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Is there a way to correct her name to Eleanor? Not Eleonore because it's Eleanor on resumes/applications and even old MFDA documents?
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The ignore feature is very nice!:giggle: Wow, I wish I got paid to gossip about Elle. Would have been awesome to get a commission for starting the Elle trash thread on GG since it has brought so many of us such joy. 😁 Glad to be here on Tattle. So much faster!👍
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Yeah, who does that? Just randomly move to another city where you don't have a job and don't know anyone? It is so weird. But it just confirms that even though she spent years in Vancouver, she has very few ties (friends, professional) there.

Even if her mom is cosigning for the apartment, how does her mom have enough income if her mom isn't working? Not sure how that all works. But in any case, how embarrassing to be in your 30s and need a parent to cosign an apartment lease.
Somebody who is so utterly privileged, irresponsible and out of touch with reality does that. She has no concern whatsoever about anything that normal adults do because mommy coddles her and takes care of everything for her. Any normal adult would have to think about how to pay for basic bills, paying rent, how to find a job, how to move their stuff across country but Elle just randomly decided to move to Seattle because why the hell not and doesn't have to think about anything of the sort. All of these things add up quickly and she's just off in her own fucking girl boss head stringing her shitty pearls and scamming everyone so she can do another Sephora haul next month even though there's a pandemic. There is no way she makes enough making jewelry and youtube to accomadate even a fraction of her lifestyle. I don't understand how she's not embarrassed. Forget the fact that she's a fake lawyer, she's a 30 something year old living off of mom. Oh but I forgot that poor Elle cut her hand in university and lived through the 2008 recession, she's so resilient!!
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I don’t know what the situation is re new employees in Seattle, but here in Australia there is an automatic 3 month probationary period for all new employees (some firms extend it to 6 months) so if you lie on your CV about past experience, you’ll get found out pretty quickly and your employer can dismiss you without having to give a reason. I hope the law is similar in Seattle (or wherever else she goes if Seattle doesn’t work out for her).
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If he sticks around for 3 months he’ll be awarded the title love of her love (temporarily vacant) and gets to pitch in for cosmetic procedures 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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VIP Member
@Drasticactions You're absolutely right about Amie and Sophie! I think they definitely take a "business" approach to their channels, and it shows in their growing viewership and the types of promotions and sponsorships they're been getting.

I think if Elle wasn't too concerned about growing her channel and just wanted to use it as a lifestyle showcase, that's also fine, but she clearly cares enough to buy subscribers. If you want to run a channel like a business, then you should have a strong focus and stick to that because it's what your audience enjoys. The issue with Elle is her narrative, actions, and style are all incoherent and also contradict each other.

1. "Independent girl boss": shops at Nordstrom every day during work hours, leaves work at 4-5pm. Pretends to be a lawyer but isn't. Thrives only with the attention of men and willing to give up her job, city, and life to chase Dicky in Florida at the promise of an engagement.
2. "Young professional in a big city": wears chunky arts and craft sorts of jewelry and clothing that is way too tight and unprofessional for a young woman in a professional work place. Doesn't even work anymore.
3. "Fashion & beauty focused channel": pageant hair and overly done makeup, bad/no style.
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@svdwoodsen You know, she will never listen to us peasants. I watched her initially because I was in law school and she was a “girlboss lawyer” and it was inspiring to watch someone achieve what I wanted to achieve. Two years later, I’ve solemnly realized that I’ve practiced more law than Elle ever has and maybe will ever again. The facade collapsed like a weak wall and instead of being honest, she thought she could stay on top of it, and now it’s too late. In order to come clean now, she’s have to admit not only that her life went up in flames because of her poor decisions, but also that she tried to hide it and couldn’t, which is a much bigger admission than my life went up in flames and I’m now trying to recover. I would pay good money to see Elle in therapy for her mom’s sake at least. I know she’s an enabler, but it can’t be easy to watch her daughter fall this way.
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Hello everyone, glad we moved over here, I've been having problems with GG for months too!
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Can anyone confirm if heretosnoop has actually sent them screenshots? It's such a weird thing to lord over people's heads. If it contains sensitive information, just redact it with this:

I have a funny feeling there are no screenshots so.. fuck it! Anyone wanna make a dating profile and find her? :D I'm in Italy, but if I can somehow set it to Seattle, I'm game.
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Well-known member
how does she make everything just look old and dated? Somehow on her both a boy bag and a trendy tie dye just looks boring and old
I think it’s due to a couple things, the main being she lacks style.

I don’t claim to be stylish at all, but you’d think it would be common sense to not pair something casual like tie-dye with something formal like a Chanel bag. I know the Boy is meant to be more edgy and less formal than the classic flap but it’s still bougie.

Same with her wearing those block heels with her frayed jeans. Not only are block heels fugly on her but they’re out of place with her casual look.

