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just seen this from jake, she gets him to sing a busted song, honestly bet she was playing it cool but inside seeing jake and Leah’s relationship it’s killing her
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She's obviously sad about james being in LA and by moving home, so is controlling what she can which is to control her exercise and diet.

Even when she lived with jake she wouldn't have wanted to be matching his diet. Teenage boys have weirdly fast metabolisms that they grow out of pretty fast themselves. I doubt jake eats much as he used to now. But yeah those peanut butter and frozen banana smoothies were all she seemed to ingest then.

Maybe she should date herself and be single for a while.
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Sorry my mistake! I totally forgot about the beauty treatments and the rest. I was only thinking of her not going out to pubs or clubs with friends like all the others have been in the past few weeks. Sorry!
She isn't in London anymore as she is living back with her parents and she doesn't drink anyway so I can't see her going out to clubs etc.
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I’ve had an eating disorder since 14 and feeling bigger in winter for me was a huge trigger and Every November I would end up in a worrying place weight wise because I’d shrink myself to make up for the extra layers. Also, I lived in a flat (and like Emily said she needed to move because she has issues creeping back she needed to sort) when I could feel my issues creeping back I handed my notice in without my parents knowing sold
All my belongings and just went home (that way they couldn’t say no 😂) - I just KNEW I had to go home...didn’t work I ended up in hospital fail 😫

Listening to her and watching her she really reminds me of myself at her age (but she’s much prettier). Worrying. I guarantee if she has a set of pictures and the ugliest in the face selfie was the thinnest looking she would post that rather than a prettier one with a less flattering pose (she never looks ugly though she is very beautiful )
Yes I agree, I really do think thats why she went back to her parents, that or a breakup, all the other times she has moved back have been a temp thing during a break up until she can get on her feet again, but then again that was when she was living with Jake and Charlie had moved into her flat, whereas James has only ever stayed for what seems like a week, so I do think its the weight thing & especially saying it was her and her moms idea to do the eating ikea food for 24 hours, maybe thats her moms way of trying to make her eat more food at least for 24 hours for the purpose of the video ( although of course she doesnt actually eat it ) but at least its an attempt
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Chatty Member
There are people at work who are legit 5’2” with size 7 or 8 feet 🤣🤣
My mind is blown. Not that I go around asking for people’s shoe size but I’ve always noticed it was smaller feet for small people. I feel like I’ve lived a sheltered life 😂
But either way, our Emily is not 5’10! 😂
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He’s actually quite rude and obnoxious - coming from personal experience 😬 used to be my fave Busted member but he’s not very friendly in person 👀
I’m going to counter that and say also having personal experience, both him and his wife are super lovely people, or have been every time I’ve dealt with them.
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34 leg? Absolutely not
I’m ACTUALLY 5’10 and rarely buy a 34 leg 😂
I'm exactly 5"10 and buy either a 25"34 or 25"36 in Jamie jeans, depending on how I want to wear them- it does seem about right! But do remember, we're all built differently- some have longer torso, shorter legs or vice versa.
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That Ruby Watts girl is everywhere. I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned it before but I really hate the way she speaks to her fans always saying ‘ily’ I find it really odd.
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Oh look! A vlog where Emily just so happens to have forgotten to show us/omits her food but happily shows what others in the family are eating.

It’s getting a little ridiculous now. I understand not wishing to address eating disorders but as with everything else she does, she draws just enough attention to it to make it a talking point without actually have the maturity to address the situation head on.
Won’t lie, I would love to go to Asia so I would take it if it was free
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I’d like to think this is her giving him the ultimatum of saying there’s now a time limit on them taking their relationship seriously or else it’s quits.

I think at the start, he was interested because she was the younger arm candy, and obviously she was interested because she’s been obsessed with his mates/band members since before she was ‘famous’.

It seems reality is now sinking in for both of them that actually it’s not the life either of them expected it to be.

Didnt Jake say when they met up and did their break up type video that he expected her to move to LA imminently and she agreed? Apologies if Im
mistaken - just went back to try and find the video and I can’t find it now...?!
ooo wonder when she took the Jake meet up videos down or privated
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This video was so boring. But does anyone else get weird vibes from Emily in basically any outfit, where she looks like a 15 year old going to prom? She just never looks like an adult woman. This isn't a comment on her actual body, but the overall feeling of everything - dresses that could look really good and sexy just a prom dress. I don't know why this is!
Because she feels uncomfortable in the dresses and it really shows! You can also tell she’s incredibly immature to be posting “clubbing” outfits for the first time when she should be nearing the age where you tend to stop/go clubbing way less, or only makes videos for her younger audience who are maybe finally off age!
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There was a video with Lucy asking my best friends questions you’re too afraid to ask yours. They’re talking about whether other people have come between their friendship and Lucy says the fact that you took Adam to Australia and not me, I’m not gonna be like why wasn’t that me and Emily said he’s gonna be really mad if I don’t say this but I was his plus one.

the article makes it even funnier cause she’s such a liar. Even Lucy didn’t know she was Adam’s plus one.
I really do think it was Emily’s collab though. The Daily Fail got that info from the tourist board, which they legally have to disclose. They had records that they paid her and other influencers. I think she was just lying to Lucy because she wanted to bring Adam with her because hEs A bOy and she wanted the male attention. She has way more followers across her social channels than Adam, it makes way more sense for her to be offered it that than him. Also, I think Adam has actual other friends who he’d much rather bring than Emily...she has no friends.

Because I have nothing else to do on a Saturday night (thanks Covid!) I had a look and both of them had posts marked as #ad on that trip. I wouldn’t be surprised if both were paid for it and neither actually had a plus one, more like the tourism board knew they were “friends” and hired both to go at the same time as part of their marketing strategy. Emily would have been paid more than Adam though. We’ll never know though because she so full of lies.
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