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Chatty Member
I cant imagine what her other children had to endure- they were in the house too, listening to him constantly crying, being shouted out,
beaten. All these horrible memories, a life time of nightmares. That witch caused irreparable damage to her children.
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I'm not in any way victim blaming or family shaming, so I hope this isn't taken this way - Daniel Hughes claimed they had spoken as a family of breaking down the door and taking Arthur (after the severe bruise picture was ignored - so I'm assuming it would have still been visible at this time). He says the police advised him he would be arrested for kidnap and his child removed from him? Is there truth to this? Anyone in the force could confirm?

I genuinely think if I was in that position, and I was *certain* he was being abused, I'd like to think I'd take my chances? Surely if you save a child from certain abuse, any charges against you would be dropped? Or am I looking at this in a very simplistic way?
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I don’t think I have ever been so disturbed by anything as I have this case. I can’t stop thinking about that dear little boys suffering. I cried when I watched the news, I cried cooking tea on Friday. I have done some Xmas shopping this morning and I don’t feel any joy, I just keep wondering how sad Arthur’s Xmas’s must have been.
I can’t unsee the footage on the news, nor can I unhear the evidence I have heard and it’s eating away at me.
I wonder if it’s because my grandson is just a couple of years younger and looks a bit like Arthur? Said Grandson has known nothing but love and the thought of anyone hurting him is horrific. Much as my partner is disgusted by this case too, I think he’s getting a bit fed up if seeing me mope about with red eyes!
Please can someone tell me I am not alone!!
You’re not alone!!
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Arthur. I’ve been crying too. The recordings of him crying and begging to be fed haunt me. I worry that there could be other children out there right now going through a similar thing. I honestly don’t know how to stop thinking about it all… it’s just so awful. This sounds so selfish, but I find myself having to imagine that Arthur was saved, just so I can get to sleep at night. It’s honestly affected me so much. The last time I felt like this was after Baby P. The time before that…James Bulger.
I just hope that something actually gets done now with social services, school involvement etc so this will be picked up on in the future. I am amazed that the school didn’t get involved. When I was homeschooling, we HAD to sign on to the zoom calls etc, otherwise the headteacher would call, and sometimes come to your house if you didn’t answer! How was Arthur just able to vanish from school?
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A few days ago I posted here to tell you that I tried to report domestic abuse and was fobbed off.

The same thing happened again.
Last night I observed the neighbour assaulting his wife/girlfriend. I called the police and spoke to someone who fobbed me off. I then asked for a superior to call me. Nobody called. Today I spoke to an "operator" who told me that the superior concluded that what the initial guy said was fine and no call back necessary. So I didnt get a call back and I didnt get to make a report.

I am not surprised that the grandmother didnt get a call back after she sent the photos to the police.
I am also unable to report it.
Apparently the abused person should make the report and I was made to feel like a nosey neighbour (I am not nosey, the woman ran onto the street and tried to get into the car, he slammed her head against it and dragged her back in, she screamed briefly).
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Tragic isn't it 💔 a beautiful little boy who should've been the apple of his mother's eye. It randomly updates news articles with what's going on in court but it isn't updating live from court and I don't understand why.
People tell me I am OTT with how I am with my children. They have never been alone with any man who is not biologically related, I didnt even send the ones who couldn't talk at the time to nursery as they couldnt repeat back to me what went on. I'd rather my kids grow up pissed that I wrapped them up in cotton wool then grow up hating me because I put them in situations to get hurt. Nope not for me.
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Thanks for everyone’s reassurance that I am not alone. Like another poster, I also feel like I have no right to feel this distraught. I simply cannot shake it off and can’t imagine not constantly thinking about Arthur.
As a family, we were all lucky that no one suffered financially during lockdown. I was the only one still (frontline) working, but on days off I enjoyed the lovely weather, catching up on stuff, chatting with neighbours and our wonderful family zoom chats. Now I think I will always think of lockdown as the time when Arthur was being tortured.
I went to pick my grandson up from school today as I really needed to see him. His trust in us and his total innocence just highlighted how terrible this crime against Arthur was. And to think he tried to get help and wasn’t heard.
I have also been thinking of his poor grandma and how things need to change so that grandparents have a voice. If that evil woman hated Arthur so much, why didn’t they send him to live with his Nan?
I’m assuming she HAD to return him due to the father (I use that term loosely) having full custody, and I can only imagine how hard that was. But in all honesty, I think I would have run away with him and s*d the law.
To think he is still lying in a cold mortuary haunts me. The only thing that consoles me is that he is out of pain and that no one can hurt him anymore.That’s the only thing I can cling onto.
Sorry for waffling on but I just needed to ‘talk’ to likeminded people 🥰
I just popped over the garage for some milk and there was a little lad in there about Arthur's age dressed in a Marvel superhero outfit, twirling around looking pleased as punch. It choked me up and I had to leg it up another aisle so he didn't see me crying, and I'm not prone to emotional outbursts in public. What is absolutely staggering is the contrast between the public's genuine grief for a child they never knew and the cruelty meted out by the people who were supposed to be caring for him. It's almost impossible to process.
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A lot of malicious people report innocent parents with well looked after children for all sorts of ‘concerns’ actually. My own ‘mother’ was trying to report me to the social bragging about make believe grandparents rights when I was PREGNANT, even tho I was put into care due to long term child SA arranged by her and other men. I’m really glad family members just can’t turn up at your house and kidnap your child. Children all over the country would be at risk being pinched outside in the back garden by malicious family members who are stopped from seeing the children for good reason. But in cases like Arthur’s a family member kidnapping him would have actually saved his life. It’s a double edged sword, what saves one child would endanger another. 😞

