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Ffs Emily is now into the world of scentsy wax burners best Chuck mine out 😂😂 how long before she starts up her own scentsy pyramid scheme 😂😂 #hardworkingmum #runningmyownbusiness
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Complains about having no money but buys next clothes.. does she not know Asda have done red/white/blue / coronation clothes.. and who might just happen to work there?!

Funny how she’s all last minute but the cake came first before forking out for her kids clothes.

Edited to say the frostform kits are £60+ 🤯
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She's such a martyr, I just want to sit but I can't, it's not part of my personality??
The way she was looking to the side is a big sign she's bullshitting which we all know anyway. She looked SO mad about the kids waking up! "THIS ONE" pointing her stubby finger at her 1 year old who is yet again strapped down. Let her move, stimulate her, take her out of the house maybe she'll be tired! Not fucking rocket science.
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She’s soooooooooooooo boring ffs all those stories about some shitty old wardrobe. Then moaning about bolts missing?? It’s second hand you stingy cow buy a new one if you’re gonna complain!
I thought the same!!! What does she want for 40 quid. First thing I do when I get anything from.ikea is usually bin the wall brackets lols

Looks hideous anyway, way to big for the space. Dont know why she needs it, she only has one black bag to ware.
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Chatty Member
This annoys me. (and from previously working in a school too) that when they have competitions like this, when the parents make the things for their competitions. The idea is for the kids to do it, the kids ideas, a competition between the kids.
But every time things like this are done, kids like Ella who's parents have basically done it all, win and the kids who have actually done it all themselves, don't even get a chance.

Sorry, annoys me so much 😂
Just coming to say this. What part has she done herself? My son had to make an Easter bonnet last year and I let him to it himself, it was pretty wild but he was proud of it 😂
I hope someone who has obviously done it themselves wins.
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I was on a very long telephone hold today, and started scrolling down her feed...

The difference between now and when Ella was 2 or 3 is amazing... She just doesn't seem like she can be arsed with Amelia. I'd love to have another child and not have to work, take them to the park, activities, devoted time to them... and she just seems to resent her and how her life is now, all the time.

Can imagine she's had advice from friends/family on how to help with Amelia's naps and just ignored them too... She's isolating herself.
When Ella was young she was in her sw hun era. She was kind of dieting and was feeling herself. She wasn't sat at home gorging on food every minute of the day

I honestly think that she thought that having another baby would fix her problems with mole and that she wouldn't have to work ever again. She thought she'd get all this attention and freebies on instagram and it hasn't happened. She's ballooned in weight so she feels shit, but is too lazy to do anything about it. It's a total disaster and the people suffering for her selfish ways are her kids
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Might be an unpopular opinion but LDD comes across as a bit of a wanker if what is being said is true. And if he didn’t want to be “baby trapped” then he could have ensured it didn’t happen 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Maybe she found out LDD asked to be in the official advert... Dressed as Buddy the elf, licking syrup and candy canes from BTB's baubles...

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Why does she think people would want to see her child in a nativity? I saw my eldests today, it was lovely, but apart from family, no one else wants to see her child 🤣 I took my twins and they were loud too, it's crap and I'd rather have left them at home, but I didn't moan about them on social media 😜
It's the same when she and others post the shitty certificates their kids get from school saying they're so proud. Can guarantee half the class got one too.
Or tell the whole of Instagram what was said at their parents evening.
Nobody cares.


Her story this morning about both kids...
"I share this because I don't think that often enough, the shit days of parenting are shared and everything looks all sweetness and light and going to Christmas plays and wearing santa hats and making pizzas. And then you don't see these bits"

Yes we do see those bits. You share them constantly. Everyone on instagram/tiktok/whatever shares them constantly because it seems to be the 'in' thing to complain and post about every single tantrum/disagreement/bad day.
I really don't get why it needs to be shared.
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I wont post the other 2 with the other kids.
She at least covered the other kids faces!

After I mentioned it on here twice the other week though 😂 so hi Emily. But also, well done for eventually doing it 😂

I presume they got rid of Amelia for Ellas birthday.

Back to her usual rain obsession 🙄
Exhausted from what? She had about 4 friends over to play. Big fucking deal. Jesus she wants praise for just breathing.
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I don't understand people that wear outdoor shoes inside.
Even more so when you've got a young child crawling round the floor!

Ella's always got shoes on too
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I like how she makes out she's been just doing funeral arrangements when he had a wife and LDD has other siblings too.
Can almost guarantee she has 0 to do with any of the arrangements
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I don’t have children… but if I did I certainly wouldn’t be posting their underwear on the tree. It’s not funny, it’s not quirky, and I’m shocked that as a mother she can’t recognise the dangers of doing that
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She literally does nothing with that poor kid but sit in the house on her fat fucking arse all day while Amelia is now shoved in the ‘ball pit’. As others have said she clearly still needs a nap, and maybe taking her out in the day in the fresh air might help her sleep too. She always makes out that she’s so hard done to but it’s all her own doing. Who the fuck takes their baby downstairs and puts all the lights and tv on when they Al wake up in the middle of the night? I really fucking despise this cunt, she should never have had another baby, but we all know she did it on purpose so she wouldn’t have to go back to work. The house is too small and they can’t afford to move to somewhere bigger so poor Ella will have to share her room with Amelia at some point.
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She can fuck off with her woe is me. So many people have gone back to work today and so many people were working over Christmas. Honestly the way she goes on you’d think she wants neither of them to have a job.
She’s so embarrassing, acts like she’s an army wife with him gone for months at a time or something 🥱
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Tagging smoby and Yorkshire tea she's so fucking sad. No one is going to gift you anything you placenta smelling slob.
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She doesn’t let Amelia nap, but then wonders why Amelia is up all night?! She’s overtired Emily!!!! She’s 1, she still needs at least 1-2 hours of nap time a day! 😳
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