Also I agree with whoever said that Boy bag is too big. She was better off buying the old medium which would look better for her frame. Not this large Boy, which I believe is discontinued now??? Again, looks dated, lol.
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I have a hard time believing she has already made any friends there (despite what she has said)

eta: She has to be out with a man. Her "what I eat in a day Seattle" video has a part at 2-3 minutes where she goes over her outfit for the day and she is going to brunch and for a walk with her mom and she says she is wearing yoga pants and flats because she wants to be comfortable since they're going for a walk in the park. If she was with a friend, I think she would have the same mindset but she is obv trying to impress someone.
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Active member
Guys, I am not even going to bother trying to watch that haircut video. She looks absolutely deranged on the thumbnail, btw.
Reading your post in the way I think your Eleanor avatar looks like she would say it is making me die laughing 😂😂
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I think we can all agree that Ginette overindulged Elle and Elle is looking for a partner who will indulge her the way her mother did/does. I’ll be nice and say that Ginette parented in a way she thought was best...albeit the outcome is terrible.

I know someone mentioned this on GG but I’ll echo what this poster said, Ginette probably had a lot of single parent guilt. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ginette never said no to Elle as a child and tried to shield her from disappointments, whether it meant putting her daughter on a pedestal praising her or just giving her material things/money when she was sad. I don’t know what it’s like to be a parent, but I’d like to think that teaching your kids resilience and coping with disappointment is essential, right?

Contrary to what Elle thinks, you don’t need “role models” to figure out your relationship blueprint. It’s actually dependent on what type of relationship you have with your parent(s); your parent(s) is your first “relationship” after all. Considering Ginette spoils her daughter so much and Elle constantly views herself as a princess and victim, it shouldn’t come as a shock to her that she is always failing at her love life. No normal man is going to put up with her vanity, selfishness, and neediness long term.

Ah, if only she had that self awareness, tho...
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The guy on that document named as the actual in-house counsel person has a public linkedIn so anyone can see this but this is his job description from that job. So there is obviously a distinct difference between in-house counsel and an investigator despite however she wants to spin it in her head to pretend she was in-house counsel herself.
Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 7.21.40 PM.png

Also I'm very curious why she's lying so blatantly when she can't even get an in-house or lawyer job anyway considering she hasn't even taken the bar in Washington and isn't qualified to ever. Theres something seriously wrong with her that she goes to such extremes with her lies.
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I loved the comment about how she can't sell on amazon because then she'd have to accept returns 😏

What a shameless and poor liar she is. I bet she thought about this one for a while, since she was outed on gg as an Alibaba buyer. I’ve never heard of jewelry suppliers for professionals only, but if they exist why wouldn’t she be able to give out the business name? Are they a secret caste living underground, are they not paying taxes, are they run by the alien vampires? And how would such a business verify that she is a ‘professional’ since she does not hold any certification/license in the field?
She mentioned her business license as why she's able to shop at her sources, I guess because she buys stuff wholesale. I don't completely buy that as the reason why she can't share her sources though/doesn't know where normal people can buy things.
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Well-known member
In Elle's defense (please read my entire message before attacking me for "defending" her :ROFLMAO: ) she's stuck between a rock and a hard place (mostly due to her own behavior) in regards to the vulnerability thing. At this point, if she's open about everything that's happened to her the past few years or even past 18 months, there is no way any decent men would not be put off by her behavior and they're likely to not take her seriously. No man wants to be trapped by a woman whose desperate to be married and will take anyone that's around and eligible men will have their pick and all the time they need. By opening up to her viewers, she'll basically be ensuring that no guy she meets off these dating apps want her as a serious girlfriend cause everyone googles their dates these days, especially ones from a dating app.

So given Elle's biological clock is ticking, hunting for a man seems to come first and if the channel doesn't do well, she seems ok with that. To be honest, if she was really the type to seriously care about her channel, she would've tried harder on the content YEARS ago. Her style of filming and the type of things she films have literally not changed despite feedback and suggestions, so I doubt she truly cares enough about it outside of using it as a marketing tool to shill her wares.
That ship has already sailed. Any guy looking for a serious relationship won’t be asking her out if they’ve googled her. They may actually want a serious long term relationship, but not with her. She’s respectable enough to have dinner and sleep with, and even bring her out with friends and casually call her their “boo”, but they’re not gonna put a ring on it.
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So this may get deleted but here goes...
Checking out Dickey's Instagram and Elle's and found the following (see snapshot)

Then if you search monalisa163 on Instagram you find a LisaR.. and if you search her Instagram pics … there's a picture of her with a guy and if you click on the picture his name is Robert Ryan which shows his Instagram account as "rryanesq" … this has to be the Lisa/MonaLisa/Robert.

@Formermvp … Out of consideration for Lisa/MonaLisa/Robert (whatever she'd like to be called) I didn't want to post any of her pictures from her Instagram. After all the crap the person has been stirring up on this site … maybe I'm being too nice but hey... I also didn't want to post just incase I had the wrong person. This just seems too much of a coincidence.
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Definitely why she's hidden all the Dicky, Joe, SS, and some of the Chris videos. Maybe she left some of the Chris ones up because that's the type she's hoping to attract and Seattle is probably full of those tech/entrepreneur types. :sneaky:
They were definitely left up on purpose because nearly everything she does is calculated.
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