I’d like to know what sort of ‘friend’ ET was you know. They might not of said anything if they feared her or were intimidated by her. Witnesses need to know they are safe to report such people. Another theory I have is that it was lockdown and hairdressers were not allowed to work, the hairdresser was saving her skin from a covid fine.
I can so relate to the top part of this post. I have had many a malicious report made about me (because my kids are the only thing I care about and the only way to hurt me) including my own so called "mother" as well (guess whos never seen any of my kids ever) I dread to imagine what me and my kids lives would be like if that woman could rock up with grandparents rights.

As for the hairdresser I think she's just as cold and callous as her mate. After ET left her house did she contact any family or friends asking for advice on what to do about Arthur? Did she make an anonymous report? (I know it would of been too late but she didn't know that at the time). Did she and her partner even have a discussion about his treatment when they left? Then her dad has the gall to pipe up on Arthur's page trying to defend her and make out she's just another victim. Just come out and say she couldn't have cared less.
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I can accept that the wider Hughes family cared very much for Arthur. And did what they could to report Arthur's mistreatment to the Authorities. And I can accept that they were there when he passed away so he wasn't alone. I can accept that they felt that as TH had parental responsibility they wanted to see him be found innocent of the charges and let him decide Arthur's burial.

But now we have two parents, one has been convicted of manslaughter of Arthur, and many of us believe he should have been convicted of his murder. The other parent played no part in that. So she should get to decide the burial arrangements of Arthur. Not the Hughes family, not even her family. His mother should be the only one to decide where to lay her murdered son to rest.
I agree. Whatever she did Arthur looked happy, loved, well dressed and clean with her. She must be in torment
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I’m so glad I’ve found this thread so I know im not alone, poor little Arthur is on my mind 24 hours a day, I fall asleep thinking about him I dream of him and I wake up thinking about him, im crying all the time, at work, cooking, in the bath, I feel guilty like I should have known and saved him, and like I’m grieving for someone I knew. How will we ever get over this and be ok again? How can we stop thinking about this 😢 Arthur most of us didn’t know you but God we love you so much 💔
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I just know for a fact, if I was one of those social workers visiting Arthur, I would not have been able to leave that case until I knew he was safe. I wouldn’t have visited once and left it given the evidence of photos and also both sides of the family saying he was unsafe, no way
Just a bit of basic investigation was required. Talking to Arthur alone. Asking to see his bedroom. Talking to other people about their concerns. But they just took her word at face value, took a cursery look at the staged scene and left it. Even when the social worker saw the photos of bruises a few days after and was shocked she never bothered to follow up. Gross incompetence.
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That whole thing in the old thread with Arthur's uncle is all a bit "he said, she said".. Obviously the sister of the man Olivia killed is gonna defend him to the hills. He's dead & its easy to forget all the bad shit when he was murdered. I can also believe the story with the police. I had issues with my son and his dad. The police wouldnt get involved and said it was a family dispute. They could do a welfare check and that was it. I was fuming but what can you do? It's the law! I do believe the courts need to step in as I think it's downright disgusting that families are arguing over this. It's not right that he's not been laid to rest because neither side can agree. Surely you'd just let it lie and hold your own little service and let him go. Olivia's family (as far as i know) arent in the press or on facebook making statements, but the hughes family are joining groups and writing messages.

It's all so messy and it needs to stop. Arthur is dead. They have been sentenced. Lay the boy to rest and move on with your lives so you can all grieve properly.
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Do you know what the sad reality is, if Arthur was in school he wouldn’t have had to suffer all the time like that, someone would have noticed more, he would have been able to tell someone, I believe he would have still been alive, atleast he would have been able to eat, drink something, not made to stand for hours, actually been allowed to be a child and be happy 😔 that haunts me so much
Totally agree 😔 I think this definitely reiterates how important it is that the schools don’t shut again due to covid. There are poor wee children relying on going to school to get out of situations such as this 😭
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The interview his grandmother did this morning when she said he was round at her house last October 2019 (last time she saw him) and the sparkle in his eyes had gone and when his dad came to pick him up with ET he cried his eyes out and begged to stay at his gmas house. Absolutely heartbreaking that he lived in so much fear for so long
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Chatty Member
Milk is not healthy and also cruel to cows. Plant milk is fine.
Yes because the reason Maggie Thatcher stopped kids having milk at school was because it’s not healthy and she cared about the welfare of cows🙄

Millions of kids have milk on their cereal every day and they’re fine. Well done for playing into the typical vegan stereotype though. Gave me a good laugh.
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Here is a photo of the monsters I took off her Facebook before it was taken down, not sure of this one is in the press though I’d assume it is but this was one of the vile monsters very close to the murder. They have no shame.
she looks so dead behind the eyes and smirks like she's done something evil. To think in all these pictures Arthur is nearby crying and in so much pain and they sit around taking selfies... sick sick sick
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I posted this on the Star Hobson thread but speaking to social services is sometimes trying.

When me and my husband first got together, we lived in a small apartment and our neighbours opposite were a young family from Poland. Mum didn’t speak English, but Dad did. Their baby was about 1-2years, old enough to toddle.

husband and I always had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right; baby would never cry, they were out for long long hours, and he would be outside the apartments drinking heavily. He would be often outside drunk when I came home from shift at 2am.

anyways one night I saw Mum on the train when I went to work, and I mentioned it to husband. Husband saw the Dad in the shop about 10 mins earlier. Who had the baby?

I rang SS and it was confirmed that baby was left alone when dad would nip to the shop. Dad apologised and explain cultural differences and SS discharged them.

months later in the middle of the night, we woke up with screaming as he threw the baby down the stairs, and then attempted to the same with the Mum.

What im trying to say is that SS really should have done more. We said how concerned we were, how heavy he was drinking, how we never ever heard the baby despite us always hearing him on the phone etc.

its shit. Honestly shit.
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Today I went to the shops to get a few bits for my daughter’s birthday, tomorrow getting sweets for her to take into class and picked up some drumstick squashies and got all emotional thinking of them being his favourite sweet, I then went into the main shopping centre outside the shop I last spoke to Emma outside of, I stood there and cried and cried, People singing Christmas Carols and being all cheerful and I’m like…. broken right now, Arthur is my every waking thought and his monster killers are there when I close my eyes, I’m not sleeping. I am so ashamed to admit I’m really struggling it’s really affected me and I feel absolutely pathetic as I’ve not suffered,Arthur did.
I am absolutely broken hearted
🙁 I don’t know where else to turn. Maybe it’s because I knew her to speak to its made it worse but I am finding it so hard, but I don’t know where to turn I don’t want people to think im making it about me.
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Even easier to do this in lockdown. Parents could just say they had Covid or symptoms and in a lot of cases it would be ‘virtual visits’ via video calls not even seeing the child face to face, not that a face to face visit made any difference in poor Arthur’s case 😢
SS have no argument they can’t say lack of resources or blame Covid cause they went out within 24 hours of reviving the call and visit the house in person they just didn’t do their job properly.
A immaculate house is a red flag when you have kids. The fact that TH wanted to meet in a car park was a red flag this is all basic safeguarding training yet these were supposedly experienced professionals.

I don’t want to hear any more lessons learnt as the lessons are NEVER learnt
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I just have so much anger within I can’t sleep thinking about this case.. poor Arthur his beautiful perfect little face 🙁🙁🙁
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What a vile pair. Why does she always put those stupid filters on her photos as well? Don’t make you any less ugly love. Also I work two jobs, yet this skank who’s never worked a day in her life managed to afford to buy a hot tub and £350 ‘swing chair’ during lockdown when most people were really struggling financially. The system is broken in this country! 🤬

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