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The amount of stupid people on exposing_nothings instagram is unbelievable. The fact they think this is funny and some of their support for Russia is stomach churning. Ash really is a nasty little pile of vomit. And they all lap up every stupid thing he says.
How do you go from “save our children from the tyranny of face masks” to “I support Putin bombing children in Ukraine”…?
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More rubbish that Ellie has written herself. I've been around many FOI requests in the department I work in. The first things you look at would be is the information held, is it available elsewhere and do we have to publish it. There are lots of reasons why you might not publish. If you do decide to publish you wouldn’t arse about changing the data because as Panini suggests people would spot it. We have serial FOI requests and the people scrutinise every word. Stop making stuff up Ellie.
She’s gone on to put on that post that the person is seeking legal advice to whether they can break a non disclosure agreement 😂. Do public sector workers sign a NDA? Official secrets act maybe depending on department, but I’ve never seen an NDA. This is just ridiculous. Government have to be ridiculously transparency unless an exclusion can apply, but I can’t think any exclusion would be relevant for covid figures, unless they pursue the route of intended for future publication.
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Oh looooorrddddd. Just seen Ellie’s latest post. What a convenient way to get “the algorithm” working again!! Only Ellie would come up with something as cuntiful as this. I have no issue with women posing in selfies and displaying their bodies on Instagram… but to thinly veil this desperate need for attention as a way to break the algorithm and to now include “facts” 👀👀👀👀 It’s like she’s too good to just post a raunchy selfie for the hell of it…that’s beneath her, it has to come with this ridiculous reason to make her seem holier-than-thou. I’m often shocked with how far her narcissism goes … but then again… I shouldn’t be. I really shouldn’t be.
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Curly mop cunt face is asking about mask mandates in Dubai!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Forget the masks, you cunt!!…how will you even be able to leave the country without having the covid vaccine! 🤡
Probably best you leave all the sunny holidays to us vaccinated sheep. You best just stick to Hastings Pier 🤡
Curly mop cunt face is my favourite description of Ellie EVER 🤣🤣🤣😭😭
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I thought I’d have a look at Mark Sexton’s FB page to see if there had been any developments after it looked like he’d run for the hills the other day.
Anyway, turns out there has been. He’s posted an update & lo & behold- they don’t accept that the Police aren’t investigating as the evidence they’ve presented was apparently just the ‘tip of the iceberg’.
PJ Cunts have written yet another letter. Because all the other ones have been SO effective.

Also, if you were looking for some Saturday night entertainment, there’s a bloke called Jason spamming the comments on that post. Spoiler alert- I think he might have travelled to school on the Special Bus……..
Dear Jason,

May I introduce you to the full stop?

Oh, and a straight jacket. Don’t worry if it’s a bit tight, it’s meant to be.


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Just sitting thinking/worrying about that Marina woman, the Russian Channel 1 Editor who stormed the studio and had a sign protesting the war and Russian propaganda. Now there's someone standing up against true oppression, propaganda and censoring, protesting in a place where there are significant consequences for such actions, then we have this lot who are merely looking for social media followers and their money!

Liey is just an ambulance chaser isn’t she ! I see she’s on that group like a vulture preying on idiots and giving her advice which is worth fuck all in the real world 🤦‍♀️
Hope someone has directed them to that TikTok guy or the YouTube Barrister! Show us the laws you speak of Ellie...
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I don’t think tick tocks the place for you is it Ellie. She’s getting absolutely ripped over there. Surprise surprise she’s gone private
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Such a braggy bitch. The energy and vibes we need in the world are not some jumped up little areswipe advising women not to have smears.
Surely she wouldn’t take the money for the electric or water because she claims she doesn’t pay for it in the first place?!! Vibes my arse!
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He really is a tosser. My mum had a DNAR. we discussed it as a family with mum when she could still make her own decisions. She chose it and as she took out a power of attorney the solicitor (not de biscuit) decided she was fit to make the decision. A lot of people who go into homes have them and the home my mum was in checked everything was in place for it. Also exposing_nothing has been watching too many episodes of Holby City. Resuscitation is unpleasant and its a major intervention that can cause significant damage itself. My mum although a tough old bird most likely wouldn't have survived the Resuscitation never mind the issue that necessitated it. I'm really grateful that I'm not as thick as these troofers...
He makes me feel bilious. Every time I see that smug fucking tooth sucking freak, it makes me want to slit his fucking gizzard.

