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Yeah so I’ve got regular morning sickness at the moment. I’d rather die than sit in Frankie and bennys 🤣 walking around Tesco makes me wanna puke
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Chatty Member
Forgot to hit post the other day on one of her stories

The one where leo was watching a film and she was like I wish I could join him.. then says she had to iron 😐 like you can iron after they go to bed and enjoy some time with your son who is at school all day

She is lazy AF and doesn’t actually enjoy spending time with her kids (unless its content obvs)
I’ve noticed in her routine videos etc she says she irons and lays out his school uniform for the whole week on a Sunday night but then on Instagram or on other videos she’s always rushing round doing it at other times so the Sunday night thing was clearly just said for a video to make her routine look perfect etc
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I nearly said I wonder if the cat will be shipped out to her parents. Never know her cat might like Chinese on the sofa and watching real house wives
  • Haha
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apparently Clint is shutting his company….not sure how true this is and my friend only heard through the grapevine 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll wait and see if I hear anything else.
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Trying to film double content so she can have the week off with the boys to watch Christmas films. So she’s essentially just filming herself tidying up twice. How would we have survived Christmas week without a clean with me video.
Thank god for my actual job & a Christmas shut down 🙌🏻
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Yeah that wasn't the smartest move. With the amount she posts that Clint is away too, dangerous.
And on this. She has just shared her December calendar. Where she is going to be and when. If you are local, you will know exactly where all these places are. Absolutely no common sense when it comes to the safety of her family.
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Poor little Cooper. The video of him suffering with his bad nose and trapped hand 🥺 and Ellie getting her parents over and sauntering off to go and buy some unnecessary rocks and saying it’s fine to leave her upset bub with her mum because ‘he prefers her anyway’. Wtf.

My husband would be furious with me if he found out I’d left our injured son with my mum so I could go off pissing about. But it wouldn’t happen, because I’d put his needs first. Surely the whole point/perk of being a SAHM/influencer is it can be flexible around family life. Absolutely no need to dump a crying bub on grandma so you can prat about with pebbles.
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Away with her husband but sitting there deleting comments it seems.

Apparently she shares less now!? You share every little detail of your life Ellie, you couldn’t share more if you tried.
She shares everything because her life is so dull,I genuinely dont believe she wanted to have children. She was a teacher but vomes across as not actually liking kids. I think shes always been a spoilt,lazy brat and kids just cause inconvenience to her socialising and watching tv. As for Clint he doesnt even try to fake interest in her,I think he probably does more for the boys than her but her parents definitely do the bulk of parenting when Clint is away. I think she plays on anxiety tand feeling low,to guilt her parents into doing what she doesn't want to. One minute shes too overwhelmed to work or look after the boys,as soon as her parents step in,shes back to posting upbeat content,watching tv,out shopping,self care appointments and ordering take aways
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Can't believe shes posted a video on YT advising people how to successfully start a youtube career. Sadly forgot to mention buying followers and periodically running fake/scam give aways which have to be cancelled. Posting repetitive cleaning videos,her bitching about having to get off her backside to parent the kids she had. Trying to pass off normal daily tasks that everyone does as a full time job. Lone parenting because her beloved Clint chooses to be away from home as much as possible, endless take aways or processed crap heated up daily,her being so busy she only gets to watch tv for 14 hours a day. Constantly saying the boys are with her parents to give her a break,not sure what she needs a break,both boys since birth have been baby sat by tv and tablets(tv isnt a bad thing in moderation but we all know it's the norm for these boys) to give her time to play at social media vlogger. How about her whole personality being a mum of boys and not much else. The worst thing Ellie did was to leave teaching,she was much more likeable and relatable. All her content is like ground hog day,so predictable and dull.
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I don't understand her filming these videos showing how pathetic she's being whilst pregnant. This isn't her job, it's her hobby! Why embarrass herself?! (Those people with actual morning sickness and HG would know that it isn't "convenient sickness" to get out of house work/ parenting like she makes out!!)
It’s how she films everything now with the quote ‘with HG’ but then sits down to eat a McDonald’s breakfast then lie on the sofa all day. There’s a massive difference between morning sickness and HG. I used to really like her but she drives me mad now
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Chatty Member
Remember home with shan claimed she had HG and pvp as well when she just quite clearly didn’t. I’ve never had either but know people who have and they cannot just carry on with everyday life like these influencers do, if they were suffering that bad they couldn’t even pick up the camera. Self diagnoses at its best
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Chatty Member
Ironic that she’s updating Instagram on her fat dissolving injections while waiting for her Chinese 🫠 she is the epitome of stupid. She shouldn’t even attempt to be an influencer, I’d be devastated if my daughter grew up thinking she was ‘goals’ 🤦🏼‍♀️
Must be so nice having Clint home & having some well needed family time… 👀 oh wait 💭
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This woman really isn't fooling anyone with her fake nausea and pretending to actually parent her kids. The only time she's ever ill, is when the kids are at home,always miraculously recovers when they're in school and nursery. How sad it must be for so many kids with vlogger parents, its clear lots of the women get pregnant to keep men who usually seem uninterested in them,they have kids for content or as an excuse not to actually work because godforbid a parent worked,ran a home and parented their kids. Social media seems to attract lazy ,crap parents like Ellie and Rebecca Lamb(Hobson)


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Chatty Member
She’s so lazy, why does she not hang washing outside in the Summer instead of crammed in her utility room. Be better use of her garden getting a washing line rather than all those death traps
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Chatty Member
Anyone else find it odd that a self proclaimed "cleaning addict", never uses gloves to clean when using chemical cleaning products!
Cleaning addict 🤣🤣🤣 I enjoy cleaning videos but I can’t watch hers! She doesn’t do anything properly she just tickles it and misses loads. She does everything bottom to top aswell. Cleaning addict my arse.
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