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I think she should have thought about how much hard work babies are before planning another to be honest. All she does is moan. And she does it on social media for sympathy. Most people dont do that. If she is suffering from pnd then she should seek help... however if it's just lazy-titus and attention seeking then she needs a good shake.
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God she really went out of her way to prove the pram was free didn’t she. Since she got basically everything for her baby free or second hand you’d think she’d return the favour and give away some stuff instead of trying to sell it. Bet she’ll try and sell the pram afterwards like she did with that paw patrol thing she got for free 😂 embarrassing.
The paw patrol tower? Because I noticed she sold that on Facebook marketplace for £60! Absolutely awful if she got that for free in the first place and then made a profit on the back of someone else’s generosity!

I'm shocked that pram was free. The Wayfarer gave a great resell value. I sold mine for £350
What’s the betting that she sells it now she knows how much she could get for it 🤣
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It annoys me slightly that people like Emily and others, as soon as they've had a baby, and they continue with their selfish behaviour, it gets labelled as PND.
Now I'm not saying it's not.
But every single person I know who's had a baby, they aren't acting any different to their old selfish ways and everyone says they think they have PND.

There's others out there who have struggled with PND who are doing things completely out of character, struggling day to day. Worrying they're not good enough for their babies, which a lot of the time results in over caring trying to be good enough for them.

Emily is doing nothing different to what she's always done. Put herself first
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She makes the shit up so she makes out she has had bad service or has something to complain about. Same as when she 'receives messages' that never happened.

If her tongue tie has been as bad as it clearly is though.. Why has she left it until Amelia was crying constantly to do something about it if she could apparently see all these things like her losing latch, gulping air ect ect. Yet she only decided to do something about it a couple of weeks ago?
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I'm a family of 5 and we manage with 1 car. Especially with her not working they could too as she managed to drop him off the other day so can't be far
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Ah man came on here to see if anyone caught what was deleted. Normally lurk on this thread, she doesn’t offend me as such just gives me an internal cringe so hard I forget about my own cringe moments 😂😂 also the image of her butterfingers 🤢🤢
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Long time lurker here but this woman is doing my head in! I've also got a newborn and 2 other children to look after but somehow it gets done and do you know why? Because I'm not pissing about at shopping centres creaming over bloody brass bands and my "hubby" helps with the cleaning (admittedly it's done wrong but we give him points for trying!) whilst he's working shifts. She's done nothing but moan about everyone since she got pregnant and now the babies here it's even worse! There are people who would either live to be pregnant or bring their child home yes it's hard going from 1-2 but she didnt parent the other child too well so I'm not sure how this one's going to turn out. Also the fact she wears the same stuff for days amazes me I end up with sick/food/god knows what down me by the end of the day's there is no way I could wear anything 2 days on the trott!!
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Ffs, it'll pumpkin pics galore sunday 🤦‍♀️ At least poor Ella might get some family time, feel sorry for the kid #missingchild #freemoley
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She's unhinged it's the only way I can explain it 🥴 my husband would be absolutely furious with me if I was filming our poorly baby and chatting shit on the Internet at a time like that!
It’s just not normal behaviour is it, to film your own child sick in Hospital, to plaster on the gram for sympathy rather than focusing your attention on them and comforting them. She’s a disgusting excuse for a Mother
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"never thought I'd be one of those parents pushing the pushchair inside the house"
Why is that a bad thing 🤔
What's wrong with it?

Also. Put the damn baby down 😑

The more she shows Ella now, the more it proves she's not there when she doesn't show her 😂

For any normal person it'd be "Well, they don't have to show their kids constantly"
But in the case of Emily, the kids have the camera in their face constantly so it's odd when they're jot 😂
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‘Just thought id come on and show my face’ like shes a celebrity.. every time she comes on its to moan 🤯 im not being horrible but if she doesnt stop eating cake she not going to be able to move soon! 🥴
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ALL FOR ATTENTION. Don’t believe a word, yes it’s tough with a newborn but I’m sorry you do have time to Hoover, not hoovering for 2 weeks is minging. Do it when your husbands home or put baby down and run the hoover about quickly. Also this daily biscuits and chocolate isn’t going to do you any good Emily sort your diet out! If I was here size I couldn’t happily sit scoffing chocolate all day
Well she definitely got what she wanted from her stories, attention from people. You know full well when people say they don’t want sympathy, that’s exactly what they fucking want! Why do people fall for her attention seeking fake tears
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View attachment 744744
Just been noseying at all her highlights, I never realised just how huge her legs are 😯 I really hope for her kids sake she tries to tackle her weight issues! If she carries on getting bigger and bigger she might not be around to see her girls grow up
Never seen her in any of these clothes she was supposed to keep. Obviously sent them all back
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Said she had 2 pairs of joggers on under sheepskin and a couple of tops. Just buy her a fecking coat. I know its a hard age with Ella as my son often straps off his coat and says he's boiling even when it's freezing but it doesn't even look like they had coat with them
Those baby grows have stretched then if she's got that much under it 'cause it looks no different to normal
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