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i suspect it’s all going off over at Liey HQ. The ex’s new GF has been in touch to say she won’t confirm or deny anything (bit late) and demanding to know who reconfirmed about Marley & Skye living there.
She’s also removed all of the public posts from her Facebook about having 6 kids living there, them all going to different schools etc etc. i suspect Ellie has been kicking off with them.

just to reiterate, the ex’s new GF followed & messaged the page off of her own back- I didn’t contact her.
AWOL again as I actually do work and don't have the time to commit to social media like Ellie does as a result...

Surely for the charlatan that doesn't care, she cares an awful lot and is reading here or making someone feed back to her for her to have known it was mentioned here and the new GF being the one sharing! 👋 Ellie.

I thought I would never wish loneliness on anyone, I've sat with enough patients who are desperately lonely and it breaks my heart, however, after starting the cancer shit/vaccine thing in her echo chamber, conveniently full of anti-vaxxers who have 'friends and family vaccinated' and seem to be the only people who ever suffer significant adverse reactions I'm huge numbers (almost as though they aren't happening or idiots are incapable of seeing past themselves and realising that people have died or become ill 'unexpectedly' forever), with no rational thought to the fact they have been shouting about missed cancers and delays as one of their anti-lockdown/freedom points for 18 months...*shocked Pikachu*, I have changed my mind! I hope she was as lonely and pathetic as her instabeg stories made her seem on her Birthday. If there are decent people out there who feel lonely on their birthday, why on earth should she have a 'happy' birthday. I hope that there are enough people in her life (well...are there?) who get sick enough of the shit she puts them all through that they will be willing to stand up (take on her pathetic troll attempts) and call out her HL if they know it's non-existent. If she is lying about cancer herself, whilst spreading misinformation about cancer and now trying to make vaccination connections she has to be one of the most despicable humans I've ever come across.
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has anyone noticed she’s reposting all the stuff we’ve called her out on. It’s like she’s so desperately trying to stay relevant.
Think she’s tried the other route and isn’t getting the engagement so she’s reverted back to the shite she thinks will get her followers. No Ellie. Think you might have to invest in some followers again

But she's not bothered, doesn't care, etc. Clearly 🙄
She isn’t bothered. And it’s a hate campaign. As apposed to all the hate she’s spread. Vile vile vile goblin.
She’s probably panicking that she’ll get caught out when she tries flogging her white label voodoo pills
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surely It would be easier to just take a screenshot of said quote and add it to her page 🤔…… aah but then it wouldn’t look like she wrote it all by herself. Not sure which is more annoying, her blatant plagiarism or her followers lapping it up 🙄
By elLIE not citing her source, that's plagiarism, which she'd know all about because of her three degrees, right?
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Biba's on one about Cancer and she keeps linking to a article by her mentor Jason Christoff.
His take (if he was diagnosed with cancer) is summarized as:

1. Most important thing is to buy some guys book for $25, then watch a free recorded Zoom session, then subscribe to a mailing list to watch some free videos.
2. Then size the tumor and apply directions below, after 6-8 weeks if its the same size then no worries just follow the expensive directions below for the rest of your life. If it has grown get surgically removed, and definitely no Chemo or Radiotherapy.
3. Then double check you've bought that guys book for $25, its the only way to stop 'getting' cancer. Plan to change your whole lifestyle.
4. Simply change your diet to exclude sugar... by buying a book telling you how to prepare nuts in an essential special way. Going completely organic. Buy kitchenware from a certain stockist. And buy another book about meal rotation.
5. For snacks juice things using this type of juicer.
6. Start a full range of supplements (specific stockists provided).
7. 15 minutes of sunlight a day. Only drink glass bottled Evian water. Buy another book.
8. See Naturopathic Dr for IV Vit C. (Links to some specific ones)
9. Drink bone broth from organic animals. Buy another book.
10. Exercise 3 times a week. Weights only, no Cardio.
11. Yoga, Chiropractic, Osteopathic.
12. Clear house of toxic chemicals.
13. Deal with past trauma with a therapist. Also buy more books.
14. Remove Mercury fillings. Certified holistic dentists only! (Link given). Also causes are to be avoided in order of danger are:
a. Vaccines and Medication.
b. Wireless Technology.
c. Coffee and Caffeine products.
d. Alcohol.
e. Consistent high glycemic loads (high sugar diet).
f. Teflon/non-stick pans.
g. Toxic chemically laden personal care and cleaning products.
h. Tap water (for showering and bathing).
i. Cigarettes, vaping, narcotics.
j .Milk products, gluten containing grains and highly processed food.
However, trapped and unprocessed emotions are the root cause.
15. Cures include coffee enemas (but what about cause 3?).
16. Don't use conventional medicine, at all!

Looks like everything you need to do, financially benefits the wellness industry directly. Funny that 🤔

Still looks like "Follow the money", is the most ironic catchphrase the truther movement have ever used!
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his new partner says they want no part in the ‘Ellie Show’
Good, those kids need stability and normality. You'd think that not having them would make her pack in this charade and focus on them...apparently being insta infamous is more important than them to her 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Chatty Member
A local newspaper posted a link on Facebook earlier about how a woman collapsed and died in the street today due to "medical reasons". The antivaxxers were all over it. They seem to forget that people, children included, sadly die all the time. A 17 year old I went to college with many years ago, had a heartattack in his sleep and died. Every sudden death is tragic but they're so desperate to cling onto their stupid beliefs that they will use anything they can to push their narratives. I feel for the parents and family of these poor people. Their loved ones being plastered across social media with untrue stories when they're grieving and going through the most difficult time of their lives. Sick bastards.
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I'm late to the party as work has been kicking my arse. Has it been proven that the 2 eldest live with their Dad?
Yes. Although I can’t share the message as I promised I wouldn’t. They live with dad & his new GF. A very happy household of no less than 6 kids x

I’ve just had a look at her page. She tagged all of the companies who used to advertise on PTTP into her stories last night, desperate for them to wish her a happy birthday. Then she reposted their posts.
I find it so sad that no one actually cares about her. How does a 28 year old end up so sad & lonely with no proper friends.
Where are her family? Her kids (with their dad). She’s really messed her life up.
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Last time she 'cured' cancer it was due to a welsh herbalist and being pregnant.

This is the picture from the first thread.
View attachment 811131

This is the picture from her recommendations on the third thread
View attachment 811133

And this is what she recommended in the fourth thread.
View attachment 811136

At no point in any advice has she said she has used mistletoe therapy, and if we are to believe that her cancer has returned (she stated HL on the hiking page), then surely she would use a (her) proven method?

She makes my blood boil!


For the welsh herbalist/naturopath, I don't have a screenshot of the text but I do have a screenshot of the route she went.
everything this bitch spouts has such a manipulative tone it wreaks of bullshit.

For someone who claims to be healthy and all that she sure has had a lot of conditions and ailments and an answer for everything 🙄 Im around the same age as this attention seeker, i was vaxxed as a child, im pale and actually need factor 50 suncream or id be in hospital with 3rd degree burns, I ate mud and love a maccies and with the exception of a broken bone from a fall in my teens, the biggest illness ive had is a COLD. I’m also registered and the illuminati havent come for me yet nor has it affected my life….but i guess all us lot are not warped in the head.

as for all her ‘achievements’ and ‘qualifications’ from someone again of similar age and has worked hard to get somewhere in my life with Uni and working to make a living, absolutely impossible to do so much in such little time how did she even fit ‘having cancer’ in?. The lies fucking infuriate me. I look forward to a full expose of this evil manipulative cow
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Chatty Member
George shared a photo of Stupid - received this message….. 😀😀😀😀View attachment 818591View attachment 8
The last time I commented on his page, I received the attached shortly after. What delightful individuals they all are.

I should point out that I actually never resort to name calling in the comments, which might surprise you, as I always call him a cunt here. But that *is* why I’m here- I need to vent to people who understand!

No, in the comments, I prefer to use factual information & a half decent vocabulary to undermine him, because I don’t like to come across as stupid as him/his followers. I think this idiot was riled because I had the audacity to mock his hero/warrior status.

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Chatty Member
I wonder what all the troofers will make of the social media outage? I would imagine most of them will think it’s as a direct result of their own high profile and highly detrimental activities that have brought them to the attention of the authorities or some other bullshit. Maybe Julie Colquhoun forgot to speak in code or something and as a result has brought down the whole of Instagram and Facebook 🤣
Nah, they think it's the start of the blackout/ plan/psy ops or other such conspiracies.

Well , that's what I'm reading on telegram lol
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She’s working out which posts get the “likes” natural health guru plugging cheap white label supplements? Famous protest warrior and her “tribe” superior parent who does amazing things like takes her screaming kid out of a church .. following not going up very fast this time so she’s gonna have to dig deep and wheel out a new drama/ailment/glo .. she must be running out tho, when you made up so many stories and have so many inconsistencies it all starts to lose appeal/ shock factor and people move on to the next loony
It’s very evident how unstable she is now.
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Oh my god 😵💫 A CRISIS 😂😂😂 Frig me these people are going to need advanced mental health assessments very soon.
I don't know why they cannot see how this adds to them being the brainwashed ones. Last night I got on with my life. I was working during a lot of it. Had to just text, phone or bleep people rather than WhatsApp. Came home and watched some TV and read/wrote some of my paper rather than scrolled social media. Now where was the crisis for anyone that isn't relying on social media nobodies to tell them what to think? It was clear that it was all platforms from one Internet giant, the others unaffected and revelling in it. The only thing it stopped was them being able to feed/be fed more crap...they might have actually had to do their OwN rEsEaRcH and they know that they actually don't know where to start and need their charlatans spouting crap on FB and IG, directing them to even more nonsense on YouTube.
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