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Jesus and she says this will be the “last haul” before she shops the Nordstrom Anniversary sale. Does she just wear something once for show on the camera before returning it? Didn’t she have at least a couple hauls before her move to Seattle? I remember that hideous red plaid trench coat that she was showing off and I doubt she’s pulled it out of her Seattle “capsule” wardrobe since moving. Now that I think about it, I don’t remember seeing that coat in her Seattle closet tour 🙄
I think (I may be wrong) I did see the coat in her closet tour. In any case, the woman is a shopaholic. It’s not something to take lightly; it’s a serious problem, and, in some cases, can lead to bankruptcy. That, and it also shows that there is an emotional need to fill a void.
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You know if Joe and Elle had married, Elle would now be a man expert and be making dating and relationship advice videos.

Love Karin Bohn! She's a true authentic Girl Boss and you see her working really hard, devoting long days to her business, and providing employment. She now has a Netflix show!
Omg can you imagine her of all people thinking she's a relationship expert (even if she had stopped with Joe). She's as much a relationship expert as she has a French accent 😂😂
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Welcome! In what way super snobby? Spill the 🍵, please.

The latest insta photo looks so weird, her face looks so unnatural, although it may be just bad photoshop. The corners of the mouth are so high she looks like a 🤡
Someone on GuruGossiper stated Elle looks like the Grinch when he comes up with the idea to steal all the presents from the Who’s. Now I can’t unsee it :ROFLMAO:

Actually, that’s quite fitting of her, considering what she did to the city of Seattle and all the struggling local small businesses and families... the resemblance is more than just superficial...



Wow, she added the 'in-house counsel' title to her LinkedIn!

Pretty bold move. People usually don't lie on LinkedIn. Because everyone in your professional connection, who DO know what exactly you do, are on LinkedIn and you can't just lie to their face. Huge reputation risk.
And she still has the “Investigator at the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada” title under her headshot! It’s been almost a year since she’s even been employed! How is she going to explain this gap to any company’s HR? I had a year-long gap in my history, but it was because I wanted more than anything to have a full year with my newborn/infant at home with no obligations to anyone else hanging over my head, before I went back to work, and haven’t stopped climbing the ladder since. Can you imagine the lies she tells to HR??!!??

@Heretosnoop Girl work your magic! Expose this fraud to all of Seattle!!!
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But its her prerogative....and everything has already been said(I am referring to Gossip Guru.)People on that site are trying to play God and pretend they dont have any flaws or have never done anything wrong.

by the way Drastications....I dont think you realize that I am Vera Rose and I have been playing the gossip guru girls pretty hard the last couple of weeks...and have followed them over here....I have been a little bored....thought I would mess with some cyber bullies.
Not surprised by that at all, if you recall vera/robert/lisa I frequent that site as well I even have the same name there :)

Also I would say cyber bullies would be someone who goes on their page and says nasty things and dms her hate. I don't go on her page and say mean shit to her. I'm sure any comments I post here may annoy her bc it challenges her view points but to me cyber bullying is saying non constructive hateful things. I got blocked by her on YouTube for telling her I thought she might be using her electric tooth brush wrong and didn't want her to damage her gums as a result definitely wasn't meant to be mean at all.

You can think what you want but I haven't used homophobic slurs to describe people who don't agree with me
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We’ve been house-hunting for the last month and have walked through at least 25 properties by now. The properties have been booked solid with appointments for most days. Granted, I’m not in Seattle, but I have to think it wouldn’t be impossible to visit some rentals? Dunno.
This is just my complex, but there are 3 units available and they aren't showing anyone in person until move in day. I think Seattle is just hyper cautious of Coronavirus
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Eh, I don't think Elle is that stupid to sign up here under that name. I bet it's someone who snagged it up trying to be clever (and it is! lol).
then why would that person immediately delete the “like” in support of Elle, frantically likes a few comments from other posters, then delete the account all together when receipts were presented? Why act like they’ve been caught? Also the troll comments stopped after their slip up, and the two accounts were deleted around the same time.

