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Connor cheating ? When ? How do you know this ?? Please help a tattle bitch out … thanks
Someone said their friend had met conjob on a night out and been messaging him. Posted ss of his whatsapp profile with about 30 shared pics. Acount since 2013. Pic of him that isnt on social media. Someone confirmed the number from working with him and someone else said they called it and he answered. Then the silence from them started, which caused the tweets to be dug up. Shitstorm xo
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What did you say?

‘The twitter comments are vile.

I don’t care what stupid excuse you have, you even dragged your passed mother through the dirt in those tweets.

Such a pity.

You’ve hurt so many of your followers. Followers who supported you and were from all backgrounds. You really need to be more sensitive and openly address the tweets. That’s the very least you can do. There’s a lot of hurting people right now.

Bravo Elle. I hope the local Asda has jobs going.’

Harsh? Probably. But I would full on lobby the shit in her face if I ever saw her. Unlike many here, I don’t have a mixed race kid (although who knows with us ‘English’ being mutts) but my babies might grow up to be gay, with an eating disorder or to love another race. And that’s fine!

I will not stand for criticism of any race, sexuality or (I can’t believe I’m saying this) species.
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Sad thing about all this, is “influencers” portray tattle as a nasty place to bitch & bully, where really everyone is exposing the true “influencer”. It’s clear most people on here used to watch Elle & I myself loved her. Always watched, always wanted to support her business (even though I could never afford those £50 jumpers) , but this really has opened my eyes. I’m not a POC/ come from a different ethnic background, however I can’t imagine how her followers who come from different backgrounds are actually feeling. She doesn’t want any “foreigners” following her, yet she’ll ship her clothing world wide because it’s lining her pockets to buy more white company towels🥴
well done everyone on here👏👏 you’ve truly opened my eyes to not believe the positive -can’t do no wrong- influencer asthetic.
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I just can't get my head around the fact that they both posted these tweets independently before they met, they both thought those things and considered them fine to post- they won't have changed and maybe they are perfect for eachother. I am so interested in how they are going to try and come back from this, although some deluded angles are defending them on twitter, there's also a load saying they were fans and have unfollowed. The best bit is that it is solely their actions, yes someone found and posted them, but they typed them, they didn't have the foresight to delete them once they went for a career on social media, and have just written the most insincere apology.

The only way I feel sorry for her is its hard enough being a new mum, but with her job does come a lot of responsibility, making money from people you irrationally hate or look down on as they look up to you is horrible. I really hope this is the end of their careers as influencers, not even spitefully but because it is a privilege to have that platform and they don't deserve it. Have a feeling though they'll have some that carry on following and some desperate brands won't be arsed.

Also there's just so much hate in elles, it's hard to believe its her- towards animals as well (not saying that's worse than towards people, but towards family pets that you have in your home is so weird).
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thank you to whoever said on the gemma miles thread that this was kicking off about 3 horus ago or i would've missed it haha.

and no WAY is age an excuse - i'm older than elle by 3/4 years but there's absolutely no way in hell i would've EVER said the things she did, vile disgusting girl with a school bully mentality. hope they're cancelled and have to actually work a day in their life.
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Not posted in a while but jeez!

I hate to say it but this is the real Elle Darby she’s vile inside and out! Always had mean girl vibes about her but fuck me the tweets there is literally no excuse for it! Age does not justify it one bit! If you defend these pair of cunts you are just as bad in my eyes! Conman is just as bad too! It’s always been clear they’re fake sickly sweet YT personas are an act to fill their greedy pockets and they don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves!

It’s clear Elle was brought up by parents who made her think she was gods gift and was a self entitled brat! I really hope if she goes done the ‘pity me, poor me’ route to try abs save herself it doesn’t wash and increase her popularity!! These evil entitled cunts need to just fuck off your time is up go get real jobs!!
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My heart bleeds, how on earth will they afford that brand new tesla they have brought of the back of all their Loyal AnnngEllEs now?!?!? So ready for these to be cancelled and left in 2021. Buuuubyeeeee ✌
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People can get cancelled / fired from a job for 1 post or literally just 1 word.
These two have a whole bloody collection of posts!!
If that’s what was posted I dread to think what goes on in their minds!

Get off social media!! You don’t deserve the platform!
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WIKI's been updated aNgLes ✌💋

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Uneducated trash. I remember Holly Boon also posted some very disgusting comments too a couple years ago they were dug up and she got cancelled for 2 mins and is now richer than ever. Sadly these trashy people are supported by young white teenagers that don’t care if they’re racist.
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when I was not far off Elles age I met a guy EXACTLY like Conman. He showed me in every way that he wasn’t good enough for me but rather than leave, my self esteem was so low I threw myself into earning 4x as much as him, I pursued him to buy a house with me and I lost myself loving him. He didn’t love me, he loved that I was the safe option that kept a roof over his head and money coming in. He was Conman to a T

even when you hear Conman talking about her, it’s never sincere. He always has to relate it back to her looks because I don’t think there’s much about her he likes than her money and the minute the income dries up (it won’t be long after this) Conman will be gone. It might take a while but he’ll drop her faster than the brands who’ll never want to associate with her again after this scandal. It wouldn’t even surprise me if he turns on her too, just to make some extra dosh.

Elle is so far detached from reality I can’t bare to even watch her anymore. Same as Carys. I won’t buy from brands that gift them free items anymore because I think there are so many other deserving influencers who don’t drive around in range rovers but scream from the rooftop about important issues such as domestic abuse and they get sent fuck all. These self entitled, racist and homophobic ‘influencers’ need to be cancelled out. The thought of my children one day looking up to dickheads like Elle and Conman fills me with utter dread.

Elle, Conman, you are through and through racists and self indulgent scum. Your mask has finally slipped and we’re going to enjoy every second of watching you squirm and lie yourselves out of this one
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This one has probably already been posted on here already but I just can’t get over the irony of this tweet. Considering she’s only just been pregnant herself recently and would expect the Anglesss to stick up for her if anyone was to say anything other than praise in respect of how she looked when she was pregnant.


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