shit life and felt so alone. I don’t think he will ever leave my thoughts as it has honestly broken my heart.
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I keep trying to find out on prison life looking for updates if anyone has got to them ( I wish )
All I can see she is in isolation for her protection so either she has been got at or been close it doesn’t give me any comfort altho for a few seconds it did then all the heart break returned my thoughts back to Arthur there is no punishment lol hat could ever come close to what they did, to day I feel angry and sad and to think they going to give her parenting lessons omg .
I’m also puzzled why her own mother did not do something regarding Arthur all guilty of playing apart in Arthur’s death shocking beyond belief.

Typo error on lol
I think her mothers husband made annoymous report to social services. Annoymous concerns never taken seriously in my experience (usually for good reason). And then they stopped Hughes bringing Arthur into the house as it was 'upsetting for her to witness his treatment'. Honestly wtf!? As long as your all right eh love. The mentality of people just beggers belief. They should be subject to prosecution themselevs.
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Little Arthur has affected me so much, I am thinking of doing my masters degree in social work. It’s got to me so much that there are children going through this kind of torment. I knew it but because we didn’t see it with our own eyes it didn’t sink in. But this is rooted in my mind, and I just want to try and help as many children as I can - if one bit of positivity can come out of Arthur’s horrific little life then it should be that more effort is put into social services

Same here, he’s on my mind so much, especially when I hug my child I think how could anyone not love their child so much and allow someone to come into their lives and treat their child like that.
It’s beyond tragic. They had no right to take his life away. I’m just heartbroken.
I can’t get my head around what could make you look at your child and want to hurt them so much. The thought of anyone even looking or talking to my babies in the wrong way makes me want to be sick!
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Obviously there’s nothing wrong with having an immaculate house when you have children, we all have different standards and abilities. I just feel like there should be more to it than that (and maybe there is usually, I’ve never had dealings with SS myself).

A clean house doesn’t automatically mean everything is fine, an untidy house doesn’t automatically mean there’s something wrong. The fact that TH & ET were let off by ss because the house was tidy is shocking. Especially when Arthur had a massive bruise on his back that they somehow missed completely despite there being a picture taken of it the day before.
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She’s trying to get herself put on section and straight into Rampton 💯 just like Beverly Allit. She will get it too I do not doubt she has some sort of antisocial personality disorder and will slip through the prison system into hospital setting.
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I wonder when he last saw his Mum in prison and if she had noticed a deterioration in her beautiful Arthur 😥. She mentioned the last time she spoke to him he asked her to keep him some sweets and she said she would if he ate his dinner. She never got to see him again. I have never felt so physically sick and sad in my life. The only comfort I find is that he was so loved and happy before that disgusting excuse for a human ET entered his life .
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No you have completely taken what I have said out of context. People shouldn’t have to change their cultures and traditions just because they live in Britain but it shouldn’t be a token to get away with child killing (I.e child abuse and any other sort of abuse OBVIOUSLY)

Definitely not. It was said that when somebody decides to live in Britain they must live by British culture, no ifs nos or maybes. This is highly xenophobic. I have friends from all different cultures and none would cause their children or loved ones any harm or break the laws of our land. ET had no culture other than McDonald’s, shit tattoos and iPhone 3 quality filtered selfies and sadistically tortured and murdered a 6yo. These sorts of people will always use an EXCUSE to justify their behaviour no matter what their background.
Sorry but I fundamentally disagree. A wise man once said when in Rome you do as the Romans do. And the xenophobia (your words not mine) goes both ways. For example in the UK it’s perfectly acceptable to have a glass of wine with a meal, would you do that if you were in Saudi Arabia? Would you engage in pre-marital sex in the UAE where you can literally be arrested? Would you go to North Korea and loudly pronounce in public that Kim is a clown. Of course you wouldn’t because these things could get you arrested.

Remember Polygamy is perfectly acceptable in some cultures. As is child marriage. FGM has already been mentioned. There are widely different cultural norms regarding animal cruelty.

When working in this case I was stared at like I had two heads when I explained what they were doing was wrong.

If any person chooses to relocate to be UK they do so because they want to take advantage of the economic and social benefits associated with a secular, liberal, free market economy. It sure isn’t as hell because of the weather. And that requires observation of the cultural and legal norms that have created this situation in the first place, not the ones which have produced the situation they have chosen to leave. In your own home live any way you want within the laws of the land. But in public life the traditions, societal and legal norms and cultural practices are British and should be observed as such.
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The whole hairdresser incident I find the most disturbing of all. Of all the people who had the opportunity to save Arthur it was her and her husband. The abuse was so obvious right in front of them they just needed to call the police and an ambulance and he would have been saved but instead they did abolsutely nothing. It is unbearable to think about. What on earth is wrong with people. I can only assume the hairdresser was of the same type of mentality as ET
I think it's telling that ET and TH were quite comfortable displaying their abuse in front of these two without fear of being reported. I feel there's more to this part of the story than we know. One of the saddest aspects of this whole affair is that he could have been saved right up until the day he died if people had acted more diligently.
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