Felix, re your mum, exactly same for us. ☹ Mother was told two years ago that her bowel cancer was back, some more tumours, small but nevertheless. Surgeon felt she wouldn’t survive surgery and she told him she didn’t want to have it in any event.

The GP came to visit her at home and we talked about DNR. GP was lovely and explained to her, the trauma of putting such an elderly patient through resuscitation, and mum said she didn’t want to put us through that and signed the docs.

Notwithstanding the above, the old boot was 94 the other day 😂😂😂 and yesterday I took her and her best friend Doreen out for lunch. I dropped them off at Doreen’s and they spent the afternoon discussing dead people while I battled the fucking supermarkets for her shopping. 😂😂😂
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I actually cannot believe that these idiots have been dragged back they not remember in the not too distant pass all the shit about the crime reference numbers and him being adamant it was all official, being investigated, yada yada, even after communications from the police showed it wasn't until official statements were released, people turned and then they were all pilling in on him? He was a policeman who didn't appear to understand police processes, or knew fine well and was treating the sheep like the idiots they are. Now, they are so brainwashed, they have been drawn straight back in because he is saying something that appeals to their conspiracies. If it wasn't so sad they were so easily led, it would actually be hilarious. Cults, very wealthy cults, exist because of easily suggestible people like this are obviously everywhere.
I'm not sure if anyone else is aware, but back in early 2014 David Icke was a pariah in truther circles. In 2013 he had a vision of 'The Peoples Voice' (TPV) a TV channel that would broadcast the 'truth' to the (subscribing) masses. I think he started by stating it needed £100,000. Then once it was running it needed another £100,000, then another... He jumped ship before it all came crashing down (even though he apparently invested 'loads' of his own money). Some truthers actually investigated how much money had actually gone into it and estimated roughly £2,000,000 (money raised through fundraisers/personal donations/advertising). Blame was thrown in every direction. Sonia Poulton (Biba's favorite investigative journalist) did an expose on it, which has been taken off her site since the pandemic (probably due to Ickes popularity rising again). Some of Ickes colleagues from TPV went on to further truther scams, before falling out and accusing each other of being a shill. Long story short, truthers have short memories and will forgive (and forget) anything as long as it cements their world view.
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I’ve been mad busy with work this week so just checking in - making sure all is well……. I’m a little disappointed that the ‘clinic/cuntshed’ is coming soon. I’d hoped that Homebase had delivered her something riddled with dry rot and it had fallen down around her mop head. We can live in hope.

I haven’t paid much attention to the troofers and their views on Putin. You just know that if they say black, it will be white. Awful fucking creatures.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that we would see a day when a 5ft nothing bloke with a head like a misshapen potato, and bozz eyes, would be holding the world in his hand. My heart aches.

Is that a non-binding common law contract, with exemptions for all liability and full disclosure that the energy needed for power is ‘coming from the earth’
And did I see mention of a solicitor in whatever bollocks document she’s signing? Surely not! Why would a QC of her calibre need such paperwork?
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Fuck me just when I thought PJH Law couldn’t make any more of a complete chimp’s arse of themselves they go and issue this twaddle.😆😆
the best bit is that he’s copied interpol in.
He may as well have CC’d Santa himself.
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Oh, stop your pissing and whining. Mother of god, look at what is happening elsewhere, and ask yourself, ‘am I relevant?’ I’ll help -
The answer is no. You’re about as relevant as an out of date loaf of Sunblest.

Seriously?? she’s actually whining because she can’t be found on IG…. FFS. She says she can be found via messages, yet there’s cretins on there commenting that she hasn’t replied to them! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I thought the shed of the cunt was having the grand opening in March? Hasn’t she got a few more nails to knock in?

She never fails to irritate the fucking life out of me.
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I've still not cleared my phone's memory to screen record, but I'm pretty sure Maddy Dann is calling her out on today's stories. All seems to fit, including sun references and £20 webinars.
I enjoyed watching those, thank you. She’s absolutely hilarious & all of her observations about Ellie are spot on 👌🏻

Oik. you (your charity) even get a mention.

I blame the invention that is social media. I go back again to the 70s and 80s. If someone had taken photos of their own tuppence exposed to the sun, asked Boots to reprint 4000 of them and then handed them out to all and sundry, they’d have been arrested under some indecent exposure Act or some such thing.
Oh & you totally win the internet today with your use of the word ‘tuppence’. A vastly underused word & far, far less annoying than bastard yoni.
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