Elle, it’s okay we already know you check GG and now here..
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Since Elle's deleting videos, I wanted to check out a few before they inevitably get deleted.

She literally flew to Hawaii for three days and spent all of her time at an outlet mall or a restaurant. She even spent time ordering clothing online to get shipped to Vancouver. Who does that?!? I'd be sipping a mojito on the patio and having nice walks on the beach. Isn't it supposed to a break from her usual routine of going to Nordstrom, gnocchi and online shopping? God, she's such a consumerist idiot.

I'd be so sad if I was her mother, it's like she only visits her mom to use her as a shopping companion and ATM.

I can't get over how often she was travelling there, too. This video was April and she had already gone there for a weekend in January. Then she goes in August and Christmas.

Also hello ladies from GG!
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I am one of the stupid people who bought her pearls. They’re very cheap looking. Pearls have no luster at all and so many fish bites. For that quality, she shouldn’t be pricing it more than 10usd! I gave the pearls ways and vowed never again to purchase anything from any youtubers. I used to watch her but after that pearl purchase I seriously doubt anything that comes out of Elle’s mouth. I also cannot stand her voice. What is with the phlegm??? She should get herself checked. Her “phlegmy” voice from years ago hasn’t changed and she talks like there’s a question mark after each of her sentences.
Me too. I bought pearls from her first launch and they are such awful quality. Not even close to “heirloom” quality pieces like she claims.
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Agree, though I haven’t received anything from @Heretosnoop and don’t expect to since she doesn’t know me, if the post has private information from a friend, it’s probably a breach of trust to publicize it. I think we’re all just skeptical that such screenshots even exist (a few pages back, I honestly just wanted to know if @Annie_HTX had revealed herself as Vera and I missed the exchange, but received a surprising “I’ve got the inside scoop but will take it away if you don’t agree with how I’m treating Annie” type of response from Snoop even though I was just totally bewildered as to what was even going on since I hadn’t logged on for a few hours), since we were baited, then immediately switched with “not telling”.

I think the most important thing is that we’re all here to expose Elle’s lies, and keeping receipts hidden doesn’t seem to align with that goal. But again, it’s true, Snoop doesn’t owe us anything and vice versa, so.
With psychos like Vera and people who seem like they're are on the fence like Annie (no offense to her because she has the right to her own opinion. I was just tired of her having hope for Elle when I've seen her around GG for years) what I told the few people I've replied to in comments on GG are the ones I shared private information given to me by my friend as well as screenshots. So sorry if I led a bunch of you on. I tried to delete the message but it was too late and I added that I am only dming a select few.

Sorry if that doesn't make sense!
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Ehhhh I could be wrong (obviously) but I checked out that IG for MonaLisa and unless she has multiple personalities or a love for Eleanor that eclipses the love for her family... I don't buy it. Especially the way she writes on there. Only a truly disturbed individual would be able to go from coherent sentences to the psychotic ramblings following us around. Just like you were able to sleuth that, anyone else could just be trolling her subs and stealing their identities.

Seeing the person posting on the live yesterday, my gut is telling me it's some love-crazed foreign guy... Speaking from past experiences with guys who are (forgive me) FOB, related to their love interest, I have seen similar behaviors (the continual professions of undying love even though the recipient is not interested, etc). Also, the way they write makes me think English is definitely not their first language. This is not a jab at minorities... Just a gut feeling due to things I have witnessed in my past. And if they had read any of our prior musings, we've mentioned a good deal how the grannies of the world are obssessed with her. I think that's why he keeps plucking female names to be his troll personalities.

Probably the more Eleanor ignores his advances, the more psycho he'll get.
“Coherent”? Slightly. MonaLisa163’s grammar and punctuation leave much to be desired, but are different from the Gossip Troll’s (GT’s) in various ways, and objectively more North American than GT’s.

I moved to a foreign country in high school and you’re right - boys there would profess their undying love, tell me I would be their children’s mother, threaten the lives of my male friends, and send me anonymous love letters — before I even met them in person! There was once this high school guy who would text me from an unknown number and tell me my earrings were nice and I looked pretty (basically letting me know he was watching me) but he didn’t want to reveal who he was yet, not until he was ready to say I Love You in person... I was only 15 at the time. It’s a very non-Western way of “wooing” a woman, which all my local girl friends there thought was ideal and flattering, but having grown up in the States, was textbook stalker material.
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Elle and Rick honestly deserved one another. They're both pompous losers who have nothing to show for their lives. Rick at least has his own house.
Exactly, plus he's not in denial about who he is. Probably why he couldn't marry crazy Elle

Love that this uneducated swine called Broccoli Rabe a love child with broccoli and it's not even in the broccoli family. It's in the turnip family. Dumb bitch needs to actually Google her shit.
The worst was when she said she didn't need subtitles as she speaks French.. Sure Elle even her mom said in a old video that she doesn't really speak it
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Elle’s content has seriously tanked compared to Sophie and Amie, although I attribute that mostly due to Elle’s laziness and lack of creativity. She cannot make interesting content without a boyfriend, sadly.

I also think Sophie and Amie are more engaging with their followers than Elle is and ever was. I never got a hint of smugness from either of them when I watch their videos. Not to mention neither Sophie nor Amie ever lied as much as Elle has. I know there are things Sophie and Amie skirt the truth about or don’t reveal to their followers, but Elle’s lies are blatant and grandiose.

Which reminds me. Maybe it’s because I don’t follow Sophie and Amie as much as I used to but I’ve yet to read about either of them being snarky and condescending when viewers provide critical feedback to them. I know Sophie has been known to delete comments and I’m sure Amie does, too, but time and again we have read bitch replies from Princess Elle. It’s really no wonder a lot of people don’t like her.

btw, not a fan of Amie at all, but I’ll admit she has her strengths over Elle. Sophie I fall between rave/rant.
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Do you think Elle can tell the quality of Kate Hudson's pearls without actually inspecting them? Its likely she's just 'assuming' hers is better because her pearls are the BEST pearls in the world. The ego of that woman amazes me.
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Guys Elle thinks us calling her privileged is a compliment. hence the “they are just jealous of me” mentality.. to me she’s a temperamental spoiled brat LOL
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Great, now there's another rabbit hole to go down... lol.

FWIW, my SO and I joke about everything being done at a "swift clip" now à la Rick.
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The pretending to be a former practicing lawyer makes no sense from an employer perspective, speaking as someone who has taken part in the hiring process. I don’t know what type of jobs Elle is applying for but I’m assuming they will be positions that don’t require law experience or have nothing to do with law, politics, or public policy. I only suspect this because we all know she never worked as a practicing lawyer nor did she really have anything to do with it while living in Canada.

I mean, why bother putting that you were in-house counsel (along with all your other law internships) when you are trying to apply for a tech job or a finance job? Some prospective employers won’t be impressed with it; in fact, they’d probably be confused by the change of career path especially since she claimed to be said counsel for roughly 5 years.
In my experience in tech - i'm a director level product operation manager, focusing on product optimization etc - I worked quite a lot with our in-house counsel and compliance. I think it's reasonable for Elle to put on the ex-lawyer mask and try to get into a compliance role in tech.

Compliance managers are well-respected, and most of them do have law degree(s), or had practiced law before. The story will make sense at face value: ex (fake) Canadian in-house counsel looking for a compliance role in the tech industry in US for a change of scene.

Well, Elle, if you are reading this, this is free career advice for you.......
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She has to be buying them. Her channel hasn't been moving in subscribers for a while and I know it's been pointed out in her threads, which she clearly reads and gets ideas from. Between buying subs, not naming products in her description so you have to use her affiliate links, buying google ad space, taking advantage of free ad space from the Daily Hive as a "local Seattle business" and now using Nurses house to get some sales so she can donate a whooping 10% I'd say she's pretty desperate for a penny.

I wonder what else she has done that hasn't come to light yet.
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I'll be sharing my screenshots of Elle's dating profile/other encounters with true Elle Haters privately since that's the only reason why I gossip, because I hate her
Can I see them too?) I'm on GG under the same name and I was the person who shared her "Girlboss vlogs" and both of her vlogmases with Joe)
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