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It’s interesting that most seem to think they’ll be back in the UK, I actually think they’re sold on their own dream.

Whether they can afford it I don’t know but I think they’ll look to move to San Diego as soon as their 1 year visa is up. The difference between them talking about life in Texas vs SD was clear as day. They’re clearly fine with Texas but euphoric about California. Especially Elle, I don’t think she’ll want to leave till they get the California place, even if it’s just for 1 year.
Agree! I think they definitely want to move to California but it depends if they can afford it.

I think it’s a fake it till they make it approach, they’re hoping for increased engagement through living in Texas. It doesn’t seem to be happening yet but time will tell.

If they can’t afford the type of place they want in California, they’re hoping to make enough to buy the type of home they want in the UK.
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Chatty Member
Because they are kids. They need to be spending their early years socialising and building relationships with other kids their own age.

Tagging along to her costco and walmart trips will do nothing for their development
Then join mummy groups! She will regret missing these moments just so she can lay in her own filth in bed!
I never put mine in as I stayed home with them, however we did loads of baby classes, play groups, park trips etc.
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Why have the doggies got those straps around the face whilst at the park
...I think they're anti-pull harnesses. They seem to be used to running off lead

The dog book from the dog hotel had me in tears......
Also why is Elle going on about how bath country pets the dog centre place are basically family and have been there during her hard times, I thought they dropped her and unfollowed her during her scandal?! Seems maybe they only did that to avoid the backlash much like her besties James and Cary’s
I think the unfollowing was just for show. They're not realistically going to ban someone who's daft enough to spend thousand's on dog care. We've always taken our dogs with us on UK holidays
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I’ve been watching Matt and Summer on YouTube, they are the owners of the luxury home show (which I love) they have recently moved to Miami and the contrast of their ‘moving to the US’ content compared to E&C is mad, they have been really upfront about moving their business to the US and the visa process, clearly explained the rental market, processes such as getting a car and insurance! It’s so much more helpful, professional and informative, they don’t have kids so it’s obviously very different but worlds apart!
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Chatty Member
I’m only following for Connor content these days - he seems to be the driving force of the family now while she slobs around at home reading. At least he’s getting out there and doing something 🤦‍♀️
It seems like he’s grown up and stepped up to be a good dad. He has evolved and probably is the glue to this family while Belly is zoned out and only appears interested is when her camera or phone is filming. I can’t see too many meaningful conversations between them. I mean the dull boring airhead can barely form a sentence. It won’t be long till his eyes wonder to a fit American Gym girl.
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The way she treats her dogs makes me SO angry…😡 my gorgeous black lab passed away in her sleep at the beginning of this week, she was only 7 and had no issues that we knew of at all. I would give ANYTHING to be able to spend more time with her and make sure she had the best life ever. Elle just seems to pick and choose when those dogs mean something to her and it just makes me feel so sad for those poor boys ❤‍🩹
I’m so sorry for your loss, what a shock. I’m so angry at her, although not shocked, they left them all the time here and had a dog walker.
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Elle said in her latest video that if you are worried about something you should research it, and she claimed knife crime is higher in London than gun crime in Houston. I couldn't find a direct comparison but a quick search threw up your chances of being hospitalised through knife crime in London is 10.1 people per 100k Residents. Your chances of being Killed in Houston by guns were 16.1 deaths per 100k residents. Who is she getting her research from, Katie Hopkins? 🤔
Two Brain Cell Elle probably done one google search, scrolled down a little bit and saw this Reddit thread title and took it as a solid fact 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 Research done, “evidence” acquired 👍🏼✅🙃 Dumb bint. She’s clutching at straws with saying that and clearly doesn’t want to admit or face genuine facts about the place she’s moved her family to when it comes to just how rife gun crime is.


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Howling at the fact that the dogs basically ignored Carby. Anyone else think both dogs looked so skinny?
Poor boys have been through such an unsettling experience but I am so glad they are with them now ☺
I’ve literally rushed over here to say this - SO skinny!
Also, when they’re home, Carby is like “do you want some food, you must be hungry?” umm well yeah obviously, they’ve spent the last 11 hours on a flight you dumb bitch. Honestly, surely feeding them is the first thing you’d do?!

Also, she spends about an hour talking at the camera with the biggest whitehead I’ve ever seen on her chin. Gross.
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This vlog was the first time I’ve heard them sound frugal… for them anyway! Like usually splashing the cash but they sounded like they were trying to be more conscious of spends. Then spiked $200 on biscuits and marmite
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I reckon the race agenda was definitely part of the plan!! “Okay so you make some black friends at running club and then people can’t possibly say we are racist!!”
I hope the ‘New’ friends are fully aware of both of their pasts? They soonnwill be, racism sticks, as it should.
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Chatty Member
Ellie Belly’s idea of educating her Fiat 500 followers about moving to ‘Merica is telling them what Texas Toast & queso